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Click hereIn this strangely intimate moment, I took stock of her. She truly was a very attractive woman, near my own age, if I had to guess. Her light brunette hair was fairly short. I imagined in her line of work, long hair was a literal fire hazard. Her eyes were a soft brown and I could see the compassion in them. She was tall, obviously, but her build was proportionate to her size. As she said, she'd never be petite, but she was quite lovely. As she breathed, I watched her ample breasts rise and fall just above my face. The rest of her was equally appealing. Long legs, nice derriere, flat stomach, at least, I guessed as much. I had yet to see her in anything other than her uniform or the sweats she was wearing today.
I wasn't entirely sure what she was doing here. Was she just a friend when I so very much needed one or was there an ulterior motive? What little I knew of her intrigued me. She was kind, caring, just the things I was looking for, but my divorce had only been final a few weeks and I'd thought Natalie was those thing as well. My track record for reading women was 0-1. I had little evidence to believe it had gotten any better.
Alex awoke some time later and seeing I was awake, stretched and smiled. "Sleep well?"
"I did." I sat up and mimicked her stretch. "Thanks. Breakfast?"
"It's two in the afternoon." She grinned. "Late lunch maybe?"
"Shit, guess I was more tired than I knew." I admitted.
"Those bad dreams really take a toll." She explained. "I was always wiped out for a few days after one."
"Have they gone away?" I asked.
"Not completely." She answered honestly. "They're rare and not nearly as intense as they were at first. My therapist taught me how to control them to some degree. Kind of like lucid dreaming. I can step back and watch it from a distance, like it's happening to someone else. Still upsetting, but not the emotional devastation the first-person dreams are."
"This is the incident that caused your boyfriend to leave you isn't it?" I inquired.
"Yes." She answered curtly. "I was going through all that and the jerk ghosts me. I-I..."
Alex dissolved into tears. Not knowing what else to do, I hugged her. A decidedly odd occurrence. I was used to tucking a crying woman's head under my chin and wrapping her in my arms. I had her wrapped up pretty well, but had to settle for my head under her chin as she sobbed.
It took a while for her to regain her composure. "Thanks." She said weakly.
"You never grieved did you?" I asked. "You were too busy trying to fight the nightmares."
"Fucked me up pretty well, didn't he?" She sneered.
"I'm not a violent man, but I could mess him up without any remorse." I hissed. "He didn't give a shit about you. He ran like the spineless weasel he is. You deserved so much better."
"We both do." She sniffled. "Though, at least your wife told you why. Still hurt, but you got closure. I still want my one final rant at him. Something that will never happen."
When it finally hit us, it was surreal. We were still hugging. It felt so natural, neither of us saw the need to break the embrace. I was giving her now, what she gave me last night, comfort, compassion, human contact. I looked up at her as she raised her head and was overwhelmed by the look in her eyes. They shone like spotlights, as if a great weight had been lifted from her soul. I had slain her demons as she had mine. Together, we helped the other hold on. Was this not what we were both looking for? Someone that together made us greater than either one of us could be separately.
Before I could ponder that thought any further, Alex bent down and pressed her lips to mine. Softly, tentatively at first, the kiss escalated to something a good deal more personal. We pulled apart after some minutes, breathing heavily and flushed.
"Wow, that just happened." Alex grinned.
"Wow indeed." I gasped. "We haven't even been on a date yet, what will our parents think?"
I saw her eyes twinkle. She so loved it when I emulated her warped sense of humor, which really wasn't that dissimilar from my own.
"Actually, this is our third date." She demurely stated.
"How do you figure that?" I asked, confused.
"Date number one, the bonfire." She grinned. "I learned more about you in that short time that most people do on multiple dates."
"OK." I deferred. "I'll give you that one. Next?"
"The hospital." She held up two fingers. "You learned all my dirty little secrets."
"Crappy date despite the charming company." I groused.
"Caged audience, a rare treat." She giggled.
"Third?" I pushed.
"Last night, today." She smiled. "My turn to unload even more baggage. Not only did you stay for the encore, you actually helped me get past some of the deeper seated pain. Thanks again."
"Well we were tag team demon slayers, so I thank you as well." I chuckled, going up on my toes to deliver another soft kiss on those happy lips.
"If you have anything in that fridge, I can make us some lunch." Alex offered. "I'm hungry and I feel we need to talk more about what just happened."
