Breeding For a New World, Pt. 03

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The breeding program, and transformations, race onward...
8.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/25/2024
Created 10/24/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


So, the cycle of impregnation and birth was set, allowing Greg and Cadence to understand all that was to come to pass with them. Their pregnancies escalated at the same rate as the first time, giving them three, maybe three-and-a-half, days of pregnancy between breeding sessions, though they managed them better than they had before. Sure, there was still a bit of a waddle in Greg's stride around the fifth breeding and pregnancy, but Cadence had adjusted to it more easily than he had.

His world devolved into luscious flashes of impregnation and breeding, the joy of giving birth there too, topping off the entire experience.

How the wall sucked around him, fusing, however briefly, with his skin when he was in the chair.

The secure sensation of the bonds gently holding him in place.

How the stretch of his backside grew increasingly with every breeding, testing the limits of his body -- until it reached the perfect size.

Cadence too, well... She was a little more in-tune with her own body and had to pause while bathing in the half-sunk bath around the eighth breeding. She wasn't herself anymore and, frankly, "herself" wasn't someone she felt the need to return to, not in a hurry. It was just a way of being and her curiosity was perked, seeking a challenge, invigorated and enthused to see all that lay ahead of her.

"Everything's just...not sitting differently on me anymore, is it?"

She stood tall, water streaming from her bare skin, though she couldn't put the change in her physique down to solely her pregnancies. She was thicker, most certainly, and had more fat above her hips too. What was the most noticeable for Cadence, however, was the change in her breasts and buttocks, which shifted even Cadence's own perception of her body shape.

She could have looked in the mirror to take it all in, but her hands were the best judge of herself. Tracing her fingers down over her breasts, Cadence took a shuddering breath as she swallowed a moan, shifting her weight to her left leg. Her breasts were just so sensitive -- and they were definitely growing a little larger with every pregnancy she went through, the nipples a little more swollen and almost puffier. That wasn't quite the right way of thinking about it, but the sensitivity when even air brushed over them was simply exquisite: something she wanted to investigate more of. The rise of her buttocks and breasts, in tandem, however, had given her a more defined physique, almost like an hourglass-shape -- but retaining her softer curves.

It seemed the changes would not strip her entirely from how she had been but build on it in a way that best suited her.

It took over ten birthing cycles, however, for her hair to grow enough that she could see it was not her natural colour but bore an icy blue tint instead. That was not something she'd been anticipating, though it looked like her head was the only place on her body that hair returned to as her hips expanded too, bringing a sultry curve to her body that she hadn't realised she'd longed for. Eventually, nearing twenty births, her hair had devolved to a shocking blue, nothing at all like the smooth shades of brunette she had boasted before. Even sitting by the pool or in the bath, she caught herself running her fingers through the very short growth of hair over and over again, the lightly wavy locks of hair falling down to her mid-back as the birthing cycles progressed.

It was soothing, though she didn't need to be soothed.

The changes in Greg, however, well...they were more drastic. Cadence tried to mention to him how he was growing fatter -- and not with pregnancy -- and he brushed her off, choosing instead to talk about how much more he was feeling through his anal breeding sessions. That might have put Cadence off before, but things were different there. They had to explore different things in themselves, after all, and there was little for them to do while in the breeding program other than relaxing and talking. So, some things that would not have been acceptable elsewhere came out.

But she noticed, even if he sank into pleasure rather than inspect his own body. Over the course of twenty births, staggering out of his room every time on deliriously shaky legs, he grew thicker and fatter, his entire body larger. And that was in height too, something Cadence hadn't noticed about herself, though perhaps she was merely adjusting a little better than he was. It was hard to say as she observed his hair regrowing tinted auburn and then deepening to a rich ruby.

Greg had to have noticed that colour change, of course, but he didn't mention it to her, instead choosing to talk about things that could not truly be seen. After all, their breeding sessions took place in private chambers and neither truly knew what the other was going through, aside from what they chose to share aloud.

