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Click hereThis is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.
Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.
Back to the present day
Aono dropped in front of Enma, brushing the black Samoyed's head fur back slowly.
"Oh, Enma... I'm going to get you out of here."
Aono exhaled, his heart pounding. Enma wasn't alone, for beside him was Daybreak: another hero he recognised. The wolf was a moaning, squirming mess, humping into a strange tube-like device even as his body seemed beyond his own control. Beside him sat a full container of glowing liquid, along with a second that, at that time, was half-full. Daybreak moaned and writhed as if nothing else existed for him in the world and Aono tensed, the hairs on the back of his neck bristling.
Daybreak held back from orgasm, though Aono didn't know all he'd gone through. He didn't know how hard Daybreak had been trying to stop cumming, for he knew of the Commission's plans and Aono, as yet, did not.
Aono glanced up at the cameras monitoring the room. Of course, he had shielded them with latex, the canine thinking ahead as always.
Enma blinked, seeing the Samoyed before him, though his white fur was clad in dark latex. He let out a tiny whine, eyes sparking with a glint of recognition.
Yet, from Aono's perspective, that spark of recognition faded a moment later. Enma parted his lips, whispering hoarsely.
"You shouldn't be here. The Commission... They threatened me with Ethan's life. I had to do it."
"Unggh, yes..."
A second grunt caught Aono's attention. That was Daybreak, the wolf huffing and panting, though the machines still worked at his body, forcing him nearer orgasm.
"I... Eh... Sorry..." Daybreak forced out, clearly struggling with his words. "It's my fault...he got captured. I'm...sorry. So sorry."
Daybreak squirmed, fighting the stimulation.
"They...stole my fluids..." Daybreak panted heavily, head lolling. "They made...flashbangs to capture the other heroes. Ahhhhhhhhhh!"
The dildo drilled into him, ruthlessly ramming up into his tail hole, and the wolf could not hold back a single moment more. He pushed up hard into the milking cock sleeve, burying his dick into it, huffing and grunting and panting. Yet nothing stopped the flow of his cum, spurt after spurt, adding to the chamber that he was already in the process of filling.
"You..." Daybreak writhed in humiliation, heat flooding his body just like he flooded the tube. "You need to get out... Mmmmm... Please... Escape. Take them. Get the truth... Agh..."
"The little black dog has not yet signed, but I see he is already trying to join our ranks. Or perhaps it is an offering for us: bringing a white friend to us?"
Aono straightened, ears pricked. No longer were they alone as the scientist reappeared: the white lion he had seen in the hallways when he had been crawling through the air ducts. He held fast, not letting his expression give anything away, but the room filled with arm guards too swiftly, Aono caught between the two milking pods as he growled.
"Stand back," he warned. "I do not wish to hurt anyone. It goes against my moral code."
"Hah!" The lion clapped his hands together and nodded. "Excellent. I wonder if your morals will come through in the milking of your semen? Or if they will be as weak as so many others?"
The lion snapped his fingers.
"Disable him."
Aona leapt and fought, calling on his powers. Yet he may as well have done nothing at all, rendered helpless as he sent streams of black latex flying out across the room. He managed to wrap it around a couple of the armed guards, sending them tumbling down as if they had been encased in bondage. Some of the weapons were swiftly gummed up with latex too, although the fact of the matter was that every last one of the guards had been trained in fighting heroes specifically. Of course, they had been briefed too on the heroes on their list to capture and imprison there.
They caught him and backed him into the pod across from Enma, forced to face his friend as he grunted and growled, drawing on his powers even then.
"Release me!" He snarled, though he was only trying to use his words as a distraction, throwing off the guards as much as he could. "You have no right to do this! None of us have agreed to this!"
"Yeah..." Daybreak grunted. "We want out... This isn't what we signed up for."
"It doesn't really matter whether you signed up for it or not, wolf," the lion said, adjusting the lapels of his lab coat. "Milk him. He needs to have an extraction, of course."
