Lustful Relations, Pt. 01

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Fyr's not willing to let her husband go wholly yet...
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/24/2024
Created 01/21/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


A continuation of Unfaithful and Cuckolded.

Fyr groaned, raising her head from the pillow with the tip of her tail out of the bedsheets, twitching back and forth. She was not worried, no, but the bed rocking and being jostled under her was not at all the dragoness' ideal way to be woken up in the morning. Maybe having her cougar between her legs would have been a much better way to look at it, but, well, she couldn't always have what she wanted.

That was apparent in how Ropes was fucking Chemical down into the mattress, the bedframe squeaker as they had their way with one another. The two of them may not have been moaning all that loudly but, well...that didn't matter. The shift of the memory foam mattress was more than enough to wake Fyr as the dragoness groaned and poked Ropes in the thigh with the tip of her tail.

"Could you quiet down?" She growled, as grumpy as ever in the morning -- or maybe she just had rather a late night beforehand. "It's just... Ugh... You two..."

Neither was Fyr the most eloquent in the mornings, though she often got up early for her work. Agriculture didn't wait for anyone, though she was more often going from assignment to assignment at that time, still wanting to build up her own ranch. Well, at least they had the house for it, but she was looking at purchasing the land alongside theirs too, all so she could expand.

Ugh. Now her head was all over the place, thinking about business things when her husband was fucking her friend (best friend?) right there in her bed, beside her.

So, things had rather changed in her life.

She shot Chem a look, the green-haired dragoness too caught up in the moment to care, her head thrown back and an arm flung across the pillows. She was sexy, like that, nude, of course, but Fyr had seen her in various stages of undress, after all, since the agreement between them...had happened.

It was not an agreement Fyr had willingly entered into, not at the start, considering the fact her husband had cheated on her with Chemical and, well, it was clear that some level of cheating too had taken place before even that. Not all the way, apparently, or not in the pussy, but, didn't change all that much for him.

Still, they had come to something of an understanding with one another, as she knew she couldn't exactly stop him. He was going to make his choice, one way or the other, and she didn't want to lose him. Ropes had made more of an effort with her lately too, their relationship bringing them closer in other ways, more intimate ways, perhaps as he was getting the wider needs of a lust demon met also.

That was all the dragoness could suppose but, for the time being, all Fyr was doing was riding it out and seeing where things went. Nothing was set in stone and if she decided she really couldn't handle any of it, well...she'd have to look at the cold, hard facts of everything, as difficult as that would be.

For the moment, however, things were good. She got her husband and she got to go on dates with him, rekindling a spark in their relationship while their deeper connection was still there. Sure, he was fucking Chemical but...she was too.

Pegging Chem with a strap-on, particularly when she got to cram the dragoness' arsehole full, gave her an outlet. And she wasn't going to let that go so easily. In fact, she had fucked Chemical with the strap-on only the night before and that had been hot. Enough to get the bullet vibe, tucked into a pocket on the inside of the strap-on, to send her into a trembling orgasm, need rolling through her at the pinnacle of it all.

Still, she had things to do, so she left them to it with a roll of her eyes. If she got to the computer quickly, her main little office in the house, she'd be able to get some of the boring administration work done before heading out. But it was a Friday, at least, and they didn't need her over the weekend, which meant she could spend all of it with both Ropes and Chemical.

At least that would be nice.

As she brewed her coffee, the two fucking upstairs got rowdier, knocking the headboard of the bed into the wall. Fyr rolled her eyes yet again. Couldn't they be a bit quieter? She was never that loud at sex. Well, except when she wanted to make a point of things.

Okay, so maybe she could be just as loud as Chem when the mood took her, though that didn't stop her from being annoyed at them for waking her up so early. Couldn't Ropes have gone to the guest bedroom to screw Chemical, after all?

But it was okay. Weird, but okay.

