Please read before emailing us with questions.
Submission Guidelines
- How to get YOUR story on Literotica.
- Get your story perfect for submission to Literotica!
Monthly Contests
- Write your way to fame & fortune.
These articles are sure to help improve your writing!
Guide for Amateur Writers of Erotica
- An awesome writing resource that covers all you need to know
to write excellent erotic stories.
Strunk and White's Elements of Style -
An free online guide to the basics every writer should know.
The Columbia Guide to Standard American English Usage -
An online guide to the basics every writer should know.
'Real' Fiction - General tips on how to make your stories 'real'.
Submitted by TheWriter (4.33) 07/03/01
26DD vs. 36B - A quick note on bra sizes.
Submitted by Stickyicky (x.xx) 05/14/04
A Checklist for a Good Editor - Advice on proper editing.
Submitted by Selena_Kitt (4.70) 12/14/08
A Crash Course in Grammar - A little English Grammar that won't cure your insomnia.
Submitted by KillerMuffin (x.xx) 02/19/02
A Fruitful Exercise - Spontaneous writing exercises can produce fruit!
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.75) 02/04/11
A Note from a Reader - A few suggestions for writers.
Submitted by Bhob (4.57) 07/11/04
A Note from a Reader Ch. 02 - More of the same, & thanks.
Submitted by Bhob (4.21) 07/20/04
A Plea for Accuracy and Truthfulness - A 'How to' for writers of erotica.
Submitted by History Nut (4.29) 08/13/07
A Quick and Dirty Guide - Porno writing, the easy Tammy method.
Submitted by TammyTrueheart (4.38) 07/06/06
Alliterative Enhancements - Enhance your story with alliteration.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (2.83) 08/10/08
Always Anonymous - How to discern which comments are valuable and which aren't.
Submitted by Transverse (4.59) 05/19/09
An Extensive Guide to Sexual Terms - Need to new words for your story?
Submitted by darkaltar (3.82) 01/28/04
Are You Fishing... - Are You Fishing for Literary Inspiration?
Submitted by My Erotic Trail (4.11) 05/14/06
Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? - Should you self-publish?
Submitted by darkduelist (3.79) 11/25/05
Art of Erotica - Make your "moaner" story a "screamer"!
Submitted by Quint (4.41) 04/10/03
Basic Text Formatting 101 - How to format your story for submission to Literotica.
Submitted by michchick98 (4.31) 05/11/08
Be a God! - How to deal with story-haters and others.
Submitted by BadSanta (4.67) 08/18/10
Bite-Size Morsels - Writing the short-short story.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (1.00) 02/10/10
Bold or Italic? - A How-To on formatting stories for the web.
Submitted by Alex De Kok (4.49) 04/23/02
Can You Kiss Me Like This? - An author's take on writing the perfect kiss.
Submitted by RedHairedandFriendly (4.47) 05/15/06
Choosing the Right Words - How word choice can improve your erotic writing.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.38) 02/17/01
Comic Captions - Writing them is fun, but it's not all that easy.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (4.50) 04/14/10
Common Errors Ch. 01 - Part One of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.09) 02/13/05
Common Errors Ch. 02 - Part Two of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.10) 02/14/05
Common Errors Ch. 03 - Part Three of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.61) 02/19/05
Common Errors Ch. 04 - Part Four of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.14) 02/20/05
Common Errors Ch. 05 - Part Five of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.32) 02/21/05
Common Errors Ch. 06 - Part Six of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.42) 02/22/05
Complete NaNoWriMo - How to complete NaNoWriMo and help you as a writer.
Submitted by oggbashan (4.73) 05/04/07
Creating Constructive Feedback - How to help improve the stories you read.
Submitted by Zanzibar (4.47) 04/15/04
Creative Construction of Character - How to not write like everyone else, & well.
Submitted by Quint (4.59) 04/04/02
Cure for Writer's Block - Helpful hints on identifying & coping with writer's block.
Submitted by damppanties (4.83) 10/11/03
Dealing With Negative Feedback - No, you can't reach through the monitor & smack sense into them.
