A Sexist's Lesson

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Lady lawyers teach a sexist co-worker a lesson in humility.
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This story is fictional and about professional women who take control of a sexist man. They tease him while making him do humiliating acts in order to teach him a lesson. It is supposed to be fun and enjoyable for readers who like that fetish and not intended to garner hate comments and incite revenge. If this isn't your thing, please just move on but if it is, I think you will enjoy it. Thanks to all for reading my work.

The law firm of Lundy, Smith & Driggs was the top firm in Raleigh, North Carolina and had been for several years. Comprised of all young, strong, aggressive female attorneys who were as fearless as they were intelligent, the firm boasted an amazing record. Rarely losing a case afforded them client after client especially for women who had been victimized by men which happened to be their specialty. Throughout the city, the office inherited a nickname of "Man-eaters at Law" and that reputation was fitting even though many men began using them as well.

Things were going very well at the firm until about a year ago when it had grown so large, the board of directors insisted that the ladies take on two junior partners. The first was Kendra, a fresh-out-of-law school, 24-year-old, enthusiastic Asian female who the women loved. The second was the board president's brother, Scott who was obviously appointed, a gross display of non-subtle nepotism.

Scott had practiced law for thirty years and retired as a consequence for sexual harassment claims brought on by a female paralegal that worked in his office. Unwillingly but court ordered, he left but wanted to return in the field and due to a loophole in his sentence, as long as he was not working for himself in his own firm, he could continue to practice law under someone else. At 56 years of age, he felt he was too young to completely retire. Maintaining his professionalism the first few months, Scott had behaved as an attorney should even though he was slightly offended that he had to surrender power to women. However, his ingrained bad habits began to rear their ugly heads when he started to make suggestive comments to his colleagues.

"You have amazing legs...has anyone ever told you that?" Scott would comment to Amanda.

"Mmmmm....you look delicious today," he would blurt out to Courtney as he passed her in the hallway.

"When are you going to let me take you out for a steak dinner and convert you?" He would ask Cheyenne even though he knew she was in a happy lesbian relationship.

Though Kendra was younger than his own children, Scott would even make inappropriate comments to her. At 39 years old and the eldest of the lady lawyers, Amanda had warned him more than once of his unprofessionalism and how his comments made the other colleagues uncomfortable. Never taking the warnings seriously, Scott continued to say and do as he pleased. Not only had he always felt that women were second class citizens and thought, deep down, they loved when men like him showed them sexual attention but he was also untouchable.

His behavior left the ladies with a dilemma. They could take action against him knowing they would easily win in another sexual harassment lawsuit but that would cost time and money, a negative stain on the reputation of the firm in the board's eyes, not to mention the ramifications because he was the president's brother.

One day after another comment, a fuming Amanda called all the ladies to the conference room before venting, "I have had it with this guy and his sexist behavior. I do not care about the board, I am getting rid of him as soon as I can."

Cheyenne who disliked most men anyway, added, "Just fire him and let the chips fall where they may."

"That is exactly what I am going to..." Amanda abruptly stopped before she finished her sentence then smiled deviously...revealing her thoughts, "Wait! I have an idea. This bastard treats women like objects for his own personal pleasure so instead of getting rid of him, we should flip the script on him and treat him like an object for our own personal pleasure so he will know how women feel. Oh, Amanda you are so bad!"

Amanda stood 5'10 with long legs and including her high heels, the six foot former athlete was determined to get her revenge. A consummate professional with her blond hair tied back and wearing a pinstripe business skirt with a matching blazer, she was quite intimidating and not someone you wanted to mess with. She carried that aura with her into the courtroom with every case.

Her toned legs covered in nude pantyhose were what prompted Scott's latest comment and as she hurriedly scampered out of the conference room to find him, her anger grew. Throughout the building, her high heels could be heard clicking rapidly on the hardwood floor and the swishing of her nylon clad thighs rubbing against each other as she hunted. A moment later, Amanda returned with Scott by her side and when he saw that all the women were gathered inside waiting on him, he spoke in a cocky manner, "What is this? Let me guess...all you bitches want to witch hunt me and get rid of me because I don't have a vagina? I guess it would be more of a bitch hunt."

