The Bunny Switch, Pt.01

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Maddie, a bunny anthro, gets her gangbang fun once again...
7.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/17/2024
Created 08/16/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Maddie wriggled her toes in her open-toed sandals, the ones with a bit of a heel, as she sat back in the car with Cody. With a top that cut off a little higher over her stomach, her grey and white fur was shown off, though she always thought the grey got a little lighter in the summer months, as if the sunshine was influencing it.

"Thanks for giving me a ride, Cody," she chirped, as bright and breezy as she was usually. "It's always much easier when I get a lift to"

Maddie grinned and tucked a curl of her wavy, auburn hair back behind her ear where it had come free of its style. She didn't know how long it was going to last in its light, loose waves, though she had not applied all that much care in putting them in her hair in the first place. She was more concerned with making sure her grey fur was gleaming softly, the light glancing off it, though her earrings dangled down from her ears too. Maddie sometimes wore studs closer to the tips of her ears but anything heavier had to go through the piercing near the base, or else they would have tugged her ears down and limited her expression.

"It's no problem, Maddie," Cody nickered warmly, though the stallion's eyes lingered on her body, the bunny looking so small in the passenger seat of his car. "You know I'm always happy to lend a hand where needed. Ninnin took care of a new camera for my course too, so it's the least I can do!"

Maddie giggled.

"Well, you've cut and edited and all that more than enough movies for us," she shot back, a glint in her eye. "I'd say it's the least he can do. The least we can do, for you."

Cody's lips parted, but he couldn't get the words out. Even though the bunny was often passed around, respectfully, at frat parties and any big group events where sex was on the table, there was something about her that caught his tongue. Maybe that was why the stallion anthro was simply better when his cock was out, allowing blood to flow to much better parts of his body so he didn't have to worry about thinking.

Like when he was drinking, kind of, losing his inhibitions, however slight they were, just not having to think too deeply about things helped him out from time to time. Yet it was something he was going to have to find a way to work through, even if just sitting around Maddie made him blush hard and feel warm all over. It was not a bad thing that the bunny got him hard and fleshing out his sheath, even when she was merely near him.

They pulled up at the party house, which was a little way out of town with some land around it. One member of the LARP group -- Cody forgot who -- owned it, or their family did. Either way, the LARP group and whoever the hell they wanted to invite had free use of it for a little time, which was pretty damn cool. They were lucky enough to have connections in the college city, which was quite sprawling with something about for them to do regardless of the hour in the day, but the frat houses were the best in their self-contained pockets of craziness. Some were better than others, of course, but Maddie solely frequented those that treated her with respect. Her frequent sexual partners and friends too, of course, never would have allowed anyone to treat her badly.

It was that kind of friend that allowed Maddie to feel as safe as she did when spending time with other partners, getting every one of her holes stuffed over and over again.

Maddie and Cody hopped out of the car together, although Cody was not quite quick enough as he tripped over his hooves to open the door for her. He managed to get ahead to the main door of the large house, music pumping through the walls already and party-goers spilling out on to the lawn, so he could open it for her.

Impatient to get started, Maddie gave a little wiggle, her nose twitching. Cody's heart skipped a beat and the bay stallion could not stop a goofy grin from spreading across his lips.

"Cody! Maddie! You're early!"

Vaughn flung open the front door with a grin, as if he had been waiting there. In fact, everyone had been waiting for Maddie and he'd just sent out the group text to the usual crowd, inviting everyone who would be interested in spending a night with Maddie to that location. They'd had to gatekeep some less polite guys from joining in so, that time, it was an exclusive list. Not that anything bad ever would happen -- but they were more than ready to maintain the status quo in that regard.

Maddie, as ever, was their utmost priority.

The bull's shaft thickened lightly, plumping out his sheath, though he didn't think it was too early for something like that in the slightest. Cody leaned in, brushing against Maddie's shoulder as he gently invaded her space, handing a package over to the big, black bull.

