Inflation Intoxication, Pt.04

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Vanessa's inflation transformation finally kicks off!
4.2k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2024
Created 10/27/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Vanessa stepped out confidently as she walked away from her dorm, heading towards the Arts building. She had another class over there, though there was another complication in her still being aroused. Just how many orgasms was it going to take that day for her to finally feel like she was satisfied? She just didn't know, for it was not all that easy, grunting and grumbling under her breath, though there was a sense of good mood about her, a lightness in her step that didn't quite seem at home. Yet it was good too, making her feel as if the world around her was soft and good?

Yeah... She didn't really get it either.

It conflicted with her dreams too about the night before, being huge and heavy, so large that her breasts led the way, swaying as they bobbed before her. She swallowed a moan and studiously put her mind back to her path, knowing the way to the arts building, though she took a shortcut through another building, heading down a long, empty corner set with other classrooms for the Humanities. It was good that they could take on such classes in smaller rooms rather than huge lecture halls; she hated feeling like just one of a number when a lecture was being given to a huge hall of students, even though there could be useful information in there too if it was a guest speaker.

Yet she couldn't push it down, not as she licked her lips and tried to walk normally, her body feeling sensitive, too sensitive. Every step sent a soft reverberation through her and her clit ached fiercely: a deep, throbbing ache that made her almost waddle with every step. She nipped at the inside of her cheek, trying to distract herself with other sensations as the burning spike of heat grew stronger and stronger, but it was no good.

"What the heck is going on?"

Even Vanessa had to show a little annoyance at that, tugging at her clothes, the fabric suddenly too rough, closed in around her. Had it always felt like that? She tried to ignore it, walking straight, yet that only made her clit rub against the front of her underwear even more, throbbing and almost feeling like it was pulsing, like it would have done at the point of a really intense orgasm. The sensations did not flow back up into her crotch and pussy, however, more concentrated on and immediately around her clit than they ever had been.

"Ugh... This is too much."

The prickling, throbbing, driving sensation pulled up into her body, affecting her crotch and her lower stomach, something uncomfortably churning in there, though it didn't feel like her guts or anything, something deeper. With a mutter under her breath and a faint hint of alarm in the back of her mind, she stumbled into a storeroom, which was used for the theatre club mainly -- or so she realised once she was inside.

For it was filled with costumes on racks, some covered with clear plastic to stop the dust from getting to them, and lots more props for the theatre department. She'd heard that they did plenty of shows but, honestly, Vanessa had not even yet found the time to attend a single one of them. She had been too focused on her studies and herself and, well, it had never quite been her thing, even though she had a couple of friends who were into performances and stuff like that.

"Unngghhh... I don't...feel very good..."

It was comforting to hear herself say that aloud, though Vanessa was more than a little annoyed as she doubled over, resting her hands on her knees and then slumping down lower still. She had a busy day ahead of her! Though it did not at all seem like her body was about to let up on her as she dropped fully to her hands and knees, breathing heavily, every breath that she dared to snatch into her lungs raking heavily through her windpipe.


Vanessa puffed for breath, focusing on the armchairs and tables against one of the walls, where the other two were taken up by costumes and shelves of props that did not need to be freestanding. That had to be where the theatre group would regroup and assess when they needed a break or something, though she was all too aware of the door unlocked behind her, despite it being closed. There was a sense of being watched in there, her skin prickling, as if one of the posters up on the wall had the kind of eyes that moved back and forth, following her as she tried to crawl forward.

And her clit... She'd never had it ache like that before, truly! It felt tight, like a balloon about to pop, even if the notion of something like that on her body actually popping did not cross her mind. It could not, of course, for it was not possible -- yet Vanessa had fantasised about all manner of impossible things time after time again before, and that hadn't changed anything about her mind, no. She groaned, her flesh bubbling lightly, no more than a light shiver, enough that she didn't catch onto what was happening as her stomach leapt and roiled.

"Ah... Ahhhh..."