Submitted by KillerMuffin (x.xx) 10/02/01
Describing Breasts - Whether female or shemale, describe them with love.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.93) 02/11/08
Dialogue This - How to make your characters talk.
Submitted by Firebrain (4.88) 09/29/10
Dialogue: The Eternal Problem - Why is dialogue in stories so often real crap?
Submitted by satyricon.21 (4.36) 07/21/06
Doggerel for Dummies - If it's fun to read it & to write it - give it a try!
Submitted by Boxlicker101 (4.48) 05/01/07
Doggerel for Dummies Pt. 02 - More fun with bad poetry.
Submitted by Boxlicker101 (2.50) 12/29/08
Doing the PWP One-shot - The Quick & Dirty way to write a Porn Without Plot One-shot.
Submitted by MorganHawke (4.18) 01/31/11
Down, Boy! - Writing the Alpha Male in contemporary fiction.
Submitted by Firebrain (4.79) 01/08/11
Ease Your Way Into the Sex - Easing your characters into sex scenes.
Submitted by Queen_of_Dairy (3.53) 09/07/01
Easy Guide To Better Writing - A simple checklist for improving a story's readability.
Submitted by Wm_Sexspear (4.65) 04/12/02 
Editing One's Work - Discusses using a text to speech program as an editing tool.
Submitted by History Nut (4.73) 04/12/06
Editors & Etiquette - How to use the Volunteer Editor program to your advantage.
Submitted by KillerMuffin (x.xx) 02/17/01
Elements of Literary Erotica - A discussion of writing the best literary story you can.
Submitted by sr71plt (4.53) 05/07/08
End Goaling in Writing Erotica - Observations on why/how of writing erotica for the Internet.
Submitted by sr71plt (4.34) 08/27/06
English 101: Parts of Speech - The eight parts of speech made simple.
Submitted by lindiana (3.93) 03/28/05
Entering a Themed Literotica Contest - How to decide whether to enter a themed Literotica contest.
Submitted by oggbashan (4.47) 05/21/07
Erotic Haiku - Erotic possibilities in haiku & senryu.
Submitted by jthserra (4.57) 04/12/04
Erotic Synonyms - When Roget's just won't do.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.26) 02/26/02
Erotic Writing Process - How Shale came to write 'Harrad Redux'.
Submitted by Shale (4.40) 11/25/06
Forget-Me-Not - Humorously fatal mistakes erotic writers make.
Submitted by Transverse (4.62) 05/12/09
Framing Erotica - Hetero- to homo- to bi- to pansexual: evolution at work?
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.00) 09/10/09
Getting Your Characters Pregnant - A writer's guide to breeding.
Submitted by PrincessErin (4.47) 09/04/08
Grammatical Erotica Pt. 01-02 - Styles of writing/styles of making love.
Submitted by Sappholovers (4.53) 04/17/04
Happy Endings - ...and why it's good to avoid them.
Submitted by istanbulnoir (3.38) 11/17/07
How I Could Enjoy Literotica - ...even more. (aka How to write better for Lit, or anyone).
Submitted by diggypop (4.62) 11/13/10
How I Wrote "Quality Control" - The same approach can work for you.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (4.00) 12/10/09
How NOT to Write - A reverse How to Guide.
Submitted by CornishBabe (3.97) 07/28/07
How To Be A Good Editor - Tips & tricks for dealing with a writer.
Submitted by LadyCibelle (4.42) 02/02/05
How To Be a Happy Hooker - How writers can be better, happier hookers - with examples.
Submitted by Rumple Foreskin (4.60) 05/19/07
How to be Prolific - Strategies for writing A LOT.
Submitted by WFEATHER (4.16) 08/07/08
How To Break the Literotica Toplist - The formula in each category.
Submitted by Tink4Fairy (4.49) 05/18/07
How to Create Erotica on the iPhone - Draw and import drawings from your iPhone for Literotica.
Submitted by Middleagepoet (3.67) 11/09/09
How to Create Some Special Effects - Instructions on audio effects in Sound Recorder.
Submitted by SunrockSin (5.00) 12/14/08
How To Deal with Negative Feedback - One author's suggestions for others.
Submitted by Master_Vassago (4.26) 04/28/03
How to Eliminate Writer's Block - Freddie's surefire ways to eliminate writer's block.
