Inflation Intoxication, Ch. 02

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Vanessa dreams of kinky inflation...
9.3k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2024
Created 10/27/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


As she slept, Vanessa dreamt.

In the basement living room of a three-storey frat house, sunlight streamed in through the windows, though no one there seemed to care whether anyone from the street outside could see them. Vanessa pressed up against a busty redhead, whose name she did not know, their tongues flicking and dancing lustfully back and forth between their mouths.

"Mmmm... Oh..."

She groaned, everything around her feeling nicely floaty, as if she was drifting in reality. Yet it was the redhead with her fiery curls that kept her grounded, the other woman's body trembling lightly against her. She was taller than Vanessa and, faintly, she was aware of music pumping somewhere, in the house but somehow distant from there.

If she had been awake, she would have understood that something was wrong there, that something was shifting. In the dream, everything was explained away, her breath hitching and catching, even while she didn't even need to breathe.

She moaned, eyelids fluttering, pressing in closer and closer to the redhead. She ran her hand down the woman's body, gripping her white blouse, fingers tracing the outline of her tie. That was strange... And was she wearing a skirt too? Vanessa chuckled faintly as she pulled back, though did not have it in her to feel foolish as she realised they were both wearing Catholic schoolgirl uniforms.

How funny...

And cute too. Really cute, especially as the kiss deepened and they pulled at their clothes. She licked her lips and moaned, thrusting her hand up under the other woman's skirt -- oh, how she wished she knew her name! Maybe "Red" would do?

Red... Yeah, that was a good name: so, "Red" she was. Vanessa groaned against her lips, worming her fingers into her underwear, tugging her panties aside, just to drive her fingers into her sex.

Red quivered against her, throwing her head back to bare the vulnerable expanse of her neck to Vanessa.


Vanessa nipped at the exposed skin, pressing in close. And yet her body was expanding, swelling within her clothes. It was not noticeable at first, not as a warm glow spread through her, though it was the tugging of her underwear around her hips that, at first, that drew her attention to it. She grunted against Red, fingering her deeply, working her fingers back and forth as she clumsily sought to press them up against her G-spot -- though that was not the kind of thing that was all that easy to do in a rough situation.

It was clumsy and it was awkward and it was everything that Vanessa needed it to be, her fingers thickening and fattening up, plump like sausages. Yet she retained every bit of dexterity in them, able to bend and flex and curl her fingers, wriggling two digits, and then adding a third, back and forth inside her pussy, juices slick around her fingers. Red grunted thickly, as if the sound was rising from the back of her throat, but sound itself came from weird places in the dream, surrounding them, flooding them.

Vanessa relaxed into a world of pure sensation, her buttocks expanding more and more, filling out her underwear, straining the cotton panties around the thick swathe of luscious flesh that was inflating. She gasped and panted, trying to lick her lips -- but Red's lips were back on hers, devouring her mouth as Red's tongue swelled, thick enough and long enough to fill Vanessa's mouth.


Her eyes rolled back into her head, her breasts plumping up increasingly, pressing out against Red and making it hard for them to squeeze up against one another, closer than ever. Red's body changed too, though it was her clit and her pussy that swelled first, thick and luscious and plump between her thighs, growing so rapidly that the woman was forced to move her legs apart, all to make space for her pussy.

It filled the gap between her legs, her folds heated and pressing out, even the inner labia bulging so that it made more of a round swell between her thighs. Vanessa purred into Red's mouth as she kissed her passionately, sucking on her tongue, Red's tongue slipping down her throat, though Vanessa's heart lurched.

"Mmmmmph.... Mmmmmm..."

She groaned. Oh, that was good, the twisting, flickering sensation of the swelling tongue pouring into her throat. The feeling of being licked down there, no gag reflex to be found, pulled up against the back of her throat and made her grunt thickly, groaning, gulping, eyelids fluttering, trying to arch up against her partner. And yet the growth made that difficult as her breasts ballooned out, straining at her bra and threatening to ping off the buttons on her white blouse, the ladies' version of a shirt with the buttons doing up on the other side.

