Taken and Milked by Tentacles

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A furry stumbles upon a kinky tentacle monster...
2.1k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 02/23/2025
Created 11/15/2017
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This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


"Hm... This doesn't look like the place now, does it, my darlings?"

Natalia spoke warmly, especially when she was talking to herself, the thick-bodied hybrid smiling as she stepped inside the apartment. It was quite dark inside, but she was comfortable as she was, the demon bunny-dog with long, floppy ears wearing a cute nurse's costume over her black and green fur, the green markings particularly apt for the spookiest season of the year.

Yet something was not quite right there as her nose twitched, her ample bosom almost bursting out of the Halloween costume that, to be fair to her, had not been intended to be a sexy nurse outfit: it was simply that tight on her. Where were the other furs? Was she there at the wrong time?

Little did Natalia know that she was there at exactly the right time.

The apartment, if it had been populated, would have been the perfect place for a Halloween party, she thought, casting her eyes around the room, the only light cast in from the corridor where the flickering, buzzing hallway light had been left out. It seemed to open out into a large living room with windows overlooking the city -- though was that some movement that her eyes chanced in the darkness?

Natalia giggled, tipping forward, her thick, fluffy tail, like that of a dog's, wagging back and forth keenly.

"Hello? Is someone there? Is this meant to be a spooky tour? Oooh, I love those!"

She practically bounced into the room -- yet the inhabitant had something more in mind for her. Not that she would be anything other than a willing victim, of course, but the bunny-dog still shrieked as she was yanked off her hind paws, dragged across the room and into a nest of something squirming and twisting, something very much alive.


She could not see, not even as she wriggled, but it was not an unpleasant feeling either, not as whatever the "thing" in there was hugged her tightly. And so many arms! Natalia giggled out loud, a devious glint entering her eye, though it could not be seen in the darkness of the room. She could have been scared, though they probably just wanted some company, yes. Maybe they'd even craved company so much that they had schemed and put on a fake Halloween party just to see who they could lure in, even though Natalia wriggled over them, enjoying the tease of shifting appendages, in some way, over her breasts.

"Dearie, why don't you turn a light on?" She invited them warmly, running her fingers down something thick and vine-like. "I'll not run, I promise. I'm sure I can help you out here..."

The creature that had the bunny-dog in its grasp hesitated for a moment, yet made their decision when a side-light was flicked on, revealing what Natalia had suspected the moment she nestled into the mass of writhing appendages. Tentacle monsters were not all that uncommon, though she was surprised to find out in an apartment, cooing at him and nuzzling at his tentacles, even as they twisted and wound around her, pushing under her outfit. It didn't take anyone of all that great intelligence to understand just where things between them were going.

"Oh, honey, you must have been so lonely in here," she murmured, kissing his tentacles, not caring one bit as they ripped through her clothes, curling around her huge breasts, allowing them to spill out to hyper proportions. "Come on, darling, let momma take real good care of you..."

The tentacle monster, hardly able to believe their luck, was not about to miss out on such a willing victim -- if Natalia could even be called that anymore as she took a tentacle eagerly into her maw. She closed her lips around it, moaning succulently, pumping and stroking all that she could with her paws, not lingering on any single tentacle for too long. She wouldn't have wanted anyone to feel left out, after all, when every last one of them should have been nothing less than included to the very, utmost best of her ability.

Her underwear was ripped off, but the demon bunny-dog barely noticed, arching her back, twisting and writhing, tentacles curling around her, squeezing her tits. She naturally always lactated, being a brood mother at heart, the tentacles squirming and exulting the moment they realised that she could lactate too. Natalia gasped around the tentacle cramming her mouth full, pushing insistently into the back of her throat, but nothing could be better than the two tentacles pushing into her pussy at the same time, as desperate for her body as she was for them.


She groaned, losing herself in the moment, hips rocking, thrusting, climaxing instantly. She would only later realise that there had to be something in the secretions of the tentacle monster that could get her off that quickly and that forcibly, but it was hardly as if that was anything that Natalia did not want. No, the bunny-dog was in heaven, the room dark but for the side-light on the wall half illuminating them, a twisting, writhing mass of green and black tentacles, matching the colours of her fur as she relished in every tiny sensation.

They milked her breasts, that first trickle of milk becoming a stream, smaller tentacles that felt as if they may have had suction-like tips, however soft and gentle they were, locking onto her thick, fat nipples. And, oh, there was plenty of milk in her huge tits to go around too, the tentacles not able to drink it all down, sustaining them and allowing them to grow strong, the sweet creaminess of it dripping into her fur where it clung to her skin.

Orgasm wracked her, her pussy strained so very tightly around the tentacles that she could barely breathe, yet Natalia should not have had it any other way. It would be good to be pregnant again, she knew, but she did not yet know quite how the tentacle monster would get her knocked up -- and that was half the fun!

