Dragon's Dirty New Job Pt. 02

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A dragon plays a submissive role, dubiously, at a sex studio.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 07/11/2024
Created 07/10/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


The next scene Brezzen was instructed to participate in was set up in a porn studio, which still felt to be a very awkward location for him as a feral. It was too small for him, though it had an especially high ceiling, everything around him very white and clean, almost clinically so. Even though it did not exactly scream "sex," it surely would make the actors stand out nicely against the plain backdrop, so perhaps the viewers could focus on them and them alone.

He'd been introduced to a second gryphon, Nimmot, who had darker brown fur and rich golden feathers around his head, neck and chest, with something resembling more canine hind paws. He must have been a hybrid species of gryphon, though Brezzen didn't care, as his tail was thicker with a longer drape of hair stretching a good one and a half feet from the tip -- more than Derriam's thick tuft of hair there.

He was uncomfortable, obviously so, with what he had been asked to wear for the specific scene, a leather collar around his neck restricting his movement somewhat because of its width. He gulped and lowered his head as obligingly as he could for a mask to be put on his head, though it slid over his muzzle to the back of his lips, still allowing him to open and close his mouth, if needed. It allowed him to see still, but had blinkers on it, restricting his vision merely to what was directly in front of him. That was bad enough for him, the leather feeling new and squeaky, restrictive even in how it didn't really want to bend against his scales, but the attendant slid a metal muzzle over his jaws too, fully taking away his ability to bite and defend himself.


"There, there," the anthro who had put the muzzle on him said, patting him condescendingly on the neck. "You'll be just fine. Lots of stuff in this scene though..."

Brezzen growled, though didn't know what to say about that, not as he was guided to stand on a large mattress that had been dragged in for them, more than large enough even for a dragon of his size. His legs were cuffed at the ankles and fixed to O-rings set into the floor around the mattress; it seemed to be a room that was used for such activities. The chains linked to his front paws were shorter than the back, forcing him to stretch forward, bowing down with his rear end lifted to leave him feeling rather on the vulnerable side. He grunted, trying to open his jaws against the muzzle, yet it was so restrictive that he couldn't even get his tongue against it.

Even though his vision was restricted, the dragon was aware of other anthros coming in, wheeling carts of equipment, some of which crossed his line of sight. He stiffened at the view of the sling, which was to be used in a later part of the scene, and a cart stacked high with sex toys.

What have I got myself into?

A screen, that time, had been set up for him, showing footage of the gryphon he'd fucked before taking a big dildo, the sound off as Derriam ground on to it with open-mouthed glee. Maybe that was what he was supposed to watch to feel good and get hard? But it was a different scene to what he'd done before...

That didn't reassure Brezzen at all, not as Derriam came up to his head with a soft look in his eye, crooning as he kissed the dragon lightly on the side of his muzzle with his beak.

"Everything will be okay," he breathed. "Now, let's do our scene!"

Derriam could not hide his enjoyment as the director called for action and some of the handheld cameras zoomed in on them, the gryphon fluffing up his feathers to start putting on a show.

"Mmm, what a wonderful dragon we have here..." He crooned, licking the edge of his beak with his tongue, carefully though. "We're going to take good care of you here, Nimmot and I."

He wasn't so sure about the second gryphon, but the dragon still let out an obliging growl, shifting his weight, though his ability to move was restricted greatly. His muscles contracted as he strained to hold himself fast, the gryphon dipping down to his paws.


Brezzen let out a genuine growl at that, enjoying the sensation of the smooth, upper curve of the gryphon's beak easing over his feet, teasing the toes before Derriam's tongue dipped between them. It pulled against his scales, ticklish and teasing, but he ached for more, even if it felt a little strange to have the gryphon down there before him, worshipping his paws while he was the one in bondage.

The view on the screen changed to show what the gryphon was doing him and Brezzen twitched at the sight of himself, on a wide angle from the rear. It was so foreign to look at himself like that and, somehow, brought everything into stark relief when it came to that eerie sense of being watched, that someone was always there, observing him.

Even the dragon observing himself. He quivered, gulping down his nerves.

