Inflation Intoxication, Pt.03

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Vanessa fantasises, but her world will soon transform...
3.7k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2024
Created 10/27/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Vanessa groaned... It was so hard to wake up after such a restless night. She felt like she had been tossing and turning the whole time, her body aching terribly. Just what had she been doing the whole night long? She had been so tired and she knew she had gone for a walk in the night before turning in...

She didn't quite remember getting back to her dorm after her walk, though she was sure that she must have walked back. After all...she was back in her bed, right? Her dorm room around her looked normal, her desk all in place and her roommate's bed still a bit of a mess, though it looked like she was up already. Vanessa wasn't close to her, though she always made sure to be polite. Some things, like living in close quarters with other people in the college dorms, couldn't be helped. She would have had a whole room to herself if that had been possible, however, but paying extra for things like that wasn't always in the cards.

She stretched, grabbing her phone and checking the campus news.

"Um... What?"

She rolled her eyes. How could the science building have exploded yet again? That was crazy! They'd said that there were frequent explosions there and that there were investigations being done into the safety procedures, but nothing had clearly come of that, in the end. At least, she didn't think so, if it had blown up to such an extent that it looked like they wouldn't be able to have classes there for a while. At least Vanessa had heard through the grapevine that, even though there was frequent damage to the building, they would have it up and running again in, most likely, a couple of days. They usually did.

However, she was not to know that the damage caused to the building that time was by far much worse than what they usually had to deal with...

It wasn't for her to worry about, not remembering all that much of what had gone on the night before.

What Vanessa did remember, however, was that she had had incredibly vivid dreams. The kind of dreams that left her obviously wet between the thighs and nipping cheekily at her lower lip as she wriggled her hips from side to side in bed, rocking lightly back and forth.


The feeling was good, as if the sheets had tangled up between her legs in the night. Closing her eyes, she tried to think back on what she had been dreaming about, but it did not leap as readily to her mind as she may have liked. Something about growing larger, that was all normal, her breasts being so huge that she couldn't see...

She wished she could remember more, but she could not and it was time to get up and get ready anyway. She rose softly, swallowing hard at the pressure of her panties up against her pussy, though she didn't seem to be wearing her usual pyjamas. That was odd, with the top and the bottoms being mismatched. She was usually a creature of habit when it came to mundane, monotonous things like that, all to keep things simple for her mind to be on kinkier, more intriguing nuances in life.

Turning the shower on, she smiled at the rush and hiss of water streaming down into the bottom of the shower cubicle, which, for once, was actually roomy enough. Student dorms were known to be quite tight on space, but that one, actually, wasn't all that bad. She stripped of her clothes quickly, double checking that the door was locked after her, and paused in front of the mirror while the shower warmed up.

Something was...different. But not in a bad way, not as her lips parted and stretched a little more widely.

Her eyes... They were green, not brown. That was new and she didn't remember putting in any contact lenses either. She turned her head back and forth, suspecting that it was a trick of the light, though her attention was drawn down to her chest, where her areola seemed puffier, around her inverted nipples.


Vanessa muttered to herself as she ran an experimental hand over her chest, her lower back arching and her breasts thrusting forward as she moaned.


That was sensitive! A lot more sensitive than they had been before, her heartbeat leaping into racing overdrive, pounding a rhythm in her chest that she had to follow. Running her hand down her body with a sensual brush of her fingers, she whimpered breathily as she reached her clit, arousal pooling there. If she didn't know any better, she would have said that her clit was visibly swollen, twice the size that it should have been. And yet there was no pain down there, just a burning sense of need.

Maybe I just had kinky dreams and my body needs this... I need this.

Vanessa was no stranger to giving her body what it wanted, after all, and was not about to hold back as her fingers slid between her thighs and pulled back along her puffy folds to her clit.

Yet the moment she touched it, she cried out loud, too late to clap her hand over her mouth as orgasm ripped through her. It was as if she was being torn from the very bathroom that she was standing in, hurled into another reality, a place that heralded and worshipped pleasure, only pleasure.

It pulsed through her, yet she could not have said how long it took to ease, cum slicking down her thighs, messily dripping and drooling, as if she was squirting, yet it was so much more than that. Her own, slick fluids coated her inner legs and pooled around her feet, even shooting in front of her, splashing off the cabinet under the skin and some splattering up to the mirror that she had been looking in.

Vanessa stumbled backwards, barely catching herself on the shower cubicle as orgasm sloshed from her, more like a male's orgasm than that of a woman, like the climaxes that she was already familiar with. It was thicker too, creamier, just like semen, pouring down the cabinet and the wall as if she had been trying to hose it down. Stumbling backwards, however, and propping herself up with her hips shoved forward, just meant that the angle of her hips had changed, firing off spurt after thick spurt of feminine arousal like she had meant to do it.

She could have wondered at what was going on, the mess that she had made, yet Vanessa's mind was still not her own, not yet. She slipped into the shower as the last, warming vestiges of her orgasm simmered down, stepping through the mess, two of her huge toys clasped in her hand. They had been left under the sink, in the cabinet, when her roommate had come home early one day and surprised her, though, that time, Vanessa had only been washing and cleaning them well. Her roommate was fortunate indeed that she had not surprised Vanessa doing anything worse.

