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Click hereThis is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.
Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.
Anikos and Kamaya were not quite the usual couple, even though they were both dragons. Whereas he came with golden-yellow scales and a long line of plate-scales that ran from the underside of his chin all the way down his front and belly to his tail, she was a dragoness of the furred variety. His dark horns curled back like those of a common ram, though there was nothing common about Anikos, even if there was a ten-year age gap between the two adult dragons.
Kamaya, however, had a little more trouble keeping herself clean, as a general rule, with her fur. It was long and draped down her form, though it concealed fit, functional muscle: the dragoness was far from a pushover. Even her long tail draped with hair, dangling low when she was walking, even dragging on the ground.
Still, Anikos had learned an awful lot from Kamaya even in the month they had been together -- especially as he had been a virgin when he'd met her. It was funny how making a relationship more intimate like that could bring a couple closer together, though he was glad he had the more mature dragoness to lead the way for him.
Kamaya lay curled up in her "den" with Anikos, the tip of her furred tail flicking back and forth gently. She purred throatily, though it was more of a warble in the back of her throat, and could not truly be compared to a common feline purring in any way. The dragoness' eyelashes fluttered hazily and she groaned lightly, not really present in the moment as she relaxed with Anikos' warmth against her.
Her den was created for comfort, though it was intrinsically Kamaya at the same time. With large, plush pillows that she had dealt with traders and fine stones to acquire, she had a recessed sleeping area against a rock face where she could most easily get comfortable. With animal pelts that were skinned and treated for longevity and softness, it was as plush and as soft as she could possibly make it, though she still had her eye on the colourful blankets the traders had piled on their wagons the last time they'd been by. There was always something more for the dragoness to make a little more sensual for herself.
It was also lit with magical crystals she had both gathered and traded for, the Boreal Forest surrounding them. Tucked away in the mountain range, it was as if Anikos and Kamaya were the only two dragons in the world.
Anikos rumbled an affectionate growl as he raised his head slowly, butting his forehead against Kamaya's. He leaned in close, sharing his scent and touch with the dragoness, her tail curled around him, for she was slightly larger than he was. There was a lot to be said about the dragoness' scent, after all, though that was something Anikos tried not to linger on mentally all that much. It was a lot more difficult, after all, for Kamaya to keep herself hygienic than it was for him -- and he had to bear that in mind.
She rumbled back at him over his head, sliding her snout into place between his horns, though Anikos was just where he wanted to be, exactly as he was. The crystals surrounding them emitted a gentle light in shades of pink and purple and white, though it was easy enough on their eyes. Looking directly at one of the light-emitting crystals would not have harmed either of their eyes.
One thing Anikos could not ignore completely, however, was the fact that Kamaya's odour had grown stronger over the last few days, forcing him to acknowledge it even though he didn't want to dwell on it. It seemed rude to do so, even though he was in a relationship with her. Communicating openly about things was still very much something the drake was working on -- but it was coming, slowly. That was all he could ask for there.
Still, he withdrew his head slightly, not wanting to make a big deal of how his eyes were ever so slightly watering. Anikos' nostrils twitching and pulled as he tried not to inhale too deeply, though letting his jaws hang open didn't make things all that much easier too. The stench of her came with a thick helping of musk, which wasn't all that bad on its own when it was spicy and earthy -- but was more difficult to bear when it was tangled in the sharper, more cloying scent of her sweat.
There were many scents wound through it, from the dust where her tail had dragged to an almost excrement-like stench, though it was hard to pin that one down precisely in his mind. "Unwashed" was probably a good way for Anikos to put it for himself, though that didn't seem at all like a very kind thing for him to point out to Kamaya either. It was kind of as if the dragoness didn't know that she had a certain odour to her body too.
It was bad, he had to admit that, though he didn't want to tell the dragoness that she stank. Especially when there was that conflicted, warming part of him that ached with desire for it, pulling towards her scent in a carnal way. The edges of his slit parted ever so slightly, hinting at the growth of his cock, even though Anikos was only in the faint outreaches of arousal at that moment in time.
