Tiger's Den, Pt.02

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Alyssa is captured and put in chastity with the harem..
6.5k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/14/2024
Created 11/13/2024
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

All work is fiction intended for fantasy only, regardless of content, and consent must always be acquired when engaging in any sex act with another adult.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


Day One

Captured life was not as Alyssa could have imagined it, worse than ever. Her chest heaved as she strained, fighting the restrictions of the frame that held her fast. The Master's room was luscious and lavish with thick wall hangings and an expansive, luxurious bed that she wouldn't get to sleep on. Apparently, he would allow it, perhaps, once the white-furred doe-taur had earned it, though she had no desire in the slightest of pleasing him.

The mansion was more of a castle, built into the edge of the cliff. Alyssa had bypassed it before, thinking that whatever noble who lived there would not have been interested in Sandor in the slightest: it was not as if they even had an interesting magical signature about it. There was magic at play there, although it didn't feel like what she was used to from aiding Sandor's magical studies.


Alyssa grunted as she struggled, the frame securing her body and stopping her from even wriggling her hips more than an inch or two from side to side. Her hooves and hands all had golden cuffs around them with something inscribed on the inside, although she hadn't got a good look at them before they'd been snapped into place on her. Of course, they were shackled with like-coloured golden chains, which were short enough that she would have had to hobble if she had been at all free to walk.

Before her, the tiger stood with a cool, calculating stare, the tiniest of smiles playing around his lips. His tail didn't even move like those feline anthros she was used to, though he wore comfortable, loose trousers with golden embroidery. His chest was left bare.

Alyssa's hands tightened into fists, even though the doe taur couldn't do anything with them. Sandor had betrayed her and her heart still ached for that, while she clamped her mouth shut, refusing to make a sound before the Master. She hadn't even got a name from him and yet he was the tiger who had done something to her beloved that had made him fall so far, delivering her to the tiger like a gift.

She glared, hatred seeping through her gaze.

I'll never give in to you.

"You will be the first female in my harem," the tiger said, as if they were having a pleasant conversation. "Yet the others here... Ah, they are not truly male either, not Vixen, not Doe. Not even Pen. That was never to be their role in life."

She clenched her jaw until it ached, a muscle jumping at the corner of her mouth. Still, the tiger smiled, locking his gaze with hers. Alyssa refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her look away.

"You will lose to me," the Master continued, "just like your weak ex-boyfriend did. He doesn't exist anymore, only Vixen. As Vixen relinquished everything of the outside world, everything of herself, for me. You will surrender to me, as did everyone else, and live here, very contentedly for the rest of your days."

You will never break me, she thought, yet didn't allow the words to grace her lips. Never. I am stronger than you could ever imagine, cub. And I will never call you my master.

"There will be no thoughts of the outside world left for you either," he said, raising his hand to brush the backs of his furred fingers against her cheek; the doe taur recoiled. "Everyone here is very happy and you will be too. Six days were all Vixen lasted, before bowing in devout submission."

Alyssa froze as he allowed his fingers to linger on her face, as if she was already no more than a possession to him. Yet she didn't dare aggravate him by jerking her head the little she could away.

"How long will you last?"

Alyssa fought the urge to shudder as the tiger pulled his hand away, but she permitted words to lash out at last.

"I'll never submit," she hissed through her teeth, trying to tip forward from the frame that contained her and forced her human-like half to remain upright and rigid. "This is not where I belong. You've taken me against my will and I shall have justice! Justice for those you've wronged, justice for all you want to take from me! This... This, you will never be allowed to get away with!"

The tiger's eyes glittered and he chuckled throatily as he rocked back on his heels, but otherwise did not put any greater distance between them.

"Oh, how I adore one with fire in them," he purred. "You will be wonderful entertainment, but all find their place here. From now on, your name will be Doe."

Magic swirled around her and she tensed, the purple and pink glittering glow seeping into her, as if it found cracks in her psyche to flow deep into her body. Yet it was not something she was familiar with, for the magic was strange and otherworldly, from a land she didn't know the name of.