Courtney who was 5'6 and a small framed 110 pound yoga instructor outside of work was the first to respond even though she was the kindest of the bunch, "Scott...you know that is not true. We are tired of the comments and innuendos." The 32-year old scooped her black strands from her dark eyes and continued, "We don't enjoy it...we just want it to stop."

She could no longer hold her tongue so Cheyenne chimed in, "I think it is time for you to feel the same way we feel when you do it."

"Yes...and if you don't do as we say, we will take you back to court, sue for mitigating damages and take all your retirement. Before you say anything...remember Judge Sue Glass just got elected and we are good friends with her. You will lose!" Amanda threatened.

Snapping his mouth closed, Scott thought for a moment and knew the ladies not only meant business but were correct. He wanted no part of another lawsuit and had lost to Judge Glass a few times when they were both lawyers on the west side of the city. He thought about apologizing but that would seem weak and he did not want to lower himself to allow these women to feel any control over him.

"What did you mean when you said that I would feel like you feel? You can make all the sexual comments to me that you want because I don't care," Scott shrugged.

The chuckling Amanda responded confidently, "We know that because you are a sexist pig. I think you need to be objectified just a little more than a few comments. You called us bitches when you walked in....well maybe it's time you were our bitch."

He was speechless. Looking down at the ground, Scott had finally seemed defeated and knew he better comply or face the undesired consequences. Just as he began to turn around and leave the room, he was abruptly interrupted by Cheyenne, "Whoa! Where do you think you are going? Did you not hear us? I think you need to get down on your knees right now and understand what it feels like to be our bitch."

The 34 year old Cheyenne was gorgeous and even though a lesbian, she was very feminine. Wearing her light brown hair in a short inward bob, accented her thicker, muscular build on her 5'9 frame. Her large green eyes and perfectly shaped boobs are what most people noticed first.

Scott slowly knelt down until completely perched on his knees looking up to see what to expect next. Amanda approached, grabbed his cheeks as a mother would scold a child and lifted his head towards her so that she could talk directly into his face.

"You make comments all the time about these legs and especially when I wear my nylons." Releasing his cheeks, she lifted one leg and presented it straight in front of her "victim" and lightly rubbed the transparent sheer hose up and down inches from his nose with her painted fingernails before continuing her verbal teasing, "These feel amazing! See how perfect my legs look in them. Don't you wish you could rub on them?"

Scott gulped and released a deep sigh. Once again he was speechless mostly because he was completely mesmerized by Amanda's gorgeous leg close to his face. Unexpectedly, she grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face to her nylon covered calf and ordered, "You may not get to rub them but you sure will respect them! You show that respect and give my leg a dry kiss as part of your worship instructions!"

The other ladies began to laugh while Amanda exacted her revenge for all of them. They loved seeing him down on his knees, submitting to powerful professional women who were in charge. She continued to press his lips into her leg as they all smirked with pleasure.

"I think he needs to take his pants off and jerk himself since that is probably what he does to us when we aren't around just like a typical man," suggested Cheyenne. "What do you think Courtney? Should he pull those pants down and show us that wee-wee?"

"Oh yes! He is such a tough man who should be in charge of us inferior women and be able to do what he pleases so I think he should whip it out right now. What do you think Kendra?" Courtney answered sarcastically.

Standing a mere 5'1 and barely over 100 pounds, Kendra may have been physically small but a force in the field of law. Mature beyond her years, she was still the new girl and wanted to make a good impression by fitting in with her colleagues. She flung her long dark ponytail behind herself before nodding in agreement and adding her sarcastic two cents. "Oh I agree. Let's see what a man who claims to have it all can offer us poor girls."

Amanda released Scott's head and commanded, "You heard the jury. It is unanimous. Get em off now!"

After Kendra unbuckled his dress slacks, she and Cheyenne shimmied them down to the floor while he remained on his knees. When his underwear followed, a six inch cock protruded straight in the air with clear nectar dangling off the head.

Courtney giggled mockingly, "Oh my God...that is the biggest dick I have ever seen. No wonder you are constantly making sexist comments...with a monster like that. You own all us women."

