Taken (Pt. 01)

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A lion anthro has his mind broken and cum milked...
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/23/2025
Created 11/15/2017
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Sieg groaned, the white lion's head rolling lightly back and forth. Yet, strangely, his head seemed supported as he tried to come back to his own sense of reality, blinking as his eyes opened.

The world around him was soft and light, water flowing and lapping up under his chin. He paddled, trying to keep his head up close to the top of the tank, where there was a sliver of air still available to him.

"Unff... Rrrf..."

Sieg groaned, his brown mane plastered to his neck as he tried to push against the smooth walls of the tank. He slammed his paws into the glass with a dull "thunk," muscles bunching, but the hero's super strength did not rise to his limbs as it usually did, leaving his paws sliding uselessly down the slightly curved surface. Sieg growled, kicking up again, floating in the water tank, as other anthros dressed in long, white lab coats moved around.

"Hey! Let me out -- you can't do this!"

They ignored him, not even twitching their ears in his direction, as if he didn't exist. Sieg should have shaken his head to clear the fog from his mind, but there was too much going on in the moment for him to focus, his tail lashing dully back and forth through the water, though the weight of the water itself pushed back against him. He'd never felt that weak before and yet the lion was left with nothing he could do, chest heaving, panic setting in.

Fuck, fuck, fuck... He swore inwardly, gulping at air as the water rose to the top of the tank, his limbs floating while he was forced to scull to stay in the centre of the tank. How the hell am I getting out of this one?

He tapped on the glass again, though he couldn't make much noise, even as everyone outside studiously ignored him. Blinking slowly, his chest straining from the lack of air, Sieg tugged at his wrists, only then realising that he was cuffed. That would explain some, but it was as if his mind was working through sludge, dragging him back and down like the weight of the water that fought to drown him.

His ankles were cuffed too in a similar fashion, chained together. They allowed him a little room in which to kick, yet still forced him to shuffle about through the water with his paws and hind paws close together. Yet that was not the reason for losing his super strength.

It has to be the building, this tank! He thought, thoughts coming more clearly yet frantically as he whirled around in the tank, increasingly light-headed. Got to get out, got to get...out!

The water churned around him as a mecha arm reached down from the top of the tank, poking at his body as it attached a metal strip. Sieg jolted as the mechanical arm fastened it into his spine, tiny needles slamming into his body as he fought to escape them. Yet there was nowhere the lion could go as the arm whirred around him, frothing up the water into a blur of movement, the feline left helpless as it attached electrode pads to his nipples and exposed ball sack too.

Wait -- I'm naked?!

Too many things were bypassing his attention and he drifted there, grappling with a situation even a superhero could not have intended to be caught up in. The last thing he remembered was meeting with the Commission -- and the rest was a blank, like a black hole of memories he couldn't reach down into.

He missed the cables wiring into the metal strip, pain fading down the line of his back -- but he was too caught up in the enormity of change to understand what was happening. Not as he twisted and thrashed, the lack of air getting to him, nipples tingling where the pads had been adhered to his bare flesh. His tail dragged through the water as he panicked, his cock sucked up into a tube of some kind -- he'd soon see what it was made for -- and his anal ring ached as something shoved its way rudely up under his tail.


He grunted and twisted, though the water merely swirled around him, no one paying any attention at all to his complaints. For he was merely a subject of the Commission and, as far as they were concerned, they had all the permissions required to treat and use the lion exactly as they willed.

He arched back unwittingly as a dildo, attached to a flexible mechanical arm, pushed up deeper into his anal passage. Without thinking, for Sieg was not in full control of his body, the lion squeezed around it, though the jolt of pleasure that raced through him was hardly wanted in that moment.

There! He floundered, snatching with both hands as a mask that looked to cover his eyes too with a clear, viewing Perspex dropped from the ceiling of the tank. A tube that could only contain air -- or so the lion hoped -- connected it to the top of the tank still and he grabbed for it, taking a deep breath.