When she headed to the farm that needed her that day, Fyr frowned. A full day of working on the machinery, from the combine harvester to a tractor that had a fuel pump issue. Nothing beyond her skills, of course, for agriculture was more about simply being out in the fields, though she had hoped for something a little more invigorating. Working with the animals was always best, though the dragoness would never quite forgive mice for how they seemed to jump out at her at the worst of times. She wasn't scared of them, no, but she didn't like how quickly they darted -- or when they leapt at her over boxes on the farm that needed sorting by her.

So, yeah. Mice... That was something of a mixed relationship with them.

Grease and oil coloured the air as she sank into her work, even forgetting lunch. It was just a comfortable space for her, mentally and physically, though there was a part of her that still wondered what was going on back at home.

Was Ropes still fucking Chem? Had Chemical gone home or gone to work? She was still getting dug into her new job, the dragon couldn't really afford to miss random days off. Maybe that would be the case in the future, for Chem had high aspirations, but not currently. Ropes, well... He didn't need to work. He'd lived for long enough to put money away in stocks and shares and other investments (Fyr, frankly, didn't understand much of it), but it made it so they could both been comfortable in life even if neither chose to work. She just enjoyed what she did.

The dragoness' tail flicked back and forth as she worked, the slow, menial work soothing. Yet she couldn't help but think of what was going on, just how Ropes' cock looked when it was sinking into Chemical's pussy, how the barbs felt when they caught and pulled through her pussy. Even though he was an anthro, the barbs on his cock were soft and designed for pleasure, even if they could feel rougher, if he was really going hard on her.

Every moment danced through her mind as she worked, pressing her thighs together briefly, though that did not help matters between them any. Fuck, she was horny. Why did she always get like that after she'd watched Ropes fucking Chem? It didn't make sense but, honestly, not much with Ropes had made sense since they'd got together. That was why she'd learned, long ago, to go with instinct, what felt good and right, regardless of anything else. As long as no one was getting hurt, all was okay.

It had to be.

Still, she squirmed, her underwear clinging to the increasingly soaked folds of her pussy, the damp fabric hugging her sex. The dragoness shifted her weight, but it didn't help peel her underwear away from her pussy, no, not in the slightest. If anything, it made matters worse, pulling over her clit as they practically wedged themselves into the soft folds of her sex.

When her phone beeped with a message, she was glad of the break, though it was not to ease her condition in the slightest.

Ropes: Hey, sexy.

She scoffed at the phone.

Fyr: What, not got enough of your other pussy?

Ropes: No... Can't you come home?

She smirked at that, though the machinery still needed her attention and she knew she couldn't just go home, just like that. It was good, however, to know he still wanted her and to have Ropes put in the effort to show that too. He'd been doing that more and more lately and it did not go unnoticed by her.

Fyr: No. But I'll be off early.

Ropes: I'll get you off early.

Fyr: Promises, promises.

It was good to banter back and forth with him again -- and even more so when it was sexual and flirty and teasing as it was. They hadn't been like that in a good few years and having that revitalised was pretty important to her, even when the dragoness had not realised just how important it had been before.

The rest of her workday progressed the same, into the late afternoon, close to the time she was supposed to be finishing up. But another job came up, a fence that urgently needed to be fixed on one of the fields containing young cattle, so off out she went for that, the rain pattering down on a dull, grey day.


Fyr hunched into her coat, pulling the collar up, glad, at least, that she had scales and not fur to content with. She'd get the fence done and head home, so...there was that. Not much, she just had to do a little more.

But she couldn't resist checking her phone out there too, a photo sent through from Ropes.

She stiffened. It was a photo, just a photo -- but it was from Ropes' perspective, the cougar looking like he was lying on his back down the length of the sofa, with Chemical sitting on top of him. Fyr didn't know how the dragoness could have got home early -- to Fyr's home, nonetheless, not even her own home! -- and naked so quickly, but the cougar's cock, of course, was buried in her cunt.


She was not mad, not truly, though the dragon simmered and burned up with heat, her tail twitching back and forth. How could he do that to her after he'd been teasing and riling her up all day long?

Yet, of course, that was perfectly in keeping with the cougar and Chemical. Fyr didn't have to know what had gone on, why Chemical had been there early or even all day, the still turned her on. She still poured over the photo as if she was trying to take in every little detail from it, drinking it in, even the slight sheen of Chemical's arousal on the part of the cougar's length that was not buried in the black dragon's pussy.

"Mmmph... Damn him..."

There was a smirk in Chemical's eyes. Even the dragoness knew what she was doing to her. Fyr's tail lashed back and forth and she shoved her phone back into her pocket without saying anything back, her attention half back on her job.

The quicker she finished, the quicker she could get home.

For that was all Fyr thought about, getting back into her husband's warm arms and staking her claim all over again, her breath hitching and catching, her chest tighter, in that moment, than it had any right to be. Need coursed through her, aching deeply, and she bundled herself into her truck on the way home, rocking her hips forward with raw need. Yet there was no stimulation there for her and no easing of her desire.

Only one could do that.

She was still a little grimy and sweaty and dirty when she got home, but she couldn't stop herself from hunting down her husband right away. She had to have him, her pussy burning, need curling and twisting up inside her.

How did he do that to her, making her want him as much as she did? Maybe it was a lust demon thing...or maybe it was just a Ropes thing. She didn't have to have an answer to that question.

"Ropes? Ropes, where the hell are you?"

She growled, need rendering her frustration. Where was he? He'd teased her for so long and then...just got into it with Chemical?

The moans led her upstairs to the bedroom and Fyr leapt up them two at a time. Chemical still had to be there, even though there wasn't a car outside that didn't belong to Ropes. But Fyr was too caught up to care about what was happening, how Chemical was there and not her car. The little things simply fell by the wayside when she ached for her husband.

And there he was, in the bedroom, on his side, spooning Chemical as he fucked her long and slow. Stroke after stroke of his cock disappeared in the dragoness' pussy as the dark-scaled dragon moaned and clenched obviously around him. Her pussy was pointed towards the door and, from the mixed sexual fluids bubbling from her pussy, it looked like they'd already had a few rounds.

"Mmph.. Hey, Fyr," Chemical moaned, glee dancing in her eyes as she was fucked. "Don't worry... I'll leave some for you. Ropes always has more for you, don't you, cat?"

Fyr bristled. That was what she called Ropes. Never "kitty" or "kitten," of course: he hated that. Yet the cougar wasn't even looking at her as the barbs of his cock raked back and forth through her pussy, stimulating her, the dragoness tensing, her chin tucking down a little more.

Even from a distance, Fyr knew she was close and yet she couldn't look away. It was too erotic, seeing her husband from that perspective. Ropes was far from a god, but there was still more to enjoy there, from the bunching up of muscles in his body and how his tentacles twisted and writhed, curling around Chemical's leg to keep it elevated while he fucked her. They wouldn't have wanted anything to get in the way, after all, not of their fun.

"Unff... Yes... Ropes..." Chemical moaned as a tentacle rubbed the front of her pussy, teasing her clit. "You... Mmm... Just like that... Oh!"

The dragoness twisted, climaxing on his cock, though the cat was not all that far behind. Ropes speared his length deep and trembled as he lost control -- yet that losing of control was the bliss they had all needed. Even watching, Fyr pressed her thighs more tightly together as she enjoyed the moment, not truly understanding it, but, well, maybe she would understand in good time.

It was still intoxicating, as if she was drunk on it, watching hopelessly as her husband pulled out of the dragoness before her, his cock softening a little. He would be ready to go again soon and he eyed her hungrily up and down even as Chemical scrambled off the bed to take Fyr by the paw.

"Come on, Fyr," Chemical coaxed her, drawing her from the bedroom. "Come have a shower with me. I've got too much cum drying on my scales..."

"You could have at least let me get home first," Fyr grumbled, though she was not truly mad, only frustrated. "Do you know how worked up he got me?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Chemical said, her tail curling around Fyr's waist to more easily tug her along. "Don't worry about it. He's got plenty in him for both of us."

The dragoness growled, swatting Chemical away.

"And you forget I'm his wife," she snapped. "I come first, always."

"Oh, you're so cute when you're feisty!"