She didn't want to know anything, not even as the wet slop of her pussy being pounded filled the room, tentacles driving in, her pussy aching around them. More, only more -- she could never want anything less when she was being fucked so wonderfully, being bred as she always craved. If she was not swollen and pregnant something was missing in her life, imagining, even as she was fucked, just how much her belly would grow, maybe even more than usual. After all, she'd never taken the offspring of a tentacle monster lovingly into her womb, holding and cradling them until it was time for them to be born.

Yet she got what she wanted as the tentacles thrust and ground, driving deep and coming to an abrupt, quivering halt. The demonic bunny-dog was not left without sensation, however, as something large and round pressed to her pussy, one following the other, the beast laying eggs inside her, forcing her cunny to stretch even more widely than before around one, two, three -- and more.


She moaned, body twisting, heaving, though her mind was faint as she languished in delirium, her body stretched so wide, orgasms crashing over her. There was no sensibility left in Natalia's mind as she moaned around the tentacles, lapping at them, her tongue running down them, more and more milk dripping from her breasts while the monster suckled it all down hungrily. The eggs pushed into her, one after the other, Natalia by far losing count of them as they inflated her stomach, lumpy and bumpy. If she'd been free to do so, her paws would have been running lovingly over those lumps as her stomach grew and grew, as if she was pregnant. Yet the tentacle monster had her wrists grasped quite firmly in his tentacles, curling around her flesh, leaving her belly to grow more and more with a sort of pregnancy.

Out and out and out... Her head swam with lust, squealing and climaxing on his tentacles yet again, a huge bulge in her lower abdomen below the rise of her stomach showing where the eggs pushed in. Eggs were one thing, however, but eggs had to be seeded too and the bunny-dog was too deliriously swarmed by the moment of lust that she did not even notice when the pressure on her pussy eased, the tentacles once again sliding within her.

No... Her world had well and truly devolved to one of sole lust and pleasure, every pulse of her pussy bringing with it a fresh wave of ecstasy, no longer leaving any distinction between one orgasm and the next. She never would have wanted anything else, a hot splash of cum seeding her pussy too, forcing its way, just like the eggs, all the way up in her womb, demanding that her body, as it had done so many times before, make room for it.


Her moan rose even around the muffling effect of the tentacle stuffing her maw, eyes closed, languishing where she was, riding the wave of one orgasm after the other. There was no better place for Natalia to be lost (and it was, by far, her best Halloween yet!) and she grunted deep in the back of her throat as her belly bloated out hugely with cum. The swell throbbed through her, cum gurgling and bubbling as it churned between the eggs, softening out the lumps and bumps in her abdomen.

Her pussy squeezed lovingly around the tentacles, strained so tightly around them, as they filled her, ensuring that their eggs were seeded and fertilised, though the cream of their ejaculation had another purpose in her womb too. As they filled her to the point where she appeared heavily pregnant, stomach gurgling and swollen, perfectly smooth, the cum cushioning every last egg inside her, bloating her out and out and out.

She wouldn't have had it any other way, toes twitching weakly, drifting, floating, for it was difficult to do or even think about anything else with so much pleasure wracking her. All she was aware of was the ever-present, twisting mass of tentacles, warm through, milk leaking down her chest where her nipples were suckled on, milk drawn from her ever so sweetly as she lactated more and more.

Yes... She thought dimly. That was where she was meant to be, a brood mother whose only purpose in life was to be a mother, to care for those around her, her offspring too. Her womb had been empty for too long and never again would she have to go without a heavily pregnant stomach when she had the tentacle monster's eggs to care for inside her -- well, at least until it came time to lay them. Her back arched, a guttural moan rising from the pit of her being, belly so fully, so swollen, so very perfect.

There was nothing better for her, her only role in life, arm through, pussy sloppy with climax after climax, self-lubricating for the pleasant wrath of the tentacle monster. For where they had thought they would find a victim that night, they had only found a willing, lactating brood mother who would let them fuck and fill her again and again until everyone was satisfied.

It was a match made in heaven, the demon bunny-dog grunting, trembling, held somewhat upright with her arms by her sides, supported by the tentacles. Her pussy was stuffed full, bulging deliciously, though it was the huge rise of her stomach, smooth and round, that drew the most attention. So, it would stay for three months while the tentacle monster eggs gestated inside her, growing strong, ready to be laid, the brood mother crooning to them, caring for them, letting them know that she would always be there to look after them in the life they were to be hatched into.

Delirious with lust, Natalia moaned softly.

Her Halloween had taken the kinkiest turn she could have imagined...and she wouldn't have wanted anything else as her heart filled with warmth and love for the tentacle monster offspring she would care for as her own.

AmethystMareAmethystMareover 3 years agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to pretty much take on anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing arianmabe@gmail.com.

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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Taken (Pt. 01) Previous Part
Taken Series Info

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