Still, he didn't stop, even though he lifted his head away from her slightly. He nuzzled lightly down her neck while she returned the affection with nibbles and licks. Yet Anikos adjusted their position, seeking out something more. It was all about sharing the moment with Kamaya, of course, even though her reek wafted around him, something he could never quite escape from. The dragoness murmured under her breath, something he couldn't quite catch, and stretched out across the full span of her sunken, lush bed for him.
"Mmm, that's nice..."
She fluttered her eyelashes at him, struggling, in that moment, to keep her eyes fully open, although the dragoness was still right where she wanted to be. That was all well and good as she relaxed into the brush of his gentle lips and teeth as they combed over her fur, working their way down from her neck to her stomach, following the smooth links of her flanks. Her sides rose and fell with every breath she took, though the drake did not fail to notice that her breath rate increased a little. It was those little details that stood out to him and he breathed more easily, sinking deeply into the moment.
It was all so he could be with her and grow with her, his tongue snaking out to flick across her belly. The drake had to go carefully, however, for she was getting smellier and smellier down there, where her fur was thicker and also picked up more sweat. He grunted faintly, but tried not to make a note of it as she worked his way down. Of course, there was only one thing the drake was going for as his slit parted a little more, revealing the faint, glistening head of his shaft. His arousal, despite everything, was absolutely not to be denied.
She half-rolled on to her back, half on her side and half on her back, and spread her hind legs for him. That was what sent a rank flow of her stench flowing over him, his eyes watering as he struggled not to take a full breath all at once -- but it was not only that. Once Kamaya spread her hind legs for him, however, he saw exactly how neglected the area was.
Even though Kamaya clearly wanted him to continue and chirped encouragingly at him, he couldn't do it, not quite yet. He was too surprised by the mess of tangled fur there, though there was no waste product there -- just as he had expected. There was no true smell of excrement either, but her rich, fruitful musk was even more pungent there too, with traces of pale urine marking and staining her fur close to her urethra. Still, there was more than that with what looked to be some kind of mucus there, or perhaps it was her feminine arousal and lubrication leaking out. It was hard to say and, with his eyes watering a little more, it was difficult for the drake to look all that closely.
All in all, it was crusty down there and not all that inviting -- even to a dragon who wanted her desperately and deeply. It was the stench, however, that was the most driving, making him gag quietly, though Anikos did all he could to hide the natural reactions of his body from her. What if he made Kamaya feel bad about how she smelled down there? He didn't want his love to be self-conscious in any way, though it was more difficult than ever when she did not bathe her fur as she should.
That was the difference, after all, between fur and scales. Fur was difficult to wash and dry and required, ideally, a clean, fresh water source to make sure all in that regard was adequately taken care of. After that, there was the issue of walking or even flying with sodden fur -- and just how was a dragon supposed to get all that dry? Even sunning themselves on a rock, with that much hair, would take hours upon hours, and Kamaya had complained about catching a chill on more than one occasion when her fur had not dried adequately before the weather itself had turned.
Still, he did not stop. Despite his stomach rolling and lurching, the drake fought back the urge to throw up, gulping it down against all the odds. Perhaps that was something Anikos should not have really done, but the dragon was invested in the moment and his strange arousal, heat flooding to his groin, demanded he continue.
"What's the hold-up?" She asked, raising her head with a sharp look in her eyes, though her need was obvious. "Anikos, dear... Can you not tell how much I need you?"
The drake gulped hard, his body flooding with heat. It was a good thing he could not blush, with his scales as they were, but it was not comfortable for him either way.
"I know..." He said, stalling for time. "It's just... Just..."
Kamaya growled, snapping her jaws, though she didn't mean to be aggressive in any way towards Anikos. She just didn't understand why the drake had got her all riled up and then stopped -- just like that!