If only Alyssa knew she would never need to know that, for that knowledge would be beyond even her mental grasp very soon.

"That's ridiculous," she scoffed, once the strange feeling dropped, leaving the doe taur feeling a bit foolish. "I'm Doe. Doe. Doe. Wait, why can't I say, Doe?"

Her own name refused to leap to her lips and even though she knew the semblance of her name in her mind, how she would form the sounds that made it up with her lips and tongue, it just wouldn't come. She couldn't even think of the word, though the impression her name made remained in her head.

"Doe!" She shouted, her heart pounding while the Master laughed and stepped back, delighting in her predicament. "Doe -- I'm Doe! I've always been Doe!"

"Oh, my dear one," he chuckled. "How wonderful to hear you accepting your new role with such vigour! Perhaps your fire may be turned to better means so very soon."

She growled and turned her face away the little she could, though angry heat rushed to her cheeks. Her tongue betrayed her as well as her mind, but she would not allow that! No, she wouldn't speak her name if her name would not come from her lips, so she wouldn't play into a single one of the Master's sick games.

"You will break," he said, his tail sweeping around to tickle her rump as the doe taur flinched unconsciously away from him. "This will be your existence, sweet Doe. You will forever be in service to me, nothing else matters but me. I love when they resist, yet you will be all the more beautiful when you bend to my will."

"Never," she growled through gritted teeth, sounding more like a predator than a deer taur ever should have. "I will never submit to you. If I am the first to refuse breaking, so be it!"

He smirked more darkly and gestured to the intricate gold metal covering her loins. It tucked between her hind legs and prevented the doe taur from reaching her sex, though Alyssa hadn't paid it much mind so far.

"You shall not escape, but please resist more," he invited with a twitch of his whiskers. "I would so very enjoy seeing how long you're going to last. If you did escape, as part of my lovely games, the chastity device you're wearing will not disappear. It will be there, forever locked in place and denying you, while you pursue the semblance of freedom that you never truly had."

The tiger grinned more openly, showing a flash of white fangs.

"I'm looking forward to seeing your expressions, the frustration lining your body," he growled, "when you can no longer have sex. That is no life...but perhaps you need to learn exactly what that is before you will submit in heart, soul and body."

He snapped his fingers before she could reply and Alyssa jolted, forced to stead herself as the frame clicked free from around her. The doe taur lifted her head defiantly, despite the strain running down her back, the scream of muscles that were finally allowed to move. Yet she didn't allow that conflict to cross her face, standing tall and proud, letting him see her resistance as clear as day.

"I will survive," she said, her voice dropping a little in tone, darker and more resolute than ever. "You will not break me. Even if it turns out that I am stronger than my dear Sandor, will not fall before you. In this, I know I will succeed."

He laughed and shook his head at her, though Alyssa had the gift of magic flowing through her veins too. It gave her additional strength and the Master pointed to a small table at the side of the bed, nudging it far enough out that they could stand on either side. He had to crouch to get to the right height, but the table allowed her to rest her elbow on it, hand up in the air, while the Master got into position first.

"Then show me your strength, how you will overpower me," he challenged her with a twitch of his whiskers, muzzle tipped down so his smile was hidden. "I do so love a good round, do you agree?"

Alyssa didn't spare words for him as she clasped his larger hand, ignoring how his warmth seeped into her flesh and the golden cuff glowed faintly.

On cue, they put all their strength into wrestling, where the object was to slam the opponent's hand into the table. Her magic swelled and, for a moment, as the doe taur tensed her bicep, she thought she was going to win. Yet the next second her hand flipped over and slammed back down into the wooden table with a sold, ringing "thunk," the tiger having easily overpowered her.

Alyssa blinked, her lips parted. What had happened? Her gifted strength, in that magic that had been permitted for her use, should have easily shown him how strong she truly was. Yet he'd appeared to use no effort at all when defeating her in a test of strength that, with the magical gift, should have given the doe taur no trouble at all.

"Ah, an easy win," he purred. "One more step towards your submission, poor, weak Doe."

