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Click hereThis is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.
Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.
Vanessa groaned, trembling, rocking her hips, having outgrown the city. The skyscrapers did not yet look without definition; she could still see the windows where they had been toppled, smoke rising from the rubble and electrical fires raging. It was still recognisable, at least in some small way, as a city, though her world was spinning and twisting and turning out of control.
Out of control of the world...the planet...and the galaxy itself, in fact.
No more words. Vanessa threw back her head and let out an otherworldly shriek, her biggest orgasm yet pounding her, her pussy clamped around the remnants of a skyscraper that she carried with her, debris falling in chunks from her swollen sex. Her cock throbbed, spilling cum over the city as she grew and grew and grew, flooding the city, so much cum streaming forth that it swamped the city.
If she had still been in a human frame of mind, it would have seemed strange to her to see a city being engulfed and swallowed up by her cum, more and more of her cream drowning it. Every life that had been down there was lost in her transformation, becoming cum-slimes, though they would know no pain or any harm. That was the best that they could hope for.
She growled deep in the back of her throat, slowly folding down to her knees as she sent great cracks through the ground, earthquakes rumbling that were entirely caused by her body. With a low moan, she rolled her hips, thrusting her hips, grinding her cock through the wreckage of the city, her milk mixing with the cum, thrusting her cock down.
She didn't even notice when she broke the ground, the ground succumbing to her mighty force, still growing, her cock throbbing, though it was so hard that it hung down naturally under its own weight anyway. Her cock tried to twitch up and throb with blood, though there was only so much that could be done there as she groaned, thrusting and fucking the ground, ripping deep into the belly of the earth that, never, had been dug up to that extent.
Her cock drove into the ground as she humped fervently, lost in her desire. Nothing else existed and, even then, Vanessa was not all that sure anything else ever had.
Her mind was gone and she moaned as her cock pounded deep, the tarmac cracking and heaving with the weight of her mighty body. With her breasts squashing down, her flesh bulged between skyscrapers that tried to stand up to her presence -- but, like everything else, they would all fall. All she could do was relish in desire rising through her, her skin prickling and tingling. Not even the harsher, more resilient bite of buildings forcing her to exert more force over them was going to draw her mind from that passion.
She had to have it, had to thrust, her cock breaking free of the ground from the tunnel she had created beneath. And yet it was an even greater challenge to heft up the massive weight of her cock as another blast of hyper growth, from all the cum-slimes that her body had absorbed, flooded into her cock, balls, breasts and arse. Everything bloated, expanding out roughly, her cock pointing down to the ground as her body struggled to catch up with it. Even when she laboriously climbed back up to stand on her own two feet, Vanessa could barely keep her hips up, so great was the weight of her dick hanging down to the ruined wasteland of a city, flooding the land with more and more cum.
Her cream spread out from the city borders as her arse swelled, the city falling behind, so far behind, though the parts of her that the hyper growth and inflation had focused on still remained the most massive of that.
No longer was there anything there, not in that world, that Vanessa could at all compare her size to, grunting and heaving, her swelling tits twice the size of her torso and still inflating. Her height shot up, blistering pain streaming down her spine, her body forced through a transformation that it was never meant to contain. Her body ached furiously to catch up, height increasing, the city and the ground below dropping away more.
Yet that wasn't her realm anymore, oh no, swelling from being larger than a city to the size of a small country. The massive imprint of her foot wiped out a state as she laughed roaringly, her cry echoing around the entire planet. Vanessa's hair flung wildly about her face, her body evening out again, though the weight of her was still very much in place, standing tall and proud, not even needing to breathe.
A giantess like her didn't need that, oh no. Her breasts evened out, so that they were only as large as her head, her nipples still fat and bulging, however, as if there was something behind them that was trying to break free. Her cock took a while to lift back up, however, the colossal weight of it betraying its size, better placed relative to her body though still so massive that it cast other continents other than the one that she was standing on into darkness. They would not care, if they even realised as everyone around the planet slowly -- or quickly, for those nearer Vanessa -- transformed into the cum-slimes that fuelled her lust and her growth.
