The Demon Inside, Pt.01

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Ropes dominates Car and turns him into a demi demon dragon...
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/24/2024
Created 11/22/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


The ranch had changed over the months, expanding with other buildings outside and more land still purchased, so the family was set further apart from their neighbours again. Fyrdrgon, of course, took care of most of the running of the ranch, though they struggled to keep good ranch hands on staff when her family was as...extravagant as they were.

Or demonic, really. That was one way to put it. Even though her mother and her husband had found a way to make a new life with her, putting her in a submissive position under them, she'd found a way to make peace with her arousal and their partnership. It was not, after all, her place to judge anyone.

She had more than enough to do around there anyway, even though Carenath had brightened her days rather a lot too. Still, she'd always had that funny little feeling about the bronze-scaled dragon with an easy smile -- especially after what had happened with Scottie. How they had turned Scottie against her -- or not exactly. They'd merely brought Scottie into the fold, transforming the stoat from a male into a hermaphrodite so she could embrace sides of herself that had never come to light.

Whereas Fyr didn't think they would do the same to Carenath, it would not have been completely outside the norm for them to take advantage of someone who'd become a little special in her life. Which was why it didn't catch her off-guard when it, finally, happened.

Carenath stood before Ropes, his stomach in knots and shuffling his feet. The cougar was Fyr's husband and, well, he'd known about that, though she had assured him it was an open relationship.

"That's the best I can explain it."

That was what Fyr had said, though Car hadn't really understood, in all fairness, except that she was hanging out with him consensually -- because she wanted to. Even though the dragon didn't want to get on anyone's wrong side, that was more than enough for him.

The cougar, however, was completely naked, his cock out and hard, uncut. The tip seemed a little wet, as if a bit of pre-cum had smeared there, though that wasn't something Carenath had honestly had a hand in. He licked his lips, Ropes' casual stance triggering every submissive note in his body.


"I... I didn't expect this."

Carenath grinned, his tail swinging lightly back and forth as he cocked his head, though he tried not to make it too obvious how his legs lightly shook. Even then, that submissive thrum within him wanted to make the dragon drop to his knees right there before the cougar anthro with the glowing, white eyes. Four tentacles rose from his back, though that also made sense, considering how Fyr had mentioned something "demonic" running through her family.

He just hadn't thought it would all be quite that literal, in all fairness. But that was okay too, for getting hard and horny with the dominant feline was definitely something he could get behind to.

"Mmmm, I didn't think you would mind this," Ropes said with a grin, his tail lashing lightly back and forth, quicker than Carenath's. "You want this too..."

The dragon shivered. Damn, he couldn't quite hide that one.

"Yeah, I do," he said brazenly. "But what are you going to do about that?"

The cougar moved with feline deliberateness, knowing exactly what he wanted. And Ropes had never let something go that he needed to exact as he snaked a tentacle around the dragon's neck and dragged him down. He'd lured the drake into his bedroom, though it was large for him with a big window and a big TV set into the wall at the foot of the bed so he could be as lazy as he wanted. The bed was a queen-size one, for he rarely found himself in it alone, though the sheets were high-quality ones that Fyr had picked out for him. A blue and green hue emanated through the bedroom, though that was, yet again, a colour scheme he hadn't picked.

Perhaps Fyr had once thought colour theory would calm him down, though the dragoness would have found herself sorely wrong in that case.

"Come here..."

He purred as he hauled the drake to him, enjoying the moment as his tentacle slithered around the dragon's neck, caressing his scales. As if it all came naturally to him, Carenath grunted and dropped to his knees, barely even reacting, considering the solid thump his knees on the hard floor under the carpet made.

"Mmmmph, oh..."

Carenath gave a breathy moan, lips parting enough for Ropes to make use of it with another of his tentacles. As a hazy, dreamlike look entered the dragon's eyes, he stuffed his tentacle down and into the drake's throat, completely ignorant of his gag reflex.