She kept her mouth shut, sliding her gaze away. No words were needed. She knew what she needed and it made sense as to why the fox hadn't been able to resist using his fire magic either. Magic did not have the effect it should have within the Master's castle. At the bare minimum, that of anyone beyond the Master was severely weakened to the point of not having any use at all.

The Master took her by her arm, freeing the shackles from between her cuffs, though Alyssa was under no illusion that they would be used again at a moment's notice. Drawing her to the door, for the tiger was done with her for the time being, the Master pushed her roughly out into the hallway.

"You will share her fate."

He released her and yet she was not truly free, not as he closed the door after her. The presence of the Master lingered with her as Alyssa rubbed her wrists more tentatively, trying to get her bearings. What did he mean by her sharing someone else's fate? Was the tiger referring to Sandor again?

It didn't make sense, not in the slightest.

"Sandor, where are you?" She breathed, his name a whisper on her lips. "You brought me here... So, where have you gone?"

"Oh, Doe! Are you ready to meet the others?" A voice drew her attention, though she forced herself to turn slowly to face it. "I'm Pen, Pen the swan. It's a pleasure to meet our newest harem sister!"

Pen, the swan with smooth, white feathers greeted her even as the doe taur took a step back, her head held haughtily high. It was not a position that suited Alyssa well, although she had to cling on to any tiny shard of the real world -- the world outside the sandy-walled castle -- she possibly could.

"What do you want?" She asked carefully. "Please, don't touch me."

The swan laughed, waving his orange beak back and forth lightly. She'd seen some other swans with yellow, black and even red beaks, but didn't ask what kind of swan Pen was.

"Okay, Doe," Pen said, though Alyssa didn't ask how Pen knew her name already -- the name the Master had given her. "Let's go to the common area, everyone wants to meet you properly."

She'd seen a few of them while she'd crept through, infiltrating the castle, though Sandor had been the one to take her straight to the Master, so Alyssa hadn't really had much of a chance to see her new home or those who lived there. The harem members were kept in a wing of the castle, although it did not look out over the ocean as she might have liked. That part of the castle, Alyssa thought a little bitterly, was most likely for the Master and him alone.

Figures he'd keep the best for himself.

The swan led her down the corridor towards a larger space, which she supposed was the common area.

"I'm going to escape from here," she told Pen, a smug little smile showing on her lips. "You'll see, but you can come with me, if you like. I'll take Sandor with me and anyone who wants to come too."

Pen, however, laughed lightly, his voice sounding like a musical note, at least to her ears.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" He said softly. "But why would you ever leave? We have everything we could ever want here, it's so luxurious and wonderful and we have the Master with us every day. Why wouldn't a beautiful doe with that gorgeous, white coat want to stay here with us?"

She shook her head. The swan was already indoctrinated. Perhaps Pen would not want to leave when he thought he had everything there. She noted the same gold cuffs, however, around his feathered wrists and black-skinned legs, with the almost leathery effect that avian feet often boasted.

The common room was nice enough, as far as such things went, though there were some couches piled with cushions, a thick rug on the floor and a water feature in the middle with lightly bubbling water. She didn't remember seeing that when she'd passed through briefly before, though she hadn't been thinking about things then.

The spicy scent of the Master lingered around the doe taur and she tried to shake it off, feeling him there even when he wasn't. Her eyes instead roamed the fine silks draped from the ceiling, giving the common area the perfect air of the harem environment, surely, a Master would desire.

To her, and the life she'd lived, it was nothing special.

A few other members of the harem were in the common area and she stiffened at the sight of them. There was a polar bear stretched out on a couch, while a dragon and a rat relaxed on a pile of cushions Yet Alyssa's eyes went straight to the white fox on the sofa with a white wolf on top. He didn't even look like her lover anymore, though he had the same face and the same fur: physically, it was Sandor. Yet he had an Arctic wolf on top of him who nuzzled into his neck and smiled warmly, trailing kisses up and along the line of the fox's jaw.


Sandor's happy hum caught her ears and, even then, a flash of hot jealousy seared through her. How could he do that -- when she was right there? Yet the Sandor she knew was gone, she knew, even if her active mind was not quite ready to accept it.

