Inflation Intoxication, Pt.05

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Vanessa draws three others into a transformative orgy...
8.9k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/01/2024
Created 10/27/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


"Oh... Oh, wow..."

Standing, she wobbled a bit, coming a little more back to her reality than she had before, though there was only so much, even then, that Vanessa could do. With a new cock, she panted heavily, running her fingers along it, trying to touch it, though it was a lot, definitely a lot. Even the faintest brush of her fingers along it made her feel as if she was going to cum right there and then, the thick veins along the length of her dick throbbing noticeably.

Everything was noticeable, clamouring for her attention as her body ached a little more and her balls churned, though she did not quite dare remove them yet. They had been less of an event, tucked down within her panties, though her pussy was still there, for which Vanessa was grateful. She wanted to grow, of course, not lose anything from her body.


In the storeroom, her clit-cock tented out the front of her panties and she struggled, panting heavily, barely even realising just how much her chest was heaving, her breasts wobbling, still contained by that bra, even though her shirt, of course, had ripped beyond repair. She would have much preferred to leave her underwear on entirely, of course, though even the grasp of her cotton panties especially around the slickening head of her cock made her shudder, rocking her hips with an urgent push of need that Vanessa did not yet understand.

But she had to touch it, even as she wrestled herself out of her panties and slid them down her legs, kicking them aside. She would have breathed an open sigh of relief as her balls hung down low, weighing on her pussy and feeling like they were affecting and tugging at the folds of her sex too, tucked away behind them. That was something that, if the transformation lasted, she would very much have to get used to.

She shifted her weight, testing just how her balls felt when she moved, though she didn't have to do very much at all to make them swing gently and bump into her inner thighs, more at the front than between them. They would make sitting down more difficult for her too, though that was a trial that Vanessa was very much happy to take on, as long as she got a body that she yearned for out of it. For what was the point in any of it if she didn't get to delve right down into her sickest and most wonderfully depraved of fantasies as a whole?


I'm in this for the long haul, she thought, bending her knees a little as she succumbed to the urge to grasp and jerk off her cock, hand closing around it even as pleasure lanced sharply through her. Mmmm... Who'd ever want to go back from this?

She panted, lips parted, the light sheen of lip gloss -- just enough to look the part -- on her lips smoothing away as she licked them. It was never meant to last anyway, her balls feeling so tight and so heavy, the fresh weight of them so completely foreign to her she barely even knew what to do with them.

Her cock, on the other hand, was simple to handle, even though the heated throb of pleasure that closing her hand around it was almost too much for her to bear. She faced the closed door of the theatre department storeroom as she jacked off, sliding her hand up and down, squeezing a little, exploring her new body. Where there should not have been any sense of urgency at play, there still was something akin to that there -- something that made her want to hump and grind, to slam forward, though she begrudged not having something like a fleshlight, anything at all, to thrust into.

If I can get back to my room, I can... Oh... Mmmm!

Yet the thought died where it had begun, right there in her mind, Vanessa moaning aloud as her lust swelled like the rising tide. And the tide itself was a force of nature, something that could not be turned back and was subject to a pull that was even greater than the force that it contained. She could not stop it, not as she rubbed her cock more and more fervently, sliding both hands up and down, gripping it more tightly, trying out the limits of her new body that no longer even seemed to be at play.

"Ah... Mmm... Yes... Ohhhh!"

Vanessa licked her lips, a gleam of saliva lurking at the corner of her lips, though she could not hold it back, not when there was no reason for her to hold back. The growth serum did more than just make her grow, after all, a part of it enhancing her natural kinkiness and lust beyond the point where her inhibitions would have ever come into play. She whimpered and howled, the "fwap" of her hand on her cock filling the room, her body warm and tingling with need.

Her breasts bulged still over the top of the bra and even below it, though she relished it, in the tightness, in taking in every little moment and detail of how her body was trying to break free of the clothes that she had so carefully picked out. And what did any of that even matter, at the end of it all? Moaning, she tipped forward, hunching over as if she had become some kind of feral beast or monster instead, her hair pulling free of her neat ponytail -- just a few strands -- and appearing more unkempt than she had been for a long time.