The throbbing mass of her cock finally stood out more or less perpendicular from her crotch, trembling with the force of orgasm still pouring through her, thick, hot ropes of semen splattering from the head. Sometimes it came in spurts and other times it came in a long, continuous flow, though there was no real interruption to her orgasm. There were no objects left, alas, not even with the biggest of the skyscrapers, for her to ram into her beautifully swollen pussy and anal passage, though orgasm still tore through her anyway.
She groaned, not bothering to close her mouth afterwards, cock aching as her balls swung back and forth, about the size of baseballs on her huge body, the strain of her skin stretching becoming more apparent. There was pain, yes, but it was overwhelmed entirely with the bliss of orgasm, how it rolled through her, again and again, the land mass below her dropping away.
A monster like her didn't belong there. But the world did belong to her.
And her body was everything that Vanessa had ever wanted it to be, even if she had never thought her most insane, darkest of fantasies could have ever found their way forward into the light. The world was her plaything and the span of her feet spread and spread, easily overcoming forests and farmland, miles and miles away from the city that she had started in. Her foot covered her city entirely, pressing the mess of cum into the ground, though letting it soak in wasn't going to say her, or anything.
Vanessa's frame bulged out, hips widening even more and her heavy breasts trembling with the plumping effect of more growth still. Her mouth hung agape in an endless moan, milk spilling luxurious down her tits in a waterfall of lactation. She rocked her hips a little, from side to side as well as forward and back, relishing in the settling of her form -- at least for that insignificant moment. Nothing would rest there for long.
With a huge, sexy, hourglass curve, she was a goddess of the world, her growth still increasing, though it would take some time as she approached the size of a continent. Vanessa would have been light-headed if not for the lack of needing to breathe, for she was so far beyond anything that humanity would have recognised.
Her old body didn't exist, her body trembling, aching, her nipples poking out further and further.
And then everything changed, kicking up another notch, her head thrown back and her arms out to the sides, fingers like claws. Her scream rolled around the planet, speaking to every continent, though there was no one left there to hear her. Things had changed and there was no going back as her flesh rippled and bubbled, discomfort rolling through her, putting more and more pressure on her body.
She outgrew her humanity, another pair of breasts bursting to life below the first, heavy and trying to tip her weight forward, though there was little gravity to affect her anymore. She was just rooted in place where she was, spreading and wriggling her toes into mountains, crushing them to dust. That pair of breasts swelled and swelled, bigger than the first, bloating to hyper proportions, the nipples inverted -- but only for a moment. For her body was a plaything for a greater force and her two nipples on the new breasts fattened up, turning a darker shade, pulling out into the appearance of fat, luscious lips.
They parted, tongues wriggling out, so plump that they looked as if they had been treated with filler, yet they were everything that human Vanessa would ever have wanted and more. Those tongues, however, were not real tongues, not as those breasts held no milk but come, the tongues swelling and morphing into huge, waggling penises that seemed to have some control over the direction that they pointed in. Kind of like a tongue, pushing from side to side, up and down, bumping off the fat lips as they spurted and drooled cum.
Vanessa moaned, rolling her weight back onto her heels, yet more was coming, her cock bulging and throbbing, growing larger and larger -- until it split right down the middle. Her flesh peeled away from itself like a thick sausage, yet there was no gore, no, not as they split into two new cocks, each fattening up to the size of the original and spurting cum.
From those first two cocks came more, splitting as soon as they were pulsating at the right size for it to happen, the cum-slimes fuelling her, demanding that her body provide what it needed. What it needed was beyond Vanessa's understanding, though it was all for her body to provide, even as her skin swelled and popped.