Such a small detail for her to notice, even in a dream. And yet it was on those buttons that her attention focused as they grew -- not in proportion and not smoothly either. No... No, that wouldn't have been as fun to Vanessa as she inflated, her backside billowing out softly to such and extent that she forced her skirt up and out of the way. Why, it may as well have been underwear in that moment, for all that it covered, but it was not yet at risk of ripping. Her panties cute and white and oh so innocent, faced another trial entirely as the waistline strained, the elastic around her thighs cutting in more and more, though a good chunk of her buttocks bulged out underneath.

She kissed Red furiously, her body swelling, pressing out, her buttocks expanding through the leg holes of her underwear, though her clothes were not about to stop her, no. Not as she was stripped, slowly but surely, her tongue feeling like it was worming and thrusting even deeper into Red's throat as the slutty woman sucked on it with a gargle.


Her tits leaked, spilling out more milk, yet the wetness spreading down her blouse did not pause her, not as she pressed over Red, her knees spreading to straddle her hips. Vanessa grunted, Red breaking from her to shove her hand between Vanessa's legs, though it was not unexpected at all as her fingers teased up into her strained, stretched underwear.

There was no rational way to explain just how Red did it, but her fingers pressed in, finding the swollen folds of Vanessa's pussy and spreading them apart. Her entire hand disappeared into Vanessa's pussy as Vanessa moaned and gripped Red tightly to her. The roof of the living room spilt as their tilted bodies bloated against it, though they didn't pause as cracks spread through and it came down around them in a shower of dust and rubble.

Their growth escalated, crushing the sofa that they had been comfortably on beforehand, Red on all fours with Vanessa on the bottom -- though Vanessa's arm seemed to, somehow, comfortably reach Red's pussy too. Their shirts split over the chest, a tear in the bras also allowing their nipples to pop out -- yet no more than that though. It was as if their clothes wanted to compress and restrict them, even as the roundness of their buttocks fought their skirts for room, skirts no longer covering anything modest in the slightest.


She grunted, nipping and biting at Red's nipples, a spurt of creamy milk flooding her mouth. Yet she was not there to suck down her milk until it bloated her up, no, just biting and twisting. No matter how hard she bit, however, she didn't leave more than an indent of her teeth in Red's breasts while her partner howled in orgasm and rocked her hips, giving in to pleasure.

Their growth... Well, it was just a by-product of lust, wasn't it? That was how they thought of it as they bloomed through to the second floor and came up into the attic, ignorant of how big they were. The house could not contain them, not as shirts strained tighter and tighter and the waistbands of their skirts popped free, slowly, surely. Their breasts spilt out, bras in place, yet milk soaking their fronts. Their shirts clung to their bodies, wet and sticky with it, and Red gave as good as she got, twisting and pulling Vanessa's nipples with her free hand. Her gripping, pinching fingers were merciless as Vanessa broke the wet, sloppy kiss as they roughly fisted each other's pussies.


Their screams wound sensually into one another as they broke through the room. It was not as if the timber framework of the frat house was going to be enough to hold them, after all, not as they stood, somewhat, finding support on the house, wrapped up in one another. Vanessa's swollen pussy squeezed around her fisting hand, though it burrowed up, deeper and deeper, the two of them growing rapidly to fifty feet tall and swelling more.

They didn't have to stop. Not even as they practically pummelled their hands into one another's wombs, hands clenched tightly into true fists, working their way past cervixes as if they offered no barrier at all. Maybe that was so, maybe that was true, but the height of a dream as they expanded into he neighbourhood, growing up to one hundred feet with their underwear digging viciously into their bodies, trying to hold on, well... The height of a dream, even then, was not to be meddled with.

Not in the slightest. Not as orgasm ripped through them: one, endless orgasm. Or one could have said that it was many orgasms, arousal sloppy around each other's hands and arms, that went on forever, with no distinction between them. Milk flooded the land around them, spilling into roads and down drains, yet neither woman noticed it, not as Vanessa threw her head back and howled out her pleasure.