Submitted by BOSTONFICTIONWRITER (x.xx) 05/12/08
How to Get a Round - A brief look into three French forms of poetry.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (5.00) 12/20/07
How To Get People to Read Your Story - The importance of a good title.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.30) 05/05/01
How to Get Your Characters Naked - The fine art of undressing is just that.
Submitted by sack (4.56) 07/03/06
How to Give Characters Random Names - A surprisingly simple & effective name generator.
Submitted by cheetah83 (4.37) 05/14/06
How to Give Constructive Feedback - A really short guide to giving constructive feedback.
Submitted by MagicaPractica (4.32) 08/10/07
How to Just Get Kinky - The ABCs of some pretty kinky stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (4.11) 11/22/06
How to Just Get Kinky-er - The DEFs of some kinky and stinky stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (4.27) 11/23/06
How to Just Get More Kinky - The GHIs of more kinky stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (3.25) 11/24/06
How to Just Get More Kinky-er - The JKLMs of more kinky-er stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (3.80) 11/25/06
How to Kinky and Get More - The NOPs of kinky and more.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (4.83) 11/26/06
How to Kinky-er and Get More - The QRSs of kinky and some common sense
Submitted by Decayed Angel (4.00) 11/27/06
How to Kinky-er or Just Weird Stuff - The TUs of kinky-er and weird stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (3.80) 11/28/06
How to Kinky-er or More Weird Stuff - The VWXYZs of kinky-er and weird stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (3.79) 11/29/06
How To Make Characters Talk - The ins and outs of potent dialogue.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.75) 07/26/02
How to Name Your Characters - What's in a name? More than you might think!
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.45) 01/05/01
How To Piss Off An Editor - What not to do in dealing with an editor.
Submitted by LadyCibelle (4.59) 12/02/04
How To Plot Flash Fiction - Very short fiction still needs a plot.
Submitted by oggbashan (4.50) 05/02/08
How to Post a Comment on Lit - One author's advice on how to comment on Literotica stories.
Submitted by Cphucker (4.10) 01/08/10
How To Pull Up Your Story Score - Writing quality erotic fiction is not beyond you.
Submitted by MaxSebastian (4.64) 06/12/01
How to Punctuate Like a Pro - A relatively painless look at punctuation.
Submitted by KillerMuffin (x.xx) 02/05/03
How to Read Stories on Literotica - Using story categories to enhance your reading experience.
Submitted by DrKG (4.38) 05/10/08
How to Record a Text with Audio Story - Instructions on submitting text with audio to Lit.
Submitted by SunrockSin (4.57) 12/13/08
How to Rhyme - Nothing can destroy a poem quicker than poorly handled rhyme.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (3.50) 12/24/07
How to Sell your Smut. - Make money from your sexy scriblings.
Submitted by English Lady (4.62) 05/05/08
How to Spot a Literotica Author - Ever wonder if your neighbor is one?
Submitted by LadynStFreknBed (4.48) 07/06/07
How to Submit a Text with Audio Story - The final steps to submitting a Text with Audio story.
Submitted by SunrockSin (4.40) 12/16/08
How to Survive Survivor: Tracking Scores - Scorekeeping in Literotica's year-long writing game.
Submitted by SunrockSin (5.00) 01/01/09
How to Take Erotic Pictures - ...of yourself, using this illustrated guide!
Submitted by fieryjen (4.49) 02/06/07 
How to Win the Survivor Contest - Tips on how to win the writing contest.
Submitted by dirtyjoe69 (5.00) 12/25/06
How To Win the Survivor Contest - It's easy and it's fun! (Well, not so easy...)
Submitted by BOSTONFICTIONWRITER (3.00) 05/06/08
How to Write "Above the Fray" - Suggested elements for creating high-quality erotica.
Submitted by WFEATHER (4.58) 06/06/05
How to Write a 750 Word Story - The single most controversial story at Literotica today.
Submitted by SunrockSin (4.29) 12/27/08
How To Write A Character Biography - Guided exercise that lets the character emerge from within.