He had seen the changes, somewhat, though a girlish physique tickled a deeply rooted need inside him that he had never given due attention before. Greg was more a man of action and sensation than of introspection -- and shutting off any worries with ecstasy was definitely one way for him to take him forward. Even as his hips subtly widened and his chest grew large enough to be considered obvious breasts, he leaned into it.

If it felt good, he wasn't going to allow it to have any precedence in his head, returning to the chair time after time again. After the eighth breeding, at least for him, a new control panel appeared in his bedroom, beside the chair, which allowed him to change his position in the wall. The wall, however, always sucked down around him -- tall enough that he couldn't see what was happening below the waist but not stretching from floor to ceiling either -- to trap him in place. The bonds were not always necessary, though often he preferred the security of them to being free. He needed something to brace against, something to keep him in place.

Different positions, however, brought with them new aspects of pleasure, whether he was giving birth or taking another breeding. Greg's moans echoed off the walls of his bedroom as he was fucked ruthlessly, the soft, hard length of cock driving into him as he used a setting to bring his legs up behind his head, offering a long, deep passage to be fucked. It had been a tough position to get into the first time, even with the chair rearranging itself (it was hard for him to say exactly how that happened when he only had a limited field of view) so it could support his legs in that position. After that, his flexibility seemed to increase, so it all came much more easily.

Cadence experimented with repositioning herself too, turning around so she was facing forward and down -- kind of like what may have been called a doggystyle position before. It was tricky to name a position when she was in bondage, though she did away with her wrist bonds as she learned to look forward to the births and breeding sessions more and more. The cocks ploughing her, however, always felt as real as any other guy she'd been with before -- though she did not have all that much sexual experience, just like Greg. It was hard to gain that experience in life when there was so much going on with the world, the expedition and exploring new planets.

Still, she relished in it, wondering why they had never tried a breeding program like that before. The only thing that could have made it better for Cadence would have been if she had her work there with her, though even she would not have wanted to work as intensely or as diligently as before. There was seemingly an awful lot more to life, in the end, than working her life away, early and late, never taking a break.

However, things changed when Greg experienced his twentieth birth, howling out his pleasure with a ragged gape of a mouth, not caring who heard him. There was nothing at all there that he had to be worried about anymore and he wholeheartedly gave his body over to pleasure, the heated glow swamping him in birth, though it never dragged him under. He was pleased too, and raved about it to Cadence, that he had managed to acquire more sensation, in the act of giving birth anally, even though he had a strange softness behind his balls too lately. It was as if there was extra skin and flesh forming there, though it didn't hurt, so Greg chose not to pay it all that much mind.

Stretched out on his back with his legs half up in the air, bent at the knee, he relaxed and waiting to be impregnated all over again, his toes curling a little impatiently. To his surprise, however, that was not to come to pass as the machinery whirred softly and the chair reformed itself into, well, just a regular-looking chair again, setting him down on the ground, free of the wall. He blinked, pausing there, sure that something else was coming, yet he was free to go and do as he pleased.

"Huh? Oh, come on..."

He got up, oddly steady on his feet and not at all okay with being left wanting, heading out to see if Cadence was going through the same. She was not there, however, and he dithered, wondering if he should go see her.

Yet Greg never got the chance to decide for himself as the wall and door blocking off her domed room from the rest of the complex slid down into the floor, hissing into the ground and sealing flush with the mechanics there. He gaped as he took her in, strapped into her wall and chair with her big, round, plump buttocks shoved up, practically in his face.

They were only in his face as Greg had instinctively closed the distance between them when he had seen her there, though it was not for him to worry about as he panted hotly and scraped what words he could from a throat that was suddenly very tight.

"Ah... Cadence?"