"Girl, I'm insulted." I mock humphed. "I'll have you know I'm an excellent cook."
Alex laughed. "Forgive me, Oh great chef. I would be ever so grateful for anything you would prepare for my worthless self."
"Sit." I said, pointing to the chair closest to the kitchen. "I cook, we talk."
"Got it." She nodded.
I started. "Why me?"
"Why not you?" She answered.
"This is going to take a very long time with answers like that." I chided. "Please be honest, we both prize that highly."
"You're right." She admitted. "Just scared out of my mind at the moment."
"Preaching to the choir, sister." I added.
"That first time, at the fire. I heard you but saw me." She explained. "The same pain, the same betrayal but also the same hopes and dreams, wants and desires. That's why I gave you my number. I don't do that for every burning ordinance infraction we attend."
"I certainly hope not." I gasped in mock horror." I don't like competition."
Alex sputtered briefly and blushed. "They're not exactly beating down my door."
"Their loss." I stated boldly. I don't know exactly where this bravado was coming from. I should be scared shitless contemplating a relationship when the ink on my divorce papers was barely dry, yet here I was, totally infatuated with this wonderful, wounded woman.
"Tell me what you're thinking." She implored.
"I'm scared as well." I answered. "My divorce is barely final and I find myself liking you, more than liking you. There's a voice in my head screaming that it's Natalie all over again, you'll just hurt me like she did. I can't do that again. Then I think you feel the same way. He hurt you, yet here you are risking your heart again. Know this. I won't do what he did. I understand your job is dangerous, even potentially lethal, but it's what you do and who you are. If I can't handle that, that's on me and I'll be man enough to tell you to your face. I also won't lie to you and say I won't be worried about you, I will. Every. Single. Day. I don't know how this is going to turn out, but deep down, I know I'm a fool if I don't at least explore the possibility."
Alex exhaled loudly. "OK, remind me not to ask that again. Seriously, that was heavy. I'm touched at the honesty and frightened by it at the same time. You really put it out there. I can't deny the attraction I feel for you and I was the one that initiated this, it's just..."
"We can slow down if you need to." I assured her. "I like where this is going, but I'm in no hurry to get to wherever that is."
As I had been cooking the whole time we were talking, I slid a plate of Veal Piccata in front of her, complete with a small salad and some crusty garlic bread.
Momentarily distracted from our talk, our stomachs demanded attention.
"Oh my God this is good." Alex beamed. "You always cook like this?"
"For just me, no." I answered. "But for company, I like to show off a bit."
Being a firefighter, Alex wasn't especially girly about how she ate. "Sorry, I eat like a steam shovel. We have to eat when we have the chance. Leisurely meals generally are eaten cold and many hours later. When the bell rings we gotta go."
"Nice to see you enjoy it." I grinned.
"I am, immensely." She mumbled through a partially stuffed mouth.
After we ate and the dishes were shoved in the dishwasher, we reconvened on my couch. We cuddled together and continued from where we'd left off.
"As I said, I'm in no hurry." I restarted. "How about some real dates, you know, dinner, movies? No fires, hospitals or late night rescues. I am, however, not thrilled about giving up on those luscious lips. Kisses are mandatory."
Alex leaned into me and kissed me tenderly. "Deal, even if we did break the third date rule."
"Not helping." I groused playfully.
I got another, more enthusiastic kiss to massage my bruised ego, I'd live.
Turns out Alex's suggestion to check on the business insurance was spot on. The policy paid up to six months wages at 80%, so I wouldn't starve while we tried to find a new office. My boss assured me he had a very good realtor on the case less than a week after the fire.
Dating seemed so foreign to me. I may have only been married for a couple years, but we were exclusive for another year or so beyond that. It dawned on me at that point, Natalie and I hadn't really dated either, she just showed up and kinda took over. Once we were married, she really didn't put a lot of effort into us. We just sort of drifted. I was into it far more than she was. Being with Alex was showing me just how fucked up my marriage had been. I'd been too wonderstruck to see it until it all blew up in my face.
One night we were out for dinner at a nice place and were talking in a quiet corner awaiting our entrees. The conversation flowed naturally and we covered a variety of subjects.
"OK, I have to ask." I wiggled my eyebrows at her, making her giggle.
"Alex, short for?" I inquired.
