The Demon Inside, Pt.03

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Carenath fucks Fyr and is dominated once more...
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/24/2024
Created 11/22/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


The drake took a little time to come down as he recovered from being put into a different state of submission by Sasha, but sex was not all about being rough. There was the aftercare too and her cleaning up his scales gently, sucking on both his cocks while they sixty-nined to both bring him back to reality and ground him.

"You can do more with these too," Sasha told him, grasping his cock while he sat on the sofa, head tilted back and tongue lolling out. "Flex them... They move, Carenath. That's something you'll have to get used to. But I'm sure you'll have plenty of practise."

The dragon almost didn't know what to say, though he tried to engage his prehensile cocks and managed to curl the tip of one while the other juddered as if uncontrollable. As she said, he could get to that in time.

Yet Carenath could not help but follow the lure of the dragoness who had invited him out to the ranch in the first place. Fyr, of course, waited for him, though night had fallen and, when he checked upstairs, she wasn't in her room.

Naked, the dragon hastened in search of her, his ridged cocks half-hard as he experimented with the new muscles he had to use to control them. He managed to shift them some, however, and came to Fyr outside by a pool that he'd had no idea was even there. Maybe Fyr had expanded the ranch for her own peace and not got around to telling him that?

The warmth of late summer lingered on the air as fireflies danced and the dragoness stretched out on a pool lounger, her book forgotten beside her. The last notes of twilight faded from the sky, though the pool was lit up from the inside. Even though it was too dark to keep reading, she could relax there, watching the lights soothe her mind.

"I thought you weren't going to come find me."

Fyr looked up and Carenath stopped, though she didn't appear surprised at all to see him there. The dragon cocked his head, a light smile grazing his lips, yet the pull of embarrassment he might have expected to feel simply didn't come. That wasn't fitting for a demon, even a partial one like him.

"You're different," she said, looking him up and down. "I don't think you had two cocks before, did you?"

She sighed, her heart sinking, though it was not truly as if she had ever expected to keep Carenath entirely for herself. She knew exactly what her family was like and the traitorous twist of arousal in her lower abdomen begged attention. She only wished she'd got to him first, or perhaps at the very least been able to warn him what her family was like -- what her husband could do to him. Yet it was not as if Ropes would ever have taken or transformed an unwilling victim either, so there was that.

"No, just the one, but these are really cool," he boasted, rocking back on his heels as he made his cocks twist a little and curl. "Look what they can do?"

Fyr licked her lips, leaving her inhibitions behind. Sometimes, the dragoness wondered if she had demonic influences inside her too, with how readily she was willing to leave her mortal side behind -- the part of her with morals. Yet she'd wanted Carenath and could not deny her attraction to him, as if all their casual flirting and hang outs had brought them precisely to that moment and that moment alone.

So, she followed her own lead and passions, kissing him deeply. His paw came more strongly around to the back of her head as they moved together, tongues tangling and sweeping up against one another, though there was no question as to which dragon was in charge. He was not as gentle with her as she might have liked, yet that aura of roughness pulled at something deep within her that hungered to be told what to do.

As long as she could be with someone, as long as she could please... It would all be enough for her.

The drake's paws swept down over her chest as he grabbed her breasts, though his fingers were gentler as they tugged her bikini top aside. It had been a fairly modest one, covering her breasts, though having her scales exposed to the cooling evening air had her sucking in a breath. Dizzy, she broke the kiss and moaned as he nipped at her neck, his sharp teeth catching and raking down with a prickle of bubbling blood.


"Mmm, you look so good," he hissed huskily, not raising his voice. "I wanted to fuck you the first time I saw you."

"Mmmph, yeah... Yeah, that's not something you'd say to someone on a first date," she moaned in turn, though didn't really care for how coarse he was being. "But... Ohhh... For you, it works."

He tugged her bikini bottoms aside with his tail as Fyr blushed, though bearing her down to the lounger, which was laid out flat, was no trouble at all to him. The dragoness who'd initially caught his eye went willingly with him as he bore down behind her, lifting her left leg, which was on the top, while his two cocks probed at her ass.

Fyr helped him out a bit, though it took a few moments in the fumble of her paw to help position his cocks at her pussy and her tail hole. She moaned and tried to rock back against him, although it was purely Carenath in control. He pushed forward, searing into her slowly, though the insistent drive of his cocks would not take "no" for an answer with a wiling dragoness under him.

She cried out softly and reached back for him as he pressed up behind her, reassuring her with the weight and presence of his body, though there was one more feature of his dicks that he'd uncovered on his time over there. He hadn't been using the full length of his cocks so far, though Sasha had ground on to the new knots there to aid her own orgasm in his last round of sex. Those knots, however, were going to sink into Fyr first. Maybe as the one who'd led him there, it was her right.

He ground deep, pressing his swollen knots against her. She moaned as he humped, the long, slow thrusts driving in powerfully. Yet he took her in a way that meant she didn't have to think about things -- she could just revel in pleasure. There didn't need to be anything more than that, honestly, as she moaned and rocked her hips back.

