How To Accept Your Cock Curiosity

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Advice on becoming a cock sucker and more.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 12/13/2024
Created 08/02/2013
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Summary: Advice on becoming a cock sucker and more.

Note: A HOW TO look at helping men accept who they are sexually... after years of being asked for advice.

Thanks to SamsIsland for editing this essay and giving some very thoughtful feedback.

How To Accept Your Cock Curiosity

After posting my first batch of stories on Literotica, with lots of submissive women, especially lesbians, my curiosity about the other side and feedback from my queer male readers led me to write my first Gay Male story, From Straight to Gay Submission, way back in 2010. Since then, I have written many more gay, sissy, and trans stories and have received a growing number of emails and tweets about them. Without a doubt, I get more questions, comments, requests for sequels than I do from any other category.

In fact, I get asked for advice weekly, have stories shared with me about men's first time sucking dick, and even outright begging for me to train them to be feminized through online assistance. (Turns out many men are also secretly quite submissive, but we'll leave getting comfortable with that kink for another time. You absolutely do not have to be a sub or a sissy to want to be able to enjoy the pleasures of performing fellatio.)

(Full Disclosure: The idea of straight men sucking dick and getting fucked is something I find quite hot and is one of my favourite type of stories to write. I know many other women find the idea hot too... so, getting you over your fear of having 'that' discussion with your female lover is one area we'll cover in this essay.)

Based on all that, I felt it was about time to write a detailed essay for curious men. Again, not just for men who want to be feminized, but any man who's curious about sucking a cock. Because, believe me, I have learned directly from the actors, as well as a fair amount of research that straight men who are curious about sucking cock or straight men who already secretly suck cock are way more common than some would ever believe. We're not talking about some small fetish here. My assessment, based on conversations with readers and outside research, is that this is either a growing reality or a long-existing reality becoming more visible. Many men are simply curious about cock. It could be your neighbour, your co-worker, your sister's husband, the cop who pulled you over for speeding, or the guy in line in front of you at the checkout stand casting furtive glances at your package and hoping you'll do the same at his.

I'd bet that in a workplace of ten men one of them would love to let the other nine know he could be the break room cock sucker. And I would be glad to make that bet simply based on the hundreds (even thousands) of messages I've received on the subject. However, it turns out there are commercial statistics that back me up. I'll share some of those stats with you later; they are numbers that will likely make you feel much better about your long-held secret curiosity or even outright lust for cock.

Which brings us to why you are here. If you have chosen to click on this how-to essay because you've read my other work as a faithful fan, I thank you for your loyalty all these years. However, this one is really aimed at those men who were attracted by the title and subject. Those of you who are conflicted about the things you've done or can't stop thinking about doing. Perhaps you've sucked a cock or taken a dick in your ass or dressed like a girl. Or perhaps so far you just find yourself wanting to try any or all of those things. But something is holding you back from doing it, or doing it again. This essay is meant to help you stop holding back.

In the continued spirit of full disclosure, let me clearly state that I am not a trained psychologist, but at best, a home-schooled sexologist (LoL). But I will claim insights gained over years of interactions with members of our erotic community. Which lead me to think that a key reason many men resist their cock curiosity is based on their perceived place in patriarchal societies. So, let me start by offering a profile of the curious man that may lay some of your concerns about not being "normal" to rest.

Likely, if you are reading this because you are struggling with cock curiosity, you are a grown man... possibly in your mid-late thirties or older. Good chance you are married. Good chance you are a father. Good chance you have never cheated on your wife (except maybe for that one drunken slip with another cock).

Let me take my profiling even further. I also expect there's a very good chance you fit one or more of the following groupings:

ONE: This is less likely, but you are already a skilled, experienced cock sucker. If this is you, you are likely reading this to confirm your place in the cock sucking community or to find acknowledgment of the past insecurities you had to overcome before you crossed the line and took the first big cock in your mouth or perhaps even in your ass. Or, of course, you might just want to read something on a topic that excites you. Note 1:

If this description fits you I expect your story at the end in the comments area. It's your duty to help men who were once in your position to reassess their definition of masculinity and enable them to explore what is often called their feminine side so they're able to cross that manufactured boundary between straight and not-so-straight.

TWO: This is a little more likely, you have had one or two sexual encounters with a man and are still dealing with the mixed emotions of already looking forward to the next cock and creamy load of cum and the intense guilt inside of you for doing something gay and cheating on your wife. Note 2: You too should share your stories of your first or second time. Let the readers know how it felt to show up at a stranger's hotel room, drop to your knees and take that first cock in your mouth. Explain the rush of adrenaline you got and the equally intense guilt you had after. I'm looking later at why both are likely experiences a new cock sucker felt or will feel.