Aona gasped, tongue lolling out, his powers slipping away. Slowly, bit by bit, every drop of latex oozed from his body, sucking back into him as if it had never even existed in the first place. Not a drop of it remained as he was left bare, his cock out and exposed, though it was still currently soft. A cock sleeve and mechanical dildo rose in a whirr of mechanics and the canine clenched his jaws tightly, a muscle jumping in the corner of them.
I've got to resist! They can't do this to me, he thought, though it would not be long at all before Aono realised it was all futile, a wasted effort. I'm stronger than this!
And then it was impossible for Aono to think any more as he rocked and bucked, striving to avoid the cock sleeve and mechanical dildo, although it was no good. Aono's cock was sucked into the sleeve as if he was a passive player in his own life and milking. That device was a little different, however, visibly pulsing and rippling around his cock as if it was made from a more pliable material than whatever was around Daybreak's shaft, along with Enma's, although it didn't really matter.
Aono shuddered, trying and failing to clamp his tail down as he was securely installed in the pod. His back arched and his crotch bucked forward as the dildo rammed into his unprotected asshole, stretching him wide.
He cried out as he was sodomised, his backside ruthlessly spread around the toy, without even any lube. The flash of burning pain and the dull ache of sudden penetration were short-lived, however -- or maybe it simply seemed like that as time had no meaning, not once one was locked into the pods.
"Here's the deal, little black pup," the lion said to Enma with a cruel, lip-twitching grin that was not quite fixed on his face. "You have not signed any agreement yet, so we cannot use you, not fully. There is stimulation, yes, but the use of your semen to create weaponry... That is not permitted."
Grunting, Aona rolled his hips forward, clawing for his latex powers, even though they weren't anywhere to be found. His cock throbbed up to full hardness within the milking sleeve, pulling and squeezing around his cock, but Aona clenched his jaw, pulling back and away from the room, and into the pod, as much as he could.
The lion continued fluidly.
"This white puppy here," he said, turning his attention, briefly, back to Aono. "He is being broken and, after all, we have the legal right to deal with him. He broke into our facility: no one with a sane mind would not see him as a threat. It's an emergency and we have to look out for the safety of the Commission, as well as the citizens, right?"
He phrased everything in such a way that it sounded reasonable and Aono loathed him for that. The canine squirmed, humping as he twisted, though it was merely from him trying to escape the wrath of his bonds, how tightly the pod sucked him back, trapping his limbs in that strangely malleable yet powerful substance. It was like his latex, in a way, but Aono would never find out just how close some of their tech was to his latex abilities.
He grunted, licking the inside of his mouth, the toy within his asshole thrusting wildly as if it was trying to pump him full. It was crude and coarse, too much, and he clamped his jaws shut, locking his teeth, unable to do anything more than to hold on. Aono needed to gather intel, information, although he didn't know quite how to do that with the current predicament he was in.
Aono's cock hardened and throbbed within the cock sleeve, the material around his dick visibly pulsating. He tried not to look at it, for it was just more visual stimulation -- and he couldn't afford that, no. He couldn't afford one more little thing to arouse him, not when there was so much going on already.
The clamour of the machinery, whirring and grinding and rattling faintly.
Electronic beeps and clicks in the background, subtler and softer.
The moans of Daybreak and Enma, trapped and overstimulated.
The lewd squelch of the soft inner substance of the milking cock sleeve wrapped around his dick, sounding, somehow, wet as it pulled around him.
Was he really going to be stuck there, he wondered, trapped for the rest of his life? Would that be all there was, if he could not find some way, any way, to turn things around?
Milked for the rest of his wife, all so they could drain his powers from him in a form they could use... Over and over again. Just like the other heroes, fallen and used.
Aona clenched his jaw harder, until a bite of pain lanced sharply through his skull.
He held on, the best he could. Yet the Samoyed did not know that everyone there had already done the best they could, fighting tooth and nail against the vehemence of the milking pods and machines. The Commission had brought the best of the best tech to use against them and, truthfully, there was no way they could ever have fought back successfully.
With all their powers, every hero was destined to fail, one after the other, broken and abused.
