Part 37 of the 47 part series
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Click hereThis is the beginning of the third book. Again, this will veer from the "erotica" to just writing and going with the flow of what feels right. This next chapter has no sex in it, it's not marked but it doesn't. I guess the best description I can give concerning the sex from here on out will be, it's the salt and pepper of the meal. There and noticeable but only as an improvement.
Ok, enough with the hate mail! LOL I knew the last chapter would evoke some rebukes. I did so carefully and after much deliberation. Know that Livy's death was well planned out and served a purpose. I didn't write it to just see if I could make you angry or cry. After I am done with this novel, you will understand. Then if you still feel the same way, then the hate mail can start again. Of all the deaths that I have included in my novels, Livy's was the one that made me rethink if it was necessary. I believe it was.
Chapter 51
Alex was slowly and carefully going through the few possessions Livy had in her apartment. It looked like a first time home should look. It was sparsely furnished, there was little in the way of creature comforts, curtains were almost non-existent leaving only the blinds that came with the semi-furnished apartment.
Most of the furniture was old and dirty but it had the basic needs. A sofa, a chair, and a small dining room set. Her bed was the bottom half of Nora's bunk beds from the old house, the top portion was in Nora's room. Most of the possessions Livy had were Nora's, showing that Livy's priority was her daughter. Going so far as to having only Nora's room fully furnished with all that a little girl would need.
Brightly colored curtains in this room, a vanity to play dress up. A full size dresser to put her clothes and a small table for tea time. Posters of cats and butterflies decorated the walls, along with posters from both the Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium, a trip that Gavin took her on and spoiled her rotten.
Gavin was with Nora in her room helping her pack. He kissed her head and stood up when the doorbell rang. As he made his way out, he passed Livy's room and looked in and found Alex just standing there, a picture of her and Livy in her hands. The tears running down her face told of the pain and loss she was feeling. He hadn't felt this helpless since Carla. A feeling he promised himself he would never feel again. But here he was, trying to deal with something impossible to deal with.
Gavin opened the door and looked out at a man who did a double take of him.
"Can I help you?" Gavin asked.
"Yes, you must be Gavin," the man said extending his hand. "My name is Don, I'm Nora's dad."
Gavin looked at his hand for a second before taking it and shaking it apprehensively.
"What can I do for you?" Gavin asked not moving from the doorway.
"I'm here for Nora," Don told him bluntly. Gavin lifted his eyebrows. "I'm here to take her home."
Gavin dropped his head back and looked to the ceiling of the apartment, his anger bubbling suddenly like a pot of chili. He figured something like this was going to happen, he also knew how Alex would respond. He was hoping it wouldn't but here it was, unfolding.
"Yeah, Don, probably not a good idea," Gavin warned him.
"Look, I've been patient and understanding," Don said to him. "I know Alex is partial to Nora and I wanted them together so they could comfort each other." Gavin saw Don start laying the groundwork for his excuse of not attending Livy's funeral. With the one statement Gavin was in full hate mode.
Gavin looked at him blankly, he was trying his best to control his temper which was suddenly crawling out of the box he so carefully kept closed. So carefully kept it from exploding. His temper was something that always destroyed when it was out. Something he took great strides in trying to keep from happening.
Perhaps it was all the emotion over the past few days. Perhaps it was the fact he hadn't slept since the night before Al had his heart attack nearly a week ago. Instead of sleep he spent the nights comforting either Alex or Nora. It seemed when one was asleep, the other was in a fit of tears. He would take turns comforting the one in tears. He was only sleeping in fifteen minute naps.
The emotion. The fatigue. The worry. All combined made his temper so much easier to bring out. So much more volatile. So much more in control of him. Something that took years to learn how to control. Something that he feared would be released in this tumultuous time.
"Don," Gavin strained through gritted teeth. He blew out a laugh, but it was humorless as he sorted through the words he wanted to use. Discarding most because they were either obscenities or threats. Finally, he just let it out, the first thing that locked into his head.
"There is no way in hell I'm letting you take Nora, not in this lifetime, not in this universe, not a chance!" Gavin said forcefully.
Don stared at him blankly, shocked at what was just said.
"I'm her father," Don pointed out, his own temper rising.