Maybe that was what being a demon, like Ropes, was really all about. Maybe it was savouring those cocks in her holes, how there was no pain at all despite the stretch. She could drink in pleasure and even mute that edge of loss in her from Carenath finding another path.

Maybe. She could find a way to be okay with everything. But she would take the good where it was, hissing and trying to flap her wings even as the drake pressed up to her back. Her head spun as he thrust harder, teeth raking down her neck, and Fyr groaned, the rougher pounding making her lose sense of reality.

The drake crammed his cocks into her as he sped up, finally pressing deep and forcing her body to accept his knots. Her holes stretched wider and wider around them and swallowed them up. Yet he bared his teeth in a snarl and sank them lightly into Fyr's neck as the dragoness squirmed, orgasm overcoming her. Her pussy and tail hole suddenly tightened around his cocks, though the drake wasn't going to be stopped by that.

Not as he kept thrusting and thrusting, driving her powerfully into yet another orgasm. Maybe there had been no difference between one orgasm and the next, though he didn't pull out all the way, as he was knotted with her. His fat knots pulled at her holes and he handled the dragoness as if she was putty in his paws, malleable and soft and everything he had wanted.

Carenath could have everything he wanted.

He growled as he curled over her, biting her neck again as his tongue dragged over the spot he'd bitten. Yet the moment was about them finally coming together and not even his exultant orgasm as he filled her ass and pussy with every drop of cum in his nuts.

He left her out there, sprawled and moaning lightly, with a blanket over her he'd found on a nearby table. Fyr would be okay, he told himself, and it would be easy to come back to check on her. Disturbing her after what had seemed like a mind-numbing series of orgasms, as he filled her with his creamy seed, seemed like a bad thing to do.

Finally, he headed back inside, though he hadn't realised quite how much time he'd spent with Fyr, fucking her while he'd been knotted. It was interesting just how he could lose track of time when he was having sex -- and he didn't even feel hungry at all, or like any other needs needed to be satisfied.

Luckily for Car, his recharge time was still short as Ropes accosted him with an arm slung around his neck as he headed back through a den-like room near the back door.

"Hey, seems like someone's having fun," he purred, twisting a tentacle around the dragon's leg to yank it out, throwing him off-balance. "Come here, Kao and I want something special for you."

He didn't have a choice as Ropes dragged him off his feet with his four tentacles, the blue dragon appearing from the door that led into the rest of the house. Between them both, he was more than comfortable, baring his teeth and flaring his wings out as he shook his head slowly.

"I think I may be more than you two can handle," he drawled slowly, running his tongue lustfully over the side of his muzzle in a lewd lap. "But feel free to do your...worst."

Kao laughed.

"Oh, you're getting cocky...but we like that too."

Of course, there was only one true place for the newest member of the family and that was on the bottom, under both Ropes and Kao. It was the right place and Kao slipped to the big area rug on his back, the light glancing off the windows to obscure the darkness beyond them. Carenath easily took up position on top of Kao, sinking on to his cock.


"That's not all, pretty dragon..."

Ropes laughed as he slunk up behind Kao. For it was time for the drake to feel what a real stretch was, though, of course, he would not come to any harm at all. As he'd done with Fyr, making her take his thick, girthy knots, his body would stretch around every inch he was giving.

Carenath's head fell back as Ropes wrapped a tentacle around his neck, binding his arms behind his back with another tentacle. Yet there was nowhere else the dragon would have wanted to be as Ropes forced his barbed cock, slowly but surely, in against Kao's throbbing meat. It took some time, for it was not about being rough but being sensual, grinding in deeper and deeper as the two more dominant males worked together for the sake of pure passion.

After all, nothing else mattered.

Carenath's head spun and he moaned aloud, barely even aware of what was happening. Never had he been so full, his ass aching -- yet it was a good kind of strain. Bliss swept through him and, without even any further stimulation, his twin cocks jetted off, bouncing as they splattered a heft load of cum across Kao's stomach and chest. Some shot off to the side, where his cocks jostled each other and bounced erratically, with the knots adding another complication into the mix. The smooth roundness of them meant his cocks couldn't rest perfectly against one another, but he didn't mind that.

Kao turned his head, avoiding the spray: not his thing. Yet it was very much his thing to watch Carenath coming undone above him, the dragon who'd been just a dragon only a short time ago now a new friend and family member. In time, they would see what he could do for the family, of course, and all he could become.

"So fucking tight..." Kao hissed, luxuriating in the experience. "Fuck..."

There didn't need to be more words, though Ropes snarled, the cougar's pale eyes glowing as he fed on the lust in the air. He ground in deeper, working his cock against Kao's, though that was really the only kind of situation that their dicks would ever really get that close together. They understood when their needs conflicted with one another -- and there were plenty of others around for both Ropes and Kao to satisfy their desires.

So, why fight?

Kao laughed as Carenath lost control, moaning and licking his lips. He rolled his hips up a little, though had little space to bend his legs as Ropes took up position behind Kao, forced to crouch there. It was clustered, though he still relished in the throbbing, devious energy flowing around him, the thrill of "conquering" another as Car groaned open-mouthed.