"Here you go, make sure everyone gets at least one, okay?" He said with a wink. "It'll last...until morning. At least. You guys are kind of doing a test run of this."

Maddie laughed, looking between them.

"I don't get it -- what's the joke?" She probed, though there was a part of the rabbit who didn't really need to know the details, for she was sure it was something good for her. "Is there something in there for me?"

"Oh, you're going to get plenty of this later, cute bunny," Vaughn teased, more confident with her after their earlier nights together as he rested his hand on her upper back. "Come on, let's head in and get you ready for whatever you want to do."

"Mhm!" Maddie agreed, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Just one second, Vaughn, I'll be with you in a moment."

She bounced back up to the stallion, stretching up on to the tips of her toes to reach his cheek. Cody wasn't quick enough, not that time, to dip his head a little more to her level, but it wasn't really necessary. The warmth of her lips lingered on his cheek and he grinned as he caught her chin with his fingers, sliding them down the line of her jaw to pull her gently to him for a kiss on the lips.

Maddie moaned softly into the kiss, wishing she had a date with Cody that night too instead of the following one. But she'd have her time with the stallion either way and there was an exceptionally fun night line up before her too.

Her lips parted briefly in the kiss as their tongues flicked curiously up against one another, deepening the kiss, yet there was not enough time for them to truly indulge. That was okay, however, even if they were both a little breathless when they broke the kiss, a string of saliva, very lightly, connecting them for a moment.

"Don't forget we have a date tomorrow," she reminded Cody, not knowing that there was no possible way the horse could ever have forgotten about something like that with her. "So, wear something nice for me."

She grinned and danced out of his reach as Cody playfully lunged after her, though the play between them was easy and light, something they'd done a hundred times over, surely, already. It wasn't just a fleeting kind of relationship between them, after all.

"Oh, I could never forget."

However, Cody had to head off for his own evening, leaving Vaughn to take care of Maddie. The bull had every intention of doing exactly that as his ropey tail swung back and forth excitedly, Maddie tucking in against his side with his arm around her.

"Now, you," she said, reaching up to prod his chest lightly. "You've got to wear a condom this time. My husband's going to have a heart attack if I leave another pregnancy test out! And the rest of the guys too -- you've told them, haven't you?"

Vaughn nodded with a smile, dropping a kiss on her head.

"Oh, yeah, of course, I'll keep the condom on," he said easily. "I've told everyone that already. And I get to do what we like to you, as long as I wear condoms, right? Nothing new to let us know, bunny?"

Maddie smiled and shook her head.

"Nope! All normal! And good..."

She quivered against him and the bull grunted, his need rising a little more, though it was not yet showing through the front of his jeans. He had to hold back at least a little, but he was definitely going to be the first one to have her.

"Of course," he said, a rumble of a bull-ish grunt in his tone. "Did you get all prettied up for us? You know you're always beautiful, you don't have to do anything special to come see us."

Vaughn laughed and pretended to playfully wrestle her, Maddie squealing and squirming, kind of, away.

"If you're going to be first then, Vaughn," she quipped, her grey tail flicking up to show off the white, fluffy underside, "you better whisk me off to a room right now. Have you got somewhere before everyone sees I'm here?"

That, however, was exactly what Vaughn was waiting for. The bull could have been a little more forward about things, but that was what part of him spending time with Maddie was about: they both got what they wanted out of the experience and then some.

He scooped her up in his arms and the bunny laughed as he took her up to what she assumed was a guest bedroom. The bunny laughed as she was dropped on the bed, her fluffy hind paws kicked up in the air, lacking any pads with the soft fur coating them. Her shoes were kicked off in a moment, though she wouldn't find them before Cody picked her up the next day to head off to part two.

It wouldn't matter, however, not as the bull kissed her passionately, their tongues tangling and sweeping up lustfully against one another. Even though the party was going on outside, no one snuck into the room with them, leaving the bull and the bunny to enjoy one another, at least for some time.