Just one breath -- for it didn't smell right and he shoved the mask away. Sieg, with air in his lungs, kicked for the top of the tank, trying to find a little air left that would be clean and untainted, though the gap had been filled with water.

A scientist stepped up to the outside of the tank: a badger with a surly, black and white face and a rather bored expression. To them, dealing with heroes like Sieg was just a part of their everyday business.

"Due to your escapades," the badger said plainly, "and your contract... You remember signing that, don't you? No matter, we have your signature. Your powers, going forward, will be in the right hands and you have done well to sign yourself over to us. As instructed, you shall become a drone and breed for the Commission."

"What? No!"

Of course, Sieg's words came out in a slew of bubbles from his muzzle, though the lion could still make himself known. He let the mask float away from him in the tank, slamming his fists, together, into the side. It didn't shake -- it barely even felt like he'd made an impact.

The badger blinked at him slowly.

"Enough of that. Put the gas mask on and submit to us or pass out from lack of air. We will retrieve you and take what we need from you either way."

The badger's eyes lit up a little as Sieg grabbed the mask again, fighting with himself as his lungs burned. The clock was ticking and he didn't know for how long he could hold his breath -- that was, fortunately, something that was not linked to his super strength at all. Still, he twisted, seeking escape and swimming up to the top of the tank to press both of his paws up against it.


He grunted as he fought to open it, though there was nothing he could do, not as the badger continued while he sought freedom.

"The mask will have oxygen, of course," the badger said, with a little more life in his voice, as if he was enjoying the trauma of the lion. "Yet it also contains aphrodisiacs and the goggles will have spirals, so many lovely spirals. You will soon be quite familiar with the art of hypnosis, fallen hero. So, have your war with yourself. We shall wait."

Sieg swore mentally. What kind of sick people were a part of the Commission? Well, anthros, really, for he'd not seen any non-anthros around, but it was hard to think of someone just like him being behind something so decrepit.

I'll take a quick breath, then wait again, he thought, holding the mask in his hands, the smooth rubber catching under his fingers. I'll trick them. This isn't going to break me.

He was stronger than they were, he told himself. He wouldn't drown in there, not as he yanked the mask to his mouth, closed his eyes and sucked in a quick breath.

Yes, the air in there was definitely tainted, a little too sweet, as if it was sinking into his lungs when it clawed its way deep into him. However, he couldn't last very long before needing to breathe from the mask again -- and the lion took a deeper breath the second go around, trying to last longer.

He had to. There was nothing at all he could do to get out if he didn't take in air, though time slipped through the lion's fingers like water. Growling in the back of his throat, he stared down the scientists and workers passing by outside the tank, tail lashing anxiously back and forth.

One more breath. And down again.

Bubbles swirled around him. Was his head spinning?

He tried to hold off, not sure how many breaths he'd taken. Everything felt light and he pressed a paw to the tank as he took another breath, leaving the mask in place for longer that time.

Nothing seemed urgent anymore and his attention was drawn downward to his crotch, how nicely his cock swelled to fit the tube around his cock. That was a good feeling and yet the lion pulled away from it mentally, twisting back and forth. He had to hold off, had to do something to get out, though Sieg was no longer at all sure what was within his power.


Sieg groaned, a whisper rolling through his mind. Could he hear that or was it in his head? It was hard to tell.

Without realising, the mask had slotted into place on his face, looping behind his ears and covering his entire muzzle. Dancing spirals in black and white filled his vision and, ultimately, the lion no longer had the will to take the mask off. Why would he do that?

No... Fight... Resist!

"Become a drone," the voice whispered to him, so sweet that it sounded like a very appealing offer, kind of as if they were merely offering him a luxury getaway. "The Commission takes good care of its property and that is all you need to be."