"A daughter you gave up for a fucking house!" Gavin reminded, his temper making the words harsher, harder. His face turning to stone, his eyes sharpening.
"I'm all she has left," Don said sharply.
"Bullshit," Gavin growled. "That girl stays with Alex...she stays with us!"
"You can't do that!" Don protested.
"Fucking try me bitch!" Gavin said stepping out onto the stoop forcing Don to take a step back. The more Don stood there, the more Gavin's temper won out. It had been years since he was physical with another person. And it wasn't since Carla's disappearing into drug houses that he beat a man, but now his temper was gaining the upper hand and it seems Gavin was going down that road.
"You want her, come and get her!" Gavin snarled, daring Don to try.
Gavin was done, he was no longer in control. His temper had won out and he was powerless to stop the animal now that it was out of the box. If Don tried any manner of ill-fated attempt to take Nora by force he would be met with a trip to the hospital. Gavin was powerless to stop the temper any more than he could control the wolf.
Don looked at the man advancing on him and feared for his safety. The man had transformed before his very eyes. What started off as a cordial conversation was now in the midst of veil threats and possible actual harm.
"My lawyer will be in touch!" Don warned as he turned and high tailed it back to his car.
Gavin stopped his advance on the scurrying rodent of a father and let him escape. Using every coping technique he could come up with. Using every ounce of available energy to reign himself in. Using all he had, to keep Alex and Nora from seeing the worst of him.
When he turned he saw Alex standing in the doorway, her expression a mixture of fear and confusion forcing him to drop his head. He stood there in the yard as Don barked his tires in leaving. Gavin closed his eyes and tried putting the monster back in the box. Hoping Alex was so horrified she wouldn't demand he explain the temper until he could rationally explain it.
Once Gavin had the temper in the box, and even though the lid wasn't closed, meaning any argument would cause a sudden explosion of fury that would appall him and possibly frighten her, he walked up to her and stood in front of her, his anger ebbing. His embarrassment rising. The look of fear on Alex was crushing. Was it fear of the animal or fear of what Don wanted?
"Can he take her?" Alex asked carefully gaging the man in front of her.
She had never seen this out of Gavin. He was always so in control. So calm and reserved. She just watched the man she had fallen in love with intimidate another human being. Actually took menacing steps towards a man with the intention to harm, something every doctor swears an oath to never do. Not since Royce, on the night of her awakening to the world of BDSM at her first party, had she seen this. It was almost forgotten in the placid loving months of their relationship.
When she heard Don's voice her first instinct was to run to Nora and sneak away from the apartment, then she heard Gavin tell Don he wasn't about to let him take Nora. He did what she wanted. Again, he knew what she wanted without being said. She realized this particular decision wasn't so hard to figure out, but still it didn't have to be verbalized. With so many of her past boyfriends, even the simplest of decisions would have been needed to be said aloud.
"I don't know," Gavin frowned. "He is the biological father...I have a call into need to brace yourself."
"Gavin," Alex said firmly. "You know there is no way I let that man have Nora! There is no way Livy would have wanted that!"
"I'm not sure we can keep her!" Gavin warned. "I mean, the biological father has custody rights if the mother..." He didn't finish. Alex turned and left him in the doorway. Gavin inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly.
His phone ringing brought him from his anger. He looked and saw Madelyn's number.
"Hey baby," she said motherly.
"Hey Maddy," he said sitting down on the stoop.
"I'm just checking in with you to see if you need anything," Madelyn told him.
"Yes, I do," Gavin blew out a breath. "I need a lawyer, and I don't mean just any lawyer...I need an O.J. Simpson type team of lawyers that can do the impossible!"
"Oh my God, what is going on?" Madelyn gasped.
"Don is asking to take custody of Nora," Gavin said softly. "There is no fucking way I can let that happen...Alex would be crushed!"
"Ok, baby," Madelyn told him. "I'll call my lawyer, he will know who is the best person to handle this will be."
"I've got a call in Judith, but she hasn't called me back yet. She is on vacation somewhere," he told her.
"I'm on it," Madelyn assured him. "There is one other thing...I hate to even bring it up."
"What?" Gavin asked her rubbing his face with his hand.
"The wedding?" Madelyn asked carefully.
