College Sex Club Ch. 01: Sex Ed 101

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Two girls learn about masturbation from experts.
5.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 05/31/2024
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(Editor's note: This story was in my hands, in a partially finished form, when Athalia passed away. The subject was one dear to her heart, and she really wanted it to be finished and published. So as a token of respect, I have done so in her memory. All of the plot, and most of the text, was hers, although I have added what I could to allow the words to flow more freely and to eliminate errors in names and such. --Jehoram)

Ashley and Sue were freshman in college, paired up to share the same dorm room. Ashley was a bit taller and slimmer, very Nordic-looking, with auburn-colored hair, a thin waist and breasts maybe a little bigger than most girls had at her age. She'd been transferred to her high school in her junior year but, as a "military brat," she'd been able to form friendships easily.

Sue was shorter, stockier, and had the straight dark hair of her Iroquois ancestry, which she wore down to the small of her back. She didn't have much of a bust, which had caused her to think of herself as undesirable to men. Her high-school classmates had been largely strangers, in her case because she was the only Native American girl in a class of mostly white students. She used to introduce herself by saying "I'm Sue, but I'm not Sioux!" as a friendly way of breaking the ice.

So when Ashley offered her the "instant friendship" that military brats can form, Sue readily accepted it. Now, in their dorm room, they had spread the introductory package out on the table they shared. Ashley looked at the extra-curricular opportunities, like sports teams, chess clubs, yoga classes, and socials. In the "Socials" part, one opportunity stood out. The description read:

"The Sex Education Club is an extra-curricular activity, for freshmen, on how to enhance sexual pleasure. It is an activity that you can drop out of whenever you wish. Women will learn how to achieve orgasms easily using various techniques and tools. Men will be taught methods of masturbation, and how to control ejaculation for a more satisfying copulatory experience. Any sexual activity will be totally consensual. Attendance is limited, and spaces go very quickly."

"Hey, Sue, did you see this?" she asked her room-mate. "What do you think?"

"Geez, I don't know. Would you take it?"

"Well, I'm thinking about it. I mean, I've never been able to get myself off the way they do in the pornos. I think I must be doing something wrong."

"I haven't even masturbated, really," Sue reflected. "I came from a very religious family, and my mom gave me the 'good girls don't do that' lecture when I started getting my periods. If you want to know the truth, I'm still a virgin. Are you?"

"Me? Well, not really. I fucked my senior-prom date, or rather he fucked me, but it wasn't very good. It was in the back of his car. He just unzipped and got his dick out, and I pulled down my panties, and before I knew it he was inside me and cumming, and then it was all over, and he drove me home." She paused a bit, made a face, and said, "It hurt, too! Some first time, huh?"

"Wow. Weren't you protected or anything?"

"No, but I started my period the next day. I went to my gynecologist, and she gave me a pregnancy test and took some samples to make sure I hadn't gotten VD. She said the odds of my getting knocked up were pretty small. It was the VD she was worried about."

"Did you catch anything?"

"No, I was lucky. All the tests came back negative. It was probably that asshole's first time, too."

"So, are you going, Ashley?"

"I don't know. I guess so. It sounds interesting. And if it freaks me out, I can always drop out."

"Hell, if you go, I'll go," Sue decided. "And I figure that if we sign up now, there's nothing to lose. We can always drop it, like you said. But we'd better hurry. I'll tell you another thing: my friend Rita signed up for it two years ago, when she was a freshman, and told me that the roster is filled almost as soon as registration opens. She also said that it was the best thing that ever happened to her, so there's that."

Ashley reflected on the fact that in her high-school sex ed classes, it was all about "the egg and the sperm" and how you shouldn't fuck because you might get pregnant. There was not a word about the role of sex in giving a woman pleasure, except a cursory mention that girls and boys liked it, which is why they shouldn't do it. Well, she always suspected there was more to it than that, and this might be the way to find out.

The two girls were the first in line to sign up for it, and got their admission slips. When they showed up at the assigned classroom for the first meeting, they saw their instructors for the first time. One was a man in a dark suit, tall, slim, and dark-haired, with caramel-colored skin. The other was a busty woman who had a stocky frame with a tight-fitting dress and auburn hair, cut short. She did all the talking.