But that scene, at the very least, didn't start with Brezzen needing to do all that much, only react, his slit a little thicker and plumper at the edges as his body reacted. The video on the screen, which was just in his line of sight for him to watch, changed to show Nimmot on his back, thrusting up into an anthro wolf, pounding his tail hole with raw, wild abandon.

Brezzen shuddered, a ripple going through his body.

"Oh, you like that, do you?" Derriam purred, clicking the edges of his beak together. "Let's see what other parts of you have to say about my little touch, hm?"

The gryphon worked his way around, trailing his clawed forepaws over the dragon's scales as he made his way to his back end. Brezzen shuddered again and let out a groan, dipping his head a little, though it kind of felt good too, even if he hadn't been toyed with back there -- not since his interview, at least.

Just think of the territory you'll gain, he told himself as the gryphon's tongue reached his tail hole, probing and teasing. It's all going to be worth it.

And maybe it all would be, especially when it was his unwashed hole being stimulated, for he had not cleaned up before the shoot either, just his usual bathing routine. Brezzen didn't think he needed more than that, but it helped his dick slide out softly, knowing the gryphon was being subjected to what he'd had to do only some time ago in the first porn shoot.

"Mmph... Nngghhh..."

He pressed his tongue against the cage of his teeth, shifting his weight as Derriam's tail excited him, his slit parting faintly, the very tip of his shaft protruding. It was not quite enough, not as tremors of erotic delight -- was it the bondage that made it more enticing? -- rolled through his body.

But Derriam was a professional at what he did, however, sliding under the dragon's belly to nuzzle at his slit and coax out his cock even more. One of the cameras zoomed in on the shot, a muttering catching the dragon's attention, showing how the gryphon's tongue slid against the edge of the dragon's slit, dipping inside.

"Mmm... Such a musky flavour," Derriam breathed. "I can't wait to really taste you, you will be such a delight."

That felt as if the gryphon was being more genuine than he had been reading scripted lines from the first scene and the dragon shivered, his tail twitching back and forth. It did not take too much tonguing of his slit to get Brezzen's cock out and swollen, the long, fleshy length throbbing under the gryphon's skilled attention. He wrapped a clawed forepaw carefully around the sensitive shaft and masturbated Brezzen, stroking up and down, squeezing lightly, testing what got the best reaction from the dragon.

The dragon stiffened, shivering again, so very exposed. It felt like he'd been stripped, all eyes on him, and his guts churned uncomfortably, though his cock, to his good fortunate, remained hard. He didn't want to get soft again and be teased, that would be so embarrassing. He'd practised getting hard quickly in the time between the scenes he had been contracted to shoot, which seemed to be serving him well that time.

Brezzen didn't like the eyes on him, the bright lights, even though they must have been highlighting his blue scales very nicely. It made him feel as if he was all on show -- which he was, to be fair. Still, Brezzen didn't want to consider it too much. He just had to do his job as the gryphon dug his tongue luxuriously into his slit and pulled his cock out slowly, bit by bit, letting it throb up hard and full, aching with lust.

"Mmmm... What a big cock on a bound dragon..." He crooned. "How wonderful."

The pressure of the gryphon's forepaw around his cock made him twitch and throb within the gryphon's grasp, though the click of talons on the ground, stepping up on to the mattress made him shudder.

"Well, well..." Nimmot murmured, his voice dark and seductive, with a bite of danger tucked into it. "Look who's here, all bound and ready for me. You've done a wonderful job for me, Derriam, I'm very pleased with your work."

Derriam churred happily, though gave way to Nimmot as the gryphon dragged a sharp claw over Brezzen's backside. He jumped and shuddered, trying to pull away instinctively, though that only made his chains and manacles clink, as if he was creating his own kind of music.

"Look how eager you are," Nimmot grunted, though his words did not come out as if they were in praise, no. "You need a big cock inside you, don't you? That's why I'm here. And you're going to know all about being mounted by the end of this!"