"Wilhelmina." She deadpanned.
"How does that even...?" I sputtered before she broke out in the most glorious laugh I'd ever heard.
"Alexandrina." She frowned. "Almost as bad."
"It's not, family name?" I pressed.
"Great grandmother." She said. "First relative to come here, from some eastern European country that doesn't exist anymore. Part of Russia now, I think. Lucky me."
"Could be worse, at least they didn't name you after Catherine the great." I replied.
"Why, I like that name." She smiled.
"She had sex with her horse, if the rumors are to be believed." I stated.
"Ew, gross, OK, Catherine's out." She grimaced. "No dessert for me."
"So why Alex?" I asked.
"The guys at the station started calling me that, mostly as a joke, being a guys name and all. Plus Alexandrina is quite a mouthful. It kinda stuck when I became one of the guys." She smiled at the memory. "They were standoffish at first, afraid I couldn't hack it, but I've proven on more than one occasion, I can match any one of them. I've earned their respect."
"What did you go by as a child?" I dug deeper.
She blushed and looked at her feet. "I'd rather not say, it's so damned girly. Something I'm not."
"Well from where I'm sitting you are a girl, and a beautiful one at that." I praised. "That or a guy with a great pair of knockers."
Alex nearly spit her drink at me. "That's rude!" She was trying hard to be insulted and failing miserably and was on the verge of hysterical laughter.
"Tell me, please." I implored.
"One more time for the hearing impaired." I prodded.
"Lexi. There happy?" She glared.
"I am." I smiled. "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. May I call you that?"
"Only when we're alone." She warned. "The guys don't know and if they find out, I'll never hear the end of it."
A couple weeks later, after another of my culinary masterpieces, Lexi and I were cuddling on my couch, talking and making out. We'd gotten a bilateral case of 'roaming hands syndrome' of late and at the very least, I was enjoying the wonders my roaming hands were discovering. Lexi didn't seem too disappointed either.
"Corey, are you busy Thursday?" Lexi asked shyly. I knew she worked that day, so I was a bit confused.
"Nothing on the books." I answered. "We move into the new office soon, but that's next week. Why?"
"I want you to meet the guys." She fidgeted.
"You sure?" I said. "You ready for that?"
"No." She frowned. "But somehow, they found out I'm dating. They want to meet you. They're very protective of me."
"I think the big grin on your face and walking two feet off the pavement may have given it away." I kidded.
Lexi swatted my arm. "Be serious. This is a big deal for me."
"I'd be happy to meet your brothers." I assured, kissing her softly.
"One more little thing. It's my day to cook, would you mind helping?"
"Define helping?"
"Ah... you cook and... I.. ah.. let you. They don't like my cooking." She frowned. "You cook so much better than I do. The guys will be a lot happier with full stomachs. Pleeeeese."
"Of course. What's on the menu?" I asked.
"Up to you." She shrugged. "They're not picky. They'll eat anything that sits still long enough to get a fork into. They ARE, however, a tough crowd. If they don't like it, you... we'll never hear the end of it."
"OK, so no pressure. I'm sure I can come up with something that won't get both of us banished from the kingdom." I replied.
"My hero." She gushed. "How can I ever repay you?"
Several things flashed through my mind at that moment. Try as I might, not to let Lexi see it, my eyes betrayed me.
She smiled, a wickedly evil grin spreading over her face. She stood, took my hand and pulled me up from the couch. Turning, she all but dragged me to my bedroom and physically shoved me onto the bed, then fell on me. We spent the next several minutes trying to suck out each others tonsils. I wasn't long before we were both panting and becoming increasingly frustrated trying to find all those wondrous places hiding deep within our clothes.
Lexi slapped my hands away and rolled from the bed, tearing her clothes off. I watched, awestruck as things I'd only dreamed about came into view.
"If you're not naked by the time I'm done, I'm starting without you." She teased. "Gawk later."
Snapped from my stupor, I nearly vaulted from the bed and actually managed to get naked before she did, only because her bra wouldn't unhook and slowed her down a few seconds.
We fell back into bed and met in the middle. I really wanted to take my time, discovering all the places that made Lexi moan and scream, but she was having none of it. She roughly shoved me onto my back, then growled, straddled me and impaled herself, sinking me fully into her flaming tunnel in mere seconds.
"Oh fuck that feels so good." She moaned.