"The wedding," Gavin sighed. "Yeah, look, Al has to be a part of it and it will be at least six months before he is even physically able to do that. He also may need another surgery so it may be even longer. It could take up to a year to fully recover. And I don't think Alex's head is in the right spot right now."
"I know you have put a lot of effort and a shit load of money...," Gavin continued.
"Don't worry about the money, it's nothing compared to yours and Alex's happiness," Madelyn said firmly. "I will put everything on hold, for the time being."
"Thanks, Maddy," Gavin said softly.
"Just one little thing baby," Madelyn began carefully. She knew Gavin would have at least thought about it, but she wanted to make sure. "Are you sure Nora going back to Don is such a bad thing?"
Gavin sat there for a few moments as he thought about that.
"I know it would be a bad thing for Alex," Gavin sighed.
"Are you ready for a child in your home?" Madelyn asked. "Children are such a big responsibility, they are life changers! The life you have envisioned with Alex will change drastically when you add Nora to the mix." Madelyn warned carefully, her love pouring out letting Gavin know this was just motherly advice. The silence on the phone was deafening. Even Madelyn was unsure what to expect from Gavin.
"I love Alex," Gavin said firmly. "This is all about her, if she has to have Nora, and she does, she is getting Nora. She will guide me the rest of the way with a child, as I don't have the first damn clue on kids! I trust her. While I'm sure I don't know what to expect, Alex will guide me and keep me from fucking this up."
"It makes my heart sing to hear you say that," Madelyn said, choking up on the phone. "Then Nora stays...You and Alex will never lose her...I will call in every favor...move every mountain and leave no stone unturned until Nora is safely within your new family...son."
"," Gavin choked out.
Two hours later Don returned, this time he had the police with him and his lawyer.
"Mr. Steward?" one of the officers asked when he opened the door.
"Dr. Steward," Gavin corrected.
"Sorry," the officer nodded. "May we come in?"
"No," Gavin said bluntly.
"Look Mr. Steward," the lawyer began in. "We have legal grounds to enter the home and take the girl, but we are hoping to avoid any more trauma on the child as I'm sure you and Miss Lasko are as well."
Gavin watched as another car pulled up, this one an unmarked police cruiser and Gavin began to wonder just how many police officers they planned on bringing here. Right now he was thinking about the time he was arrested in New York with Pavy. It took five to fully wrestle him to the ground that day. Granted he was much younger then. He smiled inwardly, he needed Pavy now. His friend would be all for fighting with the police again.
"First off," Gavin began patiently. Trying to control his temper, the humorous thoughts of his last arrest helping him keep it in check, but he knew that was only temporary. "It's Dr. Steward, call me pretentious but after so many years of med school and my successful practice I kind of like the respect being shown." Don rolled his eyes.
The detective from the unmarked cruiser walked up and nodded to Gavin and pulled the two uniformed officers away. While that was happening another car pulled up. This wasn't a squad but it was definitely a government vehicle.
A woman hopped out and made her way up.
"Dr. Steward?" she called out once she was close enough. Gavin nodded at her. "Hello Detective Matthers." She smiled at the plain clothes officer as she walked up quickly.
"Mr. Codeen?" she asked looking at Don and his lawyer.
"I'm Don Codeen," Don said looking her over.
"Good afternoon," she smiled pleasantly. "My name is Misty Dasenbach, I'm with child protective services." She handed him her card and one to the lawyer standing next to him.
"As you know, before her death, Ms. Olivia Lasko filed formal charges of possible child endangerment with our office concerning you and your fiancé," she told him causing Don to hang his head.
"That was Mr. Codeen's former fiancé, not him, and that is no longer a problem as she is gone," the lawyer said for Don.
"Perhaps," Misty nodded. "But that is still an open complaint, which must be investigated by my office. Until that time, Nora Codeen cannot be placed in custody of her father until he is deemed safe."
"I'm her father! Of course I am safe!" Don barked.
"Did you or did you not have a woman in your home that is responsible for harming your daughter?" Misty asked harshly.
"Allegedly," the lawyer tossed out.
"Allegedly," Misty adjusted. "In any case, until my office clears Mr. Codeen, he is considered a possible threat."
"This is preposterous!" the lawyer barked.
Gavin's phone rang and he looked at it, it was Madelyn so he answered.
