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Click hereThis is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.
Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.
Brezzen was more cautious when he went into his fourth scene, knowing a little more that the gryphons were seeking opportunities to take advantage of him and make a mess of things, even though it was not in script, like in the last scene. Brezzen held down his shudder, still feeling the hot reek of piss spilling over his muzzle, how low that had made him feel.
He read the script carefully, making sure that he knew what it was all about, one intended for bi-curious or straight anthro audiences. Although Brezzen had wrinkled his muzzle at it, he thought it would be better as a certain dragoness had turned up to.
Ahmeria. She was beautiful, her body long and lean and rippling with power. Just how they had got in touch with the dragoness who he was interested in mating with, well... That was a question Brezzen didn't need to answer. Out in feral territory, the mountains rose behind them in a striking background, long grass waving gently amongst wildflowers in a beautiful, natural meadow.
"Uh... Greetings, Ahmeria," he said clumsily, his tail tucked down, not knowing what to say. "It is a surprise to see you here."
"Hm?" She glanced at him, too busy watching another newcomer, Larissa, a female gryphon with a crest of pink feathers atop her head. "Yes, greetings, Brezzen. That's all well... I'm well... It seems we will both be gaining new lands for our territory."
He stammered something under his breath, tongue-tied and trying to hold back his eagerness. Was he really going to get to mate with her for the scene? Maybe Ahmeria would then see that he was more than worth being her mate, after she had got a first taste of him!
"Alright, everyone, there's been a change of plans!"
Brezzen stiffened. Oh, what now?
The stoat grinned, rubbing his paws together.
"Now, I want to swap partners. Let's get Larissa, our gryphoness, over here with Brezzen... And Ahmeria can do her scene with Nimmot. You'll be in good claws with him, Ahmeria, and you just shout if you need anything from any of us."
"That's very kind of you, director," Ahmeria said with an open-mouthed dragon smile, showing her teeth but in a friendly fashion. "It should be very interesting indeed to have my first time with a gryphon. Especially with Brezzen watching, though he should be quite engaged with his own lovely partner!"
Larissa churred and fluffed up her brown feathers, her crest twitching and bobbing.
"Oh, you!" She tittered. "You are such a flatterer! I'm sure Brezzen will be more than satisfactory. You've done a few scenes already, haven't you, dragon?"
Brezzen blinked and nodded, not sure what to say. What, so he wasn't going to spend time with Ahmeria, after all that? But it was his chance!
He wheeled around, wings mantled, his jaws hanging agape -- but the director already had turned his back on him.
"Director, please, I'd really like to continue with the scene as before! Could we just..."
But the director was not listening, clapping his paws together and getting everyone into position. It was his job, after all, as the director of the whole thing.
"Alright, places, everyone! The longer we dally, the more light we lose! I've got another scene to shoot at the golden hour so let's crack on now!"
Fuming quietly, the dragon was forced to set up with Larissa, who was not a bad looking gryphon at all, even if he was not particularly interested in gryphons. There was a soft scent to her feathers, as if she had bathed in fragranced water, but the richer gryphon musk still rebounded under the surface. It could not be hidden, no matter how much she adorned and anointed her feathers.
The two couples set up facing one another and Brezzen scowled openly as Nimmot gave him a cocky chirp and swished his tail, though the gryphon was wise enough not to rile the dragon up further before the shoot. Evidently they thought giving Brezzen ear buds had helped in his earlier scenes, so he had those again, which helped him get into the moment and the role at least.
"Okay, Brezzen," the gentle, female voice came in his ear, though they had a sense of being more businesslike that time around. "We've got a good scene to do and I think you're going to like this one. Nod if you're ready."
He sighed, taking a deep breath -- and nodded. It was all he could do, even as he faced off against the gryphon that, already, he saw to be his rival.
"Good... Director, that's all good..."
She must have been talking to the director, but Brezzen drew himself up tall and pushed out his chest, trying to appear stronger and more imposing. It was not the cameras, after all, he was truly performing for, but Ahmeria.
It would always be Ahmeria.
