Stories by AmethystMare

Lustful 3 Parts
by AmethystMare
Incest/Taboo& more 02/28/2025
6.1k 11 2 31

Sibling anthro dragons enjoy one another on a date...

2.4k 4 16

Fyr and Chem lust for the same demon-cougar of lust...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 01/24/2024
1.6k 4 1 7

Fyr's not willing to let her husband go wholly yet...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 01/21/2024
3.67 2k 3 1 8

The anthros are pitted against one another, yet all fail...

1.4k 2 3

A dragon is captured and broken by the Commission...

2.6k 2 5

A transgender anthro bear is bred in a spell shop...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 02/23/2025
1.8k 1 6
Taken 7 Parts
189.9k 130 7 266

A lion anthro has his mind broken and cum milked...

4.5k 2 14

A furry stumbles upon a kinky tentacle monster...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/29/2021
24.7k 14 1 41

A donkey anthro submits to a stallion stud at the gym...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 05/29/2021
9.2k 7 2 15

A dragoness is taken against her will...

4.01 47.7k 45 3 77

Sandor is pinned and forced to fuck by two anthro tigers...

21.8k 14 1 27

He is taken by two horny twins...

3.67 49.7k 36 67

A strange trio finds themselves enjoying the locker room...

by AmethystMare
Gay Male 11/21/2017
3.46 32.1k 12 25

A trans male bear anthro gets bred by his husband...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 02/20/2025
1.9k 3 4

In the lab, the virus finds its final inflation catalyst...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 01/26/2025
3k 1 1 3

The virus transforms models and the photographer...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 01/25/2025
2.5k 3 1 7

The virus spreads, mutating and inflating all...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 01/24/2025
2.3k 2 1 4

A mutant virus is unleashed, transforming all it reaches...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 01/22/2025
6.5k 7 1 22

An anthro dragon gets a rough fuck.

by AmethystMare
Fetish 01/19/2025
2k 3 1 5

Gay dragons enjoy a little edging play.

by AmethystMare
Fetish 01/18/2025
1.5k 1 1 3

A dragon submits in a bondage vacuum bed...

by AmethystMare
BDSM 01/15/2025
4.2k 2 1 6

A wolf anthro returns home to his dominant partner.

by AmethystMare
BDSM 01/04/2025
2.9k 4 1 9

Mark finds an amulet to corrupt his mother...

26.1k 36 3 100

The amulet controls his mother delightfully for Mark...

22.4k 21 3 50

Mark tests and plays with his hypnotised mother...

17.8k 22 3 54

A cougar anthro cheats on his wife...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 12/15/2024
2.1k 6 1 10

A unicorn seeks to overcome the equine resistance...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 12/12/2024
1.9k 2 1 8

I suck off an anthro stallion's huge dick...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 12/08/2024
5.4k 8 1 15

Mav gets his dragon ass eaten out...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 12/03/2024
2.4k 8 1 12
13.7k 16 2 41

My mare mother is in season and I lust for her.

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 12/01/2024
5.6k 7 1 19

I body swap into my mother's body and can't resist sex!

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 12/02/2024
8k 9 1 22
9k 10 2 31

Teifi joins an opposing tribe for a fertility festival...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/29/2024
5.1k 5 1 22

Teifi is betrayed and body swapped for the tribe...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/30/2024
3.8k 5 1 9
5.1k 4 3 15

Ropes dominates Car and turns him into a demi demon dragon...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/22/2024
2.5k 2 1 11

Car explores his new demonic sexual stamina...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/23/2024
1.3k 1 1 2

Carenath fucks Fyr and is dominated once more...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/24/2024
1.2k 1 1 2

Getting cuckolded by his boss is the best thing ever!

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/22/2024
6.8k 5 1 16

Sparks fly with Farrah and her boss, while Eli watches...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/21/2024
2.2k 3 5
Waylaid 2 Parts
by AmethystMare
NonHuman& more 11/19/2024
2.3k 5 2 10

A succubus and an incubus lust together...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 11/18/2024
1.5k 3 1 7

The succubus and incubus role swap in lust...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/19/2024
783 2 1 3
by AmethystMare
8.8k 13 4 40

Sandor is captured as Alyssa hunts him down.

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/13/2024
1.6k 3 1 11

Alyssa is captured and put in chastity with the harem..

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/14/2024
3.1k 2 1 10

Alyssa breaks in chastity under the tiger master's rule...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/16/2024
2k 4 1 10

Alyssa is broken and the harem is used...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/17/2024
2k 4 1 9
by AmethystMare
5.3k 8 3 16

Tyron's work in the lab uncovers shocking transformations.

