Bonfire of the Insanities


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I pushed her away slightly so I could look in her eyes. "Are you really that angry?"

Lexi's shoulders slumped and she hugged me tightly. "No."

I let her compose herself for a few minutes.

"Guess I need to apologize." She sighed.

"Just be honest with them." I asserted. "Tell them how you feel, what you need."

She nodded, grabbed my hand and together we walked into the day room.

Most were on their feet immediately offering apologies.

Alex raised her hand. "Stop! Sit!"

It almost looked choreographed. They sat as a unit.

"I'm the one that should apologize." She started. "I'm sorry. I over reacted. You guys are the greatest and I couldn't ask for better co-workers... or friends. Obviously, my nerves are still a bit raw."

Lev shifted and started to say something snarky.

"Close your mouth Lev." Alex commanded without missing a beat. "Anyway. I'm sorry for how I acted. Please don't treat me any different than you did before all this shit happened, it just makes it that much worse. If I do something that calls for it, call me out, but stop treating me like I'll fall down if a stiff breeze hits me. I'm a big girl."

Lev's eyes twinkled.

"Again Lev, really?" Alex chuckled. "That's what I want." She pointed to the now embarrassed Lev. "That's how it was before."

Nods and words of agreement filled the room. In ones and twos, they rose and hugged her.

"Thanks guys." Alex beamed. "Lev's cooking Tuesday."

"Why? His cooking sucks." Isiah complained.

"Then I guess you'll all think twice before trying that again." Alex cackled.

In that moment, she was back and they all knew it. The gleam in her eyes and the evil grin on her lips announced it more clearly than a sign from God.

The room became a cacophony of joyous noises as the brotherhood was restored. Alex was once again one of the 'guys' and I could see it on her face. She was ecstatic.

She was right where she belonged surrounded by people who loved her. She'd been there for me when my world burned down and I was there for her. Where we will end up is anybody's guess but I will tell you one thing. She owns my heart. I hope I own hers. I know she still worries it may all become too much for me and I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me. Anyone close to people with dangerous jobs worry. How could we not? The one thing I can assure her though is. I. Will. Not. Run!

The alarm sounded and they all scrambled for their gear. She gave me a quick hug and kiss and they were off.

"Be careful out there." I implored. "All of you. Yes even you Lev."

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

So goddamn good! The heart, the drama! The characters, all of them, were your best yet! And the humor? Oh my god, you hit it out of the park! Too many superlatives? Yeah, ok. The humor added such heart and humanity to the story, I just can't rave about it enough. I'll stop. I'm embarrassing myself! (Great, great story!)

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A great story that really captures the firefighter 'brotherhood' and the grief process. The moments of humor are so real. And yes, I almost cried once or twice. This aligns you with some of the best romance writers on the site. Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A complete story, but I hated that it ended. It was griping!


PoppaSmoke1968PoppaSmoke19684 months ago

Fantastic story. Great romance.

You have a gift for dialogue. Many of these stories lack that, or if present, it sounds forced. The dialogue sounded natural. Each character had a voice.

woodrangewoodrange7 months ago

Wow, you just keep getting better.5 stars

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