Amanda moved a chair directly in front of Scott, sat down and held her high heel covered foot up to his mouth, "You know girls, he is on his knees right now just like a little bitch. I think he needs to show us his slutty side. You do think all us women are sluts don't you Scott? Show us how you like your dick sucked on my spiked heel. Now don't be shy...make us believe it."

He was hesitant at first and refused but when thinking about the repercussions, he slowly opened his mouth to Cheyenne's remark, "Open wide. Show us that cock sucking ability you want us women to have so badly. Just like Amanda said...make us believe it."

Sliding her heel into his mouth, Amanda began to coach him, "Oooo...yeah that feels good. Suck it like it's my dick." With his lips puckered around the spike, he bobbed his head back and forth allowing it to slide in and out of his mouth while she continued to mockingly coax in the same manner she perceived the attitude of men like Scott, "Damn baby...you give great blowjobs. I'm gettin close. Make me cum. I hope you swallow."

Courtney put her hand on the back of his head and kept pushing on it, "Here let me help you. I think you can deepthroat if you really tried. Swallow Amanda's cock to the balls! Oh yeah! Make her bust in your throat!"

"Jerk yours as you do it! Make yourself cum all over the floor!" Commanded Cheyenne.

As Scott continued to suck Amanda's high heel like it was a thin cock, he jerked his own. Growing closer to orgasm, he raised up on his knees so that his upper body was straight as an arrow. With his hand flailing on his prick like he was shaking up a bottle of ketchup, he emitted a series of grunts to signify he was ready to explode.

Kendra, who up to that point had been mostly a spectator, finally chimed in, "Shoot it all over the floor! Make a big mess!"

Just then, Scott clamped his mouth around the spiked heel and grunted, "Unnggggghh! Ungggghhhhh! Ungggghhhh! His grunts were in conjunction with ropes of slimy cum shooting out of his cock all over the floor in front of him. With his body shaking, he thrust his hips so to enjoy the full effects of such a powerful ejaculation. Once the spurting had ceased, Scott exhaled a long winded sigh of relief.

Amanda pulled her shoe out of his mouth. Upon seeing his saliva smeared all over her heel, she taunted Scott, "That was one sloppy blowjob. All that slobber tells me that you will make a nice office slut. Who is going to clean up that sticky mess all over our conference room floor?"

"Our new office bitch is the one who made the mess so I think he should be the one to clean it up," suggested Courtney already knowing everyone would agree.

Kendra chimed in, "Can he just lick it up off the floor? That would save time and show us that not only is he a slut but a good cum slut too."

All the women applauded before Amanda praised her young protégé, "It is wonderful ideas like that which make me the most proud. Why, Kendra, you will make partner sooner than expected with that kind of thinking. Scott, you heard the young lady...get down there and clean the floor up for us."

He tried to draw the line but just as he began to speak, Cheyenne grabbed the back of his head, forcing it down until his lips landed into the puddle of spunk. Swirling his head in the mess, Scott gave in and quickly slurped up the cum with Cheyenne moving his head like she was using a wet vacuum cleaner. He would slurp then swallow...slurp then swallow.

"Hurry and get this goo cleaned up, we are busy and need to get back to work. You missed a spot....there you got it. Good slut!" Cheyenne informed Scott forcefully.

The women walked out cheering "yeah" giving each other high fives in honor of taunting guys who high five each other on everything. Scott was left to himself dejected and pulling his pants up. Slinking back to his office, he realized that he was in for some uncomfortable situations with the ladies but had brought it upon himself with many years of inappropriate actions.

Meeting in Amanda's office, the women discussed among themselves about the plan for the next day. Feeling they had objectified and humiliated him pretty well but it wasn't near enough especially since he had been doing it for so long. He was not going to get off that easily and his justice needed to be more extensive.

The next day, Scott was more subdued and the women had really dressed up to prove their point. As planned, all of them except Cheyenne were wearing some type of business skirt with pantyhose underneath and high heels to complete the professional ensemble. Cheyenne wore a nice lady business suit and patent leather black platform heels. Phase two of "operation stop sexism" was scheduled to take place at 3pm when everyone had completed their day with their clients and no one had court.