She was in control of her motions and yet not the need of her body, no. Not even as voices grew closer and closer, causing her to lift her head, though Vanessa was too close to the point of climax to do anything about it as orgasm ripped through her.


She cried out, huge, thick jets of cum spurting from her cock -- far more than could even ever be contained by her nuts. The power between her cum shots would have surprised Vanessa too if she had at all been in her right mind, though it was difficult to consider things like that with her jaw hanging slack in raw euphoria, abandoning all earthly trials to dive into the world of lust that she had longed for. It was there for her and the trio of theatre college students that entered stopped dead in their tracks as a huge wash of cum splattered across their faces.

"Agh! What's that?"

"Who's in here?"

Eda, Cindy and Leanne jolted back, though their fate was sealed the moment that Vanessa's cum touched them. It was a side effect of the growth serum that would never be documented, lips parted and a low groan rising from Cindy's lips, the blonde-haired woman wearing a tank top that, even then, didn't seem to do all that good of a job of keeping her chest contained. They weren't bulging over the top or anything like that but her bra obviously was not keeping her tits quite in place underneath it, moving as she struggled to get the splattering of cum off her face, though it had already coated her hair and clumped some strands together on the right side of her face.

Eda grunted, shaking her head and pulling her top up to rub at the thick fluid on her face. It had to be a prank, though she'd be damned if she knew who had gone and done it, anger bristling a hair's breadth under the surface. Her brown hair had been hanging loose around her face, though a good glob, at least as big as the span of her hand, had landed up and over her forehead, oozing back down from her hairline. The bottom button on her shirt popped free as she dragged at it, not caring what a mess she made of her clothes, as long as she got it off her face.

Leanne was no better, a redhead who was one of the big stars of the theatre department, always reaching to be better and get to even higher heights...or something like that. She was not always the best at words, though she'd got a dose of Vanessa's cum straight into her mouth as she hacked and gagged on it, her pupils dilating slightly. She whimpered and gurgled through the cum in her throat, gulping it down, her eyes fixed on the beautiful woman before her.

Vanessa blinked at them, though her lips had already spread into a grin. She knew how she looked and she was damn proud of it too! If she had been in another mindset, perhaps something more akin to how she was normally, she would have realised that there was something very wrong with her being a seven-foot-tall amazon woman with a giant cock, though she still stood as tall as she could, one hand on her hip. The other hand, of course, remained on her cock, lazily jacking it off as the stream of cum, finally, eased down. A wash of seed marked the floor around her, pooling around her feet, though she didn't notice. She'd slipped her foot back into the twisted, crushed remains of the shoe that had comically pinged off, though she didn't mind curling her toes into the mess either. When it had come from her, how could it ever possibly be a bad thing?

"Ah... And I thought I was alone here..."

Vanessa chuckled, taking a half-step back, but only so she could take them in even more than before. They were about the same height, all three of them, and she rather liked how the one on the right was looking at her.

"Eda, Cindy..." The redhead purred, advancing boldly, though Vanessa held her ground. "I... I don't think we need to go to class anymore."

The one that she had referred to as Cindy, though Vanessa did not personally know any of them, blinked and shook her head. There was something slow and sluggish about how she moved, however, as if she was pushing her way through a swimming pool of cum. Even then, it threatened to swamp her and pull her under, but no one would care soon enough. Not as her chemically affected cum took hold of them and their senses.

Vanessa groaned as the redhead, Leanne, pushed her back to one of the armchairs, though Vanessa was anything but graceful as she stumbled back into it. She gasped as the woman dropped to her knees before her, though it was something, still, that put her in a submissive position, quivering with need. And yet it was not as if she wasn't going to get what she needed either, not as her cock throbbed up to attention, her balls as fat as they would have been as if she had never even cum at all. Growth played into more than size, it had to be said, though the science of what had happened to Vanessa would never be something that came to light for her.

"Mmm... What a...beautiful...cock..."