He thrust, hating himself, his stomach tight as he clenched his abs. It would be okay, however, he told himself. If there was no contract in place, that seemed to mean something to them: maybe it would cause them too many issues if they revealed they'd taken his cum unwillingly from him. Aono had to hold on to that, even as his cock throbbed and, horrified, he felt that liquid swirl of need in his lower belly.
He was going to cum. But he couldn't!
Before he could, however, a small gun appeared from the top of the pod, the barrel tucked down neatly against his forehead. Aono sucked in a breath, but the canine couldn't hold back: his instincts merely took over.
He thrashed and howled, fighting to get away from the captive bolt pistol, though it remained fixed securely in place, the machined arm moving slightly to keep pace with his movements. The machinery, somehow, didn't simply fix his head and neck in place, allowing him those moments of pretended freedom, as if there really was any kind of chance Aono could get free.
It wasn't to be, not in any way, shape or form. There was no world or reality where the Samoyed in white could ever get away, grunting in the back of his throat as he tried to lock down his fear. Yet fear lanced into fighting instinct and he fought with every iota of his psyche to get away from the pistol, dodging and straining for his very life. No matter how he twisted, his musculature bulging and on show at every angle, he couldn't get away from it.
The gun remained pointed at his forehead: an open threat the Commission didn't bother to cover with fancy words.
His body fought, straining and grunting, though there was no evading it. The pod opened up above Aono's head, allowing a gag to be slid down, fitting neatly over his muzzle. Of course, the dog still had his vision, even if it was slightly obscured by the tight latex that fitted over it. He didn't see that there was a catch at the front of the gag, so it could be opened for any manner of attachments.
The Paranormal Commission wouldn't want to let him out of it too easily, after all. They could feed him through it, having a tube inserted into the gag. But, at the time, it was easier and more enjoyable to them to debase him by using a sliver of his power, in the latex gag, against him.
"Mmmmpppphhhh! Mmmmnnnn-hhhmmmm!" He grunted, heaving and twisting, his chest rolling and snatching at any breath he could grab. "Nnnnfff!"
But there was no way he could speak, even that luxury stolen from him as if, perhaps, the Samoyed had never even deserved it in the first place. His ears flicked, not sure whether to pin all the way back or splay out, though Aono's decisions, what little ones he could make, ceased to matter in that moment.
Aono's eyes watered, tears rolling down his cheeks. They were not all that obvious, even if they were there, soaking into the fur of his cheeks and sliding down around the strap of the gag. The gag's harness didn't go all the way around his head, but "sucked into" the fur on his head, as if it had fused with him and become a part of the dog.
Maybe it had. Aono wasn't in any position to care or do anything about it.
He thrust without realising what he was doing, his body straining for relief while his mind fought brutally back against the fury of his entrapment. The pod strained his shoulders and he felt a muscle pull, although that was the least of Aono's worries at that time. The pain was less than the burning ache in his gut, pulling down into his lower abdomen, as if his balls were tightening and churning.
No... No, this can't be!
He fought back against the knowledge of his debasement, though his cock throbbed furiously within the cock sleeve. Aono blinked away tears and shook his head, tonguing the gag, straining to do all that he could, as little as that was.
Pleasure called to him, insidious and winding. His cock pulsed, harder than ever, though Aono didn't see how much pre-cum was being drawn from him even then.
The lion smirked subtly.
"This is what happens," he said with his hands folded behind his back, "when you do not co-operate. But this could all be easier for you if only you do as we ask. This will be easier for you now."
Aono howled and strained, his whole body bowing forward with his muscles straining, arms and legs sucked back into the pod. But he was too late and there was nowhere even for him to go as the scientist pressed a button on a remote tucked into the palm of his hand.
He felt the sound rather than heard it, purely due to how close the captive bolt pistol was to his head as it set off. The bolt shot into him and the Samoyed bucked in a jolting, sharp reaction that was borne from his body and very much not from his mind.
He strained, bristling all over, his entire body trembling. The bolt shot straight into his brain and, a heartbeat later, he went limp, hanging in the pod as if he was nothing more than a dead weight. Yet his orgasm rolled from him in heady spurt after spurt, until it became a singular stream of cum flowing down the tube.
