Corrupting His Mother Ch. 03

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Mark tests and plays with his hypnotised mother...
1.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/23/2024
Created 12/22/2024
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All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Chapter Three

The next day, he had to test the amulet's power more. He'd spent the last day researching similar things and what they could potentially do. They seemed to work with a kind of hypnosis and he felt that intimately, especially where there seemed to have to be some kind of connection between him and the one wearing the amulet for it to work. He was only interested, so far, in controlling his mother -- though Mark was sure there were other options out there too.

Standing up from his computer desk with some notes and fresh ideas in mind, Mark smirked. He swiftly headed downstairs, hunting down his mother until he found her in the living room. Strangely enough, even though she'd come back in the previous day with her trousers still around her ankles, she still hadn't done anything about it. He didn't say anything, wanting to see how long it would go on for.

Seemingly quite a while, for his mother was doing yoga on her mat in the living room, in the big space in front of the TV. However, she was still wearing those same trousers and panties, even if it looked like she'd had something of a freshen-up, even if not a full shower. As he hadn't said anything about the clothes on her top half, she hadn't kept that on but had swapped for her yoga top.

How strange, mom, he thought with a shake of his head. I wonder how far I can push you, exposing you, revealing more and more of you. You've embarrassed more than enough people in your time. You deserve to have someone ogling you.

She was beautiful, at least, as she pushed into a downward facing dog position, pushing her ass high. He stared openly at it, practically drooling, leaning forward for a better view. With his mom under his control, she didn't say anything about it, carrying on with her yoga session as if he wasn't there at all. She most likely would say nothing at all to him, with the amulet's corruption, unless he interacted with her. That was kind of nice too.

However, her pulled-down trousers in particular kept getting in the way. She scrabbled on them, getting part of the trouser-leg stuck under her foot, and he frowned. It might have been funny to see her struggling like that, though it was not quite what he had been going for.

He'd rather see his mom further exposed, her body out on show to him and...well, anyone who wanted to see it.

Mark knelt beside her as she moved into a cat-to-cow alternating position, which was supposedly something that was good to stretch out one's back. It let him admire her ass at the same time as groping her breast, rubbing it through the slim, barely resistant fabric of her yoga top.

It was so soft, her bra not really supporting her tits all that well -- but maybe that was just where the under wire came into play, stopping her boobs from bouncing around when she was exercising. His mother liked running too, though he'd always made sure to be somewhere else when she'd wanted to get him into it. He wouldn't have minded sitting on her shoulders, perhaps, or similar when she was running, watching her giant boobs bounce around wildly. Or maybe there was something even kinkier there he could try?

He'd have to think. Groping her tit, he squeezed her flesh, enjoying how it pushed against his hand, her breast trying to bulge between his fingers. Running his hand across the front of her chest to her other tit, he tweaked at her nipples, alternating between tempting at pinching them and stroking them. Changing up what he was doing got her nipples hard in no time, yet that only made him want to use her more.

Blood rushed to his crotch, cock plumping out slowly. That, however, was going to come into play soon enough, but he had so many things to do to her he was simply spoiled for choice.

"Mark, I can't do my exercises," she grumbled, but his mother still didn't push him away as she moved on to her back, raising her knees and hugging them to her chest. "You're in the way."

Her words were plain, but there was no sharpness behind them anymore, which was interesting when she spoke to him.

"From now on," he said, "whenever you want to complain or have a problem with me, you need to...come to me and make out with me. I don't want to hear any more complaints at all."

His mom instantly turned to him, sitting up and crushing her lips to his. He grunted into her mouth as his mother kissed him insistently.

Wow, she must really have had a complaint about me then!

Well, it was good, at the very least, that he didn't have to deal with her yammering on at him anymore. He lost himself in the kiss, grabbing her hair and kissing her roughly, though there was something sloppy about it too. His tongue swept around her mouth as he explored her wetly, sharing saliva between their mouths.

His mother rested her hands on his cheeks and slid them around to the back of his neck, almost tender in how she kissed him. Yet it was Mark who controlled the moment as he twisted his fingers into her hair and played back and forth with different things, simply letting himself get lost in the moment.

Until he wanted to do more, of course, his curiosity once again getting the best of him. He was just greedy, wanting more from her now that he had her, in some way, completely and utterly under his thrall.

Hm... What can I push?

He broke the kiss wetly and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth. Time to get his mom out of her clothes.

While his mother went into some kind of sitting yoga pose that he didn't care about, he grabbed a pair of scissors and went to work cutting her top off her. The snip-snip of the scissors sliced neatly through the cloth, though it was not the right type of scissors meant for cutting clothes of fabric away from a human body -- so he had to be careful. Yet he only cut out a hole for each of her tits so they pinged through, slicing through the cups of her bra too. They were sheer enough that his scissors, however, had no trouble with it, though he didn't cut through the under wire.

It was enough to let her big, pale tits spill out through her top, as if they were trying to swell to fill the space afforded to them. He stared greedily at them, how they pulled down lightly under their weight -- yet they were still hugely perky for her age. Her nipples were still clearly hard and he rubbed them lightly, taking the flats of his fingers over them just to satisfy another little nuance of his curiosity.

"Mmm... So sexy, mom..."

He breathed out the words without really thinking about what he was saying as he leaned down, kissing her tits all over with lewd, wet, open-mouthed kisses. His mother moaned a little but remained seated, even if he could not be sure if she was still trying to complete her yoga session or not. She'd probably carry on if he stopped, but he was more interested in just keeping her there and under his control for the moment.

Her tits were amazing and he adored them, drooling over them as he licked messily over them. Mark didn't care for the saliva he left streaked across her tits, sucking her nipples straight into his mouth, one at a time. Even those seemed to fit there perfectly, his tongue flicking them back and forth when he had them tucked within his mouth. His mom moaned and grunted, though he pressed on, kissing them and then trapping the other nipple between his lips.

His mother, however, clearly became annoyed by that -- for she kissed him passionately, dragging his head from her breasts. Her tongue invaded his mouth, though Mark kissed her back just as deliriously, letting the moment sweep over him, the thrill of doing something so very illicit doing weird and wonderful things to him. He wanted that taboo more than anything else, to be able to caress his mother and grope her to his heart's content.

While they kissed, he kept a hand on each of his tits, though they were clearly much too large for his hands. They were far more than a mere handful and he groped them lewdly, squeezing and rubbing them, doing anything he please as he left her nipples be for that moment.

Only when Mark was good and done did he leave his mother to finish her yoga session, although her breasts were still hanging out and her ass, well... Nothing covered her bottom half. It seemed fitting for her.

However, he didn't think about that as he enjoyed the rush of power and forgot that she was actually going to need to go out. With his power enveloping her fully, there'd be nothing to stop her doing something even more embarrassing.

Continued in part four of six...

sadguy98sadguy98about 1 month ago

Really liking this. Waiting for more!

cata1yctcata1yct2 months ago

More please 🙏

AmethystMareAmethystMare2 months agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to take on mostly anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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