But the toys were huge, the first a good ten inches long and something that should have horrified any "normal" woman -- but what really was "normal" anyway? It was all subjective and Vanessa could do whatever the hell it was that she wanted when it came to her own pleasure, so she wasn't going to pause in the midst of her lust to worry about what someone else would think of her toys.

Her pussy could hold a lot more and stretch to a greater extent, or so it seemed, as she had worked her way up to the truly brutish toys over a long time. The toy shoved itself inside her, seemingly of its own accord, as if it was not even attached to her hand in that moment, but working because it was something else that wanted to see her erupt into orgasm once again. She was not herself and that was what led Vanessa to moan and cry out, steam wafting around her as the shower slicked down her hair flat to her head and neck, her arousal washed away by the warm water.

"Oh... Oh, yessss..."

There would always be more to come, after all, so much more to come, working the toy deeper and deeper, her hungry cunt swallowing up more of it than the eye could imagine. She squeezed experimentally around it, relishing in the tightness, yet it was only the toy that she was going to start with, smooth and easy to get into her. With Vanessa's pussy as wet and ready as it was, it was not going to be a problem and she could use something thicker, something with big, gnarly ridges to dig into her pussy and give her that intoxicating added edge of stimulation that she required. Normal toys just didn't cut it for her anymore, and that was okay too.

She leaned back against the cool of the shower wall tiles, though they swiftly warmed to the heat of her body, as if she was burning up from the inside out. She had never been so warm before, though Vanessa did not register it as a strange thing, even though she may well have done if she had realised that the "dreams" that she remembered were actually real. Whimpering as water streamed down her chest and over her sensitive nipples, she bucked her hips into the drive of the toy, taking it into her body as hard and as fast as she could.

A lewd, wet, sloshing sound filled the shower cubicle and she howled, pushing her head back against the wall and shoving her hips forward as far as her body would allow, all as orgasm slammed into her. For several, long moments, there was nothing but climax, feeling her toes curling, the hardness of the shower floor under her, and the ripping, pulsating ecstasy of losing her sense of self. Everything was left and locked down in raw sensation, so sharp that it was as if there was an animalistic bite to it, her pussy clenching and rippling, oddly more in rhythm than usual, as if her body was trying to milk the toy and imagining cock of its cum. But that wasn't something that Vanessa was particularly interested in, despite her body enjoying the fantasy, responding naturally to such stimulus.

Her pussy squeezed it tightly, too tightly, yet she still dragged the huge toy from her in a slop of sexual juices as her panting breaths rose and rose. She had to have the bigger one, she had to have more. The second toy was huge, bulbous at the base and with a defined head with a rounded tip right at the very end. It was splashed through in pink and blue, made from silicone, though the ridges on it were huge and designed to drag through her pussy with every stroke. It might have been seen as the kind of toy that a masochist would use on themselves but, well, Vanessa just enjoyed that kind of thing, quite honestly. If it got her off, it was exactly what she needed.

She moaned as it pushed inside her, tipping forward to rest one arm against the plastic of the cubicle, though it rattled a little, not entirely secure. Ignoring it, she placed the base of the toy on the wall where it suctioned into place with the special attachment she had had added to it, originally being a custom order. She had a lot of those in her collection and it was one of many as she howled and bucked her hips on it, arching her back and grinding onto the toy with the single-minded arousal of someone that needed to cum.

And, with how it squirted from her, shooting around the toy ramming her cunt full, it couldn't be called anything else. A thick mess of arousal slopped from her as she twisted and bucked on it, trying to get the ridges to grind over her G-spot, though the toy even rotated a little where it was stuck to the wall, the condensation allowing the seal to not be quite tight and slip a little. That was of no matter to Vanessa, as long as the toy remained rammed inside her, heaving and grunting, resting both hands flat on the opposite side of the cubicle while hot water spattered her back.

She'd forgotten about the shower. She didn't even need to rub her clit to get off, which was a little unusual but not so far removed from the usual that it struck her as odd. No... She just needed to get off, panting heavily as another climax tore through her, making her slip a little in the shower, sitting down all the way back on the toy.


But it was good, so very good, needing it more, so very much more. She couldn't stop herself as frenzied masturbation engulfed her, claiming orgasm after orgasm on the toy as she rammed every inch inside herself. It was too big to fit inside someone that had not prepared for the size of a toy like that, but she didn't care. It was just the right fit for her and that was all there was to it, all that mattered to her in the lust of a moment that was for her enjoyment alone.

Maybe that was what she liked so much about masturbation. It was all about her and the focus never had to be on someone else, not in the slightest. And she wanted that attention on her, for her, to truly revel in the tightness of her cunt wrapped around a toy that was designed for her pleasure, pulling and pulsating, ripples running through her muscles down there like they never had before.

She took one hand to rub her breasts, feeling her nipples grow, puffing out and growing erect, which was most unusual for her. So often they were inverted and that had never bothered her at all, for it was just the way it was, though it sent a jolt of excitement through her, caressing her tit and pinching her nipple between her fingers with a moan.