His eyes rolled back, white filling his orbs, and his body twitched, jerking and jostling as if Aono was being controlled by the strings of a puppet master. Yet the canine was not in control of his own body and never would be ever again, even his tail jerking back and forth as seed filled the container.
"Bah... Meh...ah-bah-la..." He babbled, his tongue loose and floppy in his mouth, drooling splattering from his lips. "Ya-no-guhra-mah..."
The guards around laughed and pointed, though Aono had no knowledge of that. He was only there to cum, hips jerking with those strange, muscular reflexes. The captive bolt pistol had done its job.
"Pleasth..." He mumbled, words teasing through his babbling. "No... Bah... Beg... Pleasthhhh..."
Yet Aono could not talk, not like that, not anymore. His backside ground back haplessly, completely out of his own mind, the edges crumbling as the centre of his psyche froze, not even able to fight back.
Enma gaped at him, huffing and panting as Aono bucked his hips to cum and keep orgasming, sending more and more seed down the tube. His ass kept rocking back as if he wanted it, though Enma barely even could comprehend the frail edges of what Aono was feeling in that moment, even if the sight of Aono grinding back on to the dildo sent a tremor through him too.
"Please... No..." At last, Enma gasped out the words, something breaking inside him, cracking like splintering glass. "Don't..."
Again, the captive bolt fired. That time, an echo resounded through the room, bouncing off the walls.
It slammed into Enma and Daybreaker like a shockwave, though the effect on Aono was even more potent. His limp body suddenly tensed, throwing contractions into his muscles, straightening at the exact moment of impact. His head slammed up, straight into the curved surface of the pod, and his nose streamed with blood, running down his muzzle and staining the fluffy, white fur of his chest with cum.
Enma gasped, horror roiling through the dog as he watched another stream of thick cum -- thicker than it had any right to be, coming from a canine who was of his breed too -- flow down the tube. It was translucent, supposedly so the Commission could measure the flow volume and speed, though that was merely from Enma's speculation when he was trying to hold back from yet another forced orgasm.
His heart sank and his tail drooped, tears building in the corners of his eyes. He knew what he had to do, even if it was the last thing he wanted to ever do.
As the flow of cum tapered off, it turned yellow, tainted by Aono's urine. The canine still shuddered bodily, his entire body held stiff and rigid, as he was forced to urinate before them. Losing control of his bladder, however, was not to be Aono's final humiliation.
"I sign -- I sign!" Enma howled, trashing in his bonds to get their attention. "Please! Please, don't do this to him anymore! Let him go! Make him better!"
The lion grinned.
"Ah, that didn't take that long, did it?" He purred, tail swishing. "Now we're talking."
The lion tapped a couple of buttons on the remote, setting it up to neutralise Aono, for his powers, well...they were quite ordinary. There were a few things they could be used for, but he was not entirely interested in them. He was more of a ploy through which they could capture others. It would be interesting also to see how Aono could be used to debase the others further, perhaps even heightening their cum production.
As always, a use would be found for every captured hero.
Aono shuddered, his body falling limp, though he was unaware of the burning ache and pull of his muscles as gravity wrenched his body down. Latex slicked over him, a slow, insidious slide, but that was not from his own doing. He would be trapped in it, fully controlled, his white fur slowly covered all over again.
The lion frowned, shaking his head.
"That was not supposed to happen..." He muttered, checking his digitised notes on the hero. "It seems there is a protective mechanism locked into his latex ability, how fascinating... Maybe he is more useful than we realised."
Aono groaned, his head falling forward, eyes rolling and tongue lolling haplessly out. Inside, the latex even slid around his brain, protecting it even as it disturbed the electrical functions.
The lion nodded.
"He will be studied. Keep him contained."
So, one more hero was captured for the Commission.
Some days later...
"Unnnnfff... Rrrrfff!"
Enma tried to bark and grunt, thrusting his hips wildly, trapped in the pod. He was a good dog, a good boy, and all he had to do was keep cumming for the Commission -- even though Enma didn't know that was why he kept climaxing. All he had to know was that it felt good and he wanted to provide even more cum for them, more pleasure, grinding his tongue roughly up against the underside of the tube wedged into his mouth.