Sieg blinked dully, everything seeming to slow down as the dildo thrust under his tail, grinding back and forth as he tried to pull away from it. Yet dragging his ass away from the unwanted toy only meant he shoved his cock more deeply into the milking tube. The tube was more than soft enough on the inside to give him the impression that he was sinking into another's tail hole and he thrust without thinking, his hips sinking forward without the consent of his mind.

Nothing was done under his consent, not as the strange voice wound its way into his mind. The lion shook his head as if that would be enough to clear his head of its influence, but the truth of it all was that Sieg was already far, far gone.

There was no coming back once the Commission had captured someone. But no one under their influence would ever know that.

They were too far gone.

"A drone. Property. Belong to the Commission and there will be no concerns for you, never again," the voice said, almost soothingly. "Keep looking at the spirals, yes... Very good, lion. This is all for the greater good, there is no better way a fallen hero like you could serve the world. The Commission acts for the greater good."

He moaned, trying to push his tongue against the mask, though it didn't shift. His paws scrabbled weakly at the glass of the tank and slid uselessly down, cock throbbing.

No! He had to fight back. He had to resist. What sort of hero was he if he didn't resist with every fibre of his being? His paws balled up into fists as he groaned and tipped forward, though the lion was not even aware that his hips were working and pumping of their own accord.

"Must...resist... Fight...back... Hold...on..."

He panted the words into the mask as he stared at the spirals, how they went around and around and around. Oh, they were beautiful, drawing him in as if he had seen nothing so captivating in his life. The black and white blurred into one and he whimpered throatily, wanting to lean into them. He wanted more, to see more, to feel more.

What was Sieg fighting back against anyway? Oh, the lion didn't even know anymore, as if things were turning out of his control, pulling him down. If he had been in any resolute state of mind, he would have understood the lack of control was something that had been present all along. Control in itself was a construct anthros had made up, so they thought they had dominance over a world that they sought to oversee.

The Commission were a part of the problem, not the solution. Yet that wasn't something Sieg had to worry about then. He didn't have anything at all to worry about anymore.

Just being a drone, yes. That was all that mattered.

"Become a drone. Let becoming a drone encompass your entire being. There is no world out there for you, only becoming a drone. Let your mind slip away, let the Commission turn you into what you were always meant to be."

He groaned, his balls tingling as the e-stim began, though his mind was swirling too much to catch what was going on there. All he knew was pleasure, the pump of the dildo under his tail and the lift of his tail. The push of the milking sleeve around his cock encouraged him on and perhaps Sieg would have fought back harder still if he'd understood what they were going to use his semen for.

Alas, the lion didn't have the information needed and he was caught off-guard, having thought originally that he was signing was for the good of the world, the city and the wider population he sought to protect. However, that was very much not the case and Sieg fell like so many heroes had crumbled before him.

They'd all thought they were doing the right thing when they signed. But the Commission could be very convincing.

His body jerked as he sank into pleasure, as if nothing else had ever existed. The lion moaned, tonguing the tube lightly as he pressed on. More, yes... He needed more pleasure. But he needed to get out of the tank too? Hadn't he been in the tank?

It was hard to say at all where he was with the hypnotic spirals in front of his eyes, making him lean forward. They were so pretty and they made his mind feel soft, like he was floating.

The lion no longer registered he was floating, his mane drifting in the water around him, although the lion would never recognise his own reflection again. Not as his cock throbbed furiously and he pushed on, wanting that climax.

When everything felt as good as it did, he didn't understand how it could be so bad. Logic didn't work as something in the back of his mind howled still, screaming for release, for freedom. Yet Sieg couldn't even put his finger on what exactly he was fighting against, only that the dim, resolute part of his mind demanded that he did so.

Need to resist... Need... Need... I need...

"Give in to the Commission. Life as a drone is better than the world out there. Give us your super strength willingly."

No... Yes... I want...

"Give us your seed in service of the Commission."

That sounded like a good thing and Sieg didn't have all that much of an argument against that as he thrust. The milking sleeve wrapped around his cock pulsed and he moaned with heated pleasure coursing through him.