Submitted by JUDO (4.48) 06/14/02
How To Write A Fib. - Getting to grips with a new form of poetry.
Submitted by PrinceThelo (4.67) 02/03/09
How To Write a Fifty-Word Story - Fifty word stories? Easy? Try to write fifteen.
Submitted by oggbashan (4.55) 05/14/06 
How to Write a Good Sex Scene - Tips on believable written sex.
Submitted by dweaver999 (4.59) 05/06/07
How To Write a Holiday Contest Story Entry - Practical writing advice for newbies & others.
Submitted by sack (4.60) 11/22/04
How to Write a How-To - Contribute your brilliance to the world! (Contains sarcasm.)
Submitted by Noira (4.00) 02/01/11
How To Write A Poem - There may be less to it (and more) than is imagined.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.00) 01/25/09
How to Write a Porn Review - A quick and dirty guide to reviewing porn.
Submitted by Sean Renaud (3.22) 03/30/09
How to Write a Sestina - Some history and advice in writing sestinas
Submitted by MungoParkIII (2.33) 12/23/07
How To Write a Song - Tips and tricks for the novice, pro, or clueless.
Submitted by DeeZire (4.23) 05/10/08
How to Write a Tanka - Some history and advice on how to write a Tanka.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (4.38) 12/18/07
How to Write a Triolet - Some history and advice on how to write a Triolet.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (3.50) 12/22/07
How to Write a Villanelle - Some history and advice on writing a Villanelle.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (5.00) 12/17/07
How To Write Fiction - How and where fiction writers get their experience.
Submitted by AzPilot (3.71) 02/15/10
How to Write for a Text with Audio - Writing for a Text with Audio submission on Literotica.
Submitted by SunrockSin (5.00) 12/15/08
How to Write for Literotica - A guide for new authors.
Submitted by Bakeboss (3.60) 02/12/10
How to Write Good Sex Scenes - A brief list of examples and observations for better sex
Submitted by JUDO (4.45) 10/08/02 
How to Write Historical Fiction - Advice to would-be writers of historical fiction.
Submitted by jon.hayworth (4.50) 06/19/02
How To Write Incest - A very specific writing how-to.
Submitted by AsylumSeeker (4.14) 05/10/07
How to Write Interracial Cuckoldry Stories - Tips for writing stories in Interracial cuckoldry theme
Submitted by nocluescooby (3.79) 08/09/07
How To Write Lesbian Sex Scenes - Writing F/F scenes appealing to women.
Submitted by Colleen Thomas (4.76) 06/04/04 
How to Write Other Japanese Poetry - How to write other Japanese Poetry forms.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (4.50) 12/19/07
How to Write Period Pieces - An amateur historian's notes on some of the pitfalls.
Submitted by Colleen Thomas (4.79) 04/28/06
How to Write Romance - The secret formula. (Sssh!)
Submitted by MarshAlien (4.81) 05/22/07
How to Write Simple & Light Poetry - How to write simple and light poetry forms.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (1.00) 12/21/07
How To Write, Haha! - Yes, she dared to call it that!
Submitted by DireLilith (x.xx) 07/04/07
How To: English Titles - How to distinguish and use English titles.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.96) 01/07/05
I Pushed My Pud Up Her Poop-Chute - & other words/phrases to avoid in stories.
Submitted by Quint (4.34) 03/28/02 
It Ain't Literature - What is the difference between a good and a bad story?
Submitted by fishgullet (4.32) 11/15/04
It's and Its - The key to learning which is which.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.78) 02/11/02
It's Not Just Talking Dirty - Tips on writing erotica while leaving one's clothes on.
Submitted by Barnaby (3.82) 01/18/09
K.I.S.S.: P.O.V. - Different P.O.V.s and how to use them.
Submitted by Gaelfling (4.18) 04/06/08
Keeping It Interesting - Variety is the spice of life in erotica, too.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (5.00) 09/09/09
Let The Characters Do The Talking - A short guide for writing believable dialogue.
Submitted by ronde (4.79) 01/08/04
Make Big Bucks Selling Fiction - How to sell your dirty stories and make big bucks.
Submitted by BarbraNovac (4.45) 10/03/08
Make Big Bucks Selling Fiction Ch. 02 - The Marketing Process - Section One.