Together, they fucked the dragon harder and faster, slowly speeding up. It was about their pleasures too, as much as it was about Car's. They ground in together, finding a way to move in time with one another, as if they were truly on the same wavelength. However, that was just how demons worked together as they humped into him, forcing the newest drake into another orgasm as his twin cocks jetted off beautifully.

They could have cum inside him, though Ropes and Kao shuddered and heaved, panting deliriously for breath by the time Ropes pulled out.

"Get him on his knees."

Kao bristled at the command but moved to do so anyway. It was something that could only benefit him as he stood above the dragon and pulled him up to his knees. Thankfully, Car came back to his senses quickly too and moaned, opening his mouth wide for the treat he was going to be fed.

There was no mess or risk going from anal to oral when it came to demons, though Ropes took prime position, grinding his cock into Carenath's maw. He thrust hard, grinding his length over that sweet, flickering tongue as a yowl left his lips. His tentacles wound around the drake again, taking the position he wanted for himself -- taking Car just as he needed to be taken.

Carenath moaned around that cock but, in all truth, he wanted Kao's dick too. His body thrummed happily after the last orgasm, though he'd never had so many climaxes all in a single day before. Briefly, he marvelled at his own stamina, looking forward with a happy hum to all the places such increased stamina and arousal would take him in the future.

He couldn't wait to see what it held for him.

Yet he looked up as Ropes jacked off over his muzzle, finally releasing in a slew of cum that splattered over his face. Every spurt of cum marked his muzzle and Carenath let his mouth hang open so some, at the very least, could get into his mouth. He wasn't sure whether he liked being with guys more than being with ladies, but it really didn't matter. With Sasha and Fyr, he could have the best of both worlds.

And then there was Scottie... Need simmered within him, thinking of the hermaphrodite. Fyr'd told him about her, though there hadn't been more than a brief chance for them to meet in passing. He longed to feel more, to do more... And Scottie would soon climax on his cocks too, the stoat's head thrown back in delirious pleasure.

Kao jerked his cock, letting the spurts catch Carenath unawares. They marked his cheek and drooled down the side of his muzzle. Yet Car didn't want to let that cum go to waste as he locked his lips around the other dragon's cock and gulped down all he could. His own dicks throbbed and ached, wanting to cum already. Despite all that he'd done, he still felt like he could cum again, as energised and invigorated as he had been before starting anything at all.

"Mmm, yeah..."

Kao moaned and rested a paw on the back of Car's head as he sucked him. Yet Car was ready for more and swirled his long, flexible tongue around Kao's cock, forcing him to stay hard. Kao grunted and thrust lightly, spearing his thick member deeper, although there was only so much cock to go into the needy drake's muzzle.

Fyr walked in and shook her head, not bothering that time to even wrap a towel around herself. The dragoness, however, had a tiny smile at the corner of her lips as she returned to the warmth of the ranch house, stepping delicately past them as they got Carenath on to all fours for another round.

"You better clean up after yourselves..."

She might have said that, though Fyr knew it was going to be her taking care of that side of things. It was just the thing in the ranch house, though she had discreet cleaners to come in too, now that she had a way to make more money with the ranch. That and she had got access to more of Ropes' bank accounts, so they were all easily financially comfortable.

So, she paused there, watching as Ropes thrust into Car's muzzle while his tentacles wrapped up his cocks, as if they were becoming a living fleshlight. The cougar's tentacles pumped the full length of his twin dicks as Kao settled at Car's back again, the dragon eagerly raising his tail to grant Kao access to his rump.

The dragon's ass was just as tight as before as Kao sank into it, for over stretching was not something they had to worry about either. Carenath shuddered delectably as Kao ground deep, driving into the bottoming dragon with deep overpowering strokes.

And it was there that she leaned back, masturbating, her fingers easily sliding down into her folds and spreading them. Dragging her fingers back up against her clit, smearing her wetness and Car's load against her sex, Fyr suppressed a moan, not wanting to disturb them. That time, she just wanted to watch.

For everything had come full circle once again and, in a way, she'd expected it. She'd expected Ropes to transform Car in the end -- if he caught wind that she was interested in him. Ropes always kept his hold over her and, in a way, it was a game she played with the cougar. Fyr chuckled throatily, her eyes half-lidded, enjoying the show.

Ropes didn't even act like he saw here there, a demon in the throes of his own power as he roughly and crudely fucked Car's muzzle. His hips crushed into the dragon's nose with every thrust of his hips, though Car didn't seem to mind it in the slightest. Even then, Fyr caught his pink tongue drooling out the end of his muzzle, pushing over his lower lip, like he was trying to drag Ropes' barbed cock even more deeply into his muzzle.

He'd take what he was given, in that regard, though there was a part of Fyr that couldn't wait to see what Carenath had in mind for her next. Likely, it would be lewd and spontaneous. But maybe there was the chance for something more romantic too?

All in time...

She leaned back harder and bit her lip as she relished in the sounds of sex all around her, from the slap of Kao's hips bouncing off Car's ass and Carenath slurping on Ropes' cock. It all came together as she fingered her pussy, working herself to another orgasm with quivering intent.

The demon was inside them all, even if it had not been let out of some of them.


AmethystMareAmethystMare4 months agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to take on mostly anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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