Carenath's paws came up a little, though it was merely a reaction and not one the dragon followed through on. Resting them instead on Ropes' thighs, he half-closed his eyes, sucking on that tentacle like a pro.

The dragon bobbed his head a little on the tentacle, his tongue squeezing along the underside and trying to find the flexibility to work around it -- if only a little. The cougar's shaft dominated his mouth and he drooled around it, eyes wanting to close. Although Car was typically a switch in the bedroom, there was something about the cougar where it simply felt right to be down on his knees before him.

So, he sucked and when Ropes replaced his tentacle with a cock, he moaned and took it deep. His gag reflex felt like it wanted to kick in -- and then softened. Yet that wasn't something for the dragon to worry about in the slightest.

In fact, there would be very little to concern him in the future, considering how Ropes took care of his family unit. Fyr didn't even technically have to run the ranch if she didn't want to, for he had more than enough money from his long, long life on Earth to care for everyone until the end of the living world. Investing wisely, after all, had more than some perks, along with his usual demonic influence at play.

But that was by the by when he was in the midst of enjoying himself, though he drew on his age-old powers, darkness flowing through him. It was funny how it came through in the shine of the demon cougar's eyes, glowing faintly as his tail lashed back and forth, marking the air just like his tentacles.


The cougar let out a long, roiling hiss as he ground into the dragon's mouth and throat, not even caring for how the drake tried to twist his tongue around his dick. That didn't matter, not when Ropes was engaged in taking all that he craved, pressing on with every thrust of his hips. The thrill of a new conquest never got old, at least not to him.

He growled and curled his tentacles around the drake, sliding them into his clothes and ripping through them to expose his body. Every inch of his scales had to be on show and the dragon was not about to hold off in the slightest either -- at least not from how his cheeks were lightly hollowing as he sucked fervently on the cougar's cock. The feline made a mental note to thank Fyr for bringing another delightful member into their family -- but he'd forget that soon enough.

He didn't really care how Carenath had come to be there, not as he delved into another wicked form of dark torture in stealing the dragon from right under her nose. He's still share Car with her, yes, but not quite in the way the dragoness craved.

"Mm, deeper..."

His cock was not oversized, though more than enough to brush the back of Carenath's throat. His barbs caught and raked over the drake's tongue and Car shuddered, though they were still soft and pliable: designed for pleasure. He could mutate them, so they were sharper spines if wanted, though that was rarely something Ropes ever delved into as a demon of lust. He always wanted sex to be pleasurable for everyone.

It was better for him to feed on that way. To let the lustful energy swirl around him, pouring into his soul -- well, what was left of it, anyway.

Carenath groaned, ignorant of what was going on with Ropes, even as the cougar's demonic power swelled within him. His body was merely something for Ropes to use at that time and he submitted to it gladly, even though Car didn't know what was happening for him too.

The drake's wings spread as he gulped around the cougar's cock. His tail swung back and forth -- yet the feline's tentacles wrapped around it, trapping it in place. He shuddered in the sense of restriction, losing control -- yet what good was control when it was always held so close?

With his knees pushing apart on the hard floor, he groaned and tried to focus, though his head was softly fuzzy, foggy and hazy around the edges in a way it had never been before. That was fine though, for his shaft ached, throbbing up hard, pushing its way past the shreds of clothing still hanging from him. The cougar's tentacles pulled away some of his clothes, but they really would not be needed anymore unless Car wanted to dress. It would be entirely up to him on that front going forward.

He bobbed his head, though a tentacle roughly curled around his neck dragged him back and forth. It felt good, however, in giving up that control over himself to another, moaning and slurping around the thick length of feline shaft. Striving to lap over the barbs, Carenath managed to twist his tongue around the base of the cougar's cock -- but was pulled back as Ropes, once again, demanded control.

"You seem to be enjoying that, Carenath..." Ropes hissed, dragging the dragon back from his cock as Car gasped and moaned, heaving for breath. "Are you going to stay here forever then? In the family, to see all that we may offer you?"

"Oh, fuck, yes..."