"Hello, ladies! Welcome to the Sex Education Club! I'm Melanie, and I'm from Phoenix, Arizona. And this is Surjit, from Mumbai, India. We'll be your guides for this course. As you see, there are fifteen of you in this session, and all of you are women. Actually, there are sixty of you women taking the course, in four groups, and just as many men. We like to keep the number of each session to fifteen, so we can give you the personal attention you deserve. The men will have their own sessions, separate from yours. This is because we feel that a woman must be in control of her own body, her own orgasms, her own sexual self, before she has rewarding sex with a man or another woman. Frankly, you'll be taught to masturbate. Now, how many of you have masturbated? Raise your hands!"

About half the women raised their hands.

"And how many of you had orgasms from it?"

Several hands went down, including Ashley's.

"How many of you have had orgasms that were not just pleasant experiences, but were strong enough to make you squirt, or go limp, or even pass out? Be honest now!"

All of the raised hands went down.

"That's the difference between the kind of orgasms that you might have been getting, or had gotten close to, and the kind we'll be teaching you to have. To achieve this, we'll be using genital massage techniques and sex toys, to sensitize the erogenous parts of your bodies. Believe me, your body was made to do this! All you have to do is unlock it, and we're going to show you how."

Ashley was intrigued. She'd always suspected that she'd been missing out on something. She was reassured by the fact that she clearly had not been the only girl to feel that way, and thought that this woman might indeed have the key to unlocking that secret door.

"Before the next session, a week from now, try to read some of the books on the reading list that you got when you came in. Next week, we'll meet in room 124 at the gym. Use the shower room in your dorm or in the gym first, just before class, and wear clothing you can easily remove... a top, a bottom, and shoes. No underwear. Also, try to pee before class. Yes, there's a reason for that! Any questions?"

There were a few, mostly from shy girls who needed to be reassured that there would be no men (except for the male instructor), and that achieving an orgasm would not be something they'd need to achieve right away. But nobody dropped out of the course at that point.

Ashley and Sue stopped at the student bookstore and bought the reading matter for the course, which consisted of Nancy Friday's books, The Joy of Sex, and Our Bodies, Ourselves, along with some erotica written with women in mind. After they'd finished their homework for the other courses, they'd get in bed and read. The fact that both of them were becoming aroused by the same literature formed a bond between them. They'd discuss what they'd read, and what turned them on.

After Sue had turned her bed light off and went to sleep, Ashley turned her bed light on and opened Anais Nin's Delta of Venus, her hand snaking down to her clit and gently stroking it as she read about Bijou and the Basque. There was no doubt about it. The story inflamed her lust, and her touch fed that flame. "Why had I not learned about this earlier?" she thought.

Before the next session, They showered together in the dormitory and showed each other's nude bodies for the first time. As they undressed, Ashley saw Sue's nearly flat bosom with its large chocolate-colored nipples and a bush the same dark color, the straight hair neatly trimmed. "She's beautiful," she thought, and smiled at her. Ashley unclasped her bra and let her breasts fall free. Then her own panties came off, revealing her own auburn pubic hair, and she stood naked. Well, she'd showered with girls before, so this was nothing new, except that now there was a new element of sexuality, and this made her more self-conscious. But she saw Sue grinning at her and giving her a thumbs-up, and smiled back.

Then Ashley put on shorts and a halter top that showed the swell of her breasts, and Sue chose yoga pants and a tee shirt that failed to disguise her pubic cleft or the two very erect nipples tenting the fabric. "I'd never wear that in public," Ashley thought. "What's got into her? Is she really aware of what she looks like? She has to be!" For the first time, she saw a sexuality in her room-mate that she'd never seen before.

They went to the gymnasium, and found room 124, which was actually a large hall just adjacent to the shower area. In fact, it was between the locker rooms for men's showers and the women's showers, and doors from those locker rooms opened on to the room, although those doors were locked most of the time. There were fifteen double beds in the room. Each bed had a small table with a squeeze bottle of oil, a waste basket, and a box of tissues. At the front of the hall, they saw a lectern for the instructors and a large table with all sorts of sex toys.