And then the dream faded, shifting Vanessa, alone, into the deeper depths of depravity.

The second dream turned her out into an alleyway in the city, the full moon high above, though it could barely be seen through the smog in the air. The cloying pressure of the city closed in around Vanessa, standing there with her chest heaving, though she was in her usual clothes, kind of. A long sleeve shirt came down her arms with a brown jacket over the top that was done up and zipped tightly, long trousers, her black shoes and socks. She didn't see the underwear on her body, but she was acutely aware of it tightening around her body.

It was as if there was too much going on, all at once, as if the mere pressure of her clothes on her figure was too much for her, when it had always been fine before. Vanessa had never been one for being overly sensitive to certain textures, but it was different that night, the moon hazy through the pollution in the city air.


She clawed at her body, scraping at her skin, raking her nails down her arm, however her skin did not roughen up or even bleed, no. It stretched, bowing down under the pressure of her finger and nail, a sense of pulling aching through her.

Yet her clothes over the top, oh no... No, they were awkward, uncomfortable, her body trembling with the need to be more. It was wrong, so wrong -- she needed to be free of it!

Even though she did not understand what was happening, she grunted and heaved, clenching and unclenching her hands from fists, head tipped forward, stumbling as if she had to follow the weight of her head somewhere, anywhere. Vanessa moaned, tripping over her own feet as she tried to look up, pain searing through her, across her skin and then deeper still, as if roots were curling and twisting into her body, wrapping around her organs and affecting the dark parts of her.

She screamed, her high-pitched cry ripping into a roar, deeper and bellowing, rising from a more feral part of her psyche still. Vanessa filled her chest with air, letting her diaphragm hold the sound, and roared, the streets echoing with her cry. Yet no one, no one at all, would ever have guessed just what was happening, what she was becoming, the burning bite of pain snapping at her catching, teeth sinking deep.

It may not have been real, not something that she could look at and touch and quantify, but Vanessa didn't need to. It was all happening without her, ripping through, snarling, her knees hitting the ground hard, her palms coming into contact with rough, broken tarmac.

"Unff... Ohhhhh..."

Vanessa twisted, her shoulders hunching and rounding. The last thing she knew, in her active, knowing mind, was seeing the full moon above her, the white round of it glowing faintly through the smog.

And then everything changed. Just like in her fantasies, only better. For she could feel it in her dream, the bulge and push of her skin, rippling and pulsating as if there was something feral inside her that was trying to get out, fighting her through any means possible.


She couldn't help but scream, her body swelling, growing, the jacket pulling tight over her shoulders and coming up under her arms. Even her socks and shoes were too tight, her toes curling down and trying to find more space for themselves, yet even the strain of her shoes bearing back against them was intolerable.

Out, out... She was out and, still, she had to get out...

There was everywhere for her to go, however, her entire body quaking, muscles swelling down her arms from her shoulders, bulking out. And yet that was not where her focus lay, even though she bloomed into a muscular goddess, her spine lengthening and her limbs growing longer and longer, everything keeping up.

Roughly, of course. For there were random growths and swellings, one tit popping out to double and then triple its size, taking her weight to one side. Her nipple bulged, doubling in size, easily visible through her shirt and even the thicker, tougher material of her jacket too. The zip cut down between her tits, pressing into the rising flesh and muscle of her body, yet it was too much for Vanessa to take in all at once, as much as she grappled with it.

"Unff... Ohhhhhh... Mmmmnnngghhh..."

She groaned, her shoes splitting and letting her growing feet out. They were the least important part of her body, after all, for her clothes to keep entirely contained, her chest heaving and rising, her other breast swelling to match the first. Still, they grew and grew, as if they were being inflated with an air pump, the nipples left lopsided with sweltering need.

Even though the night air should have been cold and refreshing, it nipped at her and demanded her attention, air rasping down her throat and into her lungs. Vanessa grunted, eyes snapping open: wide, strained, bulging. Hair clung to her neck, damp with sweat, a little soaking into her clothes, but it would not be any kind of issue for very much longer. She didn't need her clothes, after all, not as muscle layered across her back, her shoulder blades spreading apart, straining to contain the might of her new body.