He hung his head a little, a clawed foot on her leg, as if he was keeping her in place there, stopping her from rolling away.
"It's just..." He said, dragging out the words as if he didn't want to spend them. "It's a little...dirty... And messy, though I want to still keep doing it, yes, of course, I still want to make you feel good. Kind of..."
Kamaya growled, her tail suddenly lashing back and forth. For a dragon, that was an open show of agitation.
"This again?" She grunted, turning her muzzle away and jerking her hind leg, as if she was about to lurch up right there and then. "Anikos, you know how difficult it is for me to clean myself! I haven't been near a pure lake in some time!"
Her stomach churned a little, though Kamaya was not really embarrassed. What was the problem, really, with the way she smelled? At least, she didn't see the big deal with it. It was kind of a fact with her that she smelled a little different to other dragons, though she had it drawn to her attention more often when she had a sexual partner. It had been a few months of a dry spell between her time with Anikos and the drake who'd come before him, though furred dragons were often a little on the ripe side when it came to aromas also. Her similar partners had not minded her stench, though drakes had something of an easier time of keeping themselves clean of urine when their shafts "dropped" free of their bodies in order for them to urinate. Dragonesses simply did not have that luxury in the way that their bodies and vents were designed.
"I know, I know," he grunted, weaving his head and neck back and forth in his distress. "But I... It's still very, Kamaya. I don't want to be rude about it, but it's...disgusting! It smells like something died in there... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if I've made you feel bad. It just would be more comfortable for me if you bathed more."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"You say that like it's so easy," Kamaya said. "You can rinse off and you're as good as when you were born, drying your scales as easily as all that."
Anikos sighed and nodded, knowing that was true.
"I know, I know," he said once more, repeating himself. "Just...a little more? Could you bathe just a little more? I will help you clean up the dirty bits, there's a bit of dried urine down there too, that's never any problem. Maybe it could even be nice bonding time for us? It's just...really hard for me. The smell... It really makes me want to throw up sometimes, I'm sorry, Kamaya."
He had to be plain, after all, to get through to her, though Anikos still twinged with guilt for speaking so openly about something she was clearly not engaged with herself.
Kamaya sighed and lowered her head. There was something about Anikos that softened her in a way no one else did. Maybe she really was falling for him more and more, though the dragoness wasn't quite ready to delve into her deeper feelings for Anikos, not in that manner.
Perhaps that was something that would come in time, however. She would see.
He was rather sweet, however, even if their natural aromas didn't quite line up with one another.
"Okay," she agreed slowly, though the words drawled from her lips as if she was holding them back with the slippery wrap of her tongue. "I'll do better. I'll find a nice source to bathe in. Maybe there's even a creek that is close to the spring that will do, though it will still have to be a large enough one for me."
He smiled gently and her heart lifted at the sight of it, even if the dragon's lines of sharp teeth were on show at the same time too. It was the right kind of look for a dragon, yet could have been intimidating to some.
"But..." She paused, working the words over as she considered things. "You don't have to continue, not if you don't want to. I can leave and wash and, well...we can continue another time, Anikos."
The drake, however, shook his head, although his stomach still lurched. Glancing between her legs, he gulped and fought down his gag reflex, taking a moment to steady himself once more.
"I... It's okay. I want to do everything with you, Kamaya," he said. "And...I think this is another thing I want to experience: with you. There are parts of it that I like, kind of... I want to see more."
He felt like he had something to prove to her, in a sense, but he was still inexperienced when it came to the ways of sex. When Kamaya nodded at him to continue, if he was ready to, Anikos took a small, light breath.
He started where her body was not as ripe, nuzzling down her belly once more and kiss her inner thighs gently. There were patches on those that were not as matted as the fur elsewhere, even if the rank stench persisted. That was impossible to avoid as wave after wave of her reek poured over him, as if even the subtlest, softest movements of Kamaya's body sent it wafting over him.
