Farmyard Folly

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An anthro lionfox is used by two dominant mares...
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Fioxy huffed and puffed, his chest aching coldly as the lionfox sprinted through the soaked farmyard. Some of the old cobbles remained from years gone by, shiny and wet, though they offered little traction on his dark paw pads. Even though he was a hybrid of lion and fox, built more like a lion than a fox, it was his fox-ish traits that were on show there that night.

Barking not far away warned Fiox of the resident guard wolf -- but he was yet to catch him! The lionfox bared his teeth in a feral smile and skidded around the corner of what looked like a stable block, though it was hard to see if it was occupied or not in the rain, which was growing in intensity. It soaked his fur, drawing a further aroma from his body even while it washed away the scents and tracks he might have otherwise left behind, complicating issues still.

Knowing he would not get away from the guard wolf that way, Fiox lunged for a partway-open door that led into a barn-like area, around the back of the stable block. The lionfox did not know if it was connected to the stables or not, but, with his stolen cargo of a fresh basket of eggs still clutched in his arms, Fiox was loathe to give up his bounty just like that.

No... A fox had to eat too! Even if there were, admittedly, easier ways to get eggs, none gave him a thrill quite like giving in to old, vulpine instincts.

He tumbled too quickly into a stable, which had a full door to enter rather than the traditional half door, to stop when he caught sight of the flickering lantern, set out of reach of two comfortable beds of hay and straw. The lionfox's eyes widened and he clamped his jaws shut against a yowl as two anthro bodies filled his vision: one red-brown and the other black. His nose twitched, telling him more than his sight, for the stable indeed had horses in it -- but not the non-anthro kind.

"What the..."

The chestnut mare's head shot up, her back to him and a hind hoof already in the air. The poor lionfox, even if he was the egg thief, didn't stand up as her grey-black hoof flicked up and back in a punishing kick.


Straight into his nuts.

He tried to groan but Fiox would never be completely sure whether or not he actually made a sound in that moment as the lionfox went down like a ton of bricks, hitting the ground hard. Even though there was rubber matting down, under the base layer of shavings, it was not an easy fall as pain rolled through his body. It didn't ache through his body with every pump of blood through his bruised balls, though it did not escape the lionfox's attention either that he could have perhaps avoided such pain if he had been wearing any clothes at all. When clothing more often than not was optional amongst anthros, one often went nude.

As blood tried to rush back into his nuts, he groaned, clutching his crotch, the basket of eggs tossed aside. Some of the eggs had broken but his keen nose, thankfully, detected that there were still a fair number of eggs in there that were still whole and viable for him to cook up a very nice omelette with. At least the thought of that distracted him from the gut-wrenching pain, though Fiox would have been amiss to ignore the lingering warmth behind it, something in the strike appealing to him on a deeper level.

But he wouldn't let the mares know about that, oh no. That would put the lionfox in an exceptionally bad position indeed.

The second mare, the black one, was quick to close off any escape and pinned him down on his back, not allowing him to cover his balls with his paws anymore, not permitting him even that level of self-protection.

Ace smirked shrewdly down at the lionfox, her thick tail flicking back and forth, though she didn't mind having their relaxing evening being interrupted all that much. Not with Amethyst beside her, though they'd only been out there to get some space and time for themselves. There was not a single marking on her pure black body, though she'd been told her green eyes had an eerie intensity about them.

Ace was more than willing to take things in hand, exactly as suited her, and would use everything to her advantage. Her tail flagged lightly as her pussy tightened, making her folds twitch subtly, but the silly lionfox was not to know he had stumbled right into a stable of two mares who were deep in season.

She exchanged a look with Amethyst as the chestnut mare surveyed their captured prize, her nostrils flaring and puckering as she sucked in short, experimental snatches of breath. Her upper lip briefly pulled back and up from her teeth to better allow her to sift through the scents in the air, a gleam entering her brown eyes.

"Hm, he could be interesting, Ace," she said, though didn't bother to quiet her voice at all. "You're right. So," she added, turning her focus to the weakly squirming lionfox. "What are you doing in here? Or were you just looking for a couple of mares to harass?"