He croaked out her name as she squirmed, positioned with her body through the dividing wall as if she was kneeling and bent over at the waist. Her chest and stomach were supported by the parts of the chair that had reformed, leaving her hopelessly exposed. Her pussy was swollen, puffy and thick with desire, as if blood had rushed to her softly engorged sex, showing off just how much she had done, all she could take. It was not a part of her he had seen all that much of, for it wasn't as if they were bending over and inspecting one another most of the time.

"Please... Greg... I hear you there..." She moaned, raising her voice, shuddering and trying to rock back -- but she was tightly bound, on her request and arrangement that time. "Please... It didn't breed me! I need you... I need you to fuck me, fuck me like you've never fucked anyone before!"

Her words came out too cheesy for her liking and, frankly, some of them didn't make all that much sense either. But she ached to be bred and not getting fucked and impregnated after her body had grown used to that, after every birth, was nearly ain to torture for her! Her pussy seared through with burning passion, dripping with her own arousal, her womb empty, so very empty.

And her breasts too... They'd started lactating, though it made sense that was to come. Maybe her body simply had not been able to lactate before, still developing and changing as the breeding and pregnancy cycles helped her physically. It was impossible to say and she moaned, wanting to grope and squeeze her breasts even as warm ripples ran through them, rivulets of milk trickling over her breasts.

Sometimes, when she was in the depths of need, moments seemed to stretch out forever -- a kind of adrenaline pumping through her. Cadence whined and squirmed, more of her milk splashing down her breasts, though they didn't seem to need any stimulating or massaging to lactate in the slightest. Warm, liquid pleasure swilled through them, though her breasts were more than heavy enough, when she was standing, to pull down under their own weight, big and full and round.

"Mmmm... Please... I need it... Need it so badly..."

Greg was still there and reality beckoned her, even with a pair of milky tits to deal with.

Hazily, she moaned, clenching her buttocks, trying to look appealing to him in the small ways she could, bound as she was. Why wasn't Greg fucking her already?

Yet Greg was just coming to terms with his new situation and gladly grabbed his achingly hard cock, which had no problem at all in pumping up with blood at a moment like that. Cadence and her thick, curvy both, with the larger, heavier breasts, was everything he could have wanted in a partner, though it was not as if Greg was in much of a position to be picky either. He just wanted to experience everything, raging horniness flooding him, as if he wasn't truly seeing what was right there in front of him either.

But he knew exactly where Cadence was as his hands grasped the soft flesh of her buttocks and slid up to her wide hips. She was a goddess -- and Greg did not yet quite know that he was turning into exactly that too. He didn't care, not as he ground his hardness through her swollen pussy, pushing through her folds to lube up his shaft for just a moment. He didn't really need to prepare all that much for penetrating her but, well, he wanted to be considerate, as wet as she already was. That was one thing, at least, which had stuck with him from being with previous partners.

"Ohhhh, yesssss!"

She hissed out her delight through a clenched jaw as the first thrust of his cock sent her spiralling into orgasm, moaning and rocking her hips, though it was simply luxurious to be trapped in bondage too. As long as she was getting what she needed, a cock inside her, Cadence was happy, her pussy clenching and rippling around him, so swollen and puffy with arousal. Truth be told, it always seemed puffy those days, even if it was at its most heated and swollen, of course, when she was being fucked or when giving birth. That made sense, at least to her.

"Mmm, yes, take me harder... Mmmph!" Cadence moaned. "Breed me... I need your seed insiiiide meee!"

She couldn't stop herself from squealing as he pounded her, his hips working furiously. There had to be new muscle growing in his body too, for he was stronger than he had been before, hips bouncing off her firm, round buttocks with every stroke. It was exhilarating to feel a real guy fucking her, the impact sound of his hips striking her ass rising to fill the room in a heady slap of flesh on flesh.

Oh, how she'd missed that!

