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Click hereThis is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.
Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.
Rene startled awake, sitting up bolt upright with the chill of a cold sweat layering his skin as his dark hair clung to the back of his neck. He grasped at his body, feeling everything out, that everything was still in the right place, his hands brushing over familiar muscles just to reassure himself that it was not real.
That he was not really there -- in the world his dream had shown him. For that had been a dark time with clawing, grabbing hands, people pulling at him, restraints that forced him into position. Rene shuddered bodily, even though he didn't want to remember it at all.
Just a dream, he told himself, taking deep breaths to slow himself down, blinking as he collected his scattered thoughts. A dream cannot hurt you. There are no more experiments like that, not on me.
Yet he was not home and small flickers of memories alit in his mind, as if they were being filtered to him through a sieve. However, there were no recent memories, the last thing being that of his co-workers...for some reason, holding him down.
Rene shook his head. That didn't make sense. But even where he was didn't make sense as a chill clawed at the pit of his belly. Slowly, he rose, swinging his legs out of bed, checking out where he was. It looked something like a bedroom of a mobile laboratory, though everything was clinical and simple in there with no added decoration.
He glanced resolutely at the glow of the moon through the window blinds, sitting on the edge of the bed. It didn't look like any place he knew, a rich rainforest-like environment rising beyond the window. However, there was little indication of where he could go or if he even should go.
He picked up, listening intently as he tipped forward a little.
It was her: her voice coming at him from beyond the trees, beyond the line of what Rene could see. Even though his legs were still shaky, he stood once more, shaking his head a little and hoping the fog would clear from his head in due course. He might have been walking on instinct, the movement of his limbs taking on a wafting, dreamlike quality, but there was a part of Rene that was entirely sure of where he was going.
He had to be.
A hospital-like gown floated around him as he stepped out of the cabin into the forest, the bioluminescence catching his eye as insects drifted from night flower to flower. Glowing tracks lined the trees, as if to lead creatures to some kind of sustenance, though it was not a place he was familiar with in the slightest.
He prowled through the forest, sinking his bare toes into the soft soil. The gown frustrated him and he rolled his shoulders back, shucking it from his body as he wandered deeper into the forest in the nude.
After being trapped and captured, from what he assumed, he sighed, relaxing a little. Being nude in the forest filled him with a sense of power and he walked a little taller, puffing out his chest. He had more muscle than he felt he'd had the last time he'd done something similar, though he smiled faintly at how the cool night air nipped teasingly at his exposed skin.
Brushing by the vegetation, he played with fronds and leaves, running his fingers along them. Some shucked a bioluminescent "powder" that floated through the air, though Rene did not pause for long enough to see where it settled. His muscular limbs easily slipped through the forest, following the pull of the voice that had called him, yet it was as if there was movement under his feet even then.
It was as if...the ground itself was alive. And yet Rene would take longer to come to understand that.
With the moonlight glancing off his naked physique, he followed the draw all the way to where the trees thinned and a small curve of a beach came into view. The moonlight danced across the water, waves rippling faintly -- but that wasn't what he was looking at.
The one who'd called him was lying on the sand, her head tipped up to the starry night sky as the waves lapped at the shoreline.
"Rêver..." He breathed. "Finally..."
Oh, it felt like it had been so long since he had seen the chimera and she raised her head instantly to face him, a light gleaming in her multiple eyes.
Rêver was a chimera to take in and he saw all of her even as he stumbled into a run, closing the distance between them as quickly as possible. With two tails -- the shark and the dinosaur-like one dominant - balancing behind her, sand sifted off her body as she stood, extending her large wings out on either side. He could almost feel just how smooth her dolphin-like skin would be under his fingers, so close and yet so far at the same time. The white feathers of her crow-like tail laid over the top of the other two, adding a softer, feathery note to her hybrid appearance.