"I'll make you feel good, sweetheart..."
He breathed the term of endearment softly, as if he cradled it on his tongue before letting it fly gently into the air between them. Appeased, Kamaya settled back down once again, though her need was still rampant as her sexual desire still filled the air.
Anikos swallowed the natural sense of revulsion as he fought down his gags, though his body wanted to retch, seeking a way to expel itself of the stench around him. That was hard, exceedingly so, though he didn't want to make Kamaya feel bad, no, not in the slightest. All he wanted was to make her feel good, even though her aroma was pungent, especially so, from time to time. His stomach lurched and he forced it down the best he could, though too much saliva filled his maw as if he was going to lose control over his own body even in the moment.
But, no... No, he could not do so. He had to hold back, for he wanted her too much. It was strange indeed, even to Anikos, to be caught between two opposing desires. His lower belly ached deeply, his shaft having slid most of the way out, but he wasn't paying attention to that as his nostrils twitched and pulled, fighting even that natural urge to breathe. And yet it was clear, even to Kamaya that he was turned on, that his cock was aching lightly as heat pooled in his abdomen.
It was that very feeling that pushed him on as he rocked his hips very lightly, grunting in the back of his throat. A bead of cum, however small, drooled at the tip of his cock, and Anikos groaned lightly, his eyes lighting up as he focused just a little more on his own desire. His throat contracted as he resisted the urge to gulp too hard, the gag reflex too strong for him to fully suppress, but the drake already knew what he had to do.
Even though her den was sizeable, more than large enough for the two of them to move around and live comfortably, even in her sleeping nook, her stench still permeated it. Perhaps it lingered in the soft moss lining the walls, the light sense of airiness even overcome by how she dominated the space.
There was no way to tell, yet Anikos serviced her all the same as he nuzzled down between her legs again, seeking her slit. The fur folded in around it, some of it matted and clumped up together, though the drake forced himself to slide out his tongue to part it lightly. Yet the moment his tongue brushed her slit and dipped inside her, everything eased.
She didn't taste quite as bad as expected, to say the least of it. That helped a little as he took another tentative lap, that time covering more of her vent with his tongue. The length of his tongue was slender and pink with an ever so slightly tapered tip to it, however dragon-like it was. Some dragons of the serpentine variety came with forked tips to their tongues, though that had never been the case for either Anikos or Kamaya.
They, however, could do weird and wonderful things with their tongues and Anikos tried to show off everything in the moment as he pressed on, his tongue slowly worming it into her. A more putrid stench, like fresh sweat combined with old, piercing musk, clawed at his nostrils and he gagged again, his throat working overtime as even the length of it ached. That wasn't something the drake had to consider all that much except when he was with Kamaya. It wasn't all that easy to keep his reflexes under control.
Yet the dragoness clearly appreciated his efforts as she moaned and stretched out her head and neck, very gently weaving them back and forth. Her jaw hung a little slacker and some of the tension left the muscles around her face, especially at the corner of her jaw. That jaw did a lot of work, holding and supporting such a heavy head, even if a dragon didn't actually need to chew all that much when they were feeding.
It was still a relief to her to have her needs met as he nuzzled into her, his tongue curling and flicking up inside her passage. It dragged lusciously against her inner walls as Kamaya groaned openly.
"Mmm, yes," she said, hissing through her teeth as her feathered wings shuffled and tried to fan out. "Yes, deeper, Anikos. Deeper!"
She was open in her desires and a feather drifted off to the side as she readjusted her wings, though there was no holding back in a moment like that. Not as he dug his tongue into her, even though she could feel him gagging against her.
That wasn't very polite of him, Kamaya thought, but she was too caught up in the moment to honestly care more about it. He was trying and, to her, that was all that mattered. Things would be different, of course, if Anikos tried to force her to be someone she wasn't, despite everything they had already gone through together.