A Round of Milk for Everyone

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First trip to lesbian bar and lactating cop gets wild.
10.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/14/2021
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Orlando, Florida may be the home of Disney World and plenty of sunshine but as with any big city, crime is also prevalent. Law enforcement had always been Ashley's passion so she became a cop at the young age of 22. Now, ten years later, Ash, as she was known by most people, was a detective and a good one at that. Although she loved her job, she didn't like the fact that at times she wasn't taken seriously as a policewoman because of her good looks.

Standing 5'7, with long straight blond hair, hazel eyes and a toned body, Ash was gorgeous. She was so pretty that when she was 18 years old and working at a golf country club, she was approached by an agent to pose nude for Playboy magazine. Her attractiveness never changed her humble nature and with her desire to make a difference in her community, it just made sense to work in law enforcement. She was caring but that was not to be confused with soft. Ash was as tough as anyone.

Even though she had been back to work for several months after her maternity leave had ended, Ash had a little extra bounce in her step on her next case. Her son's first birthday was approaching and she had finally regained her pre pregnancy body through diet and exercise with one exception. Her B sized breasts were still DD boobs which became a nuisance while working but she felt the tradeoff for his nutrition-rich, before-bed bottles were still worth it. She had to make time to pump her milk twice during the day or the leakage would soak through her blouse. Not only would she have to deal with those annoying messes, her milk filled boobs would also become physically uncomfortable.

Ash and her detective partner Erin were entering a bank that Friday to investigate a fraud. As Erin opened the door, she saw that Ash's large nipples were exposed through her button up top and joked, "Nice gumdrops. Are you applying for a loan today?"

While looking down and noticing the same thing, Ash quickly snapped her hands over her engorged nipples, "Dammit! I'm going to need to pump earlier than I thought."

Laughing aloud, Erin teased further, "We could step into the alley across the street and I could take care of that for you. I skipped breakfast this morning."

Erin and Ash had that kind of relationship as they joked with each other frequently. Erin was a lesbian with cute boyish looks who stood a diminutive 5'1 with a small figure. She kept the sides of her brunette hair shaved with a stylish long cut on top which made her look younger than her 44 years. The age and sexual orientation differences between the two were never a barrier from a great professional relationship as well becoming close friends.

Although many times they had shared in joking banter, it was the first time Ash had heard Erin make a sexual innuendo towards her. She had to admit to herself that knowing it came from a lesbian woman, slightly stirred her curiosity and arousal even though she played it off as just funny.

"I don't think Dee would appreciate you sucking on someone's tits other than hers," Ash giggled.

The always quick witted Erin retorted, "I think she would make an exception with yours. Those things have their own zip code and I would be performing a public service."

Both women laughed. Dee was Erin's wife and they had been happily married for many years in spite of their age difference. In her mid-50s, Dee was a head's length taller than Erin which had drawn playful jokes their entire relationship. As an older, financially established couple, they traveled frequently and had planned a trip to San Francisco the following week as part of a mini vacation bookended around the weekend.

After Ash and Erin finished speaking with the bank manager regarding their case, they walked out of the glass doors while Erin gratefully thanked Ash for accepting the invitation to go with them on the west coast trip, "Dee and I are so happy you decided to join us in San Francisco. I can't believe Charles didn't care."

As she opened the car door, Ash responded, "Actually Charles was the one who encouraged me to go. He said he had no problem watching the kids and since returning we have been slammed here at work, the break might do me some good. I think he might be a keeper husband."

Erin chuckled, "I don't know what anyone sees in men romantically but he is one of the good ones for sure."

The next Thursday, all three women had boarded the plane and were sitting in the back corner across three consecutive seats with Ash in the middle. Within an hour into their four hour flight, each woman had drank at least three drinks and feeling pretty good, chatting about the gay bar they were going to visit. Ash had agreed to go because she wanted to experience the atmosphere and loved the LGBTQ community.

"It's called The Rainbow Annex and I hear it's like a huge all night party. I think I may still have a little partying left in me," joked the tipsy Dee with a wry smile.

"When they see Ash, all the women will lose their minds," added the even tipsier Erin referring to the fact that she was pretty and would draw a lot of attention from lesbian women.

"She will have a date by the end of the night."

"She will have more than that."