But there he was with the plain brown gryphon before him, looking like, well...just any other gryphon to him. Larissa didn't even have any of the more defining features of Nimmot, not that he liked Nimmot one little bit, nothing more going for her as he grunted and tried to focus on Ahmeria.
At least I can look at her when I need to get hard.
"Alright... Everyone good on their scripts?" The director called out, ready to go. "You have your partner, this will be a more flexible scene... Let's see where things go, everyone! Action!"
Nimmot swept into action, bowing low to the ground and sweeping his wing out before him.
"My lady," he said reverently, addressing Ahmeria. "It would be an honour to service you... If you would have one such as I, my sweet."
Ahmeria chuckled, the dragoness surveying her partner as Brezzen grunted and tried not to wish too much he was in Nimmot's place, appraising him for what was to come.
"Hm... I think that would be quite amenable, Nimmot," she breathed. "But I don't take a mate lightly, so you'll have to show me everything you can do with that tongue of yours first."
"Oh, I am sure I can persuade you, a lady dragon such as yourself," he chirped, as sweet as honey, though Brezzen was sure the gryphon was playing it up as he got to fuck Ahmeria first, before he even got a look in. "Would you be so kind as to lie on your back for me?"
Ahmeria did so, letting her hind legs splay out so the gryphon had easy access between her legs, getting in to the slit that held her sex. Like with Brezzen, her genitalia were held separately to her tail hole, which was tucked up under her tail in a natural position.
"Uh, yes..." Brezzen shook himself, trying not to listen too much to Ahmeria's moans as they cut through the air, that true sweetness of an aroused dragoness flowing lightly, making his nostrils pucker and flare as he dragged in breath after needy breath. "Yes... We should...fuck..."
Larissa cooed at him, dipping and bobbing her beak. He didn't catch the glint in her eye.
"Sure, dragon," she keened, a hint of a screech layered behind her sweet words. "But you'll have to please me too... If you think you're at all up to the task! Maybe I'd do better to wait for sweet Nimmot over there? He's more than stud enough for both of us."
Brezzen bristled but didn't have time to reply as the gryphoness turned around and backed up to his muzzle. The dragon, at the very least, knew what to do then, his muzzle diving under her tail to her sex, which was tucked away in a fluff of thicker fur: so much less convenient than a dragon's sex, of course. It was just one thing more in which dragons, of course, were superior to gryphons.
But Larissa wasn't going to hear that, not from him, no. She didn't care, not as the dragon crudely dug his tongue into her pussy, lacking the finesse and lighter touch that Nimmot had.
But his attention, truly, was not on Larissa at all, shivering and wishing he could look up from the gryphon's pussy, the earthen, deep tones of her arousal tangling obnoxiously with Ahmeria's sweetness in the air. He just wanted to be with Ahmeria, to fuck her, to mate with her... Well, to do anything at all the dragoness wanted of him.
That was all that mattered, truly, but he tried to put on a good show, even though Ahmeria's moans rose and rose, the sound of the dragoness' body shifting back and forth on the ground catching his attention. She was under Nimmot but, somehow, Larissa had ended up above him, grinding back on to his muzzle as if she was the one really in charge between them.
Who knew -- maybe she was? It almost didn't feel as if it was up to Brezzen to say anymore.
He wrinkled his muzzle at the bitterer taste of her pussy. It was nowhere near as bad as eating out a gryphon's ass, but, well, not something he would have chosen either. They always seemed to put him in scenes that he wasn't going to enjoy and the dragon wondered if there would be scenes set up again to show him the nuances he could not see during the sex itself. He didn't need a screen set up to get hard that time, his cock throbbing within his slit, slowly pushing out.
Yet the gryphoness' hind end acted like blinkers all on its own, blocking out his view of what he really wanted to see. Ahmeria's cries rose in pitch as she squirmed and thrashed, calling out a name Brezzen had never wanted to hear coming from her lips.
"Oh... Oh... Nimmot!"
The gryphon crooned into the dragon's slit as he dug deep, though Brezzen was not privy to the details of how he brought her off. He still heard her tail thrashing, sweeping through the grass, and her cries bouncing into the air, bursting from lips that really should have been speaking another name.