"What? No!"

Fiox yelped, though he couldn't get away from where Ace had his paws pinned, while the chestnut mare knelt on his thighs, pinching in on the muscle to hold him firmly. The more he struggled the more it hurt -- and, for the lionfox, it was very much not a good kind of hurt. As he looked up at them both, his shaft throbbed, swelling a little, for it was not as if he had any clothes to keep it more discreetly tucked away at that time.

"No... No, I was just trying to get out of the rain!" He protested. "I didn't know anyone was in here, I swear! I was just hungry...and, well, I wanted some eggs."

Amethyst laughed, the corners of her eyes creasing softly as she took note of his bright blue eyes. Yet there was only calculation in her gaze.

"Didn't the guard wolf chase you off? He's losing his touch."

She looked down at him, her knee pressing in closer to his nuts as she admired his growing member with obvious interest. It was not as if either horse was in the practice of holding back from their true desires, after all.

"Mm..." Fiox grunted, trying to stay still even as his body quivered and he inhaled more of their lightly spicy, earthy equine aroma. "Yeah... Maybe? What's your name? Your name...was Ace?"

His eyes darted between the equines as he addressed them both, desperately trying to get them on his side as the throbbing in his nuts reduced to a dull ache that, at least, he could ignore. He took a breath, trying to settle, though they filled his vision, Ace's larger breasts hanging down closer to him where she knelt beside his head, putting her weight easily on his wrists to pin them down.

"Amethyst," the red mare said casually. "We would have thought you'd already know that, but you clearly didn't know we were there then. But you're not just looking to get out of the rain now, are you?"

Fiox groaned and resisted the urge to squirm as a ripple ran through his body.

"Well, the eggs too...yeah..."

He didn't want to admit to it, though his halfway aroused cock told the tale for him that his lips could not.

"Well," Amethyst prodded, "you're not getting past the guard's sense of smell really. I know there's rain but you reek of it too. So, maybe we can make you smell...a little more like a horse."

She grinned and Fiox's ears twitched, although he didn't quite know what she meant. Still, he nodded eagerly, eyes wide and plaintive, trusting the mares implicitly even though he very much should not have. If he was in there with them, after all, he was away from the pesky guard wolf, even though the wolf had not yet managed to catch him, which was of note.

Ace released him and he admired the mare's long, black legs in the lantern-light, shadows dancing on the wall as she shifted, but she didn't go far. She squatted over his head and neck while Amethyst did the same down on his lower half, though he felt the warm splatter of liquid on his neck before he realised what was happening.


He moaned, nostrils wrinkling in distaste for the smell -- for it was strong, indeed. Yet the lionfox froze in place under the two dominant mares as Ace marked him in equine urine, the fragrant stream splattering over his neck and then soaking into his thicker, yellow mane. Yet Amethyst was far from idle at the same time as she released her bladder over his upper thighs and crotch, letting her urine splash around his sheath and mark him too, even painting his cock, however briefly, in a warming stream.

Fiox knew he should have squirmed and tried to get away from them, though there was only so much, even then, that the lionfox honestly felt he could do. It was hard to fight back against two mares who were so casually confident in their own power -- and weren't they only doing it to help him? They'd said something about making him smell different, hadn't then? Something about the rain...

Yet that was very much a flimsy excuse at best, though the lionfox was known too for being a little too naïve at times. It was more, in fact, that he went along with someone who was more dominant than he was, though was cautious too of just where his own boundaries and limits lay.

Those had not been reached yet so he submitted to the mares and his growing arousal, his hybrid shaft throbbing tenaciously up to full hardness as it bobbed faintly back and forth. The coating of urine only enhanced the effect as they played, just a little, with watersports over him, his mane plastering more wetly to his neck and losing the fluffy definition it had boasted before getting caught in the rain in the first place.

"Oof... I..." He moaned, trying to come to his senses, half-raising his paws as if to weakly ward the chuckling, snorting mares off. "Okay... That'll do it, right? Ah... I don't think... Ah!"