There was nothing like feeling his big, masculine body on top of her, pinning her down as she arched her back and tried to sweetly roll up against him. But Maddie was caught in a moment of her own design as his large hands helped her out of her clothes, sliding her skirt down and raising her shirt up and over her head.

"Mmm, Maddie..."

Vaughn breathed her name tenderly as he helped her out of her lingerie too, though his fingers curled too tightly around the strap of her bra as he tried to pull it down for her, breaking some of the elastic from pulling too hard. The bunny didn't even notice as she squeaked and sat up, every nerve ending in her body vibrating with heated energy.

But the bull was quicker than her and it was as invigorating as ever to have someone be that into her, the swollen rise of his member springing out of his clothes the moment he tugged them down far enough. There was a lot less finesse to how the bull got out of his own clothes, as if Vaughn was so hasty to get at her that he couldn't take a few seconds more to take his clothes off more smoothly.

The meat of his cock bounced off her stomach as it throbbed against her. Maddie's breath caught.

It was so big. But that was exactly why she was there -- even if she very much liked the guys attached to the cocks she was fucking too. The bull was not her usual fare of stallions and dogs, to be fair, but he had a fat length of meat throbbing at full attention, the head glistening with the faintest smear of pre-cum.

"Mmm, please, Vaughn..." She moaned, spreading her legs for him as the bull pulled back, only so he could shove his muzzle between her legs. "Take me, please! I'm ready for you!"

But the bull was going to please her first and let his tongue rake out against her pussy, pulling from the base of her folds to the top and lingering over her clit. It was not yet swollen, though merely parting her folds with his tongue was enough to get it out and on show, Vaughn dipping his tongue into her already wet pussy. He couldn't remember a time that Maddie had not been wet already for him, though it would have been exciting also to work her up from a pure, relaxed state too.

Maybe that was something he could do another time? It was something he could raise to her, though the bunny was insistent as she closed her thighs around his head, her soft flesh and fur moulding to the shape of his face. He could barely keep lapping, as much as he wanted to push two fingers into her sex too, just to feel her clench excitedly around his fingers, with how hard she was thrusting and grinding against him.

The bunny needed more than his tongue, after all, and Vaughn didn't think he was going to coax her through one orgasm before he was forced to push inside her: not that it was a bad notion at all. Regardless, the bull groped to the side of the bed and his discarded jeans, fumbling blindly in his pocket for the condoms he'd stuffed in there earlier.

He'd have to take the N-Large & N-Hance pills that Cody had brought by later, for it was not as if he was about to stop having sex with Maddie when things had only just got started. So, he slipped on the condom with as much grace as he could manage, sliding it all the way down to the base of his cock and into place as the bull's erection throbbed to fill it. With the slickness of his pre-cum at the head of his cock offering a little extra friction, the condom caught and tugged over his cock tip. The bull grunted and rolled his hips.

"Mmmm, please, now..."

Maddie insisted so Vaughn had to oblige as he slid up over her body, pressing her thighs to the bed as he automatically took up a mating press position. It was a position where he could get really deep and his tail "thwapped" back and forth with the notion of being the first to take her that time. Not that it was bad in the slightest to fill her after another guy had enjoyed her, but things had been getting kind of sloppier when the condoms they'd been using had been breaking as much as they had. It must have been the sheer size of the guys' cocks who were using them, though as long as Maddie didn't actually get knocked up things were more than okay there.

Maddie moaned and clung to the bull as the head of his cock quested for entry between her legs. With the position her legs were pinned in, it felt like she couldn't possibly have her legs spread apart far enough to take him, but that was alright: the bull would find his way in, one way or another.

And that was exactly what Maddie wanted from him as he bore into her, the head of his cock gently spreading her folds apart as he drove into her, though her tight pussy gripped him. It was as if her body was not truly going to let his length burrow into her cunny, but she was always going to have him deep. The bunny wasn't about to let the bull go without getting every last inch of thick cock she wanted from him.