"Come on, dragon," Larissa hissed, flipping her tail over his head just to get his attention back on her. "Are you focusing? Your attention should be on me!"
She was a demanding partner, though, really, no more so than a partner who simply wanted his attention. That was not wrong of her and Brezzen rumbled and grumbled his discontent, even as he applied himself to his task. It was even embarrassing to have on camera that the gryphon had been able to get Ahmeria off more swiftly than him, even if he had been distracted by the lovely dragoness. She was so strong and witty, quick with her tongue and a demon in a fight -- why wouldn't she just give him the time of day, sometime?
He hissed into Larissa's pussy, putting his long tongue to work, despite how his guts boiled. From the sounds of the cries on the air, it seemed like Nimmot was working at giving Ahmeria another orgasm -- and it had to be with his beak and tongue too, for the gryphon was uncharacteristically quiet.
Damn him to the pits of hell...
It was, perhaps, an overly sensitive assessment of the gryphon's intent, but it was obvious that he'd wanted Ahmeria. He boiled and seethed, his tail thrashing anxiously through the grass as Brezzen flattened the pace behind him, the gryphoness' hind end blocking his view. A part of the dragon, however, whispered to him that he didn't even want to see, not even as he curled his tongue inside Larissa and drew a breathier moan from her beak.
And there was Ahmeria, getting lusciously defiled by a lesser male -- and not even that too, but by the very male who had snatched his anal virginity from him not all that long before! Brezzen's body churned with heat, guts twisting, but he had to keep his cool, had to retain his focus for his task. There was only so much, even then, he could do.
The gryphoness, thankfully, responded to his tongue and stopped hurling quips and instructions his way, so he could really focus on his job. It was a relief to Brezzen, however, when she bucked her hips and keened shrilly, raking her claws through the dirt as orgasm hit her. A rush of feminine juices splattered over his tongue as she practically squirted, though it was mostly helped along by the rough hump and grind of her hips. She bore back on to his muzzle as if there was nothing else in her mind, not at that moment and not in any moment that lay ahead at all.
But it was her orgasm to take from him as she climaxed on his muzzle, rivulets of her arousal dripping from his scales. He grunted into her sex, his cock blessedly out and hardening, which at least helped Brezzen be ready for the next part of the scene he had to do. They hadn't even had to say anything to him through his earbuds that time, though it was somewhat comforting that there was someone there to give him direction if he needed it.
Just think of the land you're going to gain, he told himself, returning to his old motivation. That will impress Ahmeria, and you will be doing more scenes than her.
That meant more land and more power for a dragon: and that was exactly what Brezzen needed to focus on, grunting thickly in the back of his throat as his head swam with desire, clawing and twisting. He wanted Ahmeria, but the gryphoness, at least for the moment, would have to do -- and she would serve as a vessel into which to spend his need and his seed.
Even if Nimmot was taking the dragoness he wanted to be his mate. Even if that was going to happen.
He pulled back and tried to make a show of licking off his muzzle, noticing a camera pointed at his head, a little closer than usual. Brezzen grumbled and shivered his wings a little, trying to draw the attention away from his face and the mess the gryphoness had made of it, her arousal still bubbling and dripping from the lightly swollen, parted folds of her pussy. At least they both were ready.
But Brezzen had to press on and took his chance in mounting the gryphoness, though he was facing Nimmot and Ahmeria. The dragoness was still on her back, but her head was not tipped back towards him, focusing only on her gryphon partner of their moment as they set up their "speed dating" round. She splayed her hind legs out further for him as Nimmot moved confidently over her, pressing in close to her hind end with his large, throbbing spire of meat, seeking her slit.
He didn't miss, not like Brezzen had before, sinking home -- and then his body blocked out Brezzen's view of their bodies coming together, even as fury roiled within him. The drake mounted Larissa roughly, though she let out a ready croon at that, jabbing and thrusting, gripping her with his front paws and dragging her back on to his cock.
It was a blessing that his dick sank home into her wet, squelching heat, though it did not feel all that much better to him than fucking a gryphon's taint. It was a hole and it was not the hole he wanted, not the body he wanted, not the mind he wanted. Brezzen heaved out a grunt, bearing over her back as he dominated her with his body, though he did not dwarf her when she stood tall and firm for him. The gryphons were really not that small, though there was still a bit of a size difference between them; still, their bodies lined up for the act of mating well enough. Even Nimmot had been able to stand to get up over his back end and cum in him during that other scene too.