What startled them was that the instructors waiting there to greet them were naked. Surjit had an uncut flaccid penis that looked to be about five inches long and a well-muscled body with profuse chest hair. Melanie's figure reminded Ashley of pictures of Earth Mothers, with a thick waist and heavy breasts. Her prominent nipples were mounted on coaster-sized areolas and her crotch had been shaved, except for a landing strip. A bit of inner labia protruded from her cleft, similar to Ashley's own "curtains," which she'd always been self-conscious about. Both of the instructors looked utterly at home in their nudity.

Melanie spoke first. "Take off your clothes, ladies. You won't need them for the class. Next week, you can leave them in the lockers when you shower, and come into this room directly from there. That door will be unlocked for you. As you're undressing, take a look around you, and see all the body shapes of your classmates. Surjit and I are as naked as you'll be, because we don't believe that you should have to do something we instructors wouldn't do. And Surjit is naked to give you girls a little eye candy!" Surjit smiled bashfully, and the women laughed. "We will not be touching you without your express permission. Surjit, you're up."

Surjit took the microphone. "You are all beautiful," he said, with the lilting accent of his homeland. "whether tall or short, flat or busty, slim or stout. Every one of your body shapes has been considered ideal at some point in history."

"You don't have to be compared with today's actresses and models, who have to spend hours in the gym to conform with contemporary standards of ideal feminine beauty. So don't have another thought about what you look like." Behind him, images were flashed onto a screen, showing nearly every conceivable female body shape in artwork from several centuries and cultures. "It doesn't have anything to do with how sexy you are, or how your bodies respond to sexual stimulation. You'll have confidence in your sexuality, and that will translate to sexual attraction to lovers. Believe me, when the course is over, there won't be a single straight man or gay woman who won't be lusting for you!" There was more laughter from the women.

As Ashley stripped off her top and shorts, she looked at Sue. Are you OK with this? she thought. As if she'd heard, Sue nodded back, smiled, and began to undress. Ashley couldn't help comparing her rack to that of her fellow classmates, and was relieved to find that she was somewhere in the middle, although her nips were more prominent than those of most of the other girls, but not as spectacular as Sue's. A few of the other girls displayed the same labial meat that Ashley had, which reassured her that she was not a freak of nature. Somehow, the girls were all gathering courage from each other, and she felt suddenly empowered. This is going to be all right, she decided.

Then Melanie spoke. "On the table, you'll find a variety of devices. During the sessions, feel free to take one and play with it. If you want to play with it afterwards, you can borrow it for a week and then give it back. A description of its action is on the card next to it, and if that isn't clear, I'll be happy to demonstrate it. Now you're all undressed, so lie on the bed next to you and we'll begin."

She keyed in some commands at the keyboard at the lectern and activated a projector. "Let's start with a video showing how one woman masturbates," she said. "The purpose is not to arouse you. Its purpose is to instruct. If it does arouse you, though, don't fight it, and don't let it make your worry about whether you're cis or gay. Like most women, you're probably somewhere in between. It's a perfectly normal reaction to sexual stimulation. And you'll discover that, in the physiology of orgasms, the source doesn't make a real difference. For this session, it also doesn't matter if it's your time of the month. If you have a tampon in, just leave it there if you feel more comfortable with it."

Ashley lay down on her bed, which was covered with a thick towel. Her minor awkwardness toward nakedness now gone, she stretched out and spread her legs. The room darkened, and on the screen there was a naked Asian woman lying on a bed with her legs spread wide, getting ready to masturbate. Her dark bush was neatly trimmed, and her vulva was plain to see. "Pay attention to the woman in the video," Melanie said. "Try to follow what she's doing."

Then the audio portion of the video was activated. The Asian woman was saying, "Welcome to the club! First, I'll show you my cunt. Yes, that's the right word for it in this case!" The audience laughed. "Here are my outer labia, which you're all familiar with. I'll fold the lips back so you can see my inner labia. They come out, like this. You all have different sizes and shapes of your labia. That's part of their beauty... they're all different, like petals on different kinds of flowers."