The view on the screen that he had not been paying all that much attention to, as it was half-obscured by his blinkers, switched to his backside, zooming in on a close-up as the gryphon pulled back. A hard, throbbing length of gryphon-meat shot across the screen for a moment, yet the camera angle was not good enough for Brezzen to see the whole thing.

His stomach lurched.


Brezzen panicked, flaring out his wings, flapping them, buffeting Derriam with a gust, though he was in no position to either get free or shape the air to his will. He heaved and panted, his flanks shuddering with the breath he desperately needed to drag into his lungs, the gryphon behind him, mounting his raised backside. He seemed larger than Derriam -- or maybe it was just how Derriam had held himself in the first scene that had made the gryphon appear smaller than he was. That time, he had been playing a submissive role.

And Nimmot was playing a very different role, mounting the dragon with wild abandon as his cock slapped off the dragon's rump, a heaving throb of desire rolling heatedly from the tip of Nimmot's dick. But it wasn't what he'd expected! Sure, he'd anticipated some teasing, but he hadn't paid too much attention to the script, anticipating he would swap the roles and get to mount the gryphon after a nice, big orgasm from him.

Maybe the dragon should have paid better attention, however, that cock sinking home as Brezzen tried to roar through his muzzle, eyes closed and shuttering him in darkness, but only for a few moments. He clenched down against the gryphon's dick, rolling and bucking his hips, trying to bring his back up out of the gryphon's reach, but Nimmot knew exactly how to stay on board, even if a muffled curse broke the gryphon's beak.

"Agh... What the..."

He clung on, digging his claws in, and must have said something to the director, for he called to pause the scene. The screen showed the gryphon's cock buried in Brezzen's rump, though the dragon's twisted head, straining in the moment, made it hard to even want to see, his heart pounding viciously, feeling like his blood was running too hot, flowing through his entire body far too sharply.

"Cut! Hold the scene! What's going on over there?"

"He won't stop moving!"

The gryphon snapped at the director, though it was clear his indignation was directed at Brezzen rather than the director.

"Look, you're going to have to suck it up, dragon," the stoat director said, his voice cutting through the air clearly even as Brezzen grunted and shuddered. "This is what you signed up for, you signed the contract -- we're getting the scene done today. Nimmot, do what you need to. We're finishing this, everyone! Let's go!"

A small bud was tucked into the dragon's ear indent, using the mask to hold it in place, while someone else spoke to Brezzen through it. The dragon trembled with indignation at how the director had spoken to him, though they seemed nicer, someone feminine, maybe?

"You will be okay," they said, their tone light and soothing. "Relax... Let him inside you, it won't hurt you. You are more than big enough for him."


The dragon tried to do as they said, though he barely even knew what he was doing. A part of him was glad there was someone there to direct him, considering it was all new to him. Dragons didn't need things like bondage to get off -- so why would he ever have expected something like that would go to such extreme lengths?

Still, he managed it, hanging his head as Nimmot slammed into him, powering into his backside with raw intent, trying to claim him through the scene and more. He blinked, eyes watering, blurring his limited view of the screen as that giant cock powered into him.

The anthros did what they were supposed to be doing, filming him, and yet he felt them there, his scales itching and crawling with embarrassment. They all watched him, all without a care in the world, and yet they saw him fall, watched him be taken like a common whore -- and by a gryphon nonetheless! He didn't even want to watch his humiliation, blinking away the strained moisture in his eyes, his hole burning, trying to clench down. He saw it twitch on the screen, when Nimmot paused briefly to adjust his stance, though it didn't feel like it really was him, not there, not having the scene played back to him on the screen.

He groaned, shaking his head, trembling in place, though the dragon didn't have to really do all that much. Yet it was humiliating to know he was being taken so roughly while the cameras were on, while the anthros were watching. His softer cock hung and bounced under his belly, bouncing up against his underbelly from the sheer force of Nimmot slamming into his rump.

"Unff... Such a needy little whore of a dragon," Nimmot growled, seemingly taking out his frustration at Brezzen fighting back on the dragon in question himself. "You wanted this, didn't you? You like being a slut, bound in nice, tight leather, that collar showing you your place."