Slowly, as her cocks bloated out, mutating to six and growing rapidly, those splitting again to make twelve bristling from her crotch, she lost that last shred of her humanity. There was a vague feeling of her skin splitting, as if it was tearing, yet there was no blood, no gore, only a feeling that something was falling away from her. She took on another form, her skin pale and almost glowing, just like all the milk, arousal and cum that her body was comprised of.
That was why there was no blood. There was none left. For none was needed as Vanessa's balls swelled too, increasingly bloating out under and around the nest of cocks throbbing from her crotch. Both her dicks and her nuts all rubbed up against one another, her balls shifting off in random directions, for there was no gravity in the atmosphere that she was in to contain them.
More breasts swelled all over her body, muddying her form. There was no discernible outline to her, as if the edges of her being were fuzzy out there, technically in space, for she was definitely no longer within the atmosphere of Earth anymore. She didn't care either, not as the bloating, rounding breasts brought further swells of pleasure to her body, bristling with sensation, more fat lips growing on them -- though the breasts had more than one nipple in some cases. Not all, as if the transformations in her body were designed to keep her guessing, huffing and panting, whimpering, though it was just a tangle of emotions breaking her lips up there, out there.
A cock sprouted from either shoulder blade -- but they were much, much and longer than the dicks that she had dealt with before. They twisted and turned, more like tentacles than cock: tentacle cocks. The heads were thick and bulbous with clearly defined glands, drooling and creaming already, though Vanessa did not need them to be actively spurting to feel pleasure untold rolling through her, stroke after delicious, devious stroke.
A groan resonated, though she would not know just how far through the galaxy it reached. Her breasts shoved out against the planet as she tried to curve around it, though it was as if there was a barrier there, something holding her in place, stopping her from touching it. It was just her massive tits and balls, of course, bearing down, her dicks springing off the ground of the planet while she braced and bucked, losing herself.
The tentacle cocks twisted back and forth, writhing and whipping about, spurts of cum rising from them in long, thick pumps of semen. It floated away from her, some taken by Earth's atmosphere like "cummy" meteors, but Vanessa didn't care about that, not even as thick swathes of seed swam around her in space, clumping together.
And then the transformations came more swiftly, her face splitting, another head growing. She screamed, arching her back to jet off even more cum, but she couldn't maintain control of herself, not even then, knowing that it had to rip through her.
Anda gain.
And again.
And again.
She didn't want there to be any end to it and, in that moment, Vanessa truly did not see the end. Not as her second head split again, that one with a wilder, untamed mess of hair and fat lips that looked like they would have been better-placed on a sex toy. She was not a toy -- the rest of the world was her toy. The lips covered more than half her face on that third head, whereas the new one on the left had big eyes and eyelashes, as if it was trying to be seductive and perhaps a shade overly flirtatious.
Yet there was no "too much," not in that form.
One head rose on a slender neck, able to twist back and forth like that of a giraffe, yet it did not register to Vanessa that it was her original head. What was a part of her original body and what was not? She had already burst free of her skin and there was no holding back from that, her arms flung out wide as more and more pairs of arms burst from her body, clawing their way out of her sides, six new pairs in total. And yet there were breasts poking out from between them, with real nipples, some inverted, others perky and full. Some of the nipples bloomed out and out, like the petals of a flower, swelling across their tits until they took up most of the surface area, dominating the breast.
There was more, always more, tipping forward, though her form was not one that needed to walk anymore. She felt like she was remaining somewhat like a biped -- but there were extra legs. Kicking from between hers, as if they were filling in more space right up at the junction of her thigh to her crotch, though they were not long enough to match up to the length of the ones that she was still sort of standing on. It was difficult to understand what she was basing the position of her body on, out there, the stars floating around her, so many miles away that it should have been incomprehensible. Yet, to Vanessa, at her size, it was more comprehensible that she could reach them, as she grew, as every limit that had been in place before had fallen away.