Her head was something monstrous, though Rene had once been said to be far more monstrous than Rêver ever had been. Yet with a hard beak-like mouth and an elongated jaw, she was not like any creature in the world, not with her slippery, pale-white skin.
He crashed into her and she folded a foreleg around him, drawing the much smaller human against her. When standing, Rene came up to about Rêver's bicep, not quite her shoulder. Yet he melted in against her, exhaling a hard breath that pulled more tension from the tight lines of his back than Rene had even realised he'd been holding.
"Oh, Rene," she murmured, her voice low and musical -- just like the notes that had carried him through the forest. "Rene, Rene... It has been weeks and yet it felt like years..."
"So long?"
He shook his head, shivering a little. Still, he caught Rêver eyeing him lightly, seeing him in the nude for the first time in quite a while too. She always had enjoyed an eye for his physique, even though Rene had to admit, vaguely, that it wasn't the time for that either.
Or was it? Maybe their coming together again was a release of so much they'd been holding back, forgetting the world that'd been left behind.
With Rêver, he could move forward at last. Yet the chimera nuzzled into him warmly, showing more affection than he had yearned for -- oh, it had been too long. He caressed her neck, sliding the flats of his hands down her smooth skin to her forelegs or forearms -- it didn't matter how they were referred to -- to squeeze her muscle. Of course, he couldn't get the fingers of his hand all the way around one of her legs or biceps, but he didn't mind that. As long as he was with her again, rooting himself in reality by giving him the tangible sensation of touch to focus on.
Rêver blinked at him, her heart surging. She did not experience time and distance quite as Rene was, yet he was the man she had taken to be her mate and to not have him with her, in a sense, caused her physical pain too. As a creature, however, Rêver simply did not acknowledge what hindered her in her quest for survival, even though a chimera had little to fear from the natural world. It was humans that caused problems for her.
Still, she took advantage of the moment and followed her instinct in drawing him to her, nuzzling into his chest and savouring the sensation of his muscle against her snout. Her large hand closed around his body, holding him like that so she could take him in visually. To anyone watching, it would have looked as if Rene and Rêver were taking one another in, but Rêver closed the distance again.
Rene moaned faintly, so touch starved in weeks that had passed. Even if his active mind did not comprehend the enormity of all that had come to pass, he still had to lean into her, relishing in the smooth rub of her skin against his. She was comforting in a way no one else, in the whole world, ever would be to him, even without saying anything at all.
"It's hard to explain," he said, shaking his head. "I remember bits of it... But I remember more from earlier, after we came together for the first time."
He grinned, a blush warming his cheeks. Of course, Rene was referring to the time Rêver and he had enjoyed sex with one another for the first time, taking their intimacy to the next level. Yet he could not linger there, as much as his body tingled.
"So, I think it was my employers," he went on to explain, "who captured me. They experimented on me... But I don't know what they were looking for, not yet. I don't remember it all, it's all in fragments like I'm trying to put together pieces of a shattered window. I don't think I will ever see it all."
He gulped hard as Rêver pulled him protectively in closer to her, letting out a rumbling growl.
"They'll never take you again."
There was a threat in her tone and Rene was not all that sure he minded it in the slightest. He wanted to be with her, close to her, and never back in the hell of endless tests and experimentation.
"A guinea pig," he breathed, another flicker of memory coming back to him as his employer stood over him, flicking a syringe with a needle already in place with his nail and a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "That's all I was. It must have been my intimacy with you, something that changed my genetic code."
It came back to him then, just a little more. The injections he'd been given had held the genetic material of a chimera too -- not Rêver, he thought, but another, perhaps. Whether it was synthetically generated or something else entirely, but maybe there was a way for him to find that out.
He remembered...lying there. But he had not been a human. He had been something familiar and strange at the same time, stretching out a wing -- and then it had been bound, restricted.
Rene blinked, taking a breath. His body had never felt like it was quite right for him, as if he was always occupying the wrong "space" in time, in the world. Was this the way everything was going to change?