THREE: You have a growing lust to suck a cock and perhaps even a slight curiosity to take it in the ass. This will likely be the majority of the readers who read this essay from start to finish and bookmark or favourite it to refer back to s they continue to question their sexuality; their growing lust for dick. By the way, a warning. If you keep reading, I'm hoping this essay not only helps you accept your cock curiosity, but embrace it. Embrace its hard, throbbing essence in your hand and then in your mouth. We're not here to "cure" your curiosity, but to explain your lust in a way that will almost certainly make you want dick more. I want you to be comfortable with the fact that thinking about sucking a dick makes your mouth water, perhaps makes your ass tingle, and undoubtedly makes your own dick rock hard. You've come this far not because you want help staying clear of that invisible line, but because you want help crossing it. Of course, I'd be remiss in my amateur-sexologist duties if I didn't warn you that once you cross that line, you likely are not ever going back. Note 3: Feel free to share your feelings about sucking dick, being a bottom, taking a facial, going to a gloryhole, being the center of a bukkake, getting spit roasted, or more. This is a safe place to examine your insecurities and share your fantasies. Will we see some hateful responses from anti-LGBTQ-plus extremists? Certainly, it's a free speech platform. But an important part of freeing yourself spiritually and sexually is not letting words, even ugly words, keep you from letting a beautiful penis slip between your lips.

FOUR: This is another growing group or perhaps it's simply becoming more open and visible... the cross-dressers. Many men like to wear panties, or pantyhose (I humbly/proudly accept the credit many have given me for elevating that fetish ;-), bras, lingerie, heels. or get completely dolled up in feminine attire. Unlike confusing cock sucking fantasies, cross-dressing often starts when younger. Boys try on their mom's or sister's panties or pantyhose and (the urge? desire?) continues to grow as they do. Western societies' lingering stereotypes cause many men to push these secret dress-ups away once they become adults, but it always lingers in the back of their subconscious. Not surprisingly, at some point, it pushes its naughty need back to the forefront and you will end up back in your wife's or daughter's panties or pantyhose or more. Now sometimes it ends here... cross-dressing being enough. Yet, more times than not crossdressing is a gateway to sucking cock or a secret admission to the idea of sucking cock. Dressing as a woman allows a man to bring out their feminized side and in doing so do things women do... like suck cock... or get fucked by a cock. Note 4: Share your earliest crossdressing memories or your more recent desires or actions. By the way, these may not be sexual, just about your curiosity or need to be a little more feminine than the predominant social norms. On the other hand, it may be your personal journey to becoming a cock sucker or wanting to become a cock sucker.

FIVE: This is not necessarily a separate group based on how far you've gone with your cock curiosity but more on the focus of that curiosity. You are fascinated with black cock. This may even be the biggest group because it overlaps the others (I get a lot of responses from men about BBC... I mean a lot). You are not alone. There are a number of men who are completely obsessed JUST with black cock. They would never suck a white cock or any other race, but will do almost anything for the privilege of sucking a black dick. This too seems to be a growing obsession and there are literally many websites and discussion groups for white men who want to be a cock sucker for a BBC. Note 5: If this is you please share with the readers why you are obsessed with BBC. If you have crossed the line and sucked or been fucked by a BBC how did it happen? How did it feel? They say once you go black you never go back... is that true?

So, after my usual lengthy prologue, below are my thoughts based on many correspondences with readers over the years and research. Enjoy, but let me repeat, I'm no credentialed expert, nor a psychologist. That said, I also don't charge a ridiculous amount of money for therapy and I do hope you find this essay therapeutic.





First, let's get it out there right now: you are not alone. It may be hard to talk to someone about: you can't tell your wife, your dad, or your friends... so the feeling of isolation is almost inevitable. You will ask yourself, what is wrong with me? You will ask yourself am I gay? You will ask yourself many other questions... all that will make you doubt your feelings.

Rule 1: Don't doubt your feelings

BECAUSE... and this is a big BECAUSE (why I capitalized it twice), your feelings are your feelings and can't be wrong.

To give a simple straight couple example. When I get in a fight or a disagreement with my husband the feelings I feel at the time cannot be wrong. If I'm hurt or mad, I'm hurt or mad. It's as simple as that. The reason why I'm hurt or mad could be a misunderstanding perhaps, but that doesn't alter the feelings inside. So, never doubt your feelings... any of them. The good or the bad. The confusing lust when you see a hard dick. The equal guilt once you've jerked your load all over yourself imagining sucking a cock of your good looking neighbor. What you feel is real... and although you can try to push them away, the reality is they are a part of who you are whether you have accepted it or not.

So, first you need to put those doubts aside and acknowledge your feelings. Especially if these feelings are new, perhaps popping up in your late thirties or later. At thirty-five you were straight, never once thought of another guy or dick, still fuck your wife, check out every woman you can, and still have a healthy sex drive. The next day, out of the fuckin' blue, you suddenly wonder what it would feel like to have a cock in your mouth. "Why now?" is one of the most common questions I get.

There are lots of reasons as outlined throughout this essay... but one that can't be ignored is the simple ease of access to porn. It is everywhere. Accessible with one click. Porn of every niche, every taboo and every fantasy. So whether it impacts you or not, there is cock everywhere. Jesus, even in lesbian porn there are strap-on dicks. If you watch porn (and who doesn't?), you're seeing a lot of dick. You're seeing an incredible range of handsome, gorgeous penises, so of course you're comparing them to each other and yourself. Natural curiosity. You're also seeing women slobbering joyfully over these works of art and have hopefully seen someone fully enjoying sucking your own. Again your curiosity is naturally piqued. What is it like for them, what are they feeling, both physically and emotionally? This widening exposure is happening because we want to explore our sexuality more openly. Including curiosity about other cocks (more on this later).