The last cry burst from him in a rush of breath, lost in the moment, for Amethyst's hand had connected with his nuts, hard. And it had been unexpected, so very much so, all as he heaved and grunted, eyes wide and strained, glazed and gleaming with a sheen of tears that Fiox's mind simply could not acknowledge in that moment.

"Hah!" Amethyst barked a short laugh, eyes sharp. "You were right, again, Ace... He did get horny after I kicked him. Oh, this I can play with!"

Ace chuckled too. Many would have thought her the more sadistic of the two mares but, well, they would be mistaken there. Ace was simply more overt and open about it, while Amethyst allowed her discretion to lead her there: all so she could have more fun with it, one way or the other.

Yet Amethyst bore down on his nuts with the heel of her hand, watching his reactions as the tiny muscles in her muzzle twitched and her ears flicked forward. There was no way to say she was not paying attention to every nuance in the lionfox's body as he groaned long and low, forcing Ace to grab his paws again and pin them down. Ace was not as smooth that time, however, as she made him bend his arms at the elbow and held them to the right side of his muzzle, his nose pointing naturally in the same direction.


Fiox clenched his jaw as his hips tried to sink in, like he could "bow in" around his crotch enough to hide his aching nuts from the wicked mare's hands. His nose twitched with the acrid stench of urine still lingering there, something that was not so easy to dissipate, yet she held his balls in one hand with a firm, commanding grasp.

The mare smirked faintly as she rolled his nuts in her hand, pressing her fingers in around them as, slowly but surely, she crushed them within her hand. Not in a way that would cause any permanent damage, of course, for they didn't yet know for how long they'd want to play with their new toy, but more than hard enough to scurry by the limits of any regular anthro. Yet Fiox was not a regular anthro even as he squirmed under her, muscles bunching and contracting while Amethyst kept his thighs, quite firmly, pinned to the floor. The straw rustled under their bodies as she bore down with ever-increasing pressure, though the lionfox's deep, guttural groan was not to be ignored either.

His cock betrayed him, even though the pain made him want to give in, to soften, when all he ached for was orgasm. Even in Fiox's mind, pain and pleasure should never have come together as sweetly as they did in that moment, ecstasy thrumming through him in a wicked melody. He grunted and heaved, his stomach lurching, but Amethyst backed off at just the right moment, even if the rush of blood back into his slowly bruised nuts was just as painful. It was kind of like having nipple clamps removed: it was blood rushing back in that brought the throb of stinging pain afterwards and served to make them even more sensitive than before.

And that was exactly what Amethyst was angling for, the mare knowing her job and knowing how to do it well. He couldn't do anything about that, however, with his cock standing up straight with the rounded barbs on show behind the tip. A knot at the base was half-swollen too, though he usually tried to sink all the way into a partner before that became too large for Fiox to tie with another: it just was easier.

Nothing about the mares hinted at things being easy, however, as Ace ground her wet pussy over his face, trapping him there as she released his paws and sank on to him. With her muscular thighs clamped around his muzzle, he trembled under her, though she still had some urine to release over his muzzle. It marked him even further with her scent, even though there was no longer any pretence at all of making it so they could use their scent to evade the guard wolf.

No... Everything there was about play, even if not fully about pleasure. She arched her back, bearing down forcibly as she shoved the soft folds of her wet pussy against his lips. Any male worth his salt knew what that meant and Fiox tried to open his mouth to lap and please, his tongue flickering out weakly. She was quicker than him, however, and grabbed a big handful of his mane to grind his face into her pussy, keeping him there even as his lungs heaved and the pressure on his nose cut off Fiox's ability to breathe.


He squirmed, a part of him trying to jolt away, as Amethyst struck his balls again. He didn't know quite how the mare could take such a sadistic level of pleasure in such an act, but that, perhaps, was not for him to understand. His body instinctively wanted to get away from it, despite the cloying surge of arousal, and he struggled, concern lacing his body. With her abuse, even his furred orbs began to show dark bruises, the flesh discoloured beneath the fur.