I was still trying to wrap my head around her dragging me off, only now was I becoming aware of the exquisite sight above me. Lexi's tits bobbed and weaved as she rode me. Holy Mother of Mammary Glands! They were perfect. Round, plump and from the state of her nipples, pretty damned happy with the current events.
Slamming herself into me, Lexi was starting to pant, tossing her head from side to side as her excitement grew. Reaching up, I palmed those glorious globes and thumbed her nubs, making her purr like a contented kitten.
"Nice." She hissed through clenched teeth.
Leaning back, Lexi continued her assault of my groin. I watched in amazement as my rock hard rod slid in and out of her. Lips extending as she pulled away from me, then shoving them back in as she filled herself with my hardness.
Lexi was becoming more vocal as she neared her first orgasm, grunting and moaning as she drove both of us to completion.
Releasing her right tit, I lowered my left hand to her thigh and burrowed my thumb through her pubic curls, searching for her clit.
Lexi gasped when I found it, bit her lower lip and locked her eyes onto mine with an adoring smile.
"There, right there... I-I'm g-gonna... gonna... CUM!!!." She screamed, bucking and flailing above me for much longer than I thought possible before collapsing onto my chest.
I stroked her hair, still firmly lodged in her dripping snatch as her vaginal muscles massaged me, waiting for her to return to earth.
Eventually, she lifted her head, kissed me softly and sighed. "Sorry. I got carried away."
"You didn't do anything I haven't been thinking about for a while." I admitted. "Roll over and I'll show you what I had in mind."
"Deal." She grinned, wrapping me in her arms and reversing our positions. We even managed to remain coupled. "Show me."
Once inverted and comfortable, I kissed her passionately, then proceeded to make love to her for the next nearly 20 minutes, holding her at the edge as long as I could before I shoved her over the cliff, clinging to her as we both plummeted into ecstasy.
I returned to reality with my head nestled between her beautiful peaks, a still erect nipple just out of tongue range. Grinning like a fool, I looked up at Lexi, a light sheen of sweat covering her chest and cheeks and an angelic smile slathered across her face. I lovingly kissed both nipples, then disengaged from her, sliding up next to her, cuddling her into my side.
She mewled in displeasure when I left her, but sighed contentedly when I took her in my arms.
"I think I like your way better than mine." She giggled. "I'm not sure I can walk at the moment. That was, without exception, the best sex I've ever had."
"I was inspired." I admitted. "I would, however, like a more thorough tour of the grounds if it's not too much trouble. I like what I've seen up to this point, the rest intrigues me."
"Same here." She tittered. "Didn't get much of a chance to look you over either. Let's hit the shower and I'll show you everything."
And she did.
I loved every square inch of her from the aforementioned orbs, to the pouty lips protruding from her groomed, but not shaved slit to the birthmark on her left ass cheek that looked like Italy. From top to bottom (a sexy bottom to be sure) she was perfect.
Her appraisal of my geography was no less fulfilling. No birthmarks, but she found no fault with my assets. I think we were both very happy with what we had found with each other.
I awoke with a start. The last thing I remembered was cuddling with Lexi after we mutually wore each other out. I was the little spoon. Lexi's soft warm breasts were mashed into my back and she had her right arm draped over me resting haphazardly in my groin, her fingers lightly grasping my now awakening member. I could feel her breath on my neck and from the rhythm, it was apparent she was still asleep. Wrapped up in her arms was the absolute best way I could think of to greet a new day.
Lexi seemed a bit distracted, maybe even a little distant as we prepared breakfast. Something was bothering her.
"What's up beautiful?" I asked, hugging her lovingly. "You seem a little off this morning. Regrets?"
"No, of course not." She frowned. "I... I just... Shit!"
I took her hands and looked up at her. "Just tell me."
"Does it bother you that I'm so much taller than you?" She asked meekly. She couldn't even look me in the eyes as she asked.
"Not even a little bit." I answered truthfully. "Honestly, I don't even notice it. You're just Lexi, my girlfriend. My VERY sexy girlfriend I might add."
Lexi blushed. "I was afraid you'd feel, well, I.."
"If you're hinting that I might be intimidated or feel emasculated. I'm not." I assured her. "You are, by far, the best thing that's ever happened to me. I've seen how people look at us. I don't care. That's their problem. I'm right where I want to be. I hope you are as well."