So, don't doubt these feelings, because whether they come early or late, they're probably going to come and there's nothing wrong with them. In fact, I dare say that almost every man will at one point in their life wonder what it would feel like to suck another man's dick or to be blown by another man. Just like most women wonder what it would be like to be with a woman. It literally is human nature. As argued in the article, Same-sex sexual behavior and genes: like love, the answer is complicated, "Same-sex experiences are part of the normal spectrum of human sexuality."

Rule 2: Understand the lie of one hundred percent straightness.

Every man and woman will at some point wonder about same-sex sex. For women, it may be as simple as kissing another woman, or as intense as becoming obsessed with the desire to crawl between another woman's legs. For men, it's rarely about kissing. Rather, it is almost always about the curiosity of another man's cock. Maybe you just want to see it get hard; maybe you just want to stroke it; maybe you just want to put it in your mouth once; maybe you want to suck it; maybe you want to feel it pulsate as it erupts in your mouth; maybe you want to feel the warm load erupt all over your face; maybe you want to feel another man's cock fucking your ass; maybe you want to be feminized; and maybe you want to do a few or all of those things. Again, you are not alone, these basic truths apply to all of us.

These feelings are natural. Forget the Hetero and Homo for a moment and accept that the base connection is Sexual. Humans are sexual animals.

It is also human nature to be curious.

It is human nature to be curious about another man's penis. To compare it to your own.

The shower room check out isn't necessarily sexual as much as it is wanting to know where one fits in the world around us.

In the end, many men (I actual almost every man... but my editor points out that I may be too extreme and he is likely correct) want to feel another dick in their hands, want to feel one in their mouths, and want to compare their own cock to others (or have another man suck their cock).

It is just how men are hardwired.

So, don't feel guilty.

Don't feel ashamed.

Instead, reflect on what has transpired to make you curious. Understanding where the first seed was planted will help you move forward.

Once you can accept the seed has been planted you can move on.

You can explore it.

Don't deny your feelings are you'll end up constantly wondering and then kicking yourself that you never found out what it felt like to suck the cock, take that dick in your ass, swallow that creamy load of cum.

To be able to do this you must be willing to relax the rigidity of the masculine model you have lived your entire life. By doing this you can explore a wider range of sexual pleasure. The sensation of not only giving but receiving. Blurring the line of masculine and feminine... allowing yourself to just be the sexual being you want to be.





Seriously, ponder what triggered it.

What led to your sudden curiosity?

What changed you from a strictly skirt chaser to pondering what it would feel like to suck a big hard cock.

The trigger that awakens that side can come from a variety of situations, but more times than not they are porn based. Porn is so easy to get access to unlike the 1980s, if you are in your late forties and fifties now, one day you're watching porn and realize you're admiring the dick as much as the pretty girl. Or perhaps you're in a changing room after a workout and realize you're actually staring at other men's dicks. Or perhaps you watched a trans porn scene and next thing you know you wonder what sucking a dick on a trans woman would feel like.

Regardless of the trigger, once that seed is planted it takes root... and once it takes root it will grow and grow inside your subconscious in ways you at first will push away, will be confused by and yet slowly but surely they will begin to consume your thoughts.

You'll search articles about straight men who are curious about dick. Then you will read blogs or go chat forums. As such I created a forum in October 2023 called: Straight men who suck dick or who are curious to suck cock please read; crossdressers too.

Here are some of the comments from Literotica readers:

I am a man who sucks cock and bottoms for my transgender girlfriend. I am not sure that counts.

Right off the bat, Escierto, the first comment puts an interesting thought out there. Is it gay if you suck cock? Is it gay if you take it up the ass? Is it less gay if the one you are sucking or bottoming for is trans. The answer is simple: No... it does not make it gay. It allows you to explore your masculinity. You are gay if you only want to be with men and don't find women sexually stimulating.

RULE 3: Sucking cock is not gay.

As mentioned above, sucking another man's dick does not make you gay. Bi, sure. But if you still like eating pussy and fucking women you can't be gay.

RULE 4: Taking it in the ass is not gay.

The same concept exists if you like to bottom. Since a male has a prostate in his ass, in all fairness it is silly that it is seen as gay at all to want to have a prostate orgasm. There is nothing wrong with exploring every way you can come... and a prostate orgasm can be very exhilarating I am told.

Well, I luv to crossdress, panties, skirts, stockings, shaved legs, and when in girl mode I crave suckling cock, and I mean crave it, I have been able to suck some cocks and really loved it so. I have been able to bottom a few times and all were very enjoyable. The fantasy would be having a guy that would let me keep my outfits at his house in some really private area so I could go there, dress, suck and fuck and maybe he has a friend that would come over and I could get split roasted from time to time. Maybe go there for a full week stay dressed all week and suck and fuck as often as possible. The struggle is my life when not dressed and I have to be in guy mode much of my life due family, work etc.

Two interesting pieces in this message from Kellieskirt.