Submitted by BarbraNovac (4.33) 12/09/09
Making a Realistic Vampire Story - Some stories just seem more real than others.
Submitted by Goldeniangel (4.67) 03/03/08
More on Haiku: Anthropomorphism & - More on Haiku: Anthropomorphism & Suchness
Submitted by jthserra (3.67) 01/25/04
More on Haiku: Books - Delve deeper into haiku with these helpful books.
Submitted by jthserra (4.13) 01/30/04 
More on Haiku: Kireji... - Through break, true beauty of haiku is realized.
Submitted by jthserra (3.89) 04/10/04
More on Haiku: Nature & Kigo - The use of Nature in haiku.
Submitted by jthserra (4.20) 02/05/04
My Take on Blowing With Words - Different examples of writing blowjobs for erotic stories.
Submitted by RedHairedandFriendly (4.62) 05/01/07
My Take on Writing a Female Orgasm - Descriptive orgasm examples & words to consider.
Submitted by RedHairedandFriendly (4.59) 03/04/06
My Thoughts on Writing Erotica - Things author considers important to good story writing.
Submitted by epiphany65 (4.55) 06/06/06
My Views On Writing Erotica - A Literotica author shares his views on writing.
Submitted by EroticaSeanStyle (3.74) 03/19/03
News You Can Use - News as fodder for fiction writing.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (x.xx) 01/15/10
Not Seventeen: More on Haiku - Continuing investigation into English Language Haiku.
Submitted by jthserra (4.37) 01/20/04
On Writing Celebrity Fantasies - Advice on how to pen the best celebrity stories.
Submitted by AchtungNight (x.xx) 03/23/09
Online Dance: The Seven Veils - A mini lesson on dancing with words.
Submitted by simply_cyn (3.87) 06/24/04
Partnership 101 - Collaboration made simple(r).
Submitted by Coming Together (4.62) 03/21/08
Parts of Speech Pt. 01 - The ins & outs of Nouns and Verbs.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.64) 02/09/05
Parts of Speech Pt. 02 - Pronouns, adjectives, and all the rest.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.67) 02/09/05
Pick the Nits Before You Submit - How to edit your story.
Submitted by WhiteWave48 (4.76) 05/10/08 
Pimp Your PCs - Get them to tell you they love your "work".
Submitted by sarahhh (4.46) 05/20/08
Pirate Adventure Source Ch. 01 - High seas nomenclature to make your story more realistic.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/26/04
Pirate Adventure Source Ch. 02 - Do you know a schooner from a frigate?
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/26/04
Pirate Adventure Source Ch. 03 - Information on high seas weaponry & more.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/26/04
Practical Writing / Story Telling 01 - Introduction: one author's views on writing erotica.
Submitted by The Avenger (3.88) 02/06/07
Practical Writing / Story Telling 02 - One author's views on classical story structure.
Submitted by The Avenger (3.47) 02/07/07
Practical Writing / Story Telling 03 - Hunting, gathering ideas and drawing up a skeleton.
Submitted by The Avenger (3.88) 02/08/07
Punctuation Use - Punctuation and its proper usage.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.64) 02/09/05
Punk-Chew-Ay-Shun - Simple grammar, for simple folks.
Submitted by Dreams of Desire (4.21) 09/09/06
Realistic Incest In Stories - How to write realistic incest stories.
Submitted by 1337_G1RL (4.06) 03/02/06
Same-Sex Settings - All-male environments can generate hot storylines.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.89) 02/27/08
Save the World - You're thinking , "What the fuck does that have to do with erotica?"
Submitted by wife2hotblk (3.22) 01/24/10
Self-Review for Literotica - Honing your story for submission yourself.
Submitted by sr71plt (4.36) 05/12/08
Show or Tell - Illustrations of how to convey meaning in fiction.
Submitted by gauchecritic (4.53) 07/12/03
So, You Want to be a Writer? - Blink and you're dead.
Submitted by RC_of_Doom (4.79) 01/21/11
Some Whys and Hows of E-Publishing - Some ideas to consider if you are eyeing e-publishing.