"Oof... Stay still..."

Ace forced him to eat her out, though it was more the mare grinding roughly on his nose than anything else. The lionfox would have lapped up deeply into her pussy if he'd been free to do so -- yet the slapping, flat impact on his nuts distracted his attention somewhat. His body jerked and jolted with every strike, Amethyst using his over sensitive nuts to push his boundaries even further, though the lionfox was not in any position to see the smile on her lips.

His body sang between pleasure and pain as pressure built, though it was not for him to take control over it in the moment. It felt like the pressure from her hand remained on his nuts after every strike, though she paused between to grope and roll his pained nuts in her hand, crushing them with a sharp and practised squeeze of her hands. Fiox was sure he groaned and yet there was nothing there that could give him pause in the moment, shuddering there, his mind fogged over and hazy.

It was as if he was in a different world entirely as Ace suddenly bucked on his muzzle, the mare letting out a shriller whinny as she orgasmed on his muzzle. Pain rolled through him and he was caught, still, by the urge to press his legs together and protect his lower half, even if that ship had long sailed. She huffed and panted as a rush of her arousal flooded his face, though, even then, it was tainted by the urine that had painted his muzzle already. But the scent of sex coloured the scene even more, until Fiox didn't know what he was doing -- pressing up into Ace's pussy as she climaxed and jerking away from Amethyst's cruel hands.

He huffed and panted heavily as Ace raised her hips, tilting her head and eyeing him up. He didn't catch how fascinated she was by him. Amethyst amused herself by flattening his nuts as much as she was able under the heels of both hands at once, his legs quivering where they pointed out lightly, though it was not as if the lionfox was able to move. Fear coiled in the pit of his stomach of the pain increasing while the treacherously sordid part of his mind howled for more, always more.

It was a delicious position to be in.

"Look at him," Ace murmured, though her hushed tone was not for Fiox's benefit. "He can't take his eyes off my winking pussy... I really think we have a new toy here. One that'll come back time after time again."

Amethyst raised an eyebrow, snorting softly as she shook her mane from one side of her neck to the other. The lionfox huffed, straining to come back to himself as she callously released his sore, bruised balls, ignorant to the pain she'd caused.

"Then I'll try him."

They swapped positions, though that didn't offer the lionfox any relief, even if he stopped struggling to get away. There was a point where submission pulled him down to such an extent that he knew he couldn't get away -- and he was drawn to the mares like he'd never been before. If his eyes were open, they were fixed on the mares, as if nothing else existed in the world but them. He tried to more eagerly lap over Amethyst's pussy and she tolerated his clumsy, pained attempts for a time, before dragging at his mane and getting his head in exactly the position she wanted.

"Mmmph, go on then, mutt," Amethyst goaded him on, her tail flagged high as her pussy obviously winked and pulled right against his lips. "Lick deep, see if you think you're good enough to actually please a real mare."

Ace grumbled at that, though it was not the time for the mares to argue between themselves as the scent of sex and even urine too mingled in the air. The stable was closed in so, for the moment, there was nowhere for it to dissipate to.

And that was okay with all of them as he tried not to fight back too much, though the lionfox could not battle against the natural reactions of his body. Even the pressure of Amethyst's folds squashing and parting against his muzzle and lips was enticing -- yet not enough to pull his attention away from Ace toying with his nuts.

She was worse, leaving him guessing, her knee crudely shoved between his legs all the way up into his nuts. She didn't allow him any respite and merely increased the pressure more and more -- and if she "let off" at all it was only to strike his nuts with her hand or knee, whichever pleased her more at that time. It was as if the horse's attention was so fleeing that she had to keep jumping from one thing to another, all to keep her own attention right there in that moment.

"Unff... Ungghh..."

He groaned into Amethyst's pussy, though had no sense of whether anyone heard his cries at all while Amethyst's very slightly softer thighs closed tightly around his head. His hind paws scrabbled through the straw and found no purchase with which to push himself away -- not that Ace would have allowed that anyway.