She moaned, pressing a hand between her legs, her head tucked down, struggling to make sense of everything. Yet all became clear, in a small way, as that hand rubbing her clit over the fabric of her panties suddenly billowed out with a sudden stretching of skin and crackling of bones.

Her hand! Her hand had grown! And, all at once, her mind was back in her fantasies, running over the dreams of the night before, wondering if, maybe, just maybe, something had come of them after all.

And yet there was no time for Vanessa to delve into that, not in the slightest, panting and whimpering as her leg swelled next, growing in proportion -- yet just the leg. It was swiftly followed by the other one, her hand working back and forth against the swollen nodule of her clit, though it was not as small, not by far, as it should have been.

She'd put on pantyhose that morning, wanting to be presentable and to feel a little more herself again, in a studying context, of course. Maybe it was outdated to wear pantyhose, but her skirt hid most of it and she liked the sensation that it had around her legs, a soft, closing feel, though sometimes it was as if she was wearing nothing at all. Still, it stretched around that leg, splitting and showing tears, stretching into round holes that exposed the pale flesh of her leg beneath.

Even as it strained and stretched, tearing right at the top across her thigh to stretch along with her leg, it stayed in place on her leg, her toes curling, spared for the moment. For it was only the leg that was growing as she twitched and shivered, the transformation happening a lot more swiftly than her mind was able to grapple with. To Vanessa, it felt like everything was dragging out for long, delicious seconds, not happening in a bloating, racing blink of an eye.

The other leg was not as lucky as it split at a weak point and the tear raced right up her leg, ignorant of the seam, from calf to thigh. She would have bemoaned the loss of it if she had been in her right mind, but it was dubious as to whether or not Vanessa would ever, truly, be in her right mind ever again. She had started something, after all, that could never again be undone.

Vanessa moaned, her body heated, arousal snarling with her, demanding that she pay attention to it. Her torso grumbled as it stretched, a rumbling growl echoing through her stomach and up into her chest as if something was wrong -- or as if she was really hungry, much hungrier than she ever would have been normally.

"Whuh... Whuh... What..."

She couldn't get the words out, not as her body thickened up with the growth of her torso, parts of her heavier and lopsided, dragging her off-balance. Vanessa moaned, the throbbing of the clit drawing her attention less than gently back down, over and over again, even as her tits grew with the swelling of her chest, the blouse that she had picked out not all that long ago stretching more and more over her breasts.

The buttons tried to hold on for as long as they could, the fabric stretching increasingly, though breasts of that size were never meant to be held on Vanessa's, originally, five-foot-tall body. The under wire of the bra dug painfully into her back as she rocked forward on all fours, no longer even able to keep that huge hand between her legs, even if it had, at least in some small way, relieved the pressure from her aching clit.

"Unff... Ohhhh!"

Arousal was hard to ignore, the kinky part of her sinking into the transformation and relishing in just how her skin pulled and tugged, how the flesh of her breasts swelled out more. The shirt drew up into her underarms and down over her shoulders, trying to feed all the spare fabric it had to the front so that her breasts had something to spill into, though they still tried to push up towards the neckline, flattened against her chest -- at least somewhat. There was only so far, after all, that they could be contained as the blouse stretched and stretched and stretched, the stitches slowly starting to give up along the seams.

And that was nothing to speak of regarding the bra underneath, even though Vanessa could not see it, not even as she tucked her chin all the way down to her chest, straining the back of her neck. Her bra was overstuffed with breast flesh, more than it ever had been before, the upper edge of her bra just about visible through the blouse but only that. And that was only because there was so much tit bulging obscenely, lewdly over the top of it, the buttons giving one last tiny creak on her shirt -- and giving up.




Not all the buttons popped free -- just the ones over the chest, leaving the shirt half on and half off her, as if it was going to help at all in covering up what little modesty that she had left. Of course, however, Vanessa did not fully remember the events of the night before, so perhaps it could still count as a first time for her.