"Okay, Brezzen," his attendant, as he chose to think of her, said through the earbud. "More moans like that, please, that's really great. They want to get a close-up of your cock in her pussy too, so try to move your leg out of the way."
He trembled. There was no victory in mating with Larissa, not when he was watching his chosen mate being taken by his rival right there before his eyes. Nimmot thrust with long, deep strokes as the dragoness quivered under him, a flash of surprise crossing her expression as her jaws hung open.
"Oh... Ohhhhh," she moaned, shaking her head as the spines on the back of her neck dug into the dirt. "That's different... Oh! Keep doing it...ah...just like that..."
"As you wish, my lady..."
He was so much more of a gentleman with Ahmeria than he had been with Brezzen, the contrast stark. Brezzen bristled and fucked Larissa more roughly and crudely, bearing down over her back to forcibly make her bow her front end to the ground.
"Oof! Watch it!"
She seemed to be more hungrily watching Nimmot, despite Brezzen being the one on her back, and he shook himself. Maybe what Ahmeria had felt had been the gryphon's knot. That wasn't his fault, no, he didn't have a knot like that but he couldn't change anything about that, no. Still, he wanted to be the one making her moan like that as he tried to hold off from orgasm, just to show he had the greater stamina, that he was the one out of the two of them who was far more capable of pleasing his partner.
"Mmmph... Yes.... Mmmmm..."
Larissa got more into it as he found the right rhythm and angle -- but a gryphon's body just felt so different to him! It was not a like a dragon, no, not even as he groaned and shuddered over her, his tail thrashing as the treacherous rise of orgasm clawed at the back of his mind.
Should he be embarrassed there were cameras there, filming him, so many watching him? Surely they did not know that he wanted Ahmeria to be his mate and that he had failed with her already. Well, he had definitely failed to secure her for his own, considering how she was twisting and moaning so sweetly under Nimmot, as if they were long-time lovers and he understood her body intimately.
"Yes... So close..." She grunted, though his body still obscured Brezzen's view. "Harder... Ahhhhh!"
She roared as climax tore through her, her voice dropping an octave -- yet Brezzen lost control then too. Something about seeing Ahmeria go over the edge made him want to orgasm too, though he grunted and tried to hold back, shuddering in place with his cock buried deep.
Brezzen moaned, the tip of his tail twitching, embarrassed to have cum first. The damn gryphon was still going, his head tilted in that cocky little smirk of his, like he knew something, as always, that Brezzen did not. But the dragon was forced to stay there, unloading into the gryphoness while he truly hungered for Ahmeria, knowing they were recording him, that everything about the moment was recorded digitally. With anthros, that meant it would last forever, as far as he knew.
Still, he pulled out slowly, allowing a thick slop of cum to pour from the gryphoness' pussy, Larissa's head hanging as she recovered a little.
"Would have thought you'd at least give me another orgasm, dragon..."
She seemed a little resentful and he fluttered his wings, abashed that he had not been able to get her there with his cock alone. But there was little he could do about that as her pussy leaked his cum and he let the cameras get their shots in, more and more used to how the porn shoots went down after spending so much time doing them. It felt like he had done far more than two scenes prior.
Nimmot finally climaxed inside Ahmeria too, grunting thickly and flaring out his wings as if he was making a show of the whole thing. Rolling his eyes, Brezzen clicked his tongue within his mouth, running it against the cage of his teeth, and waited.
"Alright..." The director called them to pause. "Clean them both up, with your tongues -- but first, I want you two to swap. Dragon with dragon, gryphon with gryphon. Got it? Going to be losing light, everyone, chop-chop!"
There was haste in the director's tone and Brezzen was all for it -- if that meant he got to fuck Ahmeria, at least that would be something! He had been aware he would be mating with another female for the scene and that it was like a "speed dating" scenario but, frankly, he'd never "speed dated" before and didn't have any idea of what that meant.