Leanne's words came slowly and yet Vanessa stilled, staying right where she was, even though there was a big part of her screaming, thrashing and fighting -- all to pin Leanne back and slam into her, to use her cock to its best advantage. It was what it was made for, after all, though she did her best to bite her lip and keep herself in place, just so she could see how things played out.

Leanne was not strong enough to hold the taller woman in place, nearly a full two feet taller than her, but she could kiss and lap luxuriously at the head of Vanessa's cock, her lips sliding around the already slick head. The rounded tip guided Leanne's tongue to the slit, but Vanessa's hands were swatted away meaningfully whenever she tried to raise them to Leanne's head, thinking to run them through her hair and force her to get on with the job.

Nnngghhhh, no matter... She thought, though a vocalised groan cut into her thoughts. I'll take what I need from you later. You want it too.

The others watched and, frankly, there could be no concern at all as to what they wanted from Vanessa, Eda and Cindy pulling at their clothes and shifting their weight, though they did not appear to have got quite as large of a cum shot as Leanne did. That made all the difference, even as their lust rose, bumping into one another and whimpering even as they fought the lowering of their inhibitions.

Vanessa smirked, leaning back, enjoying the blowjob as Leanne finally took the head of her cock into her mouth and sank down. Yeah, they didn't need inhibitions anyway. She was the only thing that they needed.

"Unff... Fuck yes... Mmm, your dirty little mouth..."

Such things should never have left Vanessa's lips in polite company, though she gasped and leaned into the depravity flowing from her. It felt right and she imagined leaning over the smaller woman and crudely fucking her mouth as if she was nothing more there than a hole for her to fill. The thought turned her on a whole lot more than she had imagined was possible.

But she could sit there too, flushed with heat and whimpering while she was given her first blowjob of her life. To be submissive was not to be passive, though there was something in Leanne that apparently knew just what to do with her body, even as she slurped and devoured Vanessa's cock. The bigger woman thrust with a low, saucy growl, but all Leanne did was slide her hand into the offered space between Vanessa and the armchair, finding the wet heat of her pussy.

"Oh... Ohhhhh!"

Two fingers slid wetly into her sex, though Vanessa was already turned on and ready for anything, even if there was no one there who was going to be ready and willing to fuck her. She didn't even know what she wanted, not even in that moment, as she huffed and panted, the lure of orgasm there, yet beyond her reach. Only climax mattered, that pursuit of pleasure, something irrevocably shifting in her life right in that moment. And there would be no going back.

"Mmmph, yes... Ohhhh, deeper!"

She cried out, encouraging Leanne on as the other two broke and came in closer, grunting and groaning, grabbing at her tits. Of course, her bra was still in place, but that was not about to be a problem in the slightest, not as they dug their fingers hungrily into her flesh, pulling it out of her bra the best that they could. That was not the most efficient way for either of them to get at her breasts, though it was the avenue that they chose and there was no changing that.


Vanessa luxuriated in sensation, revelling in the feeling of, finally, being taken care and looked after in just the way she wanted. Cum drooled from her cock as Leanne practically slammed her head up and down, taking her dick into her throat without any problems, seemingly, but she did not hold back. No longer was there any holding back, not as Leanne folded her fingers in together so that she could grind, slowly, her entire hand into Vanessa's pussy. It was not as if Vanessa's body put up all that much resistance, the lewd, wet, sucking sound of her pussy around Leanne's hand and wrist filling the air.


Vanessa shuddered, realising that the other two had managed to get her tits free -- at least enough that the fat nipples had popped out over the top. They were thick and perked up that time, not inverted as was her normal, and her heart sang with joy to see them like that, knowing that it was just how she and her body were meant to be. Things couldn't be, despite her urge to grow more, to be bigger, to see just how far she could take things in the might of the huge.

Eda and Cindy sucked and bit at her nipples, struggling to get them into their mouths, though their lips and tongues and teeth were more than enough to send flashing flares of pleasure through Vanessa, over and over again. She heaved and panted, though didn't do anything to stop them, trapped by ecstasy as it rumbled and mounted, the slamming fist grinding back and forth inside her making her grind her hips down just a little more. If Leanne noticed her doing so, she did not push the amazon woman off, however, merely taking the full, thick length of Vanessa's cock into her mouth as if it was nothing at all to her.