With the rush of relief that came with having the buttons on her blouse pop free came a low, drawn-out moan. For the bra was still in place as she panted heavily, something else churning down deep, rocking and bucking her hips to the rhythm and a motion that, quite frankly, she had never experienced nor knew the name of. She'd never worn a strap-on, after all, and did not know how to thrust like that, even if she was more than well-practised at humping and grinding back on her own toys.

"Ohhhhh, god..." She moaned, taking the lord's name in vain, though there was no one to reprimand or even to roll their eyes at her for that. "I... Ohhhh!"

She couldn't help it, pleasure mounting within her as her overstuffed bra bulged through the gap in her shirt, what had fallen free to expose her breasts. Miraculously, it just about held on, the elastic of the back and sides pinging free, strand by strand, leaving only a couple to, just about, contain the stretch of her tits. The cups were not something, to be fair, that could stretch, though there was room over the top of them for bulbous tit flesh to spill, like a beast that was straining out of its cage for the purposes of sin and sin alone.

With each breast, if they were uncontained, at roughly the size of her head, she was seriously in trouble -- if she hadn't been loving the moment so much. Vanessa grunted and tried to bring a hand up to caress her tits, even through the bra, yet there was only so much that she could do as she was forced to slam her hand back down. She didn't exactly want to crash down on her face, though if that happened it may well have felt as if it was without her own mind or volition at play.

This reality isn't mine anymore.

And maybe she was right. Breath licked over her tongue as if in a like caress as she ducked her head, pressing her forehead to the floor as her head grew too, the cracking of her skull as new bone was laid down briefly ear-splitting. Yet it was thankfully brief as her waist and her hips grew too, matching up with her torso, even though the elastic of her skirt, unfortunately, was not quite as forgiving as her bra.


She curled her fingers, trying to find some solidity in the ground, though that was difficult enough to do on its own when she felt passive in her own transformation. Why was it happening? To her? Did some higher power know what she had spent so long fantasising about, wanting so desperately? She thought hard, as much as she could focus, though no answers were provided to Vanessa and, honestly, she didn't expect them to be either.

If she had been standing, she would have come up to about six feet tall, with her expanded torso and legs, though there were still some parts of her body to catch up. Vanessa whimpered and licked her lips, trying to hold on to her own sense of reality: the hard floor under her, how one of her feet had kicked back, still small, and pressed up as if she was digging her toes and sole into the ground, preparing to launch herself forward into a spring. The weight of her tits dragged her body forward and it did not feel at all as if she had the strength in her body to hold herself up.

That would come in time.

Especially as her hips expanded more and more, following the growth of her buttocks, which shoved the back of her skirt out too obviously. As if she had been wearing thick padding underneath it, her buttocks strained at her underwear, forcing the fabric across her hips to grow thinner and thinner as it stretched, though she could only be glad, at least then, that she had chosen underwear that morning that had a lot of stretch in them. Although they looked good and covered her butt more than enough, while being flattering, there were a little on the older and softer side.


More flesh filled her buttocks as the skirt drew taut around her waist, no longer having any elastic to stretch. She grunted, twisting her head back and forth, managing to strain through it, though it all had to come to a head eventually, for there was nothing else for it. In the storeroom, she was all alone, relishing her transformation, every snatched, heaving breath giving her the much-needed oxygen and energy to keep going, all as the waistband suddenly trembled -- and snapped.

The skirt fell away, a rush of relief clawing at her -- more so than the feeling of lightness and freedom that had sunk into her when her blouse had given up, most of that was still around her back and shoulders anyway, with the front popped open as if Vanessa was trying to give someone a show, just of her tits. Her panties were exposed, the skirt slipping down the back of her legs, for she would have to step out of it to be absolutely free of it, digging into her thick butt cheeks while she shifted her weight backwards a little.