"I think..." He said slowly. "I think I became something else."
Rêver's eyes gleamed and she blinked slowly, resting her muzzle compassionately against Rene's.
"I think I feel it too," she said. "Not through sharing memories, not like that. It's instinct. You are like me now."
He smiled, his chin lifting a little. He could almost feel the new muscles of his back and wings rising, lifting in that moment. They were not there, on his back, but it felt like they should have been there, ghostly appendages.
"Rêver," he said softly, a light quiver in his voice. "Could you wait for me out in the water? A bit out from the shore?"
She nodded and backed away from him, her muscular tails sweeping around as they trailed briefly across the surface of the sand. She might not have understood everything, much the same as Rene, that was going on, though time together and his memories pulling back together, giving him a map of what had happened, would help them both. Until then, the chimera merely sensed one of her own as she gave him space, allowing him to find himself in his own way and in his own time.
She dipped into the water and swam powerfully away, using her tails to pump and direct her while her legs and wings worked together. Rene, however, stayed back on the shore, briefly dropping to one knee with his head bowed. that time.
It was time to take on his true self, rising tall. If they had looked to experiment on him, to turn him into nothing more than a helpless lab rat, he would show them exactly why they were wrong.
Pressing the flat of his palm to the sand, he left the impression of his digits there as he stood again, eyes fixed on the shifting, ever-in-motion waves of the ocean. Pacing a little further down the beach, he followed a "tug" inside him that led him out into the water, the waves lapping over his curling toes as the sand became firmer under his feet.
"This is right..."
Rene breathed out the words as he waded out, though the waves were not too bad there. The curve of the beach seemed to protect the shoreline somewhat, although the waves and waters were rougher further out from shore. So, he waded in comfortably, deeper and deeper, until his feet could no longer touch the sand.
He grunted as he struck off into deeper water still, though he didn't feel out of his depth. Diving underwater, once it was deep enough for him, he exhaled, bubbles streaming from his nostrils and tickling his face. He'd swum with Rêver before, although, back then, it was difficult not to compare their swimming styles and to appreciate just how much stronger of a swimmer the chimera was than he was.
That was when he'd been merely human, however. And, like removing his gown earlier, he was ready to shake off the chains of that form and body. It had never suited him anyway.
Rêver waited for him out by a sandbar as he relished in the flow of the ocean water over his body, though the chimera was hardly subtle about the look she stole of him. The chimera sensed she would not get to enjoy that part of him for much longer, even if something greater still was coming in its place.
The sandbar was underwater; when he stood, the surf was up to his knees, lapping around his legs. Giving a smile to Rêver, he parted his lips, holding his hands out to either side of his body, fingers lightly splayed.
"Wait for me."
Rêver cocked her head minutely, not knowing what to say or what she could do. Yet it was out of her control as she allowed Rene to do everything he needed, the moonlight glimmering tantalisingly off his wet skin. He was even more alluring to her when he was naked and wet, although Rêver would have had him regardless of what body he had or how he looked. His wet hair came down to his midsection, clinging to his body almost with a sense of overstimulation in how it stuck obnoxiously to him.
He breathed out -- and didn't take another breath in. Not yet, at least, for every flicker of energy in his body fed to something greater, a prickling tingle seeping through him. It was a good thing Rene was already nude, for his clothes would have been ruined if he had shed his skin like that otherwise, but it would have ceased to matter regardless. He had already left behind the gown as evidence of his escape from the mobile laboratory, though Rene was quite sure no one would be able to find him.
Not where he was going.
His skin rippled and bubbled as if it was clay in the process of being moulded by a potter's hand, although that was not a pastime Rene had ever paid much mind to before. He held his hands out before him as his thighs thickened up with muscle and flesh, definition coming and going as his entire body changed at once.