Knowing he was to meet the lady lawyers in the conference room again, Scott hesitantly left his office at 2:55pm in hopes maybe they had a change of heart. When he arrived, the large table had been pushed against the wall and the four women were sitting in a straight line, side by side, in their own chair with legs crossed. He stepped into the room and was greeted with cat calls like he was a woman walking past a construction site.

"Whooooo! Baby you are looking fine! Yeah baby that must be jam because jelly don't shake like that! Bring your sweet ass over here so I can show you what you need!" The women whistled and shouted to mock what they had heard for years.

Amanda sarcastically asked the others, "I don't know girls...he sure is pretty but I don't know if he is trying like he should to please us. I like a bitch all done up and looking great so she knows her role. What do you think?"

"Oh I agree. He is so pretty but I think he could be much hotter," Kendra chimed in.

"I think he could be sluttier. How am I supposed to keep my boner if he isn't doing his part? Did anyone bring his clothes?" Courtney asked.

Kendra held up a small leather carrying bag and handed it to Scott, "Oh here it is. He will look hot in these. I think he should put them on for us."

"Oh definitely. Scott, open up that bag and change in front of us. Show us what God gave ya and we will just watch you while jerking our meat," snickered Amanda.

The women began to chant and clap like they were at a strip club, "Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!"

Defeated, Scott unbuttoned his shirt while shaking his head. He also had begun to understand how women felt when treated the same way by men. Once his pants were removed, his underwear soon followed freeing his hard cock from its confinement. Looking like a six inch hotdog all the women leered at his nudity before them.

Courtney instructed deviously, "Go on now...put on your sexy clothes for us. I bet your legs will look better than mine."

He dumped the items out on the floor which included a pair of sheer nude pantyhose size XXL, a lacy D cup bra, and a pair of red high heel stilettos that were just his size, courtesy of Cheyenne's mother who wore the same size shoes as Scott.

Laughing, Amanda instructed him, "Be sure you scrunch those hose up at the feet so you can slide them up your legs without putting runs in them. You want to be a well-dressed slut for us."

Through the intermittent chuckling from the women, Scott slid the first side of the pantyhose up over his leg then after getting the second side secured, he adjusted the nylon waistband. Through the hose, his cock was compressed upward and clearly visible through the nylon encasement.

Amanda giggled, "Look girls....he already has a wet spot up by his cock head. Maybe he likes looking slutty for us. Oops...someone should help him fasten that bra. We don't want those tits to be bouncing around do we?"

Courtney stretched the bra straps behind his back and latched them together for Scott. The bra was snug and of course the cups were not filled with his man pecs, but the visual is what the ladies desired so they could keep harassing the harasser.

"Oooo...try on those shoes. They will make your calves look sexy, especially in those hose. I like my women tall," Cheyenne coaxed satirically.

Scott slid one nylon covered foot into the red pump before wobbling and holding onto the edge of the table so that he could get his other foot into the second heel. Like a newborn colt, once he had on both high heels, he attempted to take a couple of steps but his legs trembled in uncertainty while trying to keep his balance.

Copying what she had heard men call them, Amanda praised, "I like your fuck me pumps," before slapping his ass as he walked by.

Cheyenne commanded Scott, "Now you need to sit down here in front of us. Yes...you are such a good little whore."

Each woman removed a shoe and took turns rubbing their hosed foot on his nylon covered legs while Kendra commented first, "That is smooth but I think I like my sluts a little less hairy. All that hair trapped under the pantyhose needs to go. Maybe we should make an appointment for you to get a good waxing."

"That is a great idea! We could make him an appointment down at the spa," Amanda agreed.

Scott's embarrassment was evident not only from being dressed as a slut in front of younger professional women but also because he was rock hard inside his nude pantyhose. He loved how the sheer nylon restrained his cock and balls and every time he moved, the friction was very pleasurable. Even though he looked down upon women in general, he could not control his arousal which frustrated him even more. Courtney reached down and used her palm to rub his cock through the control top hose, causing it to ooze another glob of precum.