Vanessa's head spun and spun, everything coming to a head, hips rocking, a deluge of cum roaring from her. A moment later, ecstasy slammed into her mind as if she had been knocked off a cliff by an errant gust of wind, free-falling and howling in a world that was somewhere between reality and the unconscious realm. There was no changing that, no, no going back, not as she shot her load straight down Leanne's throat and gave her another load of her cum. If she had not had her dick rammed down the woman's throat, Leanne would have struggled to gulp it down. As it was, every drop flowed down her throat into the hot cavern of her belly where it belonged with no trouble at all. At least, no trouble that Vanessa could feel with the woman twitching around her cock, working her fist back and forth just as devoutly.

Cindy and Eda moaned and bit ravenously at her nipples, sucking on them and drinking down her milk as more creamy rivulets streamed down her tits, flowing more quickly as her breasts were stimulated. It pooled in the dip at the front of her hips, where she was sitting, though the two women pleasuring her and making use of her body didn't seem to notice, only licking and slurping, gulping down all that they could, even as milk soaked into their clothes. The mess was only the beginning as Vanessa rumbled, watching her newest "friends" with a keen, calculating eye.

Lust could allow her clarity too, as well as making everything feel as if it was escalating sharply, spinning and spinning and spinning, though it would never leave her behind. Not when she was as wrapped up as she was.

So, she could watch as they changed, their bodies trembling lightly, within their clothes, as they transformed and grew. Cindy's blonde hair drifted back as she tilted her head, her mouth as wide as she could get it to take as much of Vanessa's nipple into her mouth as possible. Yet with the increase in fluid that she took in, regardless of whether it was milk or cum, her body thickened. As if she was getting an hourglass figure applied to her body, her breasts rounded out more and more, becoming evident against the front of her tank top as the neckline was pulled down, her backside challenging her skinny jeans to contain it.

Yet it was gradual, for all three of them, Eda's body following alone in a similar fashion to Cindy's, for they had both got their dose of fluids from Vanessa's tits. It was Leanne who had taken a glob of cum right off the bat and gulped it down, even if it had been unwitting. And her growth was the biggest of all and the most rapid, her breasts pushing out against her T-shirt, which had a high neckline. That was going to end up being to her detriment as her tits ended up rounding out against the front of her shirt increasingly, the swelling increasing, her shorts loose, at least, to start off with.

Yet Vanessa had a great view of her arse as it thickened up, how the canvas-like material (it was something in fashion those days that Vanessa had never got behind) of her shorts pulling tauter and tauter, bit by bit. Her backside could have been mistaken for being photoshopped, if seen in a picture, though her thighs too grew in time, more visible than they were on the legs of the other women there. It helped, sometimes, to be wearing shorts like that, though there seemed to be a greater measure of tightness between Leanne's legs too. As if her pussy was growing and plumping out also...

"Yes... All of you... My slutty, gorgeous beauties..."

She hissed through her teeth, a sense of wildness snarling through her, snapping at her heels. Yes, how she needed them, how she craved them. She stood slowly, as if the weight of her curvy body was holding her back, though Leanne could not have stopped her if she tried. The woman popped off her cock with a whimper and a moan, though was too far gone already to protest in any way.

While Vanessa had started off being it was time for her to show them just what true dominance was with a body worthy of it.

Cindy scrambled forward and Vanessa took advantage of that, grabbing her by the hair, emboldened by how Cindy cried out in pleasure rather than pain. Dragging her down onto her cock, as she scrabbled to get her legs back under her, she shoved her face right down on her shaft, forcing the woman to deepthroat her straight away. Cindy was forced to stand with her legs bent in a strange half-crouch, stretching up much higher than she would have done if she had been with someone around, say, six feet tall. The glory of Vanessa, after all, belayed her strength and Vanessa laughed aloud, giddy with glee, as she humped and fucked, slamming her cock into Cindy's mouth with raw abandon.