Even the placement of his organs seemed to shift, almost jostling within the cage of his ribs and lower still, where those in the lower half of his torso were not as well protected as his heart and lungs. A body was a marvellous thing indeed and he swallowed hard, throat working, as his lungs expanded, ribs crinkling and cracking as they expanded too.
As muscle layered his body noticeably, he tipped forward a little, his legs bent while his body looked to adjust his stance even then. His neck thickened and he lost some of the definition between that and his shoulders, swinging his head back and forth lightly. It all felt so cumbersome -- and yet like he was shedding that sense of heaviness for something that would feel as light as a feather.
Or perhaps a feather floating on water.
Rene tried to hum gently, aware of Rene's eyes on him, though it was hard for him to say what she saw as he transformed. His flesh shifted, covering him more adequately as his chest pushed out, his arms lengthening while the strain of his bones lengthening sent a quiet ache through his body. There was not, however, any true pain present in the transformation as his face bulged out too, losing its human features.
That was the best part of it for Rene. He didn't want that human jawbone and the cut of his cheekbones. Without his often-bedraggled appearance, many would have considered him a handsome man, even if it would have taken a little work on his part. But the truth of the matter there was that Rene would never have wanted that for himself.
His back trembled, skin rippling as bud-like appendages slowly pushed from his shoulder blades, or thereabouts. In all actuality, those would move further back as his bones rearranged themselves too, forming fresh matter out of pure energy. From an outside perspective, it was no wonder they had wanted to experiment on him when he was capable of so much. That didn't make it right.
Rêver took a breath, her huge sides expanding. As intoxicating as it was for her to look upon Rene when he was nude, in his natural form, there was something even more spellbinding about the man she connected with during his transformation. For he could not see how chimera-like the wings were as they bulged from his back, as if his skin had taken on the consistency of rubber.
Yet it was so much more than that as she peered more closely, her feet on the sandy seafloor where it was at a depth that she could peer over the tops of the waves. All of her eyes locked on to him, gleaming red even in the darkness, and her tails swung lightly back and forth through the water.
On her partner and confidant, there was still a fair bit of muscle, though Rêver tracked it curiously with her gaze as it grew. It was not to be placed there in that human definition, after all, but moulded into chimera shoulders, his back lengthening to better hold his new bulk. Every part of him grew and it was not as if only one part of Rene was transforming at any given time but every part of him at once.
Rene groaned, too caught up in his own growth and transformation to notice Rêver staring at him, admiring his form with a sheen in her eyes. He would have blushed to see the chimera, after all, staring at him so intently, even with that soft little tilt to her head that only ever seemed to come out just for him. The vertebrae of his back popped out lightly as his skin and muscle caught up with it, even the lines and webbing of fascia that wove throughout his entire body needing to come along with it.
The stretch of his spine was the most intriguing part as the bump that had begun at the base of his spine, above the point of his buttocks, increased in length slowly. Growing to a foot long and then greater, it captured Rene to such an extent that he tried to turn around to grab at it, just so he could fold his fingers around the smooth flesh.
He was not, however, that flexible, not even in the middle of a transformation, as he grunted and tipped forward, forced to catch himself once more. What had been Rene's hands splashed back down into the ocean and clouds of sand puffed up around what were becoming his front legs.
Legs... Arms... He laughed shortly, a joyful bark that echoed across the water. Who cared what terms were used when the definitions of such things transcended so very far beyond? He was becoming a chimera, feeling it in his soul, though that could have been another fragment of his memories from his time in the lab slotting back into place. Just how Rene knew simply ceased to be important as his skin rippled and stretched wonderfully.
The bulge of his chest was strange, though he felt more of that muscle, where his pectorals would have been defined, swell along the line of his abdomen instead. He contracted his abdominals even as they grew, though it felt like there were even more of them, following the line of his underbelly and giving him the impression that he was trying to pull his belly up closer to his back. It made him feel stronger and more stable, though Rene did not quite understand the mechanics of why that was.