"Mmmph... That's... Ohhhh..."

Words did not leap readily to her lips, but that was all fine, all well and good as she whimpered and rocked her hips, the ridges of the toy digging into the soft flesh of her pussy. The head crammed right up against her cervix as she demanded that her body open up around it, to take it as deeper as she wanted it, muscles rippling to almost "suck" it deeper inside her body. Vanessa, after all, was well practised in the art of that manner of sexual pleasure.

She didn't notice her nipples lactating as they perked up, however, the creamy rivulets swiftly washed away by the water. However, the rise in sensation, skin aching and tingling, was there, her breasts warm under the water, even though the water was the same temperature and it was her body that was growing hotter and hotter. The after effects of the growth serum, despite her not recalling, would not go away so quickly, as her milky tits leaked into the stream of water.

She slipped the first dildo up against her backside, tracing the crease of her buttocks and down to her anal ring. The pucker tightened and tried to flinch back against the intrusion, but only for a moment. She was far, far too practised to give up that easily, after all, working the dildo into her anal ring while the other was left half inside her pussy, only with enough space between the wall and her body for her to use the other toy at the same time. If she had had the huge toy buried all the way up in her pussy, grinding back against the wall, she would not have been able to use the second.


She slammed back down against the wall the moment she could, however, revelling in the double sensation of tightness, how it brimmed through her as if it was about to spill over, making her heart leap. It closed around her throat but Vanessa threw away even the need to breathe, working the slightly smaller, smoother toy up into her backside while the other stretched her pussy.

Though not to its limit. She had even bigger toys in her toy chest, after all, for that, if she had ever needed them. And Vanessa made use of them rather a lot, in fact.

Huffing and panting, Vanessa hung her head down between her shoulders, awash with lust. Two dildos inside her were better, though she didn't realise that she was clamping down so hard that she was squashing the smaller one more and more with her anal passage. Her sphincter pinched in and down to such an extent that it clenched around the neck of the toy, forcing the silicone in deeper, wrecking it beyond all recognition. Orgasm set her body bucking and humping again, rocking her hips back and forth and not knowing at all which way she wanted to go as her world and reality spun around her.

She was barely aware of the ruined toy slipping from her anal ring as she let it go in favour for the larger, slightly more robust one. Whining, Vanessa bucked back against it, the cool of the tiles behind her brushing up against her backside as she forced the head into her cervix, parting it faintly, though there was no strain and no pain, not that time.

Only pleasure.

She panted heavily, catching her breath when she could, though there was still only so much that she could do, even then. She had to hold on to the moment, lust overpowering, her pussy squeezing around the toy harder and harder, much harder than should ever have been possible. Frankly, the force with which she gripped the massive toy, rammed to the hilt, inside her pussy was barbaric, crushing it slowly, harder and harder, making it smaller and smaller inside her.

It was just as well that it was enough to give her some relief as she panted heavily, blinking, coming back to reality enough to realise that she was in the shower, the water a little lukewarm. It must have started going cold when she had been showering, the old electrics not quite enough to keep up with how long she had been in there, even if Vanessa had only intended to take a short while in the shower that day.

"Unff... Mmm..."

She moaned, standing up slowly, her legs a little shaky, though not as much so as Vanessa might have expected. Vanessa groaned, the ghost of a smile flickering across her lips, though the crushed toy was something else to contend with. She eased it from her cunny a lot more smoothly than it had gone into her, the ridges crushed and one of the biggest, which had wrapped around the toy in a spiralling design, almost completely ripped from the toy. She giggled.

"Wow... I didn't think I could clench that hard around any of my toys!"

It was strange, very much so, but that didn't matter to Vanessa. It was an older toy, one that she had got rather a lot of use out of -- so surely that made sense as to why she had crushed it like that, yes? At least, that was what she put it down to, the only thing that she could imagine. Her clit and pussy were both still so sensitive, the folds of her sex seeming more swollen and puffier than usual.

Carefully, she washed herself of, using the intimate area soap that she usually did to help ensure she was fresh down there. The mess in the bathroom was easily mopped up, though she still shook her head at it, thinking that she must have been really pent up -- and that the shower cubicle had leaked too, for some of it had sloshed about with water, appearing thinner than it had when it had erupted from her needy cunt.

She still, after all, had to get ready to go to her classes for the day, still horny. The toys, however, had given her enough relief that she felt able to go about her day. If Vanessa had been given the choice, however, she would have readily stayed in all day to use her toys, over and over again, ramming them in hard and fast to her needy pussy... But even thinking about that was getting her wet between the thighs again, her panties fresh as she slid them up her shapely legs, back in her room. She was slim, with slender legs that she rather liked, and dressed in a white blouse that buttoned up with a layered effect on either side of the buttons and a crisp, pressed collar. She wanted to look smart for her day and, after all, Vanessa had always dressed for the part that she wanted to play.

Her black skirt, however, would have to do that day, for Vanessa did not think that she would at all be able to deal with trousers that day, even though she liked having a variety of outfit options to work with. She paused, adjusting the back of her bra where it was not sitting comfortably; doing that as a woman was harder than most realised, but she managed it.