Submitted by sr71plt (4.54) 09/07/10 
Story Tags - The right words & phrases can help you gain readership.
Submitted by Literotica (x.xx) 01/02/06
Story Tags and Searches - Making Literotica work for you.
Submitted by wishfulthinking (4.25) 07/15/05
Story Telling 101 - What makes a story believable.
Submitted by Build_it_write (4.91) 01/20/09 
Submitting Literotica for Beginners - How to get Italics, Bold, and Underline without a .doc file.
Submitted by s53mith (4.59) 05/22/07
Testing Story Formatting - Check how your story will look on Lit before submitting it.
Submitted by Weird Harold (4.41) 08/19/02
The 10 Commandments - ...for amateur fiction writers.
Submitted by TheEarl (4.66) 11/12/02 
The Art of Writing Smut - It's not as easy as it looks, but is a lot of fun.
Submitted by Boxlicker101 (4.53) 05/19/06
The Bisexualizing Effect of Erotica - It’s Implications for Writers.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (4.00) 04/28/10
The Correct Use of Affect/Effect - How to affect your readers to the proper effect.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use of Buy/By/Bye - Know your homophones.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use of Its/It's - Know your homophones.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use Of Lay/Lie - Know when to lie & when to lay!
Submitted by R. Richard (4.62) 08/10/04
The Correct Use of There/Their/They're - Know your homophones.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use of To/Into/Too/Two - More homophones to know.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use of Your/You're - You're choosing proper words for your readers.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Erotic and the Speculative - The challenges and opportunities of erotic SF.
Submitted by leapingfox (4.17) 05/27/08
The Fiendish Guide to Punctuation - A complete guide to punctuation in English
Submitted by OmegaZone (3.70) 07/29/04
The Only Guide to Erotic Writing - The only guide you will ever need.
Submitted by Randen (x.xx) 03/31/02
The Pregnancy Fetish - A writer's guide to pregnant characters.
Submitted by PrincessErin (3.75) 09/17/08
The Real Story - Construction and use of fucking machine.
Submitted by Puppygirl (4.11) 11/24/05
The Secret to Good Writing - Being your own editor can lead to being a better writer.
Submitted by WindyCityMadman (3.85) 03/11/02
The Slang of Exotic Dancing Ch. 01 - Slang can add color, humor and distinct realism to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (4.32) 07/09/04
The Slang of Exotic Dancing Ch. 02 - Slang adds color, humor & realism to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (3.50) 07/10/04
The Slang of Exotic Dancing Ch. 03 - Slang adds color, humor & realism to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (3.67) 07/11/04
The Slang of Pornography Pt. 01 - Slang can add color, humor and realism to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (4.07) 07/06/04
The Slang of Pornography Pt. 02 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (3.26) 07/07/04
The Slang of Pornography Pt. 03 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (4.00) 07/08/04
The Slang of Pornography Pt. 04 - Slang can add color, and humor to dialogue. (Continued 3)
Submitted by jthserra (3.71) 07/09/04
The Slang of Prostitution Pt. 01 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue
Submitted by jthserra (4.14) 07/12/04
The Slang of Prostitution Pt. 02 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (3.50) 07/13/04
The Slang of Prostitution Pt. 03 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (4.24) 07/14/04
The Working Backward Heuristic - Writing ass-backward can be an effective approach.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (4.50) 12/16/05
Then vs Than - Learning the English language, one word at a time.
Submitted by Angel Love (4.41) 04/15/06
This Sucks Balls - How to, and how not to, give valuable feedback.
Submitted by Transverse (4.70) 05/16/09 
Tips for Better Writing - Some notes on helping others improve their writing skills.
Submitted by Johnboy9 (3.68) 12/31/10
Transgendered Fiction Plots - Tips for plotting trangendered fiction.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.30) 08/01/04
Understand Breasts & Bra Sizes - Tiny tits, huge hooters - never 36D.
Submitted by elfin_odalisque (4.63) 05/24/06 
Understanding Human Sexuality - The evolutionary mechanics of sexuality.
Submitted by edcrane (4.11) 03/31/05
Understanding Proper English - Seventh revision: English as The Wanderer writes it.