Carenath may not have known exactly what he was agreeing to, his clear amenability was there and open for all to see. He drooled as he stared at the cougar's cock, his gaze sweeping up the feline's lean, defined body, though only a hint of his muscles showed through his fur. That wasn't a problem dragons had: their scales hugged every muscle in their bodies, showing off everything they had to offer.

The drake most certainly had an awful lot to offer as Ropes pointed to the bed and Car scrambled up on to it as if he was being pulled by the strings of an invisible puppeteer. The cougar smirked, cocking his head, though the easy aura of dominance simply came naturally to him. Ropes had never known anything else -- and neither did he want to.

"You're so hot," Car grunted, forcing the words out as the scales on his cheeks and neck warmed with arousal. "How'd you get me so damn hard that quickly?"

Ropes grinned, approaching slowly as he moved over the dragon, pushing him easily on to his back and lifting his legs. Submissively, Carenath squirmed, something in him delighting in the position. The cougar loomed above him, challenging and dominant, though all Car wanted to do was please him, the taste of Ropes' dick lingering in his mouth.

He lapped the outside of his muzzle, the flash of his tongue dragging down the side of his mouth slowly. Ropes purred, leaning over him to capture that tongue with his lips, though only briefly. Kissing wasn't something Ropes did all that often, though a show of dominance with tongues tangling could be alluring from time to time too. Drawing on the lust of a partner he wanted to claim was possible there, but it didn't mean he was one to often show that kind of affection.

And Carenath was just a dragon, a tool for lust -- a passionate moment they could both share in. As he moved over the drake, he twisted two of his tentacles crudely around the drake's arms, pinning them him above his head. They'd ended up at an angle across Ropes' bed, though it was more than large enough to hold them both.

Ropes' cock drooled as it prodded at Carenath's tail hole and the dragon whined under him. His cock, so far, had gone untouched, although that wasn't something Carenath was at liberty to change for himself. He moaned, wriggling under the cougar, yet Ropes was poised to give him everything he wanted.

The moment his cock sank into the dragon, however, the transformation began. Demonic influence seeped into the drake under him, following the lines of his bloodstream and nervous system, creeping into every part of his body and beyond. He thrust deeper, letting the press and weight of his own body guide him in.

The dragon's body strained against him, as if the stretch, only for a moment, was going to be too much for him. Carenath hissed and clenched, as if he was trying to force the cougar out. Yet the feline deep within his backside was all he wanted in that moment, feeling his body giving up, slowly but surely, accepting the cougar as his better.

At least for that moment, Carenath thought. But it would not end up being such a bad thing at all to be submissive to the cougar forevermore, with all the benefits that being in their family would bring, in time.

He moaned loudly, trying to twist his head back and forth. His horns knocked against the inside of his arms where they were raised up above his head and he grunted loudly, rocking his hips. In response, Ropes bore down over him even more powerfully than before, pinning him in place with his bodyweight alone, for he was not to be denied.

Or more so, he needed Carenath to stay just a little stiller than before as he thrust powerfully into him, making every stroke of his cock count. For he had to hold his own lust in mind at the same time as fucking him, the dragon's ass quivering and "softening" as the push against his dick gave way to a succulent tightness. They hadn't needed any lube at all to get his cock buried deep within the dragon's tail hole, though Ropes rarely needed such accessories to claim all he wanted anyway.

The dragon tried to twist under him, though Ropes fed him more and more of his power, the chant of the spell he cast weaving through his mind. With repeated demonic transformations, even though those he affected would never, of course, be full demons, his powers had grown -- so he didn't need to enunciate the words aloud anymore. That would be helpful, in the future, if he ever wanted to transform someone without them being aware. Still, taking an unwilling victim didn't exactly have an appeal for him.

Carenath grunted, his cock throbbing harder and harder as he tried to bear down into the cougar's thrusts. His body swam with so many sensations, from the tight grip of the twisted tentacles around his arms to the savage push of Ropes' cock inside him, that he could barely register one before another was ripping his mind away, demanding attention. And the cougar was just that: demanding. In the best of ways, his cock drooling thick pre-cum as if he was climaxing already.