Before her eyes, the wolf and the fox ground against one another, their chastity cages hiding their shafts from view, though she could imagine just how they strained against the restraints. There still seemed to be some pleasure in it for them, however, as they humped raucously against one another, jaws agape and tongues lustfully lolling.

I'd like to join in...

Alyssa shook her head and looked around. Had someone said that? That was a strange whisper, like someone was trying not to be heard. Her nose twitched as a strange aroma tickled her nostrils.

Everyone was naked and she forced her eyes flicked back and forth between the other harem members and Sandor, conscious of her nudity. Her breasts were exposed, though Alyssa had not needed to wear much on her deer half before, as her fur covered her more or less modestly enough. Still, she'd complied with most of the anthro standards in making sure her chest was not on show.

The wolf blinked, catching sight of Alyssa, and stood up, pulling Sandor along with him.

"Here, come! It's a new harem friend!"

She baulked at the wolf, not keen in the slightest of getting close to him while his and Sandor's maws were still dripping with each other's saliva. Had kissing always been that messy and sloppy? Not with her, it had not. The others gathered around her and Alyssa steadied herself, holding on to her resolve.

I'm going to get out of here, regardless of what they want and what they think.


"We're so happy to have you here!"

"Did you see the Master?"

"Do you need anything to eat?"

Pen laughed and flapped his feathered arms at them, although the "wings" shown there were not large enough for the swan to fly.

"One at a time, one at a time!" He chided them gently. "Now, let me introduce everyone..."

He ran through the members of the harem, one by one. Alyssa focused on committing their names to memory, even though she would have much rather known their real names and not the ones they'd been forced to wear.

"This is Vixen," Pen said, gesturing to Sandor, "who you already know. The polar bear is Sow and the arctic hare is Bitch. Beta likes to spend time with Vixen, they are such a good match for one another. Then you have Queen, they're a dragon if you haven't seen an anthro like that before, and Doe, the rat."

Doe smiled and bounced up, a glimmer in his eyes. His hairless tail curled around his ankle as if he needed that added reassurance, yet that was merely Alyssa making an assumption. The doe taur cast her eyes around the harem, nodding a little stiffly and taking a step back just to give herself a little space. The weight of the cuffs around her ankles gave her pause, reminding her in every moment that she was not there of her own free will.

"You're Doe too?" She asked, tucking a strand of hair back behind her ear, nervous despite her curiosity. "Isn't that going to be confusing? Since he wants to call me...Doe too."

She didn't want to say the name, but the deer taur told herself she was only saying it to prevent confusion and work that out. The rat, however, shook his head, white whiskers shivering pleasantly.

"No, no," Doe reassured her swiftly. "With the Master's magic, we'll never forget who we are! Everyone knows who is being addressed. Isn't he so clever?"

"It's like we can read each other's minds," Bitch added, the hare bobbing on the soles of his feet. "I love it, it makes things so much easier."

Alyssa swallowed, buying herself a little time in her pauses. Her attention drifted back to Sandor, ignoring the others.

"Sandor," she pleaded, softening her tone deliberately for him. "Sandor, my love... We can't stay here, we can't. We've got to go home, Sandor. It's time to go. Won't you help me find a way to escape, and come with me too?"

For a moment, she thought the fox was going to agree with her and transform back into the vulpine she loved. Yet he yipped and wagged his tail, cocking his head to the side as if there was something about her words that simply didn't make any sense to him.

"Doe, there's no reason to leave!" He barked, smiling as he reached for her, although Alyssa slipped back a little further so he couldn't touch her yet. "We have everything we could ever need here. The Master always provides for us."

"He provides a living Hell," Alyssa muttered, squirming a little as the pressure of her own chastity device lightly made itself known to her. "You must know this."

Yet Sandor blinked and took her hand all the same, drawing her to the centre of the room.

"And that's not my name," he added with a gentle smile, as if she just needed to be corrected. "It's Vixen. But that's okay, you'll now know all of our names. Let's all play a game so you can get to know us better."