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Click hereThis is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.
Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.
Alyssa knew something was up with her partner. The white fox...well... He wasn't behaving like his normal self. The deer-taur was quite in-tune with him, or so she thought, but there was a problem with how they related to one another, for Sandor was not as forthcoming with her as he had once been.
She breathed his name, though there was a darker note in her tone as she stood in the bedroom, clicking one of her cloven hooves against the floor as she waited for him. The front door of their home opened and closed, although she didn't move from her position there. With her shoulders pushed back, she looked stronger than she usually did, steeling herself.
It was time to show her life partner just how things were really going to be between them. No more would he solely be the all-powerful magic user, making waves in the academy. For Sandor was so much more than what people saw and she was stronger still than what he saw in her.
It was about time she showed her partner every side of her. Even if, to others, she was just a deer-taur.
Sandor smiled as he entered the bedroom, having been looking for Alyssa.
"Ah, there you are," he said warmly. "It's been such a long day. Is there any tea on? If not, I'll brew some."
Alyssa took a breath, something settling into place inside her.
"Your eyes have been wandering, Sandor."
The fox froze, one of his paws still half-lifted as if he had been in the process of reaching her.
"I... Uh..."
Heat rose to his cheeks and not even the white of his fur concealed it. Did Alyssa know? How could she possibly know? He didn't want to say anything, but he hadn't exactly done anything wrong either! He'd only looked at others, yes, but he had done it when Alyssa had not been around.
Then again, there was that one time when he'd looked at the muscular tiger bartender at the tavern, wondering just what it would be like for the feline to pin him over the bar and fuck him hard. There were parts of his sexuality that Sandor just hadn't got the chance to investigate and experiment with, as he had got together with Alyssa pretty much at the cusp of his sexual awakening, growing and learning together.
She had a fire in her, however, as she stared at him, waiting for his answer. But when Sandor tried to speak, Alyssa shook her head and snapped her fingers.
"I don't need you to say anything. You want someone stronger, Sandor? You should never have looked further. And I'm going to show you just how you didn't appreciate what was right under your nose the whole time."
That was only partly true -- but the words fit the moment and the fox made a strangled sort of grunt as he nodded.
He did as she asked, though couldn't stop himself from sneaking a look at her as she undressed too. As a doe-taur, Alyssa rarely wore clothes on her deer half, but had worn a light top on her human-like half, with long, dangling beads that had tapped lightly against her stomach. Underneath, she was bare, but Alyssa didn't give him a chance to admire her, pointing to the bed.
"Bend over it. This is your position now."
It was almost reminiscent of how he had ridden on her back before, from time to time, and Sandor obligingly took up the position. The fox bent over the bed with his paws on it, feet spread and slightly braced so he was at a better angle. Alyssa scoffed: he was still too high for her. So, the doe-taur took matters into her own hands as she pushed him in the small of his back and shoved his hips all the way down to the edge of the bed.
Sandor yelped and scrambled as the air rushed out of his lungs, legs kicked out behind him as he tried, once again, to get his hind paws under him. But Alyssa was quick to come up behind him, pressing her body over his as she briefly rose on to her hind legs, mounting him in a similar fashion to how he had mounted her before.
It was carnal and it was feral and it took his breath away -- though Sandor had not noticed something Alyssa had slipped around her hind legs and over her hind end, strapped tightly in place. For, between her hind legs, there was a strap-on cock: a dildo shaped with a long, smooth surface and a rounded tip. The head of the fake shaft was slightly smaller than the rest, but it was only by a tiny amount.
It was not going to make any actual difference when it was buried deep inside Sandor's rump, the doe-taur powering into him with short, savage strokes of her hips.
The fox, however, remained exactly where he was, for it was bigger, stronger males that he had been attracted to -- not that he hadn't been attracted to Alyssa at the same time, of course. But there were different things that caught his attention, drawing his eye, and something in her stance and how she gripped him tightly with her forelegs made his blood sing.
"Mmph, Alyssa..."
Sandor grunted her name like a curse and a prayer, all wrapped up in one. Yet the doe-taur hissed through her teeth, leaning forward to wrap her hands tightly around his muzzle, smothering him.
"No, you don't need to talk," she said lowly, grinding with the toy as she pulled back a bit, seeking the obvious target. "You're going to feel every inch of this."
Sometimes, words simply were not needed -- not to the extent that other anthros used them in a day-to-day basis. The doe-taur ground the head of the dildo against his tail hole, following the base of his tail, right down to the root. It was not something natural for Alyssa to do in the slightest, but she had seen other males mounting females -- even a couple of males together when she had walked past the brothel late at night -- and knew the mechanics of it. The deer-taur just had to get her body to do what her mind understood.