"My pussy... my cunt... is beautiful?" Ashley thought. She'd never really thought about it that way. When she'd showered after gym classes, she'd seen a range of pussies, even a few with more prominent inner lips than hers. At first, she felt self-conscious about hers, but became more comfortable once she'd seen that hers was not abnormal. But beautiful? Yes, she decided. She would no longer be shy about displaying it! She remembered how proud she was of her breasts as they developed. Well, her pussy... her cunt!... was as much a part of her femininity as her breasts, so why be ashamed about it? "Hell, I'm going to wear yoga pants like Sue's, too!" she decided.

The Asian woman's fingers began to trace the length of her cleft. "Here, at the top, is my clitoris. You all know about that, but I'll bet you didn't learn about it in high school sex ed classes!" The women laughed. "Again, you women have clitorises of different sizes. That doesn't make any difference. They all have more or less the same number of nerve endings. And remember that this part is only a tiny part of it. Like an iceberg, most of it is hidden." The image on the screen dissolved to show a diagram of the entire clitoris. "As you see, it's shaped sort of like the wishbone of a chicken or a turkey. The part that's visible is like the top of the wishbone, and the rest of it wraps around your vagina. You probably didn't get this picture in sex education, either!" The class laughed again. Damn straight, Ashley thought. The clitoris had never been mentioned in her high school class, she realized, because it had no physiological function except to give a woman pleasure. By the Puritan standards of the school boards, that made it insignificant, and unfit for discussion in high school.

"In this class," the woman continued as her image again filled the screen, "we'll be teaching you how to stimulate all of your clitoris, not just the visible part. And you'll see how sensitive your cunt lips can be." Her finger moved downward. "Now, past my pee hole, you'll see the opening to my vagina. You know all about that, too, ever since you've been getting your monthlies. You also know about your hymen, and how it covers the opening. Some women have big ones that make it hard to get even a tampon in. Others have small ones, or none at all. Some of you may have had yours torn in athletic activities or from sex. If yours is still intact, just pay a visit to the college clinic. They'll remove it painlessly, and you won't have to worry about it interfering with future intercourse."

At this point, Sue made a note to see about this the next day. She'd often had trouble using a tampon. Only the smaller sizes would fit comfortably, and those needed to be changed more, of course. She'd secretly envied the girls who could accommodate the regular-sized ones. "Clinic" she wrote. She underlined the word twice. Then she put her pencil down as the woman on the screen resumed.

"But for now, we'll just concentrate on the outer part of your cunt. See how I'm squeezing the lips? See how I massage the top part of my slit, awakening my clit? If it helps, there's a bottle of body oil next to you. Feel free to drip some onto your vulva. Put a drop directly onto your clit, and then close the fold again."

Ashley followed the motions of the woman as best she could. At one point, she wished for a little more lubrication, so she took the bottle of oil and dribbled a little of it onto her slit. It made a real difference, and she felt the well of pleasure filling her cunt as her finger spread the oil around. She found that she'd never paid much attention to the fold between her inner and outer cunt lips, as the woman in the video was doing. And when the woman slipped a finger into her asshole as she fondled her cunt, Ashley mimicked the action and was pleasantly surprised at the sensation.

Meanwhile, Surjit and Melanie were moving from bed to bed, passing out thin rods plastic rods, about the thickness of a Sharpie, with a larger round ball at one end. Ashley noticed that Surjit was now fully erect, his brown penis rising upward from the curly mass of his crotch hair and its cap protruding from the foreskin. Well, that shows he's hetero, she thought. All those naked women around with their legs open! And I'm one of them! She smiled. Then the Asian woman in the video picked up a similar rod and began to play with it, first separating the folds of her cunt, and then placing it at the entrance to her vagina, and Ashley's attention returned to the screen.

"I'm going to put this rod into my vagina," the woman said. "If you find that this is painful for you, or if you have a tampon there, stop and just continue playing with your cunt. However, it should be slim enough to accommodate most of you." With that, she eased the rod slowly into her cunt. "If your rod is in, now is the time to explore the sensations of the lining of your vagina."

Ashley slid the rod into her tunnel. So much different from the tampons she'd been using. It reminded her of her prom date's penis thrusting into her. Well, now she was in control. She held all the cards. The woman in the bed next to her pulled on the string that protruded from her cleft, removed the bloody tampon, and dropped it into the waste-basket by her bed. As she inserted the rod into her cunt, she smiled at Ashley.