Her body felt like it was stretching, her spine growing longer, focusing on the planet as she sprouted more hands, some protruding out from the sides of breasts that should never have had appendages like that, some growing and groping from between pairs of balls. There was no logic at all to how her body mutated, swollen and fat, her flesh rippling and bulging the moment before a new appendage or part swelled out, making itself known.
Tits on her back.
Balls above her buttocks.
A trembling spire of cocks lining her spine.
More grew and mutated, tentacle cocks, long and lithe, growing and whipping back and forth. They twisted up into one enormous bunch and bundle, sliding ravenously against one another as they pleased themselves, such parts of her body acting as if they well and truly had minds of their own.
A pair of lips bloomed bigger and bigger and bigger, swelling under they were even larger than her head, grotesquely placed -- and yet all she felt was wonder. Wonder, delight, pleasure: the thrill of being exactly who she was and no more than that. Her curves fell away as there was only so much shape that her body could hold as it bubbled and strained and mutated, even if there was too much going on for Vanessa to even feel pain. Her buttocks bloated out and out and out, increasingly -- well, it wasn't flesh, but it was something -- filled out her backside until it was thick and round and fat. It was so large that it almost tipped her into the position of being a quadruped, a monster of sexual, erogenous parts that had all been "smooshed" together into a figure of giantess lust.
Transformations crowded in on one another, Vanessa transforming into nothing more than a swollen blob of lust. One would have been hard-pressed to find any residual humanity in her, after all that, especially as another arm sprouted from her back, wrestling with a tentacle cock as her hand closed around it. Tentacle cocks twisted and curled from seemingly every "spare" patch of skin they could, her figure mutating into a writhing, furtive mass of lust that was not to be quelled.
The new mouths on her body parted hungrily, some of them boasting long, rolling tongues that were almost draconian in nature. The others throbbed as tentacle cocks, wet lips pulling and pursing plumping around the base of them, though there really was an endless length of tentacle cock to pour from between them. For one mutating, there simply was no limit to be found, even after so mouth already.
More cocks layered themselves across her belly, pushing aside extra boobs as they needily sprung from between them. Jetting off cum already, they thrust wantonly into the atmosphere, unknowing and unseeing, yet claiming all that was their right in the world of intoxicating inflation. Vanessa's mouth gaped as she moaned wetly, her tongue waggling out as a tentacle cock, though it flickered between a huge, human tongue that overfilled her mouth, forcing her to drool, and that very tentacle cock. Even then, her transformation was not fixed in any shape.
But a giant was only so much of Vanessa as she grabbed at her dicks hungrily, more and more arms sprouting until she had sixteen pairs. She screamed as a cock pushed from under her armpit, waggling out obnoxiously, so many pairs of all balls all hanging and jostling together that it was hard to keep track of them. And yet the dominating feature turned out to be the many breasts adorning her body, keeping those balls in check, cocks sprouting from them and twisting around them, even sliding between them as if she was giving herself a boob job.
It was not conscious, however, not as she let lust rule her. For Vanessa, there was nothing else, not as she far passed critical mass, space pressing in on her body -- yet even that could not contain her. Her body grew, the curves of the planet showing as she swelled, nearing the size of the planet that she had called home and not even finding anything at all strange in that.
It had never been home for someone like her, oh no. Not as every spare inch of space on her body, cocks even jutting between her legs, sticking out at odd, unwelcoming angles from her body, was taken up by sexual organs. Every rub of her nuts against the planet as she heaved in, closer and closer, needing that proximity, cocks jetting off huge, rippling swathes of cum in all directions.
There...was no midsection of her body anymore, breasts and cocks coming all the way down to her crotch, though even that part of Vanessa was hard to identify. There was something animalistic about some of her features, ears and horns rising from new, unnerving faces, something draconic about one...though all she had was sensation, in that regard. She could take in her own body by looking around with one of her many, many heads, but she didn't recognise it.