Every thrust sent milk splattering from her tits, swaying back and forth with the rock of her body, yet she was not in control, not as electric sparks of pleasure ached deeply through her. it was as if her nervous system had abruptly become electrified, giving her so much more to lean into and long for, breaths hitching and catching in her chest. Everything was wet, from her pussy to her tits, slick with arousal, milk and a soft, light sheen of sweat that could not be denied, not even then. The business of sex and breeding, after all, was never meant to be a perfectly clean endeavour.

She needed something more from her breeding sessions, yes, so much more, hungry for all the breeding program could offer her. Yet she clenched and curled her fingers and moaned out her lust right there in the moment, letting it all sink in, from the light prickle of sweat on her skin to how her pussy could ripple and pull, methodically, along the length of his cock. It was as if her body, even then, was trying to milk Greg of his cum, yet she never would have been able to demonstrate that exact muscle control before entering the program.

She screamed out her orgasm, eyes closed as she lost track of reality for a few moments, his thrusts hammering into her. With a lewd, wet squelch, his cock sank all the way into her, his ragged howl joining her lust as, for the first time, Greg spent himself inside her. His cock ached and pulsed, throbbing as it sent spurts of cum deep, though not as much as when she was bred by the machine in the breeding program. Cadence would have been hard-pressed to say which she preferred, for the personal touch of having a real person there was hard to beat -- while the machine could go on and on, for multiple rounds.

They both had their perks and Greg grunted as he pulled his softening cock from her, head spinning with the delirious, swirling pleasure of the afterglow. It had been a long time, or so it felt to him, since he had cum like that.

He helped her up once the chair had set her the right way up again, both of them moving more slowly that time as they headed to the bath. It was more than large enough for both of them and Cadence giggled lightly, giving him a little push as they waited for the water to rise around them, filled with a froth of bubbles.

"Well, that was something different," she all but chirped, offering him a teasing sliver of conversation and flirty lilt to her tone he had not seen from her before. "And look... I want to see you too, but I've been changing down here too."

Without any shame, for she couldn't see where that belonged in her life anymore, she stood tall and bent over, showing off the engorged folds of her pussy. Greg grunted and raised his eyebrows, cock throbbing all over again, back to full hardness. It was as if he hadn't just got off in Cadence's room, but, well...he couldn't be held responsible for having sex on the mind when he was in the breeding program very much for a good reason.

Cadence spread her legs a little wider, peering back at him to see if he was looking. Greg rubbed her hip lightly, checking if she was okay with his touch first, and slid his hand down and back between her legs, his fingertips lightly brushing her pussy.

That's what I need.

The thought leapt unbidden into his head and he blinked, sucking in a short, sharp breath. But he wasn't referring to her as something he needed to fuck, no, not in the slightest... He wanted something Cadence had and his brain crackled, as if there was static lurking there, struggling to comprehend the enormity of it. When it had come upon him so quickly, with no hint at all that something bigger was happening before he was there, in the moment.

He let her lean back into him so his fingers dipped, very lightly, into her puffy, engorged folds, damp with more than water from the bath. Greg held his breath as he slid his fingers through her arousal, his heart pounding as he heaved and grunted, though mostly just trembled in place. He spread his fingers apart a little, her slick arousal clinging to his digits, though they were not strong enough to prevent the liquid thread from snapping and splattering, lightly, back down against his hand.

"It really does...uh..." He blinked, shaking himself a little to come back to reality. "Um... It does look a lot fatter than before. And it's really...soft... Was it always like that?"

Cadence shook her head and straightened, lightly removing his hand from her flushed pussy.

"No, it's got a lot thicker and fuller in the Maybe ten days especially? It's hard to keep track of everything when there's so much going on. Show me yours, maybe you're the same?"

Greg cocked his head at her. Well, it was not as if he had a pussy, so he wouldn't find anything unusual there. Mimicking her position, he turned around with his back to her and bent over, though not quite as far down as Cadence had. He just didn't feel like he had the balance, water lapping up around his thighs, the floor of the tub slippery and smooth. It wasn't meant to be stood in, not like that.