She moaned, her toes curling, trying to lift her legs up around his waist and hips -- but, of course, that was impossible, considering how he had pinned her legs in position. Maddie was lusciously forced to cling to the bull instead, even if her hands barely seemed to curl around his shoulders. The bull was simply that thickly rounded out with muscle as he ploughed into her, rocking his hips to pull back slightly and use his leverage for a deeper stroke of his cock still.

"Mmmm, yes... Unff!"

Vaughn grunted as he powered into her, relishing in the tight bunny pussy wrapped around his meat as if she was nothing more than a condom. The condom stopped him from feeling quite as much as he would have if they had been skin to skin, although that was not too much of a concern of his. Her pussy squeezed around him too tightly for him to ever feel like he was truly losing out on sensation, even as the big bull fell prey to the rampant bucking thrusts and grinds that came with breeding Maddie.

Not really breeding, of course, not with the condom. But condoms had broken before and the bull's nostrils flared wetly at the exciting notion of really being able to feel the explosion of his seed inside her pussy all over again.

He ploughed into her as Maddie cried out his name, squeezing tightly around him, needing him more and more with every thrust. He wished he could get his hand down between their bodies, to rub her clit at the same time, yet Maddie had never even needed that direct stimulation to get off.

She showed him that in that moment, crying out as he kissed her face, though it was a harsher angle for his neck to capture her lips with his for anything more than a few moments. Vaughn grunted and huffed as she orgasmed on his cock, her pussy grabbing and rippling around his cock, though there was an erratic twitch to the pull of her passage. It was not something she could control, beside a tight squeeze, and Maddie moaned as her head fell back and to the side, riding out her orgasm with all the lust in her body.

He didn't stop, however, thrusting harder and faster as her body, to the extent it stretched, opened up around his cock. She was still deliciously tight around him, though her arousal flowed sweetly, slickening the path for his aching member.

Vaughn lost himself in the moment, losing track of just how many orgasms he fucked her to as he lost himself in the moment. Dimly, the bull was aware of shifting his legs so they could move into a more traditional missionary position, the bunny taking her chance quite quickly to wrap her legs up and around him. Maddie crossed her ankles over his back so she dug her heels into his buttocks, driving him on.

A handful of orgasms and just one cock, after all, would not be anywhere near enough for the bunny: he knew that already. So, he had to keep going, grunting and feeding every thrust of his own lust as he ground up deep inside her beautiful cunny.

The bull, however, could not hold back forever, even though he would have the pills needed to keep going after that round. He thrust harder and faster, feeling as if his hips were nothing more than a blur, though Vaughn could no more hold back than he could deny his own need when the desire to cum inside her rolled through him with such overpowering need.

"Unff... Yes... Mmmph!"

The bull groaned, losing himself, though it was down to Maddie to take in the splendour of his orgasm. She arched up and dug her heels into his glutes as if she didn't really want him to pull back for another thrust at all, though she was barely able to control herself. She just wanted every thick inch of his cock inside her, pulling back and forth through her pussy as she squeezed around him.

Yet the bull unloaded with a bellow and a savage thrust that may have scared a lesser bunny than her -- but it merely made her heart sing with a particular kind of desire. Maddie was right where she wanted to be as he lost control inside her, though there was no delicious spurt of bull cream to paint her pussy that time. She had to, to stay safe, satisfy herself with his short, juddering thrusts, his balls swinging against her buttocks as he buried his cock inside her far more deeply than anyone could ever have suspected Maddie could take.

Bunnies were exceptionally stretchy, after all. And Maddie could take the most out of all of them.


Maddie stretched and relaxed in the afterglow, though her stamina was unmatched and she would be more than ready to go in no more than a few minutes. Yet it was worth it, of course, to let that warmth seep through her, Vaughn sliding out of her and to the side while her pussy lips gleamed with evidence of her own arousal. She slid her fingers through the slick, wet mess of her pussy, wishing desperately that she was playing her fingers through a drooling cream-pie instead. She had to get the guys to wear condoms, or else there would be no other alternative than to get knocked up, but that didn't mean she had to like it too.