The lion didn't know what to think, not as he rocked his hips, pushing back against the weight of the fluid in the tank with him. He should have been panicking, yet the world softened around him. It was even nice to have some of his senses removed, to be forced to experience only what they'd set out for him.


He grunted as the dildo thrust harder under his tail, though Sieg could not have understood at that time that it was the aphrodisiacs in his system that were making his cock so hard. If he could have seen his shaft, he would have realised it was leaking more pre-cum than he had ever made before, the entire sexual contraption designed to force him to orgasm -- but exactly when they wanted him to cum. They had to break his mind and draw his body into obedience bit by bit.

It was something they had done before and Sieg would be no different.

The e-stim sent rolls of pleasure through his body, his nipples tingling erotically as varying electrical currents toyed with his body. Some of the zaps were sharping and had him jolting, though they never crossed the threshold into pain. Overstimulation should have been a problem as his cock ached furiously for climax, his balls throbbing with every jump of e-stim, yet he pressed on regardless.

No... Hold on... Not...not pleasure. Not real.

Yet it was real as everything came to a head, blinking and seeing nothing but spirals, such sweet spirals. His jaw hung slack as the last fragments of his mind clung to the need to hold fast his will, but that was no longer under his control anymore.

The Commission had his will and they would use it as they saw fit.

Everything came together at precisely the right moment, the badger returning to the side of the tank to see how the lion was doing. The readings were all as expected and he broke a little more swiftly than some of the others they'd captured, though that meant that they might be able to get more semen from him in the long run. As always, that was of great benefit to the Commission.


The badger rolled his eyes as the lion moaned.

"Okay, okay," he muttered. "Let's get that first orgasm from you."

He turned up the settings for the e-stim, increasing the tightness of the milking sleeve and the speed of the dildo. The toy under his tail even vibrated, giving the lion another shot of pleasure that had him arching his back. The feline could even have been considered beautiful in that moment, with his back arched and shoulders pushed back, his hips thrust forward to grind into the cock sleeve. His tail hung behind him, though the badger could already imagine just how it was going to lash ecstatically back and forth at the point of orgasm.

All Sieg knew was the thickening of the gasses he was inhaling, how the air he breathed in became sweeter -- so much so that he felt like he was going to choke on it. He fought back, trying to hold his breath, though his chest still rose and fell steadily, greedily sucking down every gulp of air he could despite everything. He howled mentally and yet his hips just pumping furiously, caught in a cycle from which he simply could not break from.

It was good, so good... He just had to have more of it, his tongue lashing out to sweep around the inside of the tube. If he could just have a little more, maybe that would be enough for him? Then he could go right back to fighting the Commission, not letting them take...

Not letting them take...

Why couldn't Sieg remember what the Commission were trying to take from him? Did it even matter?


He groaned and thrust again, licking the tube and thrusting his hips, shocks of electricity rolling through him, his body twitching and jerking as if to the strings of an unseen puppet master.

Resist... But why?

He moaned.

I'm better...than this. I can hold off. The Commission...can't take me. I'm a lion. We are...pride leaders.

His body twisted back and forth as he clung to his last shreds of resilience, even if Sieg didn't quite know what he was fighting for. Yet he was proud and he held on, hips working as his tail flicked back through the liquid, rocking his hips again and again and again.

He could do better, yes... But not as the badger pressed the button to allow him to ejaculate.


He howled as lust coursed through him, an overdose of ecstasy thrumming through his veins. Long, hot shots of feline semen shot into the milking sleeve, which was connected to a tube that attached to a container outside the tank -- but that wasn't something the lion needed to know about. Not as he thrashed weakly back and forth in orgasm, all strength having left his muscles.


Pleasure coursed through him like nothing had ever before and he tried to roar, though his tongue couldn't get around the sound. He tried again, more cum filling the tube as the lion thrust and thrust, unable to help himself.