Stories by Athalia

by Athalia
Toys & Masturbation& more 06/14/2024
33.6k 29 5 73

Two girls learn about masturbation from experts.

H 4.68 18.2k 14 2 43

Coed Sex Ed, where mutual masturbation leads to intercourse.

4.46 9.8k 11 2 18

Ashley explores promiscuity and bondage in a home off-campus.

4.42 5.6k 4 1 12
by Athalia
Erotic Couplings& more 06/09/2023
39.2k 38 12 66

She finds the perfect man, but will she have to share him?

H 4.67 11.9k 22 2 39

Jessie finds she has not one sexy soul-mate, but two.

by Athalia
Group Sex 05/18/2019
H 4.76 11.8k 10 4 11

Claire tells how she forsakes promiscuity for polyamory.

by Athalia
Group Sex 05/25/2019
H 4.67 9.8k 3 3 7

Michael's side of the story.

by Athalia
Group Sex 07/20/2021
H 4.5 5.6k 3 3 9

Skinny-dipping leads to a sexual reawakening and healing.

by Athalia
Group Sex 10/18/2016
H 4.62 46k 29 10 45

The relationship of an erotica writer and her readership.

H 4.8 9.1k 13 14 18
by Athalia
125.9k 57 10 92

An elder sorority sister revives an old initiation rite.

by Athalia
Mature 04/11/2011
4.46 61.3k 27 3 46

Ginnie finds her soul mate in a well-endowed mature man.

by Athalia
Mature 10/21/2014
H 4.65 34.8k 20 2 32

A chance encounter at a nude beach leads to a seduction.

by Athalia
Mature 09/16/2013
H 4.53 29.6k 10 5 14

She invents some sex toys made of ice, for both genders

by Athalia
Group Sex 08/06/2014
4.48 18.9k 7 1 11

A woman tortures herself to a transcendental orgasm.

by Athalia
Fetish 04/11/2014
H 4.62 50.3k 58 15 79

A woman who's had two thousand lovers tells her story.

H 4.5 22.8k 14 5 25
by Athalia
Group Sex& more 03/19/2023
784.1k 144 46 289

Emily helps a couple break in their new hot tub.

by Athalia
Group Sex 08/16/2010
H 4.58 156.2k 40 7 85

Emily meets Sara and Paul's son Jeff.

by Athalia
Group Sex 08/22/2010
H 4.61 70.9k 10 9 21

Sara's got an itch she can't scratch. Her son can, though

by Athalia
Incest/Taboo 08/28/2010
4.33 270.5k 37 11 66

Emily finally meets Elly and discovers a soul-sister.

by Athalia
Group Sex 08/30/2010
H 4.54 46.3k 7 3 14

Jessie comes home to find a very interesting family.

by Athalia
Incest/Taboo 09/07/2010
4.49 120.7k 19 4 40

Psilocybin brings Emily's family closer, in unforeseen ways.

by Athalia
Incest/Taboo 09/15/2010
4.47 84.4k 24 5 51

Jessie is sent off to college a new woman.

by Athalia
Group Sex 09/19/2010
H 4.61 34.8k 7 7 12

Retelling a myth about a goddess who lusts for a shepherd.

by Athalia
NonHuman 07/31/2010
H 4.53 19.5k 13 5 21

A young lady receives the best possible introduction to sex.

by Athalia
First Time 07/21/2010
H 4.57 105.4k 37 12 59