As both women laughed, Ash interrupted, "Stop you two. They won't think twice and we will all have a few drinks and a great time. I will just politely tell them that I'm straight and have a loving husband."

"Hehehe! Yeah, you do that. A gorgeous blonde hottie with a bubble ass and huge tits should make you very obscure in a place like that. You go on and hide in the corner," laughed Erin while shaking her head.

"Awww...that's sweet. You think I'm a hottie and here I just thought I was your work chauffeur," ribbed a puckered lipped Ash in appreciation and referring jokingly to the fact that she always drove at work.

Dee asked, "Yes we know you are straight as an arrow but have you ever fooled around with a girl?"

Ash smiled knowing that internally she had thought about it and even maybe fantasized at the thought as most people have but had never acted upon it. What secretly turned her on was the thought of all the lesbian women wanting her.

"I have drunk kissed girls but nope...strictly dickly here. Only the D has been in this V," Ash playfully smirked.

"You should try something else even if it is just once," Dee suggested to watch Ash's reaction.

Ash snickered, "Maybe...I will keep that option open." Changing the subject, standing and grabbing her overhead bag, she headed for the bathroom, "Damn. My boobs are engorged. I need to pump. Excuse me." Dee elbowed Erin in response to the thought of Ash's huge boobs. Erin wrinkled her eyebrow in approval.

Returning a couple of minutes later, Ash was frustrated, "Damn! This pump needs some work. I will fix it when I get to the hotel. Sorry ladies but you are stuck with these." Sitting back down between the couple, Ash lightened her own mood with a joke, "If I move too fast, they might slap one of you in the face. Don't worry, I have a towel in my bag if you get splattered with milk."

Dee's eyes bugged just inches from Ashley's side boob and she dryly responded, "Forget getting slapped, we might not be able to contain ourselves and slap first."

All three chuckled then suddenly as if she were dared, the inebriated Ash lifted her shirt, exposing her massive boobs encased in her black lycra bra and asked coyly, "You mean these?"

The stunned women were speechless before Dee answered, "Yes...those. They are just so large for your body frame. You have no idea what I would do to those. I feel like a man staring at them."

"Now you know what I have to fight all day long," laughed Erin.

Showing off her boobs and having the women ogle them gave her instantly moistened pussy a little twitch. Taking it a step further, Ash yanked her bra up allowing her milk filled bare boobs to flop out and slap against her chest, "Oh! So what you're telling me is that you like these?"

"Holy Fuck!" gasped Dee.

Erin's head snapped back and forth to see if anyone was looking, "Oh God...I can see it now....two police women arrested on a commercial flight. News at 11." She quickly turned off the overhead lights.

Both women could not believe the sight of Ash's large boobs. Her dark areolas were commercial pancake sized and her nipples were thick and blackberry shaped. Bouncing her upper body up and down causing her milk filled jugs to slosh but seep the sweet liquid, Ash offered, "Here feel them."

Erin was the first to cup Ash's left boob with one hand before Dee followed suit on the other. By that time, a few other passengers noticed that bare tits were on display and stared uncontrollably in disbelief. The supple but tight skin was smooth as glass as both women were fondling Ash's tits like they were giving her an exam. Dee barely squeezed and milk dribbled out of the thick nipple and down to her hand.

Giggling, Ash shrugged, "I told you they needed pumped."

In agreement, Erin coaxed her wife, "Yes you did. Dee...you better clean it up. Hurry before it drips."

Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the sexual tension or maybe it was a combination of both but Dee puckered her lips and slurped up the sweet milk in a trail from her own wrist until she reached the nipple from which it originated. After a couple of deep sucks, her mouth quickly filled causing her to pull off and swallow the warm liquid.

Shaking her head excitedly, Dee announced, "Wow! I have never tasted that and it is really good. A lot sweeter than I imagined. Erin, you need to try it."

Ash reached over and took the back of Erin's head and guided it towards her milk filled boob as per request by Dee. Erin's lips indented the tit as if Ash was trying to make her deepthroat the nipple. She latched on and sucked sternly like a starving baby trying to nurse. The milk flowed into the back of her throat while she swallowed quickly to keep up with the produced amount.

Dee then ordered her wife, "Ok! Ok! You better stop or we will get arrested."

When Erin pulled her sucking lips off the erect nipple, a stream of milk ran down her chin before she caught it with the back of her own hand. She swallowed with loud approval, "Ahhhh! You are right, that is delicious."