The dragon, however, had never produced pre-cum like that; a sense of soft fluidity entered him. It proved hard for Car to explain, even in the aftermath, yet it was as if he was at peace, comfortable with everything that was happening. His scales tingled pleasantly and his raised legs even bent back further towards his chest, thighs nearly brushing his broadly muscled chest. Car would not have thought himself all that flexible before.

It was different as Ropes fucked him, his cock splitting apart into two shafts that thickened up swiftly. Carenath cried out brokenly as his two new dicks plumped up, the layered ridges defining themselves once again down the underside, the tips narrowing in to a lightly tapered point. The heads of his dicks remained on the thicker side, however, and his girth swelled to its usual five inches -- in circumference, that was.

"Ah... What's...happening?" He moaned, tail flopping weakly to the side as pleasure swept through him, all in time with every thrust of Ropes' cock. "This feels... Ohhh!"

He couldn't stop a moan from breaking his lips and, above him, Ropes smirked.

"Oh, just what needs to happen," he said offhandedly, pumping deeper still into Car's tail hole. "You look so fucking good like this, been a while since I fucked a dragon like you..."


Carenath moaned and tried to twist, yet he was subject to the cougar as strength poured into him, energy flooding him like it never had before. He blinked, though the dragon could not be aware -- yet -- that his eyes were turning into a shimmering, deep shade of purple. Ropes eyed them carefully, watching the colour shift in time with the flow of his powers within the dragon, though everything came along just as he wanted.

Carenath would be imbued with demonic power, able to use some of it and challenge the inhibitions that had held him back before. The double cock, of course, was a touch Ropes put on him: Sasha would probably like that. She could have a dick in her pussy and her ass at the same time; he'd probably be able to hear her moaning from the other end of the ranch when Car fucked her. And wasn't that a hot thought?

His skin prickled and Ropes yowled as he slammed more desperately into the dragon. One of his tentacles curled around both of the dragon's dicks at once, pinning them together as they worked up and down the twin lengths better than his paws every could have done. His tentacles simply had so much more flexibility and pliability to them it would have been a shame not to use them. Forgetting them wasn't something Ropes had done all that much of since he had, once again, been able to live his life openly as a demon.

He moaned as he ground into the dragon, watching his need rise. There were signs in the tensing of his abs, the curl and flex of his toes, but he felt it more in the swathe of lust swirling around them. The cougar felt it rather than saw it in that moment, though all was right with his world as he pushed them both closer and closer to that point of no return.

Once the dragon had climaxed, there would never again be any going back to a mortal, boring form. Whoever would have wanted that anyway?

Carenath hissed and twisted, though his hips barely even rocked from side to side. Ropes ploughed into him deliciously and his head swam, though there was a part of the dragon still reeling from having two cocks at once. There was so much more sensation, as if his skin was thinner than it had been before, blood pumping so very much closer to the surface. He gasped and shuddered bodily, yet his body didn't even release heat via sweat; with dragons, that came through opening their maws wide and, with some, allowing the edges of their scales to lift. That could sometimes give them a rougher, somewhat ruffled appearance, though that was hardly something Carenath cared about at a moment like that.

He wanted everything, his ass aching with the overpowering force of that unholy cock slamming into him. He hissed through an open maw and cried out brokenly as the barbs pulled through him, catching his prostate as Ropes changed the angle of his hips slightly and hammered in.

Yet it was not for the dragon to hold back as need rose within him like a fire starting, flaring up inside him with an ever-greater intensity, second by passing second. Just like that, Carenath became no more than a passive player in his own lust, swept away by the lure of one who would always be considered more powerful than he was.

His cocks throbbed, drooling thick drops of pre-cum, which all held their form as they rolled down his shafts -- only to be caught and smeared by Ropes' tentacle. The tentacle twisted, gripping him even more tightly, and the dragon's back arched, striving helplessly to thrust his hips up with the crash of orgasm.