Submitted by The Wanderer (4.63) 10/16/06
US English 101: Parts of a Sentence - Grammar made simple.
Submitted by lindiana (3.86) 08/24/05
US English 101: The Phrase - Grammar made simple: the third lesson.
Submitted by lindiana (3.23) 12/25/05
Use of a Grammar Checker - Why a writer should consider using a grammar checker.
Submitted by Timothy_Dickey (3.09) 08/21/07
Using Literotica - A guide of the categories for potentially lost readers.
Submitted by Goldeniangel (4.63) 02/21/06
What is Haiku? - An initial introduction to haiku.
Submitted by jthserra (4.62) 01/15/04
What is Senryu? - What is the "exact" difference between haiku and senryu?
Submitted by jthserra (4.09) 02/11/04
What is Zappai? - To characterize all zappai as failed haiku or senryu would
Submitted by jthserra (3.27) 02/22/04
Whipping Your Characters Into Shape - Those darn characters insist on having minds of their own!
Submitted by Noira (4.67) 01/29/11
Winning Survivor - With One Story - A guide to winning survivor, with a twist.
Submitted by Iamcanadian28 (4.60) 07/10/08
Word Choice - Suggestions for writing a successful erotic story.
Submitted by wyo_girl (4.27) 03/19/04
Word Choice - A response to wyo_girl's article.
Submitted by evelyn_carroll (3.82) 10/20/04
Words of the Week (2005) 01 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Jan. 24, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.50) 01/25/05
Words of the Week (2005) 02 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Jan. 31, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (2.00) 01/31/05
Words of the Week (2005) 03 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Feb. 7, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (2.50) 02/07/05
Words of the Week (2005) 04 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Feb. 14, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (1.00) 02/14/05
Words of the Week (2005) 05 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Feb. 21, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (x.xx) 02/21/05
Words of the Week (2005) 06 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Feb. 28, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (5.00) 03/01/05
Words of the Week 01 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 5/31-6/6.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.96) 06/04/04
Words of the Week 02 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 6/7-6/13.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.00) 06/07/04
Words of the Week 03 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 6/14-6/20.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.85) 06/14/04
Words of the Week 04 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 6/21-6/27.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.00) 06/21/04
Words of the Week 05 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 6/28-7/4.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.33) 06/28/04
Words of the Week 06 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 7/5-7/11.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.00) 07/05/04
Words of the Week 07 - Weekly vocabulary words for writers: 7/12-7/18.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.73) 07/12/04
Words of the Week 08 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 7/19-7/25.
Submitted by velvetpie (2.67) 07/19/04
Words of the Week 09 - Weekly vocabulary for writers
Submitted by velvetpie (4.00) 07/26/04
Words of the Week 11 - 2004 Final.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.55) 12/28/04
Write a Successful Romance - Tongue-in-cheek tips to the toplists.
Submitted by starrkers (4.72) 05/06/08 
Writing FETISH Fiction - Fetish fiction ISN'T Kink fiction.
Submitted by MorganHawke (4.38) 07/22/09 
Writing Horror - A brief guide to writing scary stories.
Submitted by al_Ussa (4.80) 12/31/09
Writing in Love - Keeping love real for the reader.
Submitted by Frogsoup (4.75) 01/06/09
Writing Porn From The Heart - Confessions about writing.
Submitted by Histarter (4.40) 06/13/06
Writing Quality Sex Scenes - Guide for those who struggle with fucking.
Submitted by TheEarl (4.68) 09/05/03
Writing Real Sex - The answer to "How Do You Write Such HOT Sex Scenes?"
Submitted by Selena_Kitt (4.54) 10/29/10
Writing Sci-Fi - A brief guide for aspiring authors.
Submitted by al_Ussa (3.89) 07/31/10
Writing Sex Scenes - Elements to consider when writing sex scenes.
Submitted by WFEATHER (4.50) 12/11/10
Writing Smut for Profit - It's not just an adventure - it's a job.
Submitted by MorganHawke (4.60) 11/22/03
Writing With Your Audience In Mind - Help your audience relate to your characters.
Submitted by Chicago Bob (4.57) 09/21/02