Ash quickly tugged her bra back over her large tits before dropping her shirt back into place. The plane passenger onlookers were still amazed at what they had just witnessed. Ash played the entire situation off as if it were just a drunken goof but her panties were soaked with her gooey juices.

Half joking and half serious, Ash snickered, "It looks like I might not need to fix my pump after all."

Both Dee and Erin were completely aroused from sucking Ash's nipples. Erin was torn because she and Ash had been professional partners for so long and now they had crossed that boundary. She worried it might now change things yet she was so turned on that she could think of nothing else but having sex with Ash. Dee and Erin had always discussed having a threesome with another girl but never really put that into reality. They mentioned Ash during some pillow talk over the years and thought she was gorgeous but it just seemed more like a fantasy. Maybe it still was but the thought raced through both of their minds and it could have been a subconscious wish and the reason they invited Ash in the first place.

The rest of the flight was uneventful except when they landed, all three ladies were drunk. Laughing and talking many decibels louder than what was appropriate, they grabbed Dee and Erin's luggage, however, learned that Ash's had been sent to Texas by accident. Amusing but aggravating, Ash spent twenty minutes filling out the proper forms before getting into the car shuttle.

"I guess I will just wear these leggings the entire trip," she sarcastically joked.

In her drunken state, Dee blurted, "With that ass and tits....that wouldn't be such a bad idea."

Erin didn't comment but was thinking the same thing. Ash giggled flirtatiously while eating up the attention from the women. The Uber dropped them off at the nice hotel and the bellhop brought in their luggage. They tipped him handsomely before settling into their rooms. The large suite contained two separate rooms that were connected by an inner door. The couple took the larger room while Ash was perfectly content in hers.

Sitting on the corner of the bed, Ash kicked off her ankle boots just before the two women popped into her room, anxious to continue their drinking party.

"I know we aren't supposed to go to Rainbow Annex until tomorrow but we thought it might be nice to go tonight and see if we like it," Erin suggested to Ash while Dee nodded her head in agreement.

Tipsy and playful, Ash wanted to do something but was also thinking practical, "I would but I don't have any clothes and I need to get my pump working or I will be leaking all over the place."

Dee sat down next to Ash and with their outer legs touching, she reached over and held Ash's cheek before slowly leaning in, "We told you on the plane that we would take care of those full tits." She then planted a slow, open lipped kiss onto Ash's mouth.

At first, Ash was stunned and unsure on how to react. She didn't return the kiss right away, allowing Dee to take control. Not long, Dee's soft lips were too much to resist causing Ash's inhibitions to drop. With her pussy now a gooey mess, she kissed Dee back while gently wrapping her arm around the older six foot woman's back. As the make-out continued, Erin unbuttoned her own shirt and slid off her slacks. The moaning and lip smacking between Dee and Ash had Erin worked up.

Breaking the kiss and much to her surprise, Dee pulled Ash's bra out from under her shirt and tossed it on the floor prompting Ash to mumble, "Wow...you're good...better than Charles, that's for sure."

Both Dee and the now naked tiny Erin simultaneously lifted Ash's shirt and added it to the floor. Her heavy jugs once again slapped her chest as the shirt's neck hole popped off of Ash's head. Cocking her head back and offering them to the women was an indescribable thrill even more so than on the plane. Erin and Dee each took a side of her leggings and peeled them off so quickly that it turned them inside out. These two gay women desired Ash's body and she wanted them to have it.

With all three women completely nude, Erin made the first move and attacked Ash's leaking nipple like a carnivorous animal. Her aggression knocked Ash to her back while still on the bed. She didn't just latch her lips and suck, she alternated between sucking and licking the stiff nipple before making circles all around the areola with the tip of her tongue. "Mmmm," Erin would grunt then use her teeth to nip on the ends while squeezing the milk out with her hands, allowing the stream to hit her teeth and the back of her throat.

Ash moaned, "Oh God...yes! Suck it! Suck it!"

Erin slipped a couple of fingers into Ash's pink, gooey slit. Dee hurriedly devoured the opposite boob and added her finger bundled with Erin's. The combination of the pumping and her sensitive nipples getting sucked felt so amazing that Ash was on the verge of exploding in orgasm.