The fox groaned long and low as she speared that cock into him, stretching out his rump slowly but surely. Alyssa grunted, working her hips forward in short thrusts, but she had to put more effort into it than the doe-taur had expected.
And yet her rump was more muscular than Sandor had noticed and Alyssa puffed out a raspy breath as she drove into him, pegging him more roughly than, perhaps, had ever been intended. He tried to part his lips, though she kept her hands clasped around his muzzle and nose, forcing him to take snatched, short breaths whenever she released her grip a little.
Not that he minded, no, not at all. It was everything his heart had been lusting for, something that Sandor had not even realised he'd been missing slotting into place. The thick length of dildo warmed swiftly to the heat of his body and Alyssa's driving, rushed thrusts struck a sweet chord inside him as his entire body rumbled with need.
His cock, of course, was hard, throbbing anxiously. It needed to spill its load already and he blushed, ashamed of the fact that he had got so randy and needy so swiftly.
How is that even possible?
Yet that was not a question the fox was going to get an answer to all that easily as Alyssa took charge powerfully. She thrust deeply, finding a rhythm and pace in her strokes that had not been there before, though that was hardly the sort of thing she could be perfect at initially, if there was even such a thing as "perfect" when it came to sex.
That was okay. Sex was what it was and it was much more about the connection between two creatures, whether they were anthros like Sandor or taurs like Alyssa. It didn't matter what the specifics were about that playing out.
Yet her stopping him from breathing easily in her smothering hit more notes for him than the fox could ever have anticipated, grunting and bucking his hips as she ploughed deeply into him. He whined and tried to moan through her hands, though there was only a little space for him to breathe and he had to take every raked-in, snatched breath he could.
All while she ploughed him.
Alyssa grunted, forcing the fox closer and closer to the edge -- for it was in orgasm that she would have control over him. Not a bad kind of control, of course, but the kind that would bring them closer together, even if they had both gone about it in a rather unorthodox fashion.
She worked her hind end powerfully, bracing on her hooves, glad that she had put the rug down in the bedroom, so she had more grip in there. Otherwise, she would have been sliding about all over the place. It let her savour the throb of power welling up inside her, tapping into a part of herself that the doe-taur had not even known was possible to achieve.
And it was good too, to be powerful, to take control. She was strong too and he had to accept that, all as the fox shuddered under her, panting heavily. His lungs heaved, rasping for breath, yet she smothered him to such an extent, using her body and size against him, that he couldn't take a single full breath.
She had him just where she wanted him as she rammed in, forcing the fox closer and closer to climax. With every stroke of Alyssa's faux shaft driving into him, he would understand that she was the boss of the home, not him, that he should never have let his eyes wander like that -- even when it was just looking.
He grunted thickly in the back of his throat as he was fucked, though the fox barely even managed to breathe as his cock throbbed. It was as if every fibre of his being was locked in on his shaft, feeling even the air wafting around it, caressing his cock. Even though his hips were over the edge of the bed and his cock only just got to brush the sheets, it was as if it had not been touched at all. And yet the need burning through him was greater than even he could have anticipated.
It was right, even as he bellowed through the tight grasp of her hands, his entire body bucking and arching, getting in on the act of orgasm. He groaned out long and low, like a guttural, carnal part of his soul had risen, though the fox was not to put words to such an experience. Anything Sandor tried, of course, would be ineloquent at best.
It was Alyssa who held the power there. It was his doe-taur, still sweet, who was the boss. She pegged him crudely, closing her hand even more tightly around his muzzle, his nose crushed into her palm as he puffed and wheezed.
Still, Sandor wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else at all as his tail wagged tiredly and swept against her underbelly, close to where the harness of the strap-on toy rested around her body. Yet he didn't make as if to move away and he didn't fight her in the slightest, eyes rolled back in his head from the sheer force of his orgasm.
More, he needed more... Always, from his Alyssa.
Only, now Sandor was more hers than she was his, and the fox found he didn't mind that in the slightest. Not at all.
Not as his doe-taur swept her hand possessively back to his neck, curling her fingers into the loose skin and fur of his scruff.
"I have you now."
They were simple words, little words, yet they meant so much to the fox. Sandor whimpered as his tail faintly wagged and he spent the last drops of his seed, unknowing as to the mess they'd made against the side of the bed and the sheets.
Things, somehow, had come right as they always did between them, leaving the deer-taur and the fox with even more to explore.
Hey there!
I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to take on mostly anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing
Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!