His voice was loud enough that the cameras and microphones would pick it up too, though something in Brezzen told him that was for his ears too, shuddering in place. His claws dug down into the mattress, tearing into it, but no one called cut, so that must have been okay, at least by the director.

As long as he was good in the scene, though it helped a little that Derriam was under his belly, showing off for the cameras by running his tongue up and along his cock. That was something, at least, that Brezzen could hold on to in the moment, something he could think about. The slurp of a gryphon's tongue, even if he was playing things up for the sake of the shoot, smoothed down the length of his hardening prick again, despite the rough treatment his backdoor entrance was receiving.

For how his body was, it was a good thing for Brezzen that his slit and tail hole were separate and not contained in the same hole, a cloaca, as with some kinds of dragons. It allowed the gryphon to push over him as if he was really trying to mate with him, cramming his cock in crudely and roughly, showing him what he had strove to show Derriam the first time he had fucked one of them.

Derriam was softer, luxuriating in taking control there, though he was still offering servitude from being on the bottom. The gryphon would have described himself as a bottom, a power bottom, but he knew how to do his job and have a blast at the same time.

"Mmmm..." He moaned, playing things up again as he lifted his tail, allowing the cameras to get a nice shot of his own twitching tail hole, though he was, of course, unwashed back there again. "Your cock is so hard... Don't cum down my throat, though, you have more to do... For our dom..."

He saw Nimmot as the leader of the scene, after all, even though the gryphons were both on an even keel with the dragon bound like a treat for them to enjoy. Yet it was Derriam's antics that drew attention as he showed off his furry, swinging balls too -- something that had not been all that much on display in the earlier scene, considering his position.

It was about Brezzen, however, the degradation of the dragon, drooling thickly into his muzzle as saliva slopped between the small bars of the muzzle caging his snout. He snarled and gnashed his teeth, though did not fight back by flapping his wings again, his tail crudely thrust off to the side.

Nimmot huffed, grinding in rudely, using every inch of his cock as he adjusted the angle of his hips. That hit something inside Brezzen that had him twitching, his loins tightening.

What was wrong with him? He felt like he had to...release his bladder again?

But that was not too much of something he would have minded if he was doing it all of his own free will. He'd done it before, to humiliate Derriam, after all. But it was a very different thing when it was being forced from him, when he was made to wear blinkers and a muzzle, grinding his teeth just to show some manner of defiance. He didn't even know how it would end up translating to the potential viewers as he let loose, losing control of his bladder completely as Derriam churred and chirped delightedly.

"Mmmm... What a treat!" He moaned, opening his beak wide to practically gargle on the dragon's piss. "Mmm... More!"

He gulped it down, enjoying the drink, though Brezzen didn't have to guess what was going on there, the lewd slurp and gulp telling the tale as the gryphon's beak bumped his shaft. The dragon shuddered in revulsion, though he was not all that used to such crude acts, heat crawling through him, humiliation snarling and snapping, like a beast he'd never even known he needed to tame.


He tried to be quiet, but the muzzle stopped him from making too much of a noise at all, shaking his head a little back and forth, the weight of the leather collar pressing into his neck.

"Mmmm, that's right, give in," Nimmot grunted, leaning over the dragon to whisper to him, surprisingly close to his ear. "You're just a slut that needs to be fucked, to be bred. Look how dirty you are..."


Brezzen tried to pull back, to fight back against that -- but what could he do? He couldn't even try to give a safe word, which he had read about, with his muzzle gagged like that! His tongue pressed against the inside of his lips, yet he couldn't open his muzzle far enough to even press his tongue out between his lips.

No... He wasn't as Nimmot said, even though it was hard to be in that position, the lewd slap of the gryphon's hips bouncing off his hind end with every thrust. His cock ached and throbbed, lewdly grinding back into Derriam's beak, though the more submissive gryphon eagerly took him deep, slurping and moaning like a whore who loved his job.

The director leaned back in his chair, more satisfied with how things were going. That damn dragon really needed to get with the program and know his place; he was the one who was supposed to have read and signed the contract, after all. Having second thoughts didn't mean they were going to be all genial and just give him the land without having Brezzen work for it, after all!