With the three fingers thrusting in unison, Ash gasped, "I'm gonna cum! Finger me harder! Fuck me with them! Fuck me!"

The sloppy sluicing echoed throughout the hotel room. Ash spread her legs further, allowing the women to get even deeper before lifting her feet in the air. She could feel her milk literally being sucked out of her.

Ashley's toes clenched into a fist, her legs began to quake then her orgasm ripped through her entire body, "I'm cummmmmmmming! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Auuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The slick inner walls of Ash's pussy spasmed hard and twitched around the women's fingers. Ash felt like she was having a seizure and her juices were already running down the crack of her ass, creating a wet spot on the bed spread. Erin and Dee had finger-fucked her pussy so strenuous that those juices had also splashed wetness all over their wrists and forearms.

Both women continued to nurse on Ash's lactating tits while she tried to recover from her powerful orgasm but neither stopped finger-banging her. With a multiple orgasm building and not far behind the first, Ash grabbed the back of the heads of both women and mashed them into her boobs, "Suck em harder! Suck my fucking jugs you lesbian sluts!"

Erin hiked her knee over Ash's leg and pressed her smooth thick meaty pussy lips onto Ash's thigh. The warm slime almost caused them to stick like a suction cup on a shower door. Clutching her own thighs around Ash's leg, Erin began grinding in sync to her finger-thrusting rhythm. Dee took matters into her own hand as she rubbed her own clit while continuing to finger Ash with the other hand.

All three were moaning until Dee was the first to cum and with a mouth full of nipple, she grunted and sucked "Mmmmm...unnnggggggg...mmmm...smack...suck...suck....mmmmmm!"

Hearing her wife cum, pushed Erin over the edge immediately, "Mmmnnnnnfffffffff! Unnnnnnnggggg!" While enjoying her own orgasm, Erin stopped fingering Ash and sucked on Ash's nipple like her mouth was a human vacuum, allowing her body to feel every ounce of pleasure. As soon as her pussy stopped twitching, Erin exhaled a very satisfied, "Ahhh! Fuck that was a good one."

Both Erin and Dee were fueled by their first climax and were entering beast mode. Both stopped sucking Ash's tits, sat up and concentrated totally on fucking her harder with their hands. Stuffing as many fingers as they could fit in Ash's slippery pussy, both were thrusting furiously!

"You called us lesbian sluts but you are the one taking about eight fingers right now so that makes you an even bigger straight slut!" A focused Dee lustfully spewed with jaws clenched.

Erin chimed in, "Yeah! We want that slutty pussy to shoot all over our fingers!"

Never hearing Erin talk that way pushed the right button for Ash and she exploded again, "Oh God! Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Her pussy erupted like a shaken soda and Ash gushed squirt all over the women's fingers. Enlarging the current wet spot on the bed, she raised her knees and trembled. It was one of the most powerful orgasms she had produced in a long time and was trying to recover when the couple pulled their hands out from between her swollen lips.

Placing her fingers into Erin's mouth, Dee instructed, "Here taste this. I think you have a sweet tasting partner here." Erin sucked all the milky pussy juice off her wife's fingers then returned the favor.

Dee got off the bed, dug into Erin's suitcase and pulled out not one pair of handcuffs but two, "Good...you brought them both. I think your slutty partner needs a conversion." She grabbed Ash by her ankles and pulled her, scooting her until her ass barely hung over the side's edge of the bed. Ordering Erin, "Get down there and eat that smooth pussy. You have to get her ready or she won't be able to take it."

Ash immediately began to wonder...take what?

Immediately on her knees between Ash's spread legs, Erin's tongue wriggled between her folds before lapping away. Ash's body shifted in pleasure and continued to do so while Erin ate her out.

Moaning and now fully squirming, Ash clenched the blanket with her fists, "Ohhh! I'm gonna cum again! Oh my God!"

Dee sat the handcuffs on the bed and climbed up on her knees beside Ash while commanding her wife, "Eat that sweet little pussy! See how fast you can make her cum in your mouth!" She then stood up and squatted over Ash's writhing face, "Speaking of eating pussy...let's just find out how good our little slut is at doing it."

Lowering herself until her own pussy was planted directly on Ash's face. Dee's pussy was very hairy with cum matted sporadically throughout her bush. As soon as her knees landed on the bed and her weight caused Ash's mouth to squish inside her slit, Dee wasted no time in grinding.