"Hey," he said watching the three people in front of him argue about the law and child endangerment. "We have a monumental problem here."
"I'm guessing the father and his slimy lawyer are there?" Madelyn said with a carefree laugh.
"Along with three police officers and one lady from the Child Protection Services," Gavin told her as he thought the laughter was out of place.
"Don't worry," Madelyn assured him. "I called the Governor of Pennsylvania, he contacted the State Director of Protection Services who in turned called Ms. Dasenbach, who is supposed to make sure that Nora stays where she is. I also have a call into the Pennsylvania State Attorney General who will push for a rush hearing for temporary custody...I figure Monday or Tuesday."
"Are you shitting me?" Gavin now laughed.
"You know me," Madelyn said. "I don't fuck around...especially when it concerns my family and Alex and Nora are my family!"
The detective came up and Gavin looked to him.
"Sorry to have bothered you Dr. Steward," the detective said. "This is a subpoena for you to appear in court on Monday for an emergency hearing on custody." He handed a copy to Gavin.
Turning to Don he handed him another copy.
"Mr. Codeen, this is your summons," the detective said. "Now, given the circumstances, I'm going to have to ask you to leave Dr. Steward, Miss Lasko and the child alone. The restraining order is still in effect until you appear in court and the judge removes it."
Gavin smiled as he heard Madelyn snicker in his ear. The detective nodded his goodbye and followed Don and his lawyer towards the car. The uniformed officers had already started to get into their cruiser.
"How is she doing?" Misty asked.
"As well as you can expect, I guess," Gavin said taking her card.
"This is only a temporary fix," Misty warned. "Without proof that he contributed to the injuries, and there is none, by law, he should be first in line to take custody."
Gavin nodded that he understood.
Late that evening, Alex and Gavin lay in bed, Nora lay in between them. Alex gently stroked the child's hair as she looked at her.
"She looks so angelic," Alex marveled.
"She does," Gavin agreed. He was looking at Alex, marveling over her gentle motherly attention. The tear fell down her nose, hanging for a moment before dropping off.
"What happens if they take her?" Alex whispered.
"I don't know," Gavin admitted. "We fight."
"I can't allow Don to have her," Alex said firmly. "Not after what he did! Livy would never allow it!"
"I know," Gavin told her softly. "One step at a time."
"I don't have that luxury," Alex told him. "I have to leap."
"We have to leap," Gavin corrected. "Side by side, together."
"Gavin," Alex shook her head. "If I have to kidnap her...I will."
"I know," Gavin told her. "We will do what we have to."
"I can't ask you to do that," Alex told him looking at him. "To give up your leave everything...I can't!"
"You don't have to," Gavin smiled. "We may not have a piece of paper telling us we are married, but I have felt that way for some time. I have learned you are married when your heart tells you, not when the state tells you with some worthless piece of paper."
"Being married means, everything together," Gavin whispered.
Monday morning they sat in the courtroom and fidgeted. Madelyn had come back from Chicago to help. She was now watching Nora at the apartment. Gavin and Alex sat at one table, while Don and his lawyer sat at the other.
A burst of activity had Gavin and Alex looking over their shoulder as Judith whisked in, her deep sunburn telling them she had been enjoyed her vacation and it was someplace sunny. She rolled her eyes apologetically at them as she rushed down to them tossing her briefcase on the table and exhaling deeply.
"I'm so sorry," she blurted. "Three different plane changes, one flight flat out canceled and then the drive from Pittsburg where it seemed that every Sunday driver in the state decided to be in front of me!"
She sat down with a tired huff and opened her briefcase.
"Look, what are our chances here?" Alex asked immediately.
"This will be short and sweet," Judith smiled with a wink. Her body and facial language exuding confidence. Alex looked to Gavin who shrugged, he was a bit surprised at the demeanor as well.
The judge came in and Alex recognized him immediately. It was the same judge that presided over Livy's divorce.
"Be seated," he said sitting down barely acknowledging the courtroom. Everybody sat and Alex took hold of Gavin's hand and he kissed it.
"Good morning," the judge called out. "Let's get some formalities out of the way." The judge said formally. "I have an affidavit that says Mr. Codeen and his former fiancé no longer live together so the Child Protection warrant is negated."