Yet the panties were due another threat, despite how well they had held up so far. Her clit, after all, was due to grow. And it didn't feel all that much like a clit anymore, her mind reassigning it to the role of a penis as she licked her lips and looked down, managing to rock back up onto the flats of her feet, sitting in a low, sultry crouch.

"Come on then," she rasped, almost taking on a seductive tone, despite her lack of breath. "You've got more for me, haven't you? So much more... Mmmm... I want it...all!"

With the transformation, her mind twisted, no longer just Vanessa but a fantasy, lustful version of her -- even more lustful than the one that spent hours upon hours, whenever allowed, with every toy in her collection. Even the ones that she had broken, those were a shame... But they were necessary casualties, to a lustful life that she still yearned, more and more, to take for her own.


Her clit throbbed, pulsing rhythmically. With her thick, full backside to help balance her and her chunky legs (only because of her random growth spurts), she could balance in a low crouch, rubbing her normal hand and fingers over her clit. Her fingers, however, inflated, swelling bigger and bigger, rubbing up against one another until the rest of that hand too popped up to the right size, inflating swiftly.


She cried out, everything coming together, just how she had wanted it. Even though she had never thought, even while trying to come up with ways to science herself into transformation, that her fantasies could become real, there was a big part of Vanessa that wanted to enjoy it. She didn't know if it was permanent or even how long it could last and euphoria flowed through her, her inhibitions falling away. Few of those had been present to begin with.

Her nipples quivered, the inverted nature of them suddenly popping out crudely, each one as large as her new thumbs and matching the size of her new tits perfectly. She moaned and tried to concentrate, even though it was a trial to not let her head hang back, panting heavily, dragging in all the breath she could and balancing there. Vanessa still wobbled back and forth, though she was not present in her own mind enough to realise that there was no pain in her legs from holding such a tense position for so long.

It was all about her clit, the ache spreading, radiating vehemently up into her crotch, though it was not cramp-like in nature. It was like something was pressing out of her and she kept her wondrous eyes on it, massaging it between her fingers and her thumb, as it grew. With every throb, it swelled out, bigger and bigger, longer and thicker, flesh swelling from nowhere as her body took on the form that she had always wanted.

For it had been aching so much, in that throbbing fashion, as it had been growing into the penis that she had craved, what had always been missing from her body. And yet she did not lose her pussy at the same time, no, for that was not her fantasy. Not as she moaned and tried to close her fingers around the shaft, but finding it too sensitive for her to touch for very long. That would have to be something that she would get used to, but by bit.

"Oh, oh... Yessss!"

She moaned, eyes half-closed, as much as she struggled to keep them open. Her panties were still on, pulling out over her clit, and she was forced to withdraw her hand from her underwear, or else she was sure that they were going to rip. As her clit grew out and out into a cock, reaching eight inches long with the girth easily as thick around as her wrist, her underwear pulled tighter and tighter, slipping into the crack of her arse as if she was wearing a thong.


She trembled, shaking in place, though she was not quite climaxing, no. It felt like it though, as if the pleasure would never come down ever again, playing her hand back and forth against her new dick over the fabric of her panties. There may as well have not been a barrier there at all, considering just how much her panties were stretched thin, and she moaned throatily as she massaged it, doing her best to pump the length that tented out through the front of her panties. With it shoving the waistband of her underwear out from her stomach, she was treated, however, to the sight of the thick, angry veins layering the shaft, seeming to pulse with every throb of blood, coming from the frantic beat of her heart.

Catching sight of her reflection in the mirror, her heart surged, feeling as if it was leaping and throbbing visibly through her chest, though, that time, it was not from fear or from confusion. It was from arousal, even as she met her own green eyes in the mirror, the eyes that did not truly belong to her, the green spreading to the sclera of her eyes, turning it softly from white to a glowing, intoxicating emerald, like a gemstone that had been cut and polished. She could have lost herself in those eyes and yet she did not, taking in her growing, bulging body, the uneven growth spurts uncomfortably wrenching her attention first one way and then the other.