Bigger and bigger... The walls of the alleyway closed in around her as she kicked a bin away, the metallic bang hardly dissuading her in the slightest. She shook her head back and forth, arching her back and shoving backwards, getting up roughly onto her feet again. One foot was still crudely ground into a shoe with her heel shoved out the back and her toes flexed out the front, the sides just barely holding on. The other shoe had been completely decimated, crushed under her as her body swelled, up near ten feet tall and rapidly gaining.

There were no constrains, after all, to her size, to the inflation swelling through her, filling her, enhancing her. Where was the fun in a human body, after all? Oh, no... No, there was no sense in that, none at all, not as she gripped the tarmac, her fingers digging into it as if it was soil and ripping up great chunks. Even her grip strength was improved vastly, turning her beyond the limits of anything that humanity could have ever hoped to accomplish.

"Unff... Nnnghhh... Yes..."

She was a monster and a monster was all that she needed to be, gnashing her teeth as even those grew too big for her mouth. Transformations bulged from her, all over the place, even though she came up against the sides of the alleyway, her knees pointing out as she crouched down low to the ground, relishing in the greater flex and muscular swell of her thighs. Even her glutes were tighter and rounder, even as they bulged out through her clothes and underwear, the seams popping, one by one.

Her clothes should never have held up to that extent, though anything was possible, truly, when it came to languishing in a dream. Her clothes held up beyond any possible means, although the strain of the seams ripping and popping caught her attention, rippling through her body with every tiny reverberation.


Vanessa moaned, not even closing her mouth again, trembling in place. There was no room for her there, no, not in the alleyway, not as she came up against the opposing walls, hands pressed into the old brickwork, though it was worn and grey, dirtied with smoke and other pollution. Her back rippled with muscle, but she relished in the sense of growth, for at least it blotted out every last drop of pain that had blistered through her before size had taken over.

And yet there was one thing that had not made itself known so far and that was going to dominate her every breathing moment, every puff of breath, from that heave of sensation on. Vanessa licked her lips, rolling her hips back, her trousers feeling tighter and tighter, splitting between her legs. For there was something greater growing there, two balls that squashed out from her body, as much as they were borne back too from the constraints of her clothes.

"Yes... I'm a...beast!"

She roared, fingers crunching into the walls, ripping out bricks, even half bricks, not caring for the destruction that she caused, shaking the foundations of the buildings. Her new balls fleshed out, bulging into her trousers, squeezing out the leg holes of her underwear, forcing the elastic to strain more and more and more.

It contained her body, just about. Her clothes... They tried to even stop the progression of her cock, her clit throbbing and throbbing -- yet with every pulse of heat that sank into it came another spurt of growth, inches added to it.

"Unff... Mmph!"

She twisted, standing tall, though she couldn't fit between the buildings anymore, standing at least two-storeys tall and shocked at how much she had grown. Her hips wedged her into the alleyway and yet the growth still swelled through her, more and more, crushing into the building, ripping through, glass shattering as she buckled a window frame. Even when she was on the outside, the buildings could not hold her, her might swelling into the city.

She was not to be contained, not as her clothes ripped finally. The splits came one after the other, her jacket tearing across the chest as small rips showed through, containing the bulging rise of her breasts. Her trousers and underwear came together, yet splits ran up her buttocks, revealing her underwear, the elastic squeaking as it stretched, each string of elastic pinging free, one after the other.

And then her jacket and shirt tore through across the chest, allowing the swell of her tits to press out, followed swiftly by her bra pinging free right in the middle. It was not a slow reveal but a shocking tremor that had her tits bouncing free, swinging up and down under their own weight until they settled from their movement. Her nipples dripped milk until it became a steady stream, pouring down her tits as her fingers gregariously came up to caress her bare tits, milking them, squeezing them. No matter how she touched her tits, milk poured from them, soaking her jacket and shirt, which were both still tight around her shoulders and under her arms, the zip tugging down slowly, surely, across her midriff.