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/10/2024
2.4k 3 1 9

Tyron transforms as his world turns upside-down...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/11/2024
1.3k 2 1 3

Christie turns up - but dino transformation abounds...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/14/2024
1.5k 3 1 4

A knight is captured by a dragoness' magic...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/09/2024
2.3k 2 1 12

Holly cheats on her boyfriend with his demon father...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/09/2024
5.2k 7 1 23
by AmethystMare
20.9k 14 8 39

Vanessa makes a chemical to massively inflate her body...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 10/27/2024
7.9k 7 1 25

Vanessa dreams of kinky inflation...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/01/2024
3.2k 1 1 4

Vanessa fantasises, but her world will soon transform...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/02/2024
1.7k 1 1 2

Vanessa's inflation transformation finally kicks off!

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/03/2024
1.4k 1 1 3

Vanessa draws three others into a transformative orgy...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/04/2024
1.9k 1 1 2

Vanessa's growth sends her shooting up, destroying all...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/06/2024
1.5k 1 1 1

Vanessa fucks and outgrows the whole city...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/07/2024
1.4k 1 1 1

Vanessa finally outgrows the city and the world...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 11/08/2024
1.5k 1 1 1
by AmethystMare
Fetish& more 10/25/2024
40.9k 36 5 92

Two volunteers enter a futuristic breeding program.

by AmethystMare
Fetish 10/24/2024
14.9k 17 2 54

The breeding volunteers slowly transform in lust...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 10/25/2024
9.9k 7 1 13

The breeding program, and transformations, race onward...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 10/26/2024
8.6k 6 1 11

A new candidate enters the breeding program...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 10/27/2024
7.3k 6 1 14

A dragon deals with his messy partner and her stench...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 09/19/2024
3.1k 4 9

Rene transforms into a chimera to join his lover...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 09/14/2024
1.8k 4 1 6

An anthro transforms into a rubber dragon maid...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 09/06/2024
4.2k 6 1 11

Rose lusts for her futa mother and dreams about her...

8.8k 19 1 50
Recruits 3 Parts
23.5k 24 2 52

Anthro heroes are captured and milked of their cum...

9.6k 12 30

Daybreak is captured and forced to submit...

5.6k 5 1 11

The heroes fall, humiliation lacing their forced orgasms...

8.1k 7 1 11

Behind the DJ podium, a man sucks off two anthros...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 08/21/2024
2k 2 2 6
10.6k 14 2 40

Maddie, a bunny anthro, gets her gangbang fun once again...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 08/16/2024
4.5k 7 1 22

A mistaken identity takes a turn in a gangbang...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 08/17/2024
3.2k 3 9

In the gangbang, two bunnies get their kinky dues!

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 08/20/2024
2.9k 4 1 9

An anthro lionfox is used by two dominant mares...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 08/15/2024
3.2k 2 8

An anthro hermaphrodite stuffs her cock with beads...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 07/31/2024
3.7k 17 2 25

An anteater uses air to inflate an anthro mare...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 07/26/2024
1.7k 1 3

A doe taur fucks her anthro fox partner with a strap-on...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 07/25/2024
1.8k 3 1 8

An anthro experiments with his sister's toys and clothes...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 07/25/2024
2.7k 3 1 7
by AmethystMare
7.7k 9 28

A dragon applies for a job at a porn studio...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 07/10/2024
2k 2 13

A dragon plays a submissive role, dubiously, at a sex studio.

by AmethystMare
Fetish 07/11/2024
1.3k 1 2

Brezzen gets to mate with a female, but not as expected...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 07/12/2024
1.3k 3 5

Brezzen is bound for dirty play in his last planned scene...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 07/13/2024
1.5k 1 3

In filth, Brezzen finishes his scene with an anthro fox...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 07/14/2024
1.4k 2 5

A dog anthro inflates herself while showering...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 07/03/2024
4.9k 5 1 7

A tribe of intelligent raptors claim their victims...

by AmethystMare
NonHuman 06/26/2024
4.6k 8 1 23
Pleasure 2 Parts
by AmethystMare
Incest/Taboo& more 06/20/2024
18.2k 33 4 80

Maddison is persuaded to fuck her futa sisters...

15.6k 31 3 75

A wind spirit blasts through the city, taking pleasure...

by AmethystMare
Fetish 01/12/2024
2.6k 2 1 5

A stallion and wolf anthro get together at the beach...

by AmethystMare
Gay Male 06/16/2024
3k 9 1 14

A goat anthro summons a demon for some fun!

by AmethystMare
Fetish 06/15/2024
1.8k 3 3 7

The witches succeed, their hold on Neal absolute.

by AmethystMare
Fetish 06/13/2024
1.9k 4 1 11
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