Fyr growled, but Chemical had her in the bathroom, the shower on, the rush of hot water pulling her attention. The dragoness' tail snuck between her legs and rubbed her pussy through her clothes and Fyr could not help but buck into the touch, a low moan whispering from her lips.

"Oh, fuck..."

"Isn't it better?" Chemical asked, grinning as she helped Fyr out of her clothes, staying as close as possible and barely moving her tail away from her aching pussy at all. "To be teased all day... It'll feel so good when you get off, finally, you know. And it was all for you, really. He was only fucking me because you weren't there. He knows how important your work is to you."

Fyr moaned. It was hard for her to take in what Chemical was saying, but, well, that was not entirely a bad thing. She whimpered, licking her lips, not knowing what else to do in the moment, shifting her weight as she was disrobed and her panties, not nice ones, thankfully, were torn from her by eager claws. Chemical nudged into the large shower cubicle and Fyr went willingly, though she almost stumbled over the edge of the bottom tray of the shower in her haste to do as Chem wanted.

"Just get your muzzle down there," she growled, surprising even herself in the heat of the moment. "I need to get off and you're the nearest thing."

It was the least Chemical could do, after all, as she fingered Fyr's pussy and gently helped wash the grime and grit of the day from her scales. The dragoness twisted her tail around Chemical's thigh, but the dark dragoness was not to be teased quite like that as she pressed her muzzle between Fyr's thighs and lapped straight up into her pussy, her fingers still buried.

It was needed, so very much so, even then, panting and grunting and groaning, carnal sounds shared between them while a long, sinuous tongue twisted up into Fyr's pussy. Fyr leaned heavily on the wall, bearing into the smooth, cool tiles as they warmed to her body, needing the support. It was hard even to keep her legs braced and slightly apart, knees quivering, the weight of her body suddenly too much.


She relaxed into it, thinking only of standing up the best she could, Chemical lapping into her. Oh, but she was close already and she needed it all so much more than even Fyr realised, her body aching deeply and throbbing after that span of denial.

The dragoness ached for it and yet it was not quite within her control as Chem's tail lashed inside her, curling up against her G-spot, dragging back through her cunny. The fingers worked back and forth, replacing the tongue with a third digit inside her pussy while Chemical suckled fervently on her clit.

Chem pulled Fyr's clit softly between her lips, suckling harder and more roughly as she lashed the throbbing nub with her tongue. And that was just what did it for Fyr, even if she was using Chemical as nothing more than a masturbatory aid, as if Chemical herself was a toy that Fyr could pick up and put down at any time.

Some things just happened like that and she whimpered as she climaxed, deep, rolling throbs of pleasure rolling through her. It even took Fyr a few moments to realise what was happening to her, for the true blast of ecstasy to it, her pussy clenching and pulling around Chemical's fingers.

Still, she rode it out, humping and grinding her hips, letting Chemical's fingers drive deep, pressed into Fyr's G-spot. Need ached through her and yet it was somewhat satisfied by that brutal orgasm.

It was not from her husband, however, not quite coming in the way Fyr wanted. The dragoness whimpered, shooting Chem a look as she came down from her high too swiftly, her tail lashing back and forth.

"You think that's enough?" She snapped, still grumpy after not immediately getting her husband's dick inside her. "You fucked him and then dragged me in here..."

"Yeah, well," Chemical grunted, licking off Fyr's juices from her fingers, her long tongue twirling and twining around each digit in turn. "You made him wait, what did you expect? And you stank after work. Come on, wash off then."

They helped one another, though Fyr was a lot less willing to help Chemical out than Chemical was to wash her from head to toe. There was no part of either dragoness that they had not explored -- at least when it came to such a simple thing as nudity.

Fyr, however, was not willing to allow Chemical the time once she was duly cleansed, stepping past the black dragon without even turning off the water.

Let Chemical do that, she thought, shooting a flick of her tail back at the dragoness. She could sort it.

She had a cougar to fuck.

Continued in part two of two...

AmethystMareAmethystMareabout 1 year agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to take on mostly anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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