Podium Pleasure

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Behind the DJ podium, a man sucks off two anthros...
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Tony grinned, shooting a glance at Rich standing next to him. To anyone at the furry con, dancing on the floor before them at the DJ booth, they looked like they were DJing in full suit. Why, Tony had already been complimented a number of times on his hyper realistic fursuit, even down to the level of detail around his muzzle in the tiniest of hairs. If someone had been brave enough to touch his nose too, even though he tended to avoid "boops" to the best of his ability, they would have found it lightly moist.

Rich, short for Richard, was an anthro lion masquerading, just like he was, as a regular old furry in a very detailed fursuit. It often meant they had to keep their mouths in a more fixed position and could not pull or move their lips all that much while they were talking, though it was an acquired skill.

Being at a furry convention let them go out and about without worrying who was going to see them and comment on them, although most people were aware that anthros existed in the world. It just was more awkward than some may have imagined to go about life as an anthro, so Tony and Rich most did gigs at conventions where they could get away with being "in costume." Most who followed them online and came to their gigs thought it was just their thing and the guys were more than happy to let that lie become the widely known truth.

It was too loud to talk without shouting as their audience jumped and raved before them, bodies moving together in a hot bustle of fur on the dance floor. Many were out there dancing in full suit or partial suits, though Tony was more interested in the human under the DJ booth, tucked away out of suit.

Rodrigo groaned as he curled his fingers around Tony's cock, though they would not go around the whole way. In there, he was tucked away from the blast of sound, though the booth and the floor rumbled around him, encasing him in vibration anyway. It would have been exhilarating as it was, though he sat back on his buttocks with his tail squashed uncomfortably under him, even though the fake tail was nothing compared to the two swaying before him. As he groped the wolf's cock, he watched their tails, one wolf and one lion, drifting hypnotically back and forth with the beat of the music.

They were damn good at what they did, though Rodrigo focused on the moment, how that cock felt smoothly sliding under his hand. Tony jerked forward a little, pre-cum faintly bubbling at the tip of his cock, though that was quickly taken care of. He leaned forward swiftly to press his lips around the wolf's cock, the slender tip easing inside. Yet that moment was not about the lure of oral pleasure but something more as he pulled back and licked off his lips, dampness clinging to them.

Rodrigo couldn't really catch the grunts and groans that came from Tony as he jerked him off, as crude as the action itself was. He worked his hand back and forth with single-minded intent, his own cock, left tucked away in his jeans. His shaft and pleasure, after all, were sidelined when it came to pleasing the two anthros before him, who he hoped would have their way with him that night too.

That would come later, however, and Rodrigo was all about living in the moment. Watching the wolf's legs move, for they were mostly exposed as he wore a pair of long, casual shorts, he allowed himself to luxuriate in the fantasy. The moment was what it was all about and he twisted his hand a little to caress the underside of the wolf's shaft, though it didn't at all seem like Tony was going to be long cumming in the slightest.

Rich bumped the wolf with his shoulder, smirking at him.

"Having fun there?" Rich said, though the lion mostly just mouthed the words as his tail lifted a little. "My turn next..."

Tony nodded and grunted, trying to keep his expressions neutral. Yet Rich had to hide how he really felt too as their human friend's hand closed around as much of his cock as it could too, though the lion's dick was different to the wolf's. Whereas Tony had a knot that would inflate at the base of his cock, when the time came to explode with pleasure, the lion had light, soft barbs on his shaft. They were not sharp at all, yet caught Rodrigo's hand as he worked it back and forth over them, sliding around to best stimulate them.

"Unff... Ah..."

Tony tried to stick with the show, though Rodrigo made that harder than ever as he suckled tantalisingly right at the tip of his cock. The knot swelled, pumping up seemingly with every beat of his heart, although it was not up to him when he climaxed.

He just had to put on a show and a performance, all while getting everything he needed out of sight of the rest of the convention too.

It really was the best of both worlds.

Rodrigo grunted as he jerked off the wolf as hard as he could, his hand pumping crassly up and down. However, it was the suck and pull of his lips around that overly sensitive head that drove him on, leaking pre-cum into his own underwear. He'd have to deal with that later, however, for he wasn't about to stop as he tried to split his attention between the wolf and the lion.

Rich thrust into his hand and yet his attention wavered back to Tony as he sucked harder, giving that knot a hard squeeze.

With that, the wolf couldn't hold back for a moment more as he was sent spurting over the edge. Each pump of thick cum poured into Rodrigo's mouth and he lowered the position of his body a little so he could tip his head back. The position helped him gulp down as much as possible, though a trickle of wolf seed still drooled out from the corner of his lips.

Yet there was another for him to please and the beat of the music swelling around him dragged Rodrigo on as he gasped and broke from the wolf's cock. Above him, he swore he heard Tony whine, but he could not consider that as he plunged the wet heat of his mouth over as much of the lion's cock as he could.


Rodrigo groaned as he took Rich's dick into the back of his mouth. He moaned openly, still holding Tony's shaft in his hand. Wolf seed dribbled from it, though they'd have to deal with the mess later as it marked his clothes and some of the floor under the DJ booth. The podium still shielded Rodrigo from view as he hunched down there, though Rodrigo allowed himself to become lost in the moment as he sucked down the lion's cock.

"Ah... Ffff... Ah!"

"Having trouble there?"

Tony mocked his friend, even though his expression had slackened. In the lights of the rave, he was, after all, able to relax a little more with no one guessing his "fursuit" was real, but he usually tried to keep up the façade. Rich groaned and rocked forward, his fingers curling around the edge of the booth, though he shouldn't have been the one needing a sense of stability right then and there.

It was intoxicating to have his cock orally pleasured when anyone could have seen, his skin tingling and hackles wanting to ever so slightly raise. Yet Rich knew there was no true threat to him as he raised his paws in the air to cheers from the crowd, playing into the role he knew all too well.

It was right where he wanted to be too, rolling his hips lightly to grind back and forth within the human's muzzle. Ah -- mouth, that was it, not muzzle. Sometimes it was difficult to separate the typically furry terms from the human ones, though Rich tried not to let it get to him how that set him apart from those he lived and breathed among.

He was a real anthro...and yet times still needed to change for him to go about his life uninhibited by people hassling him.

That wasn't something for him to worry about in that moment, however, and he relaxed as tension left his body. There was no room for it, however, when pleasure rolled through him, flooding him as if he was being filled up from the toes, all the way up his legs and higher, with something that burned sensationally through him.

Yet he was safe there, tingling with arousal, his cock harder than it had ever been. Rodrigo's hand worked the part of his cock, near the base, that he couldn't quite fit inside his mouth, though he had been practising on both anthros for so long that he didn't leave much out.

Rodrigo groaned, fighting down his gag reflex as he bobbed his head on Rich's dick. His eyelids fluttered closed, yet that only served to lock him into sensation even more than before, as if the world outside that DJ booth simply did not exist. He played with the wolf's cock, sliding his fingers around the fat knot, even as he sucked on the lion's. It was amazing how Tony's dick didn't go down after orgasm, the wolf able to easily go for three rounds before his stamina took any kind of hit.

The lion shuddered and thrust a little more erratically, letting Rodrigo know he was close. He tried to suck harder, his cheeks lightly hollowing, yet the lion's meat was so large that it stopped him from moving his tongue around his mouth all that much. He wanted to do more than to press his tongue sensually to the underside, though he didn't have as much tongue as the devious wolf and lion. He couldn't curl and wrap his tongue around a cock like they did, though it had been a while since the anthros had taunted him with the delicious fear of their teeth around his cock. Yet Rodrigo would have been hard-pressed to say whether he preferred the tantalising fear of them lapping his cock or giving head to them both.

Both things had wonderful ends, of course...

Rodrigo, however, couldn't wait for Rich's orgasm. He pressed on, letting the lion thrust, ignoring how his eyes watered. He took his dick deep, a light bulge showing where he gulped around his cock.

Rich rumbled, letting Tony guide the show for the moment, as orgasm growled through him. His balls gave him the sensation of pressure as he thrust, spearing his cock hard into the human's mouth, though he didn't care if he made things more difficult for Rodrigo in that moment. He was too far gone as he ground and moaned, tumbling into orgasm with a roar that surged inside him -- but that the lion had to hold back.


Rodrigo helped him through it, however, even as seed splashed raunchily out of his mouth and down his chest, simply too much for him to hold. The soft barbs rubbed and pulled over his lips, forcing him to keep his mouth open a little wider, although that wasn't going to stop Rodrigo when he was as lustful as he was. The lion's seed slid down his throat as he swallowed roughly around the length, though it was more difficult than he cared to admit.

No one would know, however, just how lucky he was to be masturbating and sucking off two real anthros while they watched but did not understand. They were too drunk on alcohol and fun to know what was going on behind the DJ podium and Rodrigo was more than happy with that.

When it came to giving the wolf and the lion "podium pleasure," as he slyly liked to call it, he wanted them all to himself. For there was no better place for him to be than down on his knees, taking a load of hot cum straight down his throat.

In lust, there was plenty more to "cum" that night...

AmethystMareAmethystMare7 months agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to take on mostly anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing arianmabe@gmail.com.

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

TheBoredandtheTemptedTheBoredandtheTempted